Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1923, p. 14

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : FRIDAY, DECEMKER =1, 1928, | oe ll AMUSEMENTS || GRAND " SRE lll! | What the Press Agents Say About | | ~ \ Ll Coming Attractions 3 , 3 : 1 Cw, i . I O ¥ NIG I iT Christmas : . 3 Christrrias 3 | & AF 4 << P WT ; TE ; | i hE AEE i Greetings g ' a ? ; PR w And Saturday " i The Classics of 1924. Greetings OUR OWN : if! Palo and Palet are extremely ac-! complished musicians It is said REX STOCK | of them that they play more instru- | ments than any other musicians. The COMPANY | elder of the two is Italian by birth -- ll | being born just outside Turin in the > ' Presenting Al. A. Wood's north of Italy. He started his musi- Successful Comedy ZANA | cal career at a very. early age and An oN REX 4 | when quite young made his living "CHEATING CHEATERS" |.as a musician, and saved enough to \ bd VAUDEVILLE BETWEEN ACTS | place him in the conservatory of || PRICES: Evenings 10c., 20c., 30c., B0c. 'Sat. Mat . music in Milan and became a band- || "THE. | : The younger Palet is also || | #musician of a very high order born || . ' ° | in America, of Italian parents and | ie 2 Ladies Store of Gifts ; COMMENCING | he has studied on the continent of | . M da D 24 Europe; namely, in Brussels and |! - on y, ec. Paris. He specializes chiefly in clas- || All Gifts Suitably boxed. > MATINEE CHRISTMAS DAY AT 2.30. sical music and is a great admirer || i 5 | of Chopin, Mosart, Beethoven, etc. | | | many performances especially in | GE i = x : : . § ! vaudeville jazz orchestras play what BN Silk Hosiery Gloves . sy fs commonly known as by ear; not || 2 ] Silk and Wool, Novelty Silk so Palet. He is an accomplished ||} = English.Wool Hose. New Ch olsetio musician in every sense of the word, 'THE CELEBRATED MENTALIST, PRESENTS having studied many compositions, | i» Scarfs. Dress Gloves | harmony and orchestrations in the || \ J A F : , | : | ancy Silk Scarfs. . : ; conservatory of Brussells. Their || : } Silk and Wool Lingerie. performance will be greatly admired | i Brushed Wool Scarfs. a : as they have learned not to play too : ¢ English Knit Scarfs Silk Vests. | far over the heads of the public and 1 . 5 _ An International Revue--The Season's Greatest Surprise ||. > 1 ot 0 and alan Gift Handkerchiefs Silk Bloomers. | Great European Stars -- Gorgeous Gowns -- Elaborate popular melody. Palo andéPalet find \ . . Mad G ; » | r melody. at find & adera Gowns. . Scenery-- Superb Music and an Entire Company of In- out by this method that they can li Novelty Silk . | ternational Star Artists Gathered From all Parls of the [| hoa™ ee ar a Sravses f Fancy Irish Linen Crepe de Chene Gowns. ley na B 1 succ a . . World--Introducing | season with the Ziegfield Follies and |! ph, 7 Initial Linen. Brassieres. | LIANE D'EVE (Countess d*Milion) Andie-Fronch || Sire deo Suite 2 Samim anil ; Fancy boxed. From the Coliseum, London. Comedienne. | 1arini) is a phonograph artist and A piano accordianist and plays for the ONE DAY » osiery - Gloves - dcarls - datur dy EUNICE NOE English and Dutch Character Delineator. tl 1 He Motion diutare Wiskors Sa nue 8 8 Ss D gis TART SORENSEN--Pianist, late of Dumbells Company, [I ior 2 then = sot oor S08 RIBBED ENGLISH | PURE SILK PURE SILK | ITALIAN GLOVE PRICES--Evenings and Christmas Matinee 25c., 50c., 75¢., $1.00. Wt 'wold Yertoetly 211 right | SPORT HOSE HOSIERY HOSIERY SILK HOSIERY LA TERPSICHORE--From the Scala Opera House, Vocalion Company and you will find | 4 . any more. SEATS NOW ON SALE, Regular $8.50, in Black only Milan, Italy. Interpretive Dancer. | some of his records in the various ! PALO AND PALET- instrumentalists from the Ziegfeld || tors "here these records are sold. | 2 : & hen they stuck to straight comedy, All Wool---wide and narrow AH perfect qualities in all Regular $1.75 h Mel Gl Silk ; a 'Y WeaV | --heavy Melanese Glove Silk-- | mE BM B RENRIRNRNEBORUERRNEY ut now that they have introduced ribbed--plain and fancy weaves fashionable shades. Navy, In Black, Brown, Grey Mode full Sa on with pointed heel. BATENCOURT--French Cuban Novelty Artist. | WE VENTURE TO HAVE DREAMS. | VOVVUVVVVVYY VUVY Follies B ) roadway s Latest Sensation. FUNNY THINGS HAPPEN WHEN | melodrama and even tragedy into --shades Brown, Fawn, Grey Fawn, Beige, Black and Dove. | and Beaver. Sale Price Sale Price HH A at PEP Oh this style of film--we draw the line, and Black. 98c. 98c. | $1.39 $2.49 BUCK JONES To-day and Saturday ine Tn Casto at prov a MAURICE FLYNN aya DOUBLE RUTH CLIFFORD nr rt allf | GIFT LOU SHK- KNITTED Sans SILK AND WOOL muet have had a fit of the blues of Tricolette, Novelty Crepes, or must have been in the same fix | Crepe de Chene, Georgette and $1 95 *® A warm, smart-looking Glove p : in 2 é¢ ) » as "Red" Ryan is at present for fit | Velvotta -- featuring Jacquctte, 20 4 reivale § Sudertl inent of sales t 1 y " el ozen new arrivals in a won ul assortm C fled in Beaver, Brown, Black, Grey refers to a perfectly respectable pri i" Overblouse and Tailored modes. and newer shades--large sizes and long length--in tubular ve 0 ' | som. $2 69 to $9 75 fashion. Colors: Maize, Orange, Mauve, Honeydew, Periwinkle, n $2699. 2 $1.75 2 THAT PROVES RIGHT IS . The upshot of the story is that | A PICTURE S iHT IS MIGHTIER Suitably boxed for' gifts. two westerners get to roaming to-/| Suitably boxed for gifts, tably ed st Suitably boxed for gifts. } | THAN MIGHT. | sotber. One's a bad man and the | other is a Zane Gray man. The Zane | Gray man gets into jail for the sins * THEA TRE of the bad man. > Of course the war- | em os thors ean shore Phone 1071 JAC KSON-MEITV Phone 1071 ted escape, frustrated by our hero LIMITED with the steely blue eyes and the pro- | ne PRINCESS STREET L Now: Showing Wiles: chin. A good time is had by ou dl a i i] A Wm. de Mille Then the two westerners wake up. 2 Producdon Terrible! turned to the owner | DAILY MEMORANDUM. RTING NEWS POLICE OUND LIQUOR "Thanks to the police, you are not| Euchre and dance, Labor Hall, to- ! in more serious trouble," said Mag- PE a Cray 8 orchestra.' Prise Novel Picture at Strand. D N flo R istrate Farrell to Abrams, in dismis- | Christmas stationery done up in dain- sing the charge. "You got into all 'ty &ift boxes. Cards, Seals, Cord, Loose | Leaf Books--The Jackson Press, Wel- One of the most movel pictures of | this trouble by your negligence in {ition Street. | i i - Er -- ---- - -------- -- -- ean aa the ourrent season, Willam de Indoor Baseball. Milie's latest Paramount production, Two games of indoor bell were - ; A 2 or | "The Marriage Maker," the feature | .uoq 1 the Armouries on Thureday Heavy Penalty Imposed on 'not returning the saddle you or- | at the Strand Thealtre today and took plac a br rowed. I do not think you had any | tomorrow. Agnes Ayres and Jack Seung, but oui} ous Louls rge for "Having | intention of stealing the saddle." = Agnes. Ayyey 4 {owing to H.Q;, R.C.A. defaulting Liquor for Sale." r The case of a taxi driver, charged Holt ane featured, while Charles de 1 4 their game to R.M.C. Staff. How. i Roche heads the supporting cast. "parr oy hand and | with speeding, was dismissed. rege orm In the wee ima' ours of Fridss| = CARDS The story tells of the love affairs of" n give R.M.C. a practice game which 3 aa) several young society folk which! > by the spec- | Morning, Police Sergeant John Nay-| hr ' . are threatemed with disaster until a Wh Yory I ) apes lon and Constables Timmerman and CLOSING OF SCHOOLS. : > tators and "| Mullinger, visited No. 4 North| _ ws Si BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS Christmas Entertainments Held By | NEATLY PRINTED Faun, a creature half man, half | yo Staff beast, takes a hand and brings not | = : | Street, in search of liquor, and the] | The second game, = district sta officers were rewarded for their] The Children. only order out of chaos, but happi- - | . | versus yunners, resulted in ool sed so Christ ness to all concerned, The picture is | ve Machine Gu h search, as In giving an upstair bed The schools clos for.ihe Christ a win for district staff by the score " a y | mas holidays on Friday, and there | packed with read drama and much |, # est room the "'once over," Sergt. Naylon { 12-4. This was a very interesting | was great rejoicing among the chi. | PRINTERS relishable humeor. \ o h: tom play- found a loose board in the floor, | be clos | RINT game roughout, bot. ms . dren. In many of the closs rooms, | MARKET SQUARE. KINGSTON | 280 PRINCESS ST. and on lifting up the board, located | There are a whole floek of Royal Military Collegé | entertainments were held to mark i onal 11. : Em : ing excepti good bal fourteen bottles of Scotch whiskey. | Indie. In the wAyoriy of ino Don . CHRISTMAS WREATHS, [ll BLUNDERS bere. Do you see them? of eitnd As a result of the find, Logis Wii. | the closing. 3 N. ¥ HOLLY AND MISTLETOE [lll The answer will be found among ristmas Greeting Card CITY HOCKEY LEAGUE'S liam George was arraigned in the |Junior grades the iscaclars yere giv-| ALLISON---At Napanes. on Dec. 13th. tg i ll today's want ads. < Britannia grasping the hand of «| SEASON WELL ARRANGED | police court on Friday morning, | 0 @ treat. 1 daughter. : : Canadian military cadet over the -- charged with "having liquor for] In Ye ag SEH lune Bf Count. BAKER At Frederickburgh: an Dee. " " NY | 8d J in which Miss yder Is 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, Edward Bak- - "Buy all Yardley goods." Gip-| 2% memorial arch is the striking |peeting Last Night--Schedule | sale." He pleaded "not guilty," ® Bouoo%L = W os Rusiiter ok = desi rds teacher, twenty-three pupils ers 3 b - | son's. gn of ca of Christmas greet- | Adopted and But. One stating that he recently came from | ** we ® et | Panes At no time does, man approach |" coming from the MHitary Col- | op Windsor, and that he brought the| 3Warded honor certificates for ell MARRIED. lage. Above the figures is a scroll | Change In Rules. liquor from the Border city for his| Wier attendance. Besides the rendl-|, ygnAr i DONNELLY In Kingston, the | tion of cands, the following program- on Wednesday, Dec. 19th, 1923, at LIKE THE WISE MEN - [ll more nearly to the god x . I y ® Sods than Wien bearing the legend "We will keep | The City Hockey League held an-| own use. He had purchased the home of the bride's parents OF OLD: | {engaged in the rescue of his fellow. " . me was given: ¥ 0 p . il man faith." The card was designed In! other successial meeting in the | liquor from a fellow workman there. | psy 5 . » Kath Ear} Street, by the Rev. i w, says "Buy Yardley goods." Gibson's. |COMPetition by. Gentleman Cadet (Standard office last night with Pre-| The officers stated that before they| _Playlet. "The Stives Bain ~ sol ay Eileen, sider Jaughe Ys" Men to-day | Even the abiest pilots are willing | Hughes. The memorial arch at the |sident Charles Taylor in the chair. | made the search, George declared | erine Wolfe, Ben hman y 3 re to Harry Hamblin Dinsdale, son of . ll ito receive advice from passengers R college now nearing completion, 1s | Delegates were present from the | that he had no liquor in the house, | Eodles, Wiliam Hola; plano sole. | re. TE Roster Ont Tate Me: Din Give the Boy tempestuous woatiier p | erected by contributions from the | Circle-Six, A.O.H., St. Mary's, Live| He was a boarder at this house. Dora Pappas; Feultution, Massorte -- 3 Th "Ye Gift ! "Buy Hudnut's Perfumes.' Gib. | 8X-cadets of the college, in memory | Wires, Irishmen, Granites and R.C. Magistrate Farrell imposed a fine | Lyons; recitation, Wil fam Holland; DIED. y e 8 att, S of those cadets who lost their lives |A. The vice-president was the only of $500 and costs, or six months in | Piano solo, Edith McGill; recitation, ARMSTRONG--11 Kingwion. at bie late { Norma Eccles; plano solo, Vera Low-{ [SRC 50, v0 0 go vite ssh on active service. During the late | member of the executive not on | fall. i b A MEMBERSHIP IN iv war 982 former cadets served, out | hand. An elderly man, who gave the|!n&: piano solo, Ethel Pann: i] Anmatrong, aged 64 years, name of: Alfred Claxton, was up for) strumental duet, Katherine Wolfe SFOUE BCLS 0 20th, Il of a total possible of 1,136. Of these It was arranged that the 'St. 5 THE YMCA. FOR THIS WEEK-END 147 lost their Mves. Mary's Club's senior team enter the | being Intoxicated, and also with | and Vera Lowing. 1928, James 8. Clark, aged 56 years, -- aby senior series instead of A.O.H. The | "having.liquor in a place other than | -- i Toacencs on Sat. -. s rR rr y . Reunyq Bleak ea te BEQUESTS RECEIVED, report of the Rules Committee was | a private dwelling." | Buried at Picton. Sydenham Cemetery. eita-- received and adopted with but one| The accused had an interesting! .p.. oo .ic or the late Charles! "pon and dcdvaig ances respectfully Oven Roasts : Pot Roasts | By Synod of Ontario from R. Wal. change whicH is: Story to tell as to how he had secured | Edward Eilis Biddle were laid to] FREEMAN--Herman E. } reeman, Vers f ona, on Thursday,' Dec. 20th, 1923, i ow / Stewing Beef . vais Oe, dron Estate. That every team submit a list of | three bottles of whiskey and three; in Glenwood cemet Picton. HUNUH Special reduced prices on P The Synod of Ontario has received | not more than twenty players who | bottles of lemon extract Thursday ro aan Yad in his IF Years! run ood 20 YE0IE ate resid Ver." , Service alae, | from the executoms of the estate of | come under league requirements by | night so members of the "dry crowd" | been an active member of the Sal-| ona, to the Free Methodist [aX Il We deltver prommtty. the late Richard Waldron the sum | Friday next, Dec. 25th, and that the | will please take notice. Claxton | "8 "ua =" Co ois on" voted Rt uray. Interment at AND NIGHT a PHONE 1700. ot two thousand dollars in trust for{ executive pads upon such players and | stood at the foot of Bay street. It in the Salvation Army in Kingston Friends and relatives requested to at- i end. one | that no others be added to this list | was very dark. A man came up to and was, until his health and age NEAL BY. ait Yichmond, on Dee. Hy missions of the diocese, and R. R. WALLACE | thousand dollars in trust, the in-|throughout the season. him and asked him if he would like | prevented him, an active worker of | Dan McAuley, aged 60 years, Grsverien aud Fresh Meats come of Which is to be expended for | ~ The report of the rinks committee, | to get some whiskey. He said, | the Pileton sorps MeCAMMON---In Toronto, on Dee. 20th 0 . | 1923, Ellen Jane, daughter of the are often resolule from weak- | 100 STEPHEN STREET ot ea 1h hedule:d by that) "Veo = a Ss ue a and daring from timidity, e purchase © or t. | and the schedule drawn up by Yes," and e¢ whiskey pediar --" De R 4 George's Sunday school. supmitiee, wore BGP rich Sie Varied. and in 3 few minute term There are fewer children among deen of Cher sister, Hes: Bia rest rs only €hange that St. Mary's is su with three bottles of liquor, and| society because children don't! ngtiny Street. ou 10 Auge Sappts. 'eit siituieg for A.O.H. throughout the Sree bottles of lemon. He paid $25 oy gividends first 25 years. i a Ca Satur . A to of forly lst. + e lot. " ; " Gib- PRINGLE---At Richmond, on Deocem-« million salmon trout eggs havé been| Many matters of interest to the! The magistrate tacked on a fine of | a all Yardley googs { ber 14th, Riley Pringle, aged 77 collected during the season just clos- | league Were discussed and threshed | $20 and costs or three months in| ~~ mmm yours ed by the Department of Marine and | out and one or two details left over | jail. i JOHN CORNELIUS JAMES REID Fisheries in Lake Huron, Georgian | until the next meeting. Managers The charge against Gordon Ab-| Undertaker and Embalmer The Old Firm of Undertakers Bay and Lake Superfor. This is were furnished with players' cards rams, d of stealing a saddle, Parlors: 274 Princess Street | 254 and 356 PRINCESS STREEY sufficient to fill all the hatcheries on | by Secretary Hartrick and must pre- | was dismissed. as the saddle was re- Ambulance Phone 589 one i : & AS Suda NIECE RR FS TR SR aL 2 UHR SIE ue Cia . i | pagstion o mon tropt, Eight mil- |" -------- dle, but failed to return it to the . . RONA it small or large. Addr : Hoa have been transferred from | The fortunate circumstances of | owner, and thus the charge, Tho| Undertaker and Bbaimer he MISS E A HUNTER - Georglun Bay to the Thurlow hateh-, our lives are generally found at last | saddle had been left ir a shed for |) hone 3 3 asd Day 0 Bag aap : ~ ! . > ; ery. and the fry will be distributed | to be our own producing. safekeeping, but some peison took | Cos Xigh - ~ Gen. Secretary [Ji ® lake Ontario . |, Every absurdity has & champion | the trouble to 'put it {u_angther H. J. KNIGHT A bm Se ELS mas Serp---- i . defend it. for error is always talk | place. The police got busy and lo- UNDERTAKER AND ENBALMER } T

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