Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1923, p. 15

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*§ Cuban Cane Sugar, pd. .... o iy 1023, THE DAILY BRITISH WH 1G STOCK MARKETS « Che British Whig KINGSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. (Reported by Johnston & Ward, 88 Princess street. Members of the Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex- changes). Montreal. * Abitid Power ... ... . Asbestos Atlantic Sugar ... . Bell Telephone ... ... .. Brompton ... +«.: ... British Empire Steel, com... British Empire Steal, 1st jid. British Empire Steel, 2nd pfd. Can. Converters ... . Can, Cement, pid. ... .. ... Cuban Can. Sugar, com. Cuban Can. Sugar, ptd. Can. Steamship, com. % Can. Steamship, pfd. ... Dom. Textile ... ... Detroit United ... Montreal Power National Breweries, com National Breweries, pd. ... 60% ter ane see wat 39% 40 4 b4 13 81 86% 103% 6 34 i1 40 apiien ™ Ottawa Power ... Ontario Steel Products . Spanish River, com. ..... Spanish River, pfd. .... Shawinigan ... Steel of Canada ... .. Toronto Rafls .... ... Twin City ... ...... 'Wabasso/ vy we Dominion War Bonds, ee am as War Loan 1925, 5 per cent... 100.25 | War Loan 1931, 5 ... ... War Loan 1937,5 ... ... Vidtory Loan 1924, 5% ....100.20 Victory Loan 1927, 5% ver e102 Viotory Loan 1933, 5% ....105.25 Victory Loan 1934, 833 "u...102.1% Viotory Loan 1937, 5% ....107.50 Renewal 1932 1st Nov., 515.101.50 Refunding 1928, 5 esse 99.15 Refunding 1943, 6 ... «seas 98.70 ..10070 New York. Amer. Can, ... .. ... Bao, ...o..... Chandler Motors . . . Cosden Of ... ... Crucible Steel ... ... .... Cuban Came Sugar, com. £1 7 7 10 12 b 63 34% 24% 154 65 15% 63% 38 79%; 355% 108 301% 87% 35% 104% a8T. ... Kelley Springfield «.. ... diarine, pea. ... ... ... ... Mack Motors ... ... . Marland Oil .., ... NYC ... ... ... . New Haven .., ... ... Pacific Ofl "x Pan. Amer. Pate. ... Pan. Amer. Pete "B" British American O11 . Mutual O11 .. .,. .. TO PREVENT FATALITY RV ishman Had Tough Strug- gle on Hotel Roof With Religious Maniac. - New York, Dec. 21.--Attracted | shortly before 7 o'clock yesterday by . the sounds of crashing glass on the roof of the Hotel Bossert, Montague + @nd Hicks streets, Brooklyn, John 'McAvoy, watchman, found a §0- garbed in her night elo ying a rosary and a erucifix, in the act of walking off into thin afr. . The roof is 12 storeys from the street, but this appeared to have escaped thes Woman's notice. Her face transfixed with religions fer wor, she admonished the approaching watchman to leave her alone, as she was following the call of a vision. McAvoy grappled with her and from then on had the fight of his life on his hands. ? } The two had battled on the edge of the root for several minutes when & bell hoy was attracted by the noise and ran out for help. He found Po. men Cannon and Fr ¥ ra a, the roof. There MeAvoy still had his hand ful, but had succeeded in preventing the woman from leaping. ) Delicemen the wo- 17% | 126% | 395 | 62% | ..103.00 | 35 | 2 | lodexed, standardized and popular~ ized according to All ads. are restricted to their proper classificativn, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Mioimum charge. 35 cents. Lally rates per line. Charge Cash 6 days ... tes sessenens a v duys b 4 LJ 8 1 day . ' Deains- charged, Births, Engagements, Marriages, $4.0; casn, $1.00, Lérd of YTrauks and Memoriam Notices --narged, $1.50; casn, $i.00 each iusertion. Adverusing ordered for Irregular idsertivns takes the one-time insers ton rate; no ad. taken for less than basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ads. will be recelved by telepuune and if paid at The Bric- ish Whig Oirice within" 6 days from the Urst day of insertiun, casn rate Will be allowed. Ads. ordered ror more than one day and stopped vefore expiration will only be caarged fur the number of times the ad. appeared and adjus'- ment made at the rate esrned. Kate per llue for white space 1s the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly aavertising Lpou 'request. Vublishers reserve the right to edit Or leject all elassitied advertising copy. Telophone 243, ask for a want ad. taker, One insertion, ___ Announcements | mm Personals 9 we 1 Moles, | Birthmarks, Skin Cancers,]| Pits, etc, removed permanent | Satisfactory Glasses furnished after others have Goltre cured without operation. years' experience, Dr. Elmer J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 268 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1136J. IRC Gc Co yeah Lost and Found 10 BOSTON BULL TERRIER--Answers to | name of "King." Finder please re- | turn to 426 Princess Street, or phone | | gold, about one yard' al Hospital or in Hos- Nnder please return | | Queen's Uni-| Apply J. G. Baker, Old Arts| 8. eee | | FLASHLIGHT -- Found, nickle plated. | | Owner may ha same by applying to| | Mrs, Woolarg, 3 Brock Street. | -- EE. | GLOVE--Found, gentleman's left hand | | Klove with monogram K. B. | Apply | Sexton, Sydenham Street Methodist church | GLOVE ound, gentleman's grey mo- cha glove, fur ilned, for left hand. Owner may have same at J. Cornelius' | Undertaking Parlors, Princess St. | HUB CAP---For Dodge car. | Cooke, 91 William Street, J ------------ eee | vos Found, at Red Horse Lake. | Apply Norvel Lennox, Canonto, Ont. | Apply W. J. PARCEL~Found, cont on Princess Street same at 134 Rideau | PAIR OF SHECTACLES--Lost, | with gold chain and button, on day, on Barrie Reward for the Street. aiming dry goods Owner may have Street. lady's, Thurs- ir return to §2 Barrie PUR Lost, Gunmetal, between St. Andrew's Church and Gore Street, on Sunday. Reward on return to Whig Office. MONEY---Found, in Princess Store. Owner may have same et. M OF Street who was known to have been afflict- { ed with religious mania, | An ambulance was summoned | from the Long Island College Hos- pital and its surgeon treated the wo- man for severe lacerations all over { her body, the worst of which were said to have been received when she | crashed through the glass door lead- ing to the roof. McAvoy also re- quired some medical attention The woman was taken to the King's County Hospital for observa- tion. COLD IN THE WEST. Eight Degrees Above Zero at Prince Albert, Sask. Toronto, Dec| 21.--Although King Winter officially begins his three months reign in Canada to-day, ae- cording to the calendar of the sea- sons, he took up his sceptre in only a very limited part of the country, according to officials at the dominion weather bureau. In the prairtes alone did he make his presence felt, and even there not very emphatically. According to the thermometer readings at 8 o'clock tds morning, Prince Albert with 8 above zero, ac- corded the heartiest welcome to the new monarch. Calgary, Bdmonton and Winnipeg were more moderate, with 18 degrees above. You should know the customs of a friend. but not take a dislike to them. Regular Readers Of This Section | | | VAN LUVEN BROS. | Street, near Stuart St.|= Giving Brass Knuckles | To Opportunity Wise people have no patience with those who are always whining that they cannot hear Opportunity when it comes a'knocking at their doors. The wise ones hand Opportunity a set of brass knuckles. What 1s merely a faint tap to others is an un- mistakable crash to the wise ones. It's time everybody knew that the helpful little ads in the A-B-C Classified Section are Opportunity"s brass knuckles? Daily there are appearihg among these ads offers whose value to you in profit and satisfaction is too. great to be easily determined. And ail these offers are care- fully indexed "--for your immediate finding. Readmg---and heeding---this section encourages Op- portunity to batter down your door! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Automogiles Automobiles For Sale __business Service Insurance COOKE -- Representin London Fire and ccident and Sick S08w., Res. 842w. ml ems asa DOMINION LIF Thomson, Branch Manager. 58 Brock Street. Telephone 68. | g Imperial Globe Indem- | ness. Phone FORD SEDAN--Very late modél loaded with extras, wire wheels, s absorbers, dome ght, 1 dash ' Henn speedometer, 1 rge tilling steers i Ly and very cheap, Apply Cal-| lahan Garage. Phone 1410. USED CARS-- Several. Apply ------ Garage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets.| FIRE--Aucomobiie And Casualty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. Phone 1782M. FIRE-- Automobile, Sickness ang Ae-| cident Insurance. Only reliable com- panies represented. Call or phone, E.| Willlams, 2 Couper Street. | INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies © represented Strange & Strange, established In 1860, Office: 95 Clarence street, opposite Post Office. Home of Used Cars | $ 756 buys McLaughlin Touring. | $126 | $125 | $176 Also PALMER AUTO SALVAGE Cer. Bagot and Queen Streets. buys Chevrolet Touring. buys Ford Truck. buys Chevrolet Touring. used parts 'and tires. 'Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ---- ee ASHES--Cleaned out of and | yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, | 24 Russell Street. Phone 2266. | STORAGE SPACE--For turniture, clean | and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143] Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or 13. 4 | STORAGE cellars If you want your car clean for Christmas have it done at ~---.. --For furniture, airy rooms and spuces; you and key. Frost's City St 405 Queen St. 6 clean, dry,| r own lock rage, 299-| : 26. Res. 939w, | Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 | J. FLANAGAN--Painter, | and Decorator. 24 hour service : | Phone 1432, a ------------t==----=| Kingston Ont. Aulv Accessurits--Lires--Ltrurts 18 | f s1GN PAINTING--J. 276 Bagot street. [ 2 Paperhanger| Estimates submitted. 247 Montreal Street, | SPECIAL SALE--Of Auto Tubes. Near- | ly ail sizes, at a way down price, | EARN Are Saving and Mak Employment os "Help Wanted--Female | COOK-GENERAL--Small family: no laundry work. Apply Mrs. Crisp, 163 University Avenue. $5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the pleasant Home Work way making socks on the fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance immaterfal; vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept 78C, Auto Knitter Co.. Toronto FEMALE HELP -- Dining room and ward malds. References required Ap- ply at once to Housekeeper, Kingston! General Hospital. HOUSEKEEPER One capable of handling help. Apply with references 10 the Superintendent, Kingston Gen- eral Hospital S. Robison, rear| _ MAID--For general housework. A ply Professor Vattier, RM.C. No. 1 Ee -- | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 to $60 paid weekly for your spare time writ- ing show cards for us. No canvassing We instruct and supply you with work Wesi-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Culbo ld.. Toronto. Help Wanted-->Male 33 CALENDAR SALESMEN Wanted. Apply Wright Litho Co., London, Ont, LOCAL AGENT- Must be in stock for terri for right party ticulars, sending Coons, 503 Runnymede Rd., For "Wondersigns tion al to finance ry. Good prop Write for ful references Tore -If unemployed, ap- our opportunity, 193 Street, Kingston, Ont. Help--Male or Female 34 --As caretaker for Hospital. Ww References MAN AND WIFE Kingston Isolation must be able to cook. quired. Apply Superintendent, ston ieneral pital. Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 AGENTS--Get in a profitable all year commission business of your own. Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag Trees and Plants. No c¢ tal needed. Complete eq lipment instructions free. Write Nurseries, Moptreal the 21d and WALES AGENT--Rellable, for unrepre- sented districts. Good pay, free equip ment, We are the largest growers o fruit and ornzmental trees in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber You will be successful. Write: Pelham Nursery Co.. Toronto. ____ Financial _ Money to Loan FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, Incorporated 1861. President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Iuvestment bonds for sale; da- posits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Street. Kingston. 41 Wanted--10 Borrow 3 bastern Canada Maxotire and Hub-|__ _ a ber Co, corner Queen and Lutherie] Streets. | { Architects 28D. | i | ~ OT | 2 Autos for Hire--1axi 14 | ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, Garuges-- Ro Merchants Bank Chambers, corner = { T Brock and Wellington. GARAGZ---For rent, close tu business district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office. Telepnone 166M. 17 Chiropructis 28¢. LUCY--Drs. G. F. ana Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists and Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. W anted--Automobile Registered Phone MIw | and § tq 7.30] hours by ap-| free. Hours: 9-12 am, 1 to 5, p.m. Sunday and other pointment. Consultation PUDNEY--Dr. W. Gordon, 182 Welling- ton street; upstairs. Consultation free. USED CAR---Ford Sedan, 1923 model preferred. Apply Box H-19, Whig Of- nce or phone ziviw. - Business Services eee eee eel eee eee LADIES, TRANSFORMATIONS -- Bob- Hours 9-12, 1-5, 6-8, and by wuppoint- Business dervices Utfered i8| ment. Phone 2570. 28d. AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- | est dealing, W. A. 6g. 374 King| SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 189 | Street. Fnone 83uJ or 17s6w. Wellington sireet, ¢orner of ve) Phone 346. KNAPP--Dr. A. EB, Dentist. Office: 258 Princess Street. Phune 653w. Open evenings by appointment. ' | Legat 280. | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers and Solicitors, 7¢ Clarence Street, Kingston. A. Cunningham, K. Cyril M. Smith. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Reveille Money to loan. Phone 205. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A. Barrister Solicitor. Law Office, WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water Welis, the videst, the iargest, the only saniiary well drillers in Frontenac and Leandx and Addington. The most modern equipment in America. For full information write to F. J. Garrisen Co., Colebrook, Ont. Ladics' Hair Pavior, Zt bed curls, switches, shampooing, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Child- ren"s halr cutting. Mrs Cunningham, bs B Street, Kingston. ee emstitc < and H ttching 21b corper of King and Brock, over Royal Usteopathy OSTEOPATHY --A. Drs. Robert and King Street ment. Bank. Money - 28g. T.- Still graduates. Edna Ashcroft, 204 Fhond 447 tor appolnt- PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs. Feild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess Street. Phone 2433). Successor to Mrs. ESTATE OVER TEN MILLIONS, = Repairing 20 I FURNITURE FINISHING--Of ali kings. | Call and see W. Driscoll, 33 John; street. Fhone 296F. i UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Cail or diop a card. r Gavine, 216 Bagot Street UPHOLSTERING--ARA general repair- ing. Leave orders at or dro a card to ¥. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. -- Railway Magnate Remembers Seven Children Equally. Toronto, Dec. 21.--The will of the late Sir William Mackenzie is not ready for prohate, but it is believed that his estate, on various islands and continents. will realize not less than tem million dollars, and may rise as high as fifteen or sixtden milifons. A million and a 'half dollars is left to the sole surviving son and six married daughters. Mrs. Scott Griffin, Mrs. Frank McCarthy, Mrs. Cyril Andrews, Mrs. Willie Beand- more, Countess De L and Mrs. Adams. SHOE REPAINING--All hand work Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont. real and Queen Streets. A UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable, prices. E. J. Good- Hage. 244 University Avenue Phone 2043F. The tenderest words are In keep- ing only with- the tenderest mo- ments. "Buy Coty Perfumes." Gibson's. eam WANTED---Loan of $2,000 at seven per!: cent. urst mortgage on farm in the Township of Kingston; worth $5,000, Apply box J-20, 'Whig ofri, Live Stock. Poultry and Supplies EGGS--For sale, strictly fresh. Phone 1853J. Wanted--Live Stock 50 HURSES--Wanted, to buy, suit- two able horses for delivery purposes. Ap-| Anderson Bros, Princess Btreets. ply corner Divistun and POULTRY--Wse want your poultry, live or dressed. Write for price lists. Wal- ler's, ve. Toronto. Merchandise. Articles For Bale ARMY GOODS--Of all kinds. Descrip- tion: Khaki Breeches, Pants, Shirts, Coats, Leather Vests, Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets. Bargains in Club bags, solid leather; Canvas Trunks, etc. A. Shapiro, 46 Princess Street. Tents, NINGS -- Tents. Automobile erborvugh Canoes, Life Saving Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. J. Ww Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436 AW P BUY -- Your Aluminum, Pyrex and Christmas goods at Taylor & Hamil- ton's, »¥ Princess Street. ARICK---~Hard snd soft, any quantity. Apply E. E Walthem, corner Birch hud Collingwood Streeds. Faone 618 or iui) ? : COKE-~§10 ton. 1-4 and % ton lots, ibe. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, 12.00 cubic curd or sawed in one foot engthy, making 4 single cords at 4.25, or half single cord $2.25, or if spilt, §2.60--measured and delivered. Phone 2440W. iy Wellington, gorner Qrdn ce Street. W. C. Bruton. 'lo-Day's Blunder _ Corrected (Bee Illustration on Page 14.) setting a table the knives go on the Ss 80 on the left side; cups are pot put om uptil after the meas starts and then on thé right side; napkins should be in place, as shoula salt and pepper containers. EAT ee READ AND HEED tne Classified Ads. 33 | positively no can~/| '} QUEBEC King- | Dominion | @ 40 | municipal and! © right side, as do the spoons; | v Merchandise Articles for Sale. { CIGARS---Real, honest value and all | good 'smokes. Special service to; | ladles.--Elder's Cigar Store, | DRESSER--Beautitul, mahogany, | chair; cost $75; almost new; will sell for $40. Also Singer Sewing Machine, cost $80. Will sell for $35. Apply 168 Division Street. 'Houses For Reut v BRICK RESIDENCE--No, 390 Albert St. Unfurnisned. Apply tp Cunningham & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. and | HOUSES-- Two, on Electric Hght and gas ply H. ¥. Norman, ¢» Charles 8 te for cooking. - Patrick Street. | HOUSE--Sman brick, on Princess St. near Division Street; gas and electric, 4 fireplaces; all newly decorated. Phone 951w. » HOUSE---At once, new, seve rooms, With laige lot and barn on North Al» fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phone 103m. all { | GET--Your Repairs .and Separator Oil | for the De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte | Cream Separators at Frost & Wood | Agency, 236 Ontario Street. | ! | HALL STOVE--In first Siaas cena ition, I Wil o id cheap, 2 reh | | Tal je oT S247F. Priy | 483 BARRIE STREET § rooms { | improvements, gas for cooking, elec- HARDWOOD Mixed wood, mixed! tric light. Possession at once. AD slabs, soft wood slabs, one car choice! ply W. Jenkins, 15 Quebec Street. body hard maple, shingles $4.00 thou-| ¥Yhone 1708w, nd; ro ber, © iding. W.| 5 AN Tush lumber, cupe siding DIVISION STREET--Furnished or | : HH Talbot, yard Concession Street, | near Division. Phone 2302W. | nfurnished, house or apartment, A | | ly H. B. Trotter, clo. Trotter | | | - HIGHEST PRICES--Paid for old wal- 45 Princess Street. nut, mahogany and curly maple fur- -- niture, brass candlesticks, old pewter, | Shop, 607 Prin-| 1045w, ES TIS Real Estate For Sale. -- ---- TT -------- Farms and Lands For Sale 88 Lesses Antique eet. Phone | ete. . choice--$10,000. acres--3$3,700, acres--37,5600, 100 acres--§4,500. 8) acres--§5,000. The above lands are considered Special Christmas display--lots from--all makes and shapes | inn smukers' supplies. se --we lead Elder's 1v0 PIANO--Gerhard Heintzman, standard er Vota Hetnd nr HT Hartly. ca Apply F.'0| choice; ail convenient to City of | Grace, 37 Mack Street. Phone 2267J. esion, For full particulars ap Re aaa 4) D. A. CAYS, TERS Combination | ___57 Brock Street, Kingston, Ont. Houses For Sale 84 Complete with Mallard | BRICK RESIDENCE -- Good location" near Queen's University, churches, | schools ang park. Up-to-date conve ences, gas, electric Ughti , hot wi ter heaung. Ten rooms and se: at Apply Box F-18, Whig Of B. and C. fice, DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE---Princess Bt, half minu from car line, 3 bedr: and bathroom in each, electric ang. gas, good renters. $5760 for bo ok: 3,000 singly. No agents. Apply Stoves, din ture. We Princess Street. y Thompson, Phone 1600w. RADIO SET tubes, batteries and phones, in cabinet --oheéap. 44 Union Street, | STEINWAY--Square, { tion, full rich tone. terms arranged. Limited. - excellent condi- A bargain. Easy | Co. 'W, Ming | SUITS AND OVERCOATS-- Made to | your order, $30. Easy terms of pay- ment. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson Street: § Stree 2-15, Whig Oftice. | HoMBS --Por sa parts of the cit { | | STOVES--20% oft all Stoves till Janu- | ary 1st, at Lawrenceson's, 387 Prin- | cess Street. Phone 339w, | SCALES--AIll kinds, new and second- hand. Cash or easy terms. Toledo Scale Co., Lid, 209 Princess St., King- ston. le and to let in al} y. Money to loan Yi Mortgages. H. Wilson, 327 First B. Opposite Y.M.C.A. Tele , Barrie Street. 1603w. phone | E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and Insurance Broker, Johnson and Division Streets Phone 539w. See advt. Page 8 Double Brick house, all im rove. Balrie Street--3$6,500. » nents, rouble Rough Cast, lights, Bath a Tollet, garage. York Streetoy 000s Brick house, lights, B, and T., and barn, Stephen Street--$3,500. Brick house, Frontenac Street, all ime provements, garage--3$5,000 4 Brick House, Mack ments--§4,300, Frame house, provements, 1 Special for this week -- } rer felt mattresses, $9.60. Frontenac atiress Co. Phone 196:J | creamy | LOCIPEDES -- Express Waggons, Sleighy and Hockey Sticks. Muller's Bicycle Works, 371-373 King Street, | Phone 1961w. { == -- ---- ------ ---- | . Radio Equipment Street, all Improves all | RapIO -- Open evenings of cour We're busy, but always ready you make this your | Mail orders now fo; ery. We prepay Canada Radio se. | o help Radio Christmas. | im Christmas deliv-| Frame Bungalow, Chatha them to your door. | lights, B. and T.--§2,800, Tm Streely tores, | Many other good homes to choose from' 00 | M. B TRUMPOUR | 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 15425 4 Barrie street, | garage---§3,600, Wantgd---10 buy OLD GOLD---sSllver, or alse Teeth, tor | cash or exchange. G. W. / Lyons, | | 244 Princess street, Kingston. | SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ads freer -- et ------ vertisement, . | PIANO--Wanted good, used Upright 7) eTlsment. Sage. J, column lL ano for cash or exchange on new | piano or phonograph. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, WEESE'S RESIDENCE--Two lots, buss iness, also stock of frames, pictures, ete, frames and Photog made to ore | der. All prices reduced. Weese Store. "ats FOr Baie Fy 68 | BUILDING LOTS --5 or 7, in front of | Frack race Jack at head of Prin Street. Apply J. M. Chapm Bay, Ont. Box 78, pm, i | 121 Princess St. | _Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board | BEDROOM--Furnished, front, suit. able for two. Apply 193 Brock St, | -- | BEDROOM. Furnished, with electric) A light, on bathroom nat, All conveni- | i W. Kent Macnee | | Bank of Commerce Buildin Brock | | and King Streets. Phone 701 or ym $ loan Hii General Insurance Agency. . - re Of One oO Writing:~Automobile, F, Apply 278 Sydenham| | jor Sickness, Plate Glass, Bur | | vte. "Representing oaly reliabig panies. ences. Apply 813 University Avenue | or phone sizw. man and wife | | IN. | APARTMENT--OF rooms, comfortably | furnished; suitable for light house-! keeping. Apply Box E-17, Whig Of-| hice, MeuCHANVISE Cook Stoves | --_---- SEE = Real Estate For TPT SY With and without tanks, | Apartiients and Flas 74 Also Square Heaters. Real | APARTMENT --Four rooms, all con.|| Cheap, at lences; , ! 2 Veniences WioG eter heating. Apply T k' . 1UIK 8 | HEATED APARTMENT Over Clar- PHONE 705. | rence Street Garage. Phone 1994. i Et ---------- | HEATED APARTMENT -- Six | complete equipment; y Corner Barrie and p Apply I. Cohen & Co. Rent iw wie | EQUIPMENT FOR SALE « Ontario Street. Gasoline 'and steam operated centrifugal Pumps, both for sale and for rental, -- All kinds or machinery re paired. Boats and engines built to or« er. DAVIS DRY DOCK €0. East End, Wellington Street { UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni. | versity Avenue, near Johnson, Five! { and six roomed apartments, Well | | equipped. Apply 337 Jonnson Street. Business Fiaces For Keng 75 | LODGE ROOMS--Rooms'on King street | ~fopmerly occupled by the LO.O.F | { Apply to Cunningham & Smith, ! WHY NOT USE COKE? + Domestic Nut Coke. Good, clean fuel; no || impurities. Hotter than coal; goes as far, | : - $14.50 per ton. Fine for the Quebec Heater, | James Swift & Co., Limited i: Foot or jonnson oireet. 7 £5 BRINGING UP FATHER a3 £ ~

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