Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Dec 1923, p. 10

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, tose. %) 10 HEMSTITCHING, PICOT EDGING and Laying Cord om each side of Hemgtiteh, "4 MRS. H. J. SHALES National Cleaners Phone 2106. Bagot and William Streets I AN AA A Nl Nt Nt it PRIVATE SCHOOL BALLET, CLASSIC AND MODERN DANCING TTT TUTTE TET TTT www ew. AMUSEMENTS OPERA tamer irme------- ------------ What the Press Agents Say About Coming Attractions TO.NIGHT | hy | I FRL, SAT. wv | REX STOCK COMPANY REX STOCK COMPANY. wt Grer-Neght area oa rd SoHE in three acts is the offering of the || Rex Stock Company at the Grand | for the next three days with a spec- ' A FEATURE EVENT OF OUR MID-SEASON STOCK REDUCTION SALE, fal matinee at 2.30 on Saturday. Ons { of the really happy comedies, on that has had a lot of attention as to |! Classes and Individus: instruction for Adults and Children. For further information apply #9 UNION STREET WEST To very many "peace on earth" , 'means mighty little. ; [GRAN Dg Oliver Morosco's Great Long, Lingering Laugh OPERA HOUSE PRESENTING "OVER NIGHT" VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS Mat. 10c. and 25¢ x3 DAYS COMMENCING MONDAY, DECEMBER 31st G.B.SAMUELSON Presenls Love ag the love of Kings and Queens, Princes and Princesses; Love as the love.' of Napoleon, the .. muker and breaker of Kings. ' The Greatest Picture as never before seen In motion Battle of Waterloo, Retreat famous City of the Cears. Battlefields THE STORY OF Napoleon Bonaparte, the greatest personal- ity the world has ever seen. On the Bloody crowned heads of the continent to his feet, and there he stood in the Palace of Fon- taineblean, the dictator of the world. of Europe, he brought all the WAR the the pictures, of this wonderful from Moscow the burning of the of marvellous. of All Times--The HISTORY Aetunl history is the basis which lenis it a fascina- tion that is nothing short ROMANCE The romance of Jose- phine. The romance of Napoleon, the romance of the proud Austriin Prin- cess, Marie Louise, who shattered the destiny of the great man of history. story Sensation of Every Country in Europe Eve' 8: 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1. Mats. 25¢., 50c. Seats on sale FRIDAY. ES Jom with TONY THE WONDER HORSE 4 troxriThe Gun Gentleman by MaxBrand -Direcled byl wmv CAPITOL THEATRE NOW SHOWING [2 conjugal love, which is an absolutely modern novelty. When we talk of ideals of modern marriage, what we mean more than anything else is the ideal of conjugal love as a senti- mewrt capable of life-long persistence. It is in the nature of the thing that this ideal, although by no means im- possible, is as rare as it is beautiful. THEDA BARA NOT BROKE. She and Her Husband Are Getting $90,000 a Week. Theda Bara is not broke, says the Boston Post. A rumor concerning the state of the original film vampire's finances, raged to-day by the announce- S-T-R-A-N-D n° SHOWING ------ CAPITAL INCREASES WAGES, J. Laurence Laughlin in the Janu- uary Yale Reveiw. Men can work without appreciable amounts of capital, but the returns will be pitifully small; it is only when capital unites with 1abor tnat output is greatly enlarged, costs are reduced, and wages are (ncreas- ed. Capitalism is the main cause of rising wages. Those who as cumulate capital receive & payment for its effectiveness when combined with labor; beth are necessary to the result. It is not true, as one agi- tator says, that under capitalism, "men live, without working, on the labor of others." Labor by itself without capital could mot begin to supply the consumption or voday. The sacrifice and withholding from | surpassed expenditure by which capital it created and maintained is as neces- sary a forcd to ald production as manual labor itself. Only when capital is employed with labor could each receive the rewards of today. Labor alone does not, and never 'has, produced that by which capital is paid, -------------- HIGHER IDEAL OF MARRIAGE. In' no respect has Protestanism mediaeval Christianity more decidedly than In regard to the especially as regarded the seX mores, while in the sixteenth ment that her art collection was on sale, is like most Broadway rumors, | interesting, but not true. She is selling her art collection. Herman Lubetkin, Migs Bara's lawyer, to-day said: "Listen to this and see if she is broke. She is just beginning to work on a new picture at Hollywood and her contract Is for $4,000 a week. Her husband, Charles Brabin, just completed - a picture which is making good, and is now making a new one, He earns $5,000 a week, Miss Bara has two big automobiles and two chauffeurs, "Theda's New York house at 500 West End avenue is being retained, even though she is on the coast. Her parents, and a couple of sisters have a large apartment on River- side drive, and a car. All their ex- penses are paid by Miss Bara. Se- curities which I hold and manage for her bring in about $56,000 a year. » Lubetkin was reminded of Theda' 8 experience in that well known play "The Blue Flame," and that since that drama left Broadway the dark- eyed vamp had not appeared in any screen plays. "Sure, that's true," said Lubetkin. "But remember that Miss Bara is not the sort of person to throw her cash away heedlessly. She saved a large part of ber big earnings, al- ways," es Yachtsman--If this squall con- tinues, I shall have to heave to. Passenger (wanly)---What a hor rid way to put it.--Bystander (Lon. don). . Word has boen received of the death in Vancouver, B.C., on Dec. | duction * none who will accuse me of favourit-|| ism, for it will, I am certain, be uni- B versa'lly conceded that not yet in the || mounting. Larry Lawrence, head of the scenic department, himself this week, when it comes 9 || | 35 ONLY FLANNEL and HOMESPUN DRESSES Formerly priced at $7.95 toy$ 6.95 FOR A TWO DAY CLEAN-UP THEY ARE PRICED AT 395,495, %5.95, %.95 ) is THE Soow DISPLAY Fur Trimmed Coats--regular up to $39.50 FOR A TWO DAY CLEAN-UP Beautiful, warm Coats. Just a few to be had at this remarkably low price. Colors: Brown, Taupe and Sand. Beaverine Collar and Cuffs. painting. The entire cast appear in this piece; all having good comedy parts, and all knowing how to play them. From all indications, the com- bination of the holiday season, and a special effort like this by the Rex | | Stock Company, there will be four | bumper houses. "A ROYAL DIVORCE" COMING TO GRAND I, among the several excellent productions which made their bow on public screens last week I give pride of place to the Samuelson pro- A Royal Divorce," there are film history of this or in any other moving picture producing country has there beem made so triumphal || im || | history for the entertainment of the || an effort to reproduce an epoch masses, The story of "A Royal Divorce" well known. touring the country for, years, and there is every prospect of dt going on | for ever. As a film it has set a standard wl high in the production of pageantry that I think it will be a very long time before it Neither do 1 think that I will be ac- cused of having looked at it through spectacles tinged with a certain bias. I was not alone in the Alhambra on Friday morning, and the huge tone of applause which broke greeted the entire production could not have emanated from one per- son. Within" the limited space at my |! disposal it is impossible for me to do |! | justice to this beautiful production. From beginning to end it enthpails, || I can but mention a few of the most || piteous re- || the burning of || striking incidents---ihe treat from Moscow, the banners, the return from Elba, the famous Eve of Waterloo Ball, and, above all, working from extitement to excitement, loo, which can be described as the most stirring battle écene yet stag. | ed on the screen. So intense was the excitement it created, so realistic the appeal, thar people who were lounging in their seats stiffened to attention; and 1lit- tie thrills of excitement ram up and down the auditorium' as memories of Waterloo were called up by the wording of the screen. TOM MIX AS "MILE-A-MINUTE ROMEO." Defying death by riding amidst a drove of wild horses, under the belly of Tony, his famous horse, to escape his pursurers, Tom Mix will burst into the Capitol day for a three day engagement of "Mfle-a-Minute Romeo' his most re- cent Willlam Fox effort. The story is by Max Brand, an author who has long been nbted for ability in west ern dramas, It provides Mix with op- portunity to display those talents by which he has become so widely re- cognized. Tt is a drama of fast-living ih the West that Buffalo Bill knew. Wher. ever man is, intrigue will be, is the only moral that can be accrued from its fast motion, treats of West- ern action and love, nothing more, but these exhaustively. In the cast with Tom Mix, are Betty Jewel, J. Gordon Russell, James Mason, Duke Lee and James Quinn, "CUP OF LIFE" AT STRAND "The Cup of Life" Thomas H. Ince's latest special production for the Associated Producers, which will feature at the Strand theatre to-day, Friday and Saturday, is both a color- ful romance of Singapore and the East Indies and a tense, stirring drama which ovolvert around the racial dividing line between Oriental and Occidental. From both an art- igtic and from a dramatic standpoint "The Cup of Life" satisfies the the most critical demands. Of three, it is difficult to decide which is its = is As a play it has been || ! Tle Evening Frocks Regular $25.00. TWO DAY CLEAN-UP Charming little Frocks for New Year's Hance, Dinner or Bridge. will be superseded. || the || silence from time to time and which || onwards || the |! great climax --the Battle of Water- ||P theatre to-|, Il 1 i | | i | 8 ODDS AND ENDS OF DRESSES AND COATS has out done || 238 Blue, Peach, etc. models. Colors: Green, M auve, Draped, Tiered and Frilled 92 WONLYCLOTHDRESSES Regular up to $32.50. TWO DAY CLEAN-UP A beautiful assortment of smart, well-tailored Cloth Frocks. In colors of Black, Navy and Brown. *18.75 outstanding feature, the excellent character portrayals of the all-star cast, which includes Hobart ' Bos- worth, Madge Bellamy, Nelles Welch, and Tully Marshall; the Oriental splendor and beauty of the settings and costumes, or the powerful and gripping dramatic situations and se- quences which command the inter- est of the spectator. MANY CHRISTMAS VISITORS. Mr, and Mrs. J. 8. Purvis Gave Fine Entertainment. Junetown, Dee. 26.--Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Herbison, Watertown, N. Y., were sslling on former friends here today. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mul. vaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Can- I ton,N.Y., are guests at Robert Mul- yaugh's. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Avery are holidaying at Syracuse, N.Y. Master Taylor Franklin and William Purvis, of the Brockville Collegiate, are at their homes here. Miss Marie Purvis, Brockville, spent Christmas {at Walter Purvis.' Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott, Watertown, / XY. is with her gon, § H. Scott, here. Her daughter, Mrs, T. Leaky, is very ill at the hospital in Watertown. Misses Gertrude, Maggie and Edna So all of Lansdowne, arc spend- ing the holidays at thelr iomes here. Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Purvis very plea- sanity arained their children and ALL STOVES TILL THE 1st OF JANUARY AT LAWRENSON'S 387 Princess days at his home here. Alfred Fer- guson and Miss Gertrude Scott left today for Watertown, N.Y., to see their aunt, Mrs. Leaky, who is very fll. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Warren and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Newton Scott spent Christmas day at Ira Termant's, Caintown. i Back After Years, Arden, Dec. 26.--The Christmas entertainment, on Dec. 24th, was well attended, proceeds being $66.20. Denland Steele has returned to his home here from Winnifred, Alberta, after an absence of six years. Fred Pringle, Montreal, spent Christmas at his home here. Those who spent Christmas visiting in town were Mr. and Mrs. B. Donely and family, Tweed; Mr. and Mrs. William Me- Cuteheon, Burketon Junction; Mr, and Mrs. Felchett and family, To- | ronto; Mr, and Mrs. R. Alexander, Manitoba, at Samuel Alexander's; Harry Wright, Toronto, at C. M. 'Greens's; Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Worm- with at Mrs. John Steele's and W. w. H, Hayes, at G. Mt. and Mrs. G. Haines returned to their home here y Queenstown. A number of friends and relatives from Deseronto and Napanee gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Delton for Christmas dinner. \ We are glad to hear G. M. Kirk, who was rushed to General Hospital, Kingston, on Friday, for operation for appendicitis, is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs. Jack Pringle is very ill; we hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. E. Jackson, Toronto, at Mrs. 8. Loyst's. W. J. Wilkes spent Saturday in Kingston. EE ------------------------ Thomas E. Flood, Soperton, aged nineteen years, son of Mr. and Mrs. FF, Flood, died on Friday last after three years ines. There was a very small market on Thursday morning. Jt is expected that there will be a very large mare ket on irliat He is the noblest who hes ruméd himself by his own merit to' a-high- er station. Belleville sailors - werd oné "CRP TE

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