Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Dec 1923, p. 13

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7 DECEMBER 21, sin. GUARDS ARE SOUGHT FOR THE MAIN DUCKS | reuiton Dinners of Each pis- | trict Will Be Special Olaude Cole, Owner of Islands, | : LL THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG IN TORONTO NEXT sune THE CHRISTMAS PASTORAL rou 1 He | people. Pray to Him, therefore, to! 'Hope-for- Peace in World diey 25d to ehuwsonr tows hy was YOU you to come and worship Him, | OF BISHOP OF ONTARIO ! make you really and truly His Child- are endeavoring to do and to be for The Christ Child calls to needs His children as well as older | | rem who are trying to please Him | His sake, Who on that first Christ- #§ cant and sustained severe ol A Feature. "Uiges Life-Saving Station Be Established. Before another season of naviga- tion opens, Lake Ontario mariners | hope to have a modern lite saving station established on the Main Ducks island, the grave yard of this lower waterway. Claude W. Cole, Cape Vincent, owner of 'the Main | Ducks, will make concerted efforts | 'to induce the Dominlon life saving | bureau to locate a statfon upon a plot of ground which Mr. Cole has | donated to the Canadian authorities for that purpose. In this effort he will unquestionably have the back- | : ing and support of the masters, own- | ers and other marine Interests of the lake. | The Malin Dicks are recognized as the most dangerous point for ship- ping In Lake Ontario. Located on | the principal route leading to and from the Bt. Lawrence river, and traversed also by the many craft that | ply to and from Kingston and other | * Canadian ports at th: Inver end the inland sea, thesc rocky islands, | surrounded by dangerous reefs and | vold of harbors, present a menace which has annually taken toll. This season closing Dec. 16th is the first ™ when some craft has not got Into serious difficulties, f not suffered complete loss, at the Main Ducks. | Danger of the region has already been recognized by the Dominion through establishing there the most powerful lamp on Lake Ontario Efforts to have a ¢oast guard sta- | tion on the Ducks was made in 1921 when the subject was 1aid before the marine authorities of Canada. No re. | sults were forthcoming, save an- | nouncement by Mr. Cole of his will- | fngness to dedicate the necessary | acreage for the enterprise. Estab-| lishment af a radio service, permit- | ting calls for aid to be broadcasted, | also met with failure through United | States, regulations which prohibited | messages being transmitted from | Canadian territory. When the Big Sandy coast guard station at the mouth of Sandy Creek | was closed three years ago proposals | were put forward to the United States service that the equipment be | removed to Galleup islands where | the government already owns al forty acre tract for the lighthouse, | At present there is no coast guard at | the east end of Lake Ontario nearer than Oswego. Victim of Serious Accident, | Herbert Johnson, carter, 8. Or-! chard street, was the victim of a ser. fous accident when he fell from his injuries amd was rendered unconscious. He was conveyed to the Hotel - Dien where he was attended by Dr. | Huyck. He was bruised about the body, had a fracture of the small bone of the left leg and was out about the head. "Huyler"s Christmas delivery." Gibson's. Fred Dube, aged seventeen, and Wilfred Cavanagh, "aged eighteen, both of Tilbury, were drowned when { their car plunged Into the river at Windsor, on Thursday. Radio Satisfaction. Canada Radio Stores. You get it at | made for the big | school, Great preparations are being Rotary. Interna- tional meeting in Toronto in June next. One of the many pleasant feat- ures of the occasion will be the var- | fous "reunfon dinners" of each dis- trict. The task for making the ar- | rangement for these dinners falls upon the sub-committees of the fo- romto general committee and already gratifying progress has been' made in the work of concluding all nec- | essary arrangements for these gath- erings. The Board of Trade, the Men's Club of the Board of Trade, the Canadian Manufacturers Associa- tion, as well as other service clubs similar in organization to the Rotary ! { Club and many other societies, have all offered without reservatton, to do all in their power to make the convention a success, PIOTON ENTERTAINMENTS, Town . Sunday Schools ¥fad Splendid Events, . Pi¢cton, Dec. 21.--On afternoon, the bi-monthly meeting of The the Picton Collegiate Literary Soci- | ety wag held in the assembly hall of | the school. The following gramme was rendered by students of the school: Current Events, Max Dodds; plano solo, Marian Fox; reading, Morley Moran: orchestra, P.C.I.; chorus, by form of girls. The critic's report was given by Miss Houze, art teacher, The Anglican, Presbyterian Baptist Sunday schools their Christmas entertainment Dec. 20th. They were well attendag and good programmes were provided in each case. and on Miss Catherine E. H. Tobey, who Is attending Normal school at Tor- onto, will return on Friday to spend the Christmas holidays at her hom= | on Mary street west Monte Shan- non, of the Interior Decoration Toronto, will spend the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Shannon, Centre street. Paroling of Prisoners. During the week 'a number of prisoners who were serving time in Portsmouth penitentiary were noti- fied that they had been released on parole and were allowed to proceed to their homes. partment to give a number of con- victs their freedom at the Christmas | season, Although it is not known- for | certain, it is expected that the par- | ole board will recommend the re. lease of about forty convicts. Every day this week about four notices of parole have reached the prisom and the convicts immediately leave. It is expected that on Saturday or Mon- day a number of paroles will be granted. "Buy Christmas Sweets." Gib- son's. It is no proof of inconsistency to regulate our opinions as we would a ship and a ship's course voyage, according to the which might be prevailing. "Huyler's Christmas delivery." Gibson's. * At Toronto the Olympic hockey weather. Young | Wednesday | pro- | held | For years it haa | been the custom of the justice de. | on a | in Acknowledgement of Christ, --- { The Bishop of Ontario has issued the following Christmas pastoral:-- ! "My dear people: --It is my privi- | lege once more to send you a mes | sage Of greeting at Christmastide. | I wish to unite with you all in spirit | when we are celebrating that most | | happy and glorious Revelation of | God's love in sending His Only Son to be our Saviour from sin and | death. | "In these days of unbelief and in- | { difference it is particularly incum- bent on all of us who profess and call ourselves Christians to show publicly | + | majestic words of the great Nicene | | Creed) 'for us men and our salva- | | tion' came dewn from heaven, And {Was .incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin Mary. And was made man.' In a world of unrest and be- | wilderment, where men are seeking everywhere in vain for a true peace, | on' insistent call comes to us to pro- 'slaim far and wide that the only | hope of peace for the world at large | and for every individual lies in the endeavor to bring the spirit of Christ | into all our human relationships, and in the acknowledgment of Him | as the Lord of all life. | "Let us, thereforé,. one and all join in Christmad worship, and pay our tribute of adoration to Christ { our Lord, Who as at this time was | born to' be our Saviour. Especially | let us gather together at the Holy | Eucharist, His own service specially | ordained by Himself for us, wherein is set forth His great work for the salvation of all men. We need not, | sinners though we be, and however | conscious of our shortcomings as His followers, hesitate to come and kneel in His presence and receive from Him the spiritual refreshment we sorely need. For in that He | became man for our sakes, passing | through even the utter helplessness | of infancy, He knows all our weak- ness, and alone can make that weak. | pess strength, "Make also your Christmastide | {one of true goodwill toward men. | | The Master Himself taught us that | 'it is more blessed to give than to! receive.' Try, therefore, to bring | | some happiness to others, especially | | to those who at this happy season | {are 'in trouble, sorrow, need, sick- | ness, or any other adversity.' To | | many each Christmastide is sadden- | | ed by the memory of losses and hereavements. In bringing sympa- | thy and comfort to such, you will, | as He told us, be truly bringing it] to Him. i "S80 will you enjoy a Senso) Christmas, and go forward with courage to face the New Year and all that it may bring. That God may | bless you all is my earnest prayer. | "To the Children of the Church, I| | would add this special message. This | is in a very real sense your festival. | You look forward to it as one of spe- | efal joy. Happiness is good for us all, but if you would please our dear f Lord, your happiness must be unse!- | | | i | fish. You will no doubt receive your | { Christmas gifts. Your pleasure in | them will be increased tenfold if you have thought of others who may not be go fortunate, and have done some- thing to help them. Above all, do our faith in Him, Who (to quote the' | same | manufacturer sells direct to a dealer | or through a jobber, | save that expense. | mas Day was born at Bethlehem, our Saviour, Christ the Lord. Your Friend and Bishop, "EDWARD, ONTARIO.» ---- MONEY AT WORK Brief but Important Lessons in Finauce, Markets, Stocks, Bonds and Investments RETAIL. PRICES LITTLE AFFECTED BY METHOD OF DISTRIBUTION CONSUMERS ACTURER, : ------------------------ The public pays practically the for an article whether the! The tendency lately has been tor | the manufacturer to swing back to | the jobber, instead of trying to sell direct to the dealer. The Jobber gets from 6 to 30 per cent., depending upon the line of business, yet the manufacturer has found in many cases that it is better for him to sell to the jobber, instead of trying to Why? i In the first place, the manufactur- er makes a slash in his own ex-| penses. For instance, he ships out a few large packages to the jobber, | where formerly he had a countless | number. He only needs a few sales- | men, and instead of having a large, | expensive credit department, ner-| haps one man can keep in touch with | the jobbers. There fs another factor, too, be-| sides expense, which is important. The jobber gives him a steady de- | mand, the year round, because he! can judge the seasons in his locality | and put in orders in advance. When ! a manufacturer sells direct to deal- | ers he is likely to bg working nights. one month and closed the next. } It costs money to distribute goods. | These costs must be met, jobber or | no jobber. Consequently, the price of goods is about the same to the public, no matter whether the manu- facturer does the distributing him- | self or hires a jobber to do it. | | | | A SPLENDID OONCCERT. Was Afi Event in Odessa on Tuesday Night Last, Odessa, Dec. 16.--Mrs. Edward Vrooman, who has been spending ~ OPPOSITE Y.M.C.A. PHONES 1876-1877 ° 'COME AND SEE OUR GRAND DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS Beef, Lamb 7% and Pork! ALL THE VERY FINEST QUALITY--DIRECT FROM | THE PRAIRIES WE HANDLE NOTHING BUT THE FINEST ANI- MALS THAT COME IN- TO KINGSTON. OUR MEAT IS ALWAYS CLEAN AND HANDLED ONLY BY MODERN MEAT MEN. Poultry! WE HAVE GOT A GOOD SUPPLY AND THE PRICE ~ IS RIGHT. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TO ALL. RR | JAPAN TO RECONSTRUCT EARTHQUAKE REGION mn, Bogus Cheque Artists Operate. Woodstock, Déc. 21.--Local mer- chants hyve been having their Christmas business interrupted by er rrr ptas-- Even 8anta Claus : Must Pay His Tax Windsor, Dec. 21.--Scores of Can- Passes Proposed Esti- the work of. two bogus cheque art- rl Sr ists. Eight or ten business men have | and not a few Detroiters who mates as Reduced by : ; $50,000,000. complained to the police that a cus- a ! ver b y ® this side, - tomer had offered a check made out | Sd ' etn 3 Sha Se on a local party for the sum of $24 | 20.28 Ch Kilts, were © party | pay tribute to King George team defenited Hamilton Tigers 5-4 | not forget in your innocent happi-| the Past two weeks with relatives | Diet for the sportsmen's cup, | ness, why Christmns ig a time of re-| 80d friends returned to her home in| I -- mse | North Bay last Saturday. Mr. and {| Mrs. B. G. Hamm returned Monday | | from ® two weeks' trip, spent in "Buy Christmas Sweets." Tokio, Dec. 21.--The Diet passed | THE MEAT OF THE SEAS YES-WE HAVE IT | i ! Christmas Beef EVERY ROAST CUT FROM SPECIALLY SELECTED STEERS Farm Fed Pork WE HAVE EVERYTHING IN PORK CUTS -- LOINS, LEGS AND SHOULDERS WHE YOU SPR snes N YOU GET IT visiting relatives in - New York, Rome, Utica and Watertown. The concert given by the Library board in ald of the Public Library, last Tuesday night, was a great suc- tess. The large town hall was well filled and the programme furnished by Jack Elder the Scotch comedian and entertainer of - Kingston and other Kingston talent was very much enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Elwell Fmmons, Kingston, spent a couple of days last week with relatives. Mrs. Gar- ret Joy apd daughter, Miss Rose Joy, Napanee, called on friends last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Simmons and little son, Russell, Wi. ton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Toplifr, spent Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar King and Dr. Harold Ettinger, Kingston, spent Tuesday evening at Henry Smith's. Mrs. Windover, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. Humphries, Adoiphus- town, 'were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Hamm." Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and family, Mill Haven, called on friends last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sharpe left last week to spend the winter months in Los Angeles, Call- fornia, A ------------------ Father of Twenty.two Children. Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Dec. 21,-- To write the names of the Bourdage » Northland street, Sault Ste. little job. Frank Bour- "Send" "Give" "Take" Huyler's, from Gibson's. KNOW IT'S GOOD! +a the reconstruction estimates, as re- duced in conformity with the demand | of the Selyukai, its majority political party. 5p The reduction previously had been approved by the Cabinet, condition- ed upon the formal approval of the | Diet, already granted by that body as a committee, and provided the reduction did not prevent the work of restoration of Japan's earthquake | damaged region from going forward. The reduction amounted to 100,- 000,000 yen. ($50,000,000.) ------ "Huyler's Christmas delivery." . Gibson's. = A new furnace has been | in St. Patnick's church, h | oo Ohristmas rade. halt Re io) 50 in each case, and after making a small purchase had left the store with the balance in real money. --The writing 'on the cheques goes to show that two men are implicated In the passing of the worthless pa- per, as two vastly different styles of writing were used in making out the chbques. ---------- en To Be Buried at Pembroke. Goderich, Dec. 21.---~Following out the wish of the late Judge Dickson, whe died on Monday, the body will be buried at Pembroke fhstead of at Exeter as formerly arranged. a note expressing this wish wus found in the Jate judge's desk by court house officials. Prime Ribs sereeasa. 19%e » Rumps Beet ., 8c. terrane iynx-eyed Customs officials discover. ed them attempting to get by withe out the formality of paying duty. ; The worst offenders were occupants of motor cars, Windsor retafl mérchants demy that they had anything to do with the activity of the Customs officers, but, according to Ottawa advices, the close scrutiny is being made be- cause of complaints filed with the department of Customs by merch. | ants' organizations at varipus bords er points where the inte traffic is known to be heavy. Radio for Radio, Stores. "Prince Charming Ch ristmas--Canads Cigarettes." PHONE 597. Prime No. 1 West Every cut a choice cut of properly ern Beef finished Beef

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