Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Dec 1923, p. 11

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. Regula F + THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1923, r Readers Of This Section Are Saving an d Making Money C ontinually fu - pan y . i -- Er mame. ASW h -- mm Ec = ---- en ( Che firitish Whig I I | Employment | Merchandise Reai Estate For Rent 1 | ------ | en ! KINGSTON. ONT. | Help W 2 Articles for Sale. 51 | . H \ ; | elp Wanted-- Female 32 ouscs For Rent 27 | 5 "« a 3 a : ' ' t : i . | STASSIFIED AnYRRTIING. Givin z Brass IK A icklés i COOK a family; no| CIGARS--Real honest value and all] BRICK RESIDENCE--No. 390 Albert St. Indexed, standardized and popular- 1 g nu . Apply Mrs. Crisp, 163 800d: smokes. Special service to! Unfurnished. Apply to Cunningham (Reported by Johnston & Ward, ized accordingdto : 4 renue. = | ladies.--Eilder's Cigar Store. & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. x 86 Princess street, Members of the | Ay gags are restricted to thelr | O t t > -- Dining room and PRESSER--Beautiful, mahogany, and| HOUSES-- Two. on Charles Streey Montreal and Toronto Stock Ex-| Proper ciassificauivn, and to the oO pPpor unl y | cferences required Ap-| chair; cost 375; almost new; will se Electric light and gas for cooking. Ap" . regular Daily Walg style of type. | . | Ho keeper, Kingston | for $40. Also Singer Sewing Machine,| ply H. F. Norman, 65 Patrick Street. changes). CLASSIFIED RATES | . | ital gost $80 soi sell for'$35. Apply 168] TT TRY Daily rate per line ur consecutive Wise people have no atience with those who are | Mvislon Street. { HOUS --Small brick, on Princess Bt, - Montreal. insertions: { always whining that the Sai hear Opportunity wher: faoop MAID-- Or wo 1 i GET---Your Repairs and Separator on | 7" Hrepinoen; Lo hi fleets Mialmum charge, 25 cents. i ? y 1ear Opp Ly j GOOD MAlD- Or woman for generai| t de Laval, Renfrew and Melotte| Ph sive' ¥ ecorg » Dec. 20th, 2 pm. Dally rates per Line Cuarge Cash it comes a'knocking at their doors | housework. Apply 197 Queen Street. | for the De Lata is at "Frost. & Wo. al iw, , aa 60% | "ily ine. : Bsh © . . Cream Separators Fro od | ma - Abitibi Power ... | © days .. : | The wise ones hand Opportunity a set of brass | Agency. 23% Ontario. Street | HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms os i ane 29%] ou Guys 6 + : | | With large lot and barn on North Ale Adios oe nee 11% 3 any es t 5 | knuckles. What 1s merely a faint tap tojothers is an un- | MAID--For® general housework. Ap-| HALL STOVE--In first class Sondiiion { fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phone 1083m. Atlant UAT «+0 sss sees i C408 nsertlon, charged, | mistakal APA ; { | ply Professor Vattier, R.M.C. No. 12. Will be soid cheap. Apply Birch | Boh Toibptore ey 17TH Birtus, hiugegcieuis, Marriages, | iis akable crash to the wise ones. | Avenue. Phone 2247F. 495 BARRIE STREET-- § rooms, all 40 | 3i0v; casa, piv, | It's time everybody knew that the helpful little ads in | -- | improvements. gas for cooking, elec- Bazil ... ... . ses wee Cerd of luauns and Memoriam 1 the A-B-C Cl Xoiei . | | HARDWOOD -- Mixed wood, mixed | tric light. Possession at once. Ap= Brompton ... ... .s.004 =o B89 Nulices -- nuigvd, $1.00; Cann, $1.00 | > A-B-C Class.fied Section are ~Opportunity's brass | MAKE MONEY AT HOME--$15 to $60 | slabs, soft wood slabs, guy sus 'chuice| ply W. Jenkins, % Quebec Street. eacn insertion knuckles! | paid weekly for your spare tine writ-| body hard maple, shingleg $4.00 thou-| Phone 1708w. k British Pmpire Steel, com... 4 Adverusing urdered for irregular | 4 | Ing show cards for us. No canvassing.| sand; rough lumber, cupe siding. W . British Empire Steel, lat pid. 53 insertions tases the one-time inser- Daily there are appearing among these ads offers . | We instruct and supply you with work. | H. Talbot, Jord, Concession Street, | 98 DIVISION, STREET--Furnished or OD rie, nu 4d. taken Lor iess tuap | Ww ya § : West-Angus Show Card Service, 7| near vision. ne 2303W. unfurnished, house apartr . . British Empire Steel, 2nd ptd. 13 | [OD thie: nv ad. tax hose value to you in profit and satistaction is too great | Cuimorne iat ow ar . 3 ply H. B. Trotter, 'c/o Cobia verters ... ... +.. 82 | Count six averagy words to, the | to be easily determined. And all these offers are care- | mee | HIGHEST PRICES--Paid for old wal-| ware, 345 Princess Street. a 63% | line | : | t Ww M | nut, mahogany and curly maple fur- ---- Can. Oement, com. ... .... 8 % | Sherved adi will Wo. ieoetvad ty. | fully indexed--for your immediate finding. | 1eip Wanted--dlale BS are ea nd curly wus pewter, | Real Es Can. Cement, pfd. ... ... ++ 108% | telepuoue und ir paid ai Tne Src. Reading--and heeding--this section encourages Op- | etc. Lesses Antique Shop. 80¢ Prn-; ms Sugar, com 6% | ish Whig Uftice witniu 6 aays trom 'Rit CALENDAR SALESM -- Wanted.| ess Btreet. "Phone 1045w. | Cuban Can. Sugar, see : the first day ol insertivn, casa rate | portunity to batter down your door! { Apoir WwW it Litho PORt. d 31% | | Apply Wright Litho Co., London, Ont. | | Cuban Can. Sugar, pid. ... 5 big be Sluwed, ina oday | | | PIPBS--Speotal Christmas display--Ilots | 209 ores. chs 10.000 5 . ordered 1or more n one da 3 A-B-C SSIFIE 1 | hous -- < n 5 - cres, choice--§10, Can. Steamship, com. ... . 0 4nd stopped before expiration wiil THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS | BARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the De aavyfiom Paes hud shapes 30 acres--§s,700. Can Steamship, pfd. .. sine Only be cnarged for the number of ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVIC {| pleasant Home Work way making| Elders. 100 acres--37,500. ERVICE Dom. Textile ... +... wes we 62% times the ud. appeared and adjuet- : : | BoCKs on the fast, easily learned Auto 100 acres--$4,500, . 67% meut made at tne rate earned. | ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPURTUNITY | Hnitter. lkxperience unnecessary; dis- | PIANO--Gerhard Heintzman, standarpd]| 5) acres--§5,000. Dom. Bridge ....... sss Rate per lue for white space is | { lance immalierial; positively no can-| player, walnut. Regular $1050.00 for| The above lands are considered Detroit United ... ... ... 66% the same as & line of type. : { vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept | 3330.00. Slightly used. Apply F. J.| Choice; all convenient to City of 89 | Special rate for yeariy advertising' | i5C, Auto Knitter Co., 'Toronto. | Grace, 37 Mack Street. Phone 2267J.| Kingston. For full particulars ap- Jamrentide ... ... ... .. upon request. | amma m-------- ii | Pi te: Montreal Cotton . Wisiae 100 Paslisuces dessrve the right to edit ae rt A re ew = tema es LOCAL AGENT--For '"Wondersigns." | QUEBEC HEATERS -- Combination | 37 Brock D. A. CAYS, 1 r Ieject all elassined advertising E : = ge | Must be in pusition to finance sinall| Stoves, dining room and other furnf-). 3 {rock Street, Kingston, Ont. Montreal Power ... «.i o» 110 | copy. Automobiles 1 BUSINES Service stock for ter ry. Good proposition| ture. We aiso buy. J. Thompson, 333 | ee Mac iE Teas sais we INIWY Telephone 343, ask for a want ad. (=== UY Re for rigit Write for full par Princess Street. 'Phone 1600w, | Houszs For Sale . 2 E National Breweries, com. ... 5! er Auiounipiites For Sale Insurance bisulfite Ee or . FTEIRWaT | BRICK " ee ---- 1 i ede. Rd, Toronto. | STEINWAY--Square, excellent condi-| BRICK RESIDENCE -- Good location Ottawa Power ... ... .... Announcemenis { FORD SEDAN---Ve late mc Tal : errs | toa, full rich tone. A bargain. Easy | hear Sucen's University, churches, Ontario Steel Products . | pe | loaded with extras, wire whee per If unemployed ap-| terms arranged. C. W. Lindsay,| Schools and park. Up-to-date convents = | Poros Sa #bsorbers, dome light, dash Phones: opportunity. 139 Limited. ences, gas, electric lighting, hot was Penmans .... ... ... ... o% | ersonais speedometer, 1 large tilting steerin Bones; gston, Ont. i gd fieAung. Ten rooms and separate . . [ whe and very ct : Apply = | SUITS ND ERCOATS-- - and C. Apply Pe 7 AR Price Bros. ... ... BTA | MATHIMORY ~~ Handsome indy ot! heel, and Yery cheap Pply eer [SUITE ALD SYBRCOATS.. Made so! tice. PPly Box ¥-18, Wmig'of 60 te lahan Garage hone 1410. IN LIL your order, $30. asy terms of pay Quebec Power ... ... . . '* isang, would marry, if suited. Write % Thomson, Bra i | ment. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson | - -- Spanish River, com. .. .... 99% || Violet Ray, Dennison, Ohio. - : " to ASHIY. "TO 56 Brock St fa pr ble all year| Street. DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE---Princegs St, .. eve 1048 IR : Crt er s | USED CARS Several, Apply lue ---- 0 business FOUP OW, | Corrmsese-- . Hille from car line, 3 edrooms Spanish River, pid. 3% | Wart BENE re Moles, | "(rage Lid, Bagot and Queen Streets. Aucomoblie and Casualty insur. property owner needs some of | STOVES--20% off ail Stoves. till | gag, pathroom in each, electric and Smel his 4 we wee . 3% ! NAL Binlinarks, Skin Caveets, BE. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Sireet,| Our Rhine hundred varieties of har ary 1st. aL aw Yencesan's, 387 | ot aia rentety, $5750" for both, o) v vee wen sve sav 12183 5 dam Me il sat ) | "| Red Tam, Trees and Plants. No cap) Cess Street. Phone 339w, INgly. No agents. Apply Box out of Ouida 2 | aniragets pts Helis 5 re fal nositd. Complete wadipment "and | Soe green BRL -- Ah Hee wel o a. Sickness | instructions f Writ 1 SCAL. nds, new and second-| TT Toronto Ralls ... ... .... 83 | jouieceired wie cperation | Home of Used Cars | RAE fumes Sickners ana x ear TU TORR Thank chan for char Teri *ISl00G | HOMDS ror sale and to ter al vo ®. 1 experience. Dr. Elmer J. ke, | | represented' Call or pacno bs | Scale Co. Ltd, 209 Princess St, King-| Parts of the city Money to loan on Twin City ... ... ... ... 66 Kye, Kar, Nose, Tnroat, Skin, 26s $ 75 buys McLaughlin Touring Street.' VAone. BE. T--Reliable, for unrepre.| Sion. ' First Mongages. - H. B, Wilson, 327 Wi veel eee eee ee. 64% | _BegOt Street. i none juiw. House 1135J. A i. } ii sented districts. Good pay. free equip. | ------ Barrie Street. Opposite Y.M.C.A. Tele 0] 38 TT ee 3125 buys Chevrolet Touring the most reliable] ment. 'We are the largest growers of | SPECIAL -- Special for this week --| Phone 1803w. Wayagamack ... ... . | 'ord Truck "sented Strange &| fruit and ornamental trees in Canada.| lAYer felt mattresses, $9.50. Frontenac | TT ------------------ Lost and Found 10 Chee 1 hig ied in 1860. Office: 95) Sell fur a Nursery, not for a jobber | Mattress Co. Phone 1961] E. W. MULLIN i. rid $175 ys Chevrolet Touring ice: 95 ' J J -- 'state and New York. { BOSTON BULL TERRIER-- Answers ¢ Als d parts and tires | == whbosite Post Office. Jou ful. Write: Pelham | VELOCEPEDES -- Express Waggon a Jil anee Broker, moa, | BOSTO .L {RIER--Answers to 0 use and tre mr 2 # : Nurs to. ! ELOCEPEDES -- es Egon: I vision Streets Amer. Loco. ... ... ... 73% | name of, sing Finder Please re- Phares r TO. BRL UNE Moving, Lrucking, Storage 23 { Sleigh and Hockey ic ks. Muller's . See advt, Page a 4 INR, vou nee ose oe 104 % 14m tw 42v rincess street, or phone n. 4 a R : ¢ Sal : G - -- 2 Ll Bic cle Works, 71-373 King Street, -- oy fr - - 4 Amer. C . 125% 1 1944. ~ _ ] Cur. Bagot and Queen Streets -- beaned gut "of A CShlars and 3 " ET SW a ] Ibis Biron ry Fo impiovements; Bald loco. ... +... . eee m------ - : ---- ee PAT one, . MacGregor \ Forte hird class, | -- ee ) Den . = . B. & O vee een 583% F a i id, a Sieena nis = ET sell Street. Phone 2265, | 5° 8. 8 Oiden. acy $700 * Duties | Radio Equipment 02a | roties felon, Jishts, Bath and . fires sew - | versity. Apply J. G. Baker, Old Arts UO Accessurien-- CN < ¢ * to con € ) § T---- rh ----ra----, rea a Py N ork Street--§3,000. 7]! | - " -- to commence 2 Ap-| Sr ¥ i Chandler Motors . eo 63 4 | Building. | --- =~ | STORAGE SPACK--For furniture. clea, ' , Shar-| A RADIO CHRISTMAS --Everybody's| Lick hen LEhts, B. and T. and Cosden Oil . vee 34% an aI: eT SPE IAL, SALE- of Auto Tales Near Bn dry Ak vy S. RB. 'Wathem, 144 | wild over i. Eastern Ontario's only | Brick a Ws him ni ad Le , nickle o y all sizes y down price el street. one, 1391J eee - { real radip house is ready to serve you.| o ee, A eet, a me California Pete. ... 24%. Owner 1 ihe by applying to) Eastern Caliada Maxotire and Hub- | me 000" HONG,1381J Srotests LS. 30 | Canada Radio Sohocady to serve y provements, garage--s$s,000, Corn Products vr ae 153 Mrs. W Brock Street, ber Co. corner Queen and Ontario] § "'ORAGE---For furniture, cle ry, Oe he oa a £ eet. R3dis Biore bid Princess] Brick House, Mack Street, all Improve. CPR v. eet we ME EYE po -- ere Ty | : | &iry rooms and spuces; your own lock $500. Apply to er | Frame house, Barri b5 . oe Ba . one io} i YE houna, genilemun 8 le t Da = - Se 35a 3 Kross City Storage, 209- R. R. No. 2, Tam-| Wanted--1o Buy 66] provements 'EE sent ol 1m, 'ban ne Sugar, . 0A | 0 UNOgTr . . "Apply | rarages--Autos for 1 LL een 8 he 2 Res gw, | | F 4 ry pe g S Sydenham Street Methodis al Toile , Ss : rae Bungalow, Cl Cuban Cane Sugar, pfd. .... 62% | Yeennam Strept Methodist] |" Painting, Pon - SS | OLD GOLD--silver, or Fale Teeth. for| lights, B. and T--g3 seo 10M Street, "Gen Asphalt 37 | | GARAGE For rent, close to business) w-- 8 Layer ng: Dec rating Financial stat | sae, a Sxchatge. of . Lyons, Many other 8004 homes t . Jroose from, 4 . veetieds arey BT le i ne -- . { AGE--- ' & « ANEAS | ~epm--im---- -- re | 244 Princess gtreei, Kingst | 3 BT. ia 1% Hp temas | A Be I ry ei paperne Money w Lown 40 a * u miusiol | t hy " and elephon Jecora y is ates vite | PIANO--W 9 J | ¢ Bagot S 9 Kelley Springfield ... . . 31 Owner may have same at J. Cornelius _ re ee = Phone 1432 Seal Submitted "RONTENAC-- Los | PANO Waniu SoS Shea Uprigne Bi} Phones 704 or 15428 © t Rivet, Angperial OM ... ... ... .. 109 Undertaking Parlors, Princess St ~ W anted--Automobile 17 | Kingston Ont. "1 se I tpLman ay igyesimont | iano or phonograph. C. W. Lindsay, | esi 'Marine, pfd. ... «.. .... 28% | GOLD SAFETY PIN--Found, Set with NY TR Sie sera eh Nickle, K.C vice-president, A. | --amited, 121 Princess St. i SEE---Batemun's large Real Estate ag. 5 2 heart of pearls, on Princess Street. SkD CAR--Forc gan, 1923 model) gran P 'TING 3. Cunningham. Money issued on city { | Vertlsement, page 3, coj o Jmpeéria O81 ... ... .. 8% Apply $7 Clarence Street. | preferred. Apply Box H-19, Whig Of-| 276 SANTING 2, 8. Roblrpson, Te8r| and farm properties; municipal ord] Rooms For Rent ) So umn A «Mack Motors ... . WB BT | mmr a ~----eeoo | fice or phone iw. | county debentures; mortgages pur-| === nt a | WEESE'S RESIDENCE --T Seta J Marland Oil .. 30% jis CAP--For Dodge car. Apply W, J,| ==--==m==== = e mes | so pe eres CHB sByestihent bonds for sale; da- Rooms Without Hoard es | iness, also stock of frames, rs us ] ces een Cooke, 91 Wil Street. | . acc | posits received and interest allow d. | | e : A NY.C as avi vane vio we 204 oh 0086, 91 WHIliam Street es Business Services ea Architects 28b,| R. C. Cartwright, teanager. or Clarence | f Hines Aud_bhutog fads to ore 8 bk 3 | ak Eh ta " UiRetred eee ttmttt---- ---- | Sireet. Kingston. BEDROOM } Ae : -- Yeese Store. Ree on ran pid | HouND--Poune, at Red Horse Lake. Busivess Services Ultered 18 | ARSHITECTS Power, Soi and Drever,| ------ -- ie Tor a ee otf so 40s For Baie "5 Sea ane see nes Apply Norvel Lennox, Canonto, Ont. | 8 tan iambers, corner of : -------- wh Pan. Amer. Pete. ... ... .. 63 : | AUCTIONEER --For courtesy and hon- | mek 48d Weilligton SE ---- Liv mr | BUILDING LOTS--% or 7, mf < Pan. Amer, Pete. "B"" ... .. 60% [Kpvs round on string, near Prince| Sot dealing. W. A' Twigg 314 Kiug | Chiroprauctie Poultry and Supplies 49 | BEDROOM. Furnished, witlt electric| rralick race track at head Dont oft . $1 LY S5-- y A o t > 3 1 4 + O iroom Hat. il conv i-| 8 y M : Producers & Refiners ... .. 31% | George hotel Owner may have same| S.7¢9 Phone 8201 or i786w. Co ------ TO ---- | ences. Apply 313 Uhiveraity Canienl-| Pet APR J. Chapman, Seelésly 1051 | at Wang oxic | LUCY--Drs. G. F. ana Jeanie A., Chiro-| ... i: Ek . i or phone 3szw. rt reg oe) Studebaker:... .. ... U A | cetmces------------------------------ WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary wate practic Specialists and Registercd| FGUS--For sale. strictly fresh. Phone! . Ferre Sou. Pde. ... uv. + sees 88% LAP ROBE--Found. Picked up on Bar-| 'wells the oldest. ihe Tarren the ner! Rurse, 239 Bagot Street. 1653J | ROOMS-- Two, comfortable, well fur! Mas SxHVIL 3 ceo 36% | Te Stieet. Owner may nave same| sanitary well drillers in Frontenac| [10Urs: 9-12 a.m. 1 to §, ar -- nished, bright, on bathroom flat, rea-| Sq Sou Ry. ... ... ... 36% | from Thomas Wood, General Hospi-| and Lennog. eid ding aaienae! Lm, Sunday and other hours by ap-| === Lp === | sonable terms, one block from car | Xb -- 4 Sinclair Oil ... LT 36 & | tal most._modern equipment in America | POintment. Consultation free Wanted--Live Stock 30 | line. For further particulars apply | W. Kent Macnee ate a 25 for full informati rite Pode Dr = = to Box G Whig Office. | Standard Oil of Calif ¢ | PARCBL--Found, containing dry goods] So ul po 'Colebrook, ont, °F 3| PUDNEY--Dr. W. ¢ n. 182 Welling.| HORSES--Wanted, to buy, two suit. | S=--=u Re SE Fl and img nmeres Butlding, Brook Standard Ol of NJ. ... ... 37% | on Princess Sireet. Owner may have! ---- Sete te { ion street; upstairs. Consultation free.| able horsey Fou: on livery purposes. Ap- | Wanted--kooms or Board 74 | | "00 Klng Streets. Phone 701 or sem Texas Off ... . PETITE & same at 134 Rideau Street. | Ladics' Hair Favor 2tal Mougs 3.1: = -8, and by appuint-| piy on Bros, corner Division | | w eer 1880; ghey Agency, 2 .e . ---- a -- ay . nt. lone | an Ss A or] y ritiag:--Automobile, F.- A . Union Pacific ... ... ... 126 | PURSE DAG Lost, Gunmetal between TADIES TRANSFORMATION |= : aia Princess Streets, | APARTMENT--Or rooms, enprortably | | dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Burgin : US. Steel ©... . % 947% | SL Andrew's Church and Gore Street] LANES TDANSTORM TS Dab ental FOULTRY--Wse want your poultry, live| keeping. Apply Box Whig Of. | | Si, Representing caly reliable come ' WODASH « «cs sv. ove oe vn 10% | on Sunes. Reward on return to W hig | EOE TI ay RAI Chile: hee i SPARE ear: = or gressed, Write tor price lists. W as fice. I . 5 } ces a ren's halr cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, "Ww ington t root TRiNS, $ 2k8, Spadina Av oronto. x | - eee ---- SE Pov Moi TRE ellinglon sireet, corner. of Brock. | a es ammmmomm= | ROOM--Two ladies wish to rent fur- ; aT GRAIN QUOTATIONS | "wiih tuikcs stripes: "Biter mova | seme Siiech KINESOL | Paione $48. -- Merchandise. | aaron "vou. well heated and Furnish: a - : 3 y | i -- | | Tr Ve 1 y dr - 2 -- turn to, Lisperial Optical Company, or| Hemstitching 21b KNAPP-<Di AE, Dentist. Office: 258 er ms | dress Box iL. at ousekenpt ili i Tn Tie ] Chlago. phone 3220) rm-------- ae ines ee prune 85zw. Open Articles For Sale 51 P= ree | ( k St Ee ---------------------------------------------- ---- sINGy 18 Chir A - Wheat-- , | Tv BANK BOOKS-- Montreal Bank, Fleating, work guaranteed. -- Mrs. | Sms ARMY GOODS--Of ail kinds. Deserip- | Re al Estate For Rent st 00 » oves a of m | . , rine 5 p ts } . ... 108% od sum 10 vney. Fluder piease re- Feild, $62 Barrie Street, near Princess Legal tion: Khaki Breeches, Pants Shirts, | A dF With a tthout May "en oe sre, nee » | tarn to 40 n 5 . 8 at. ho 2433) Successo 8, | ---- \ 4 Leh 3, arty " w out ta JIT oon one veri i 108% | 0 la Street ___________| Street. Phone 2433) Successor to Mrs, | CONRINOAN = Bh a] Coats, Leather Vests, Bed Blankets, | Pp nents an Lats "| Also Suntine Hate ca) ee --, aval A -- rs 3 3 i v i x ay 4 Dec. Bek see sss wess 204 | mmm n --=====| and Solicitors, 7Y Clarence Street, | Bag soltd fr and li relub | APARTMENT --Four rooms, all con-| *heap, at J aa ' 41%. { | Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, KCl eter A Shapiro, 45 prAnyas gunks, | Yeniences; hot water heating. Apply | Corn-- - | o.'1, 381% to 40c. [the home of Mrs, David Walker, on| Cyril M. Smith. | rein rr tr C08 Street. | White. | k' | r 1 Ng IIR ! May ... ... . trier 74 5 No. 2, 38% wo 39 %ec. | Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 12th. DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and PVN og ah: Automanile Rona | | . ur. S 3 SEE «ec coi nev ain te sen % | Coo new lange, 22 1-2 to|There were more than forty pres. | solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King | haven a noes Jile Saving | HEATED APARTMENT-- Over Clar-| PHONE 705. 3 Oats-- | lrcese ge, <= - Sion. A. E. Day Adrian L Revelle| Cooke. 219 Bago: o "Pl 'a36. | hoe Street Garage. Phone 1994. | ' 451% | 23 %ec. ent. Money to loan. Phone 205. 1 Sh Bl ge treet. Phone 426 | | ---------- May ... cov cov ain ae i . 3 y 2 23 14 ¢ Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Montgomery, | = eet | BUY .% Your Temi T > | | ~ IDO. eeu sve one se oouvies 43% | New twins 23 to 23 3c. | Fort Willlam, are visiting at Adam | SHEA--Ambrose, BA. Barrister and "Cobisimis rochi linum, 3 & Hamil. | HEATED APARTMENT -- Six rooms | aE -- | y ' S | Solielior. Law Office, corner of King | ton's, 8% Princess Street. | complete equipment; hardwood floors. EY Winnipeg | OHRISTMAS IN THE An, |Davey's home. A number of peo-| and Brock. over Royal Bank. re hes Soper Haitie a3 Frincess Streets | ALE 3 . - | ' | { CK--Harg and soft, gn uantity. | - ohen 'o., Ontario Stre 3 VWiseali- { ---- {ple of this community have pur | Osteopathy ASL BE Walthem, Posrn os au ot} Gasoline and steam operated 3 925, Sydenhamites Are Feeii Influence | chased closed cars. | | @na Collingwood Streeds. Fhone 618 or| UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS. -261 Uni- | centrifugal Pumps, both for sale )2 85 OY ng a " 61 Uni FULY cov sot che nar eae we 9285 | i . p| OSTEOPATHY---A: T. Still graduates! Iéwij | versity Avenue, near Joh | and for rental. | f Its Spirit There are a number of cases of 5 aon. Five Oats--- O! pire | e " B 2 Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204] | #nd six roomed apartments Well | All kinds or machinery re. Dec. . ty ra War aie ve 28% Sydenham, Dec. 17.--The Meth-| scarlet fever in the village. We | King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- COKE $10 1a 3 and * ton lots, | equipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street. paired 3 ' vid : he * A] 3 y are glad to report that Mrs. Wilson ment cision S30. oXtra, Xed Cordwood or Slabs, ¥ _ joats and engines bullt to or- -- 24 Sed Aug foun Sunday win in Who por a very ill | 29 $1299 Subfe Sard or sawed in one foot | Business Places For rent 75 der. : - | an: e day schools are preparing N as J e 5 5 | bt 3 h n single cords at| | 3 2M --| $4.35, or haif single cord $2.25. or If % for their annual Christmas enter- | Improving, | FURNITU PIN NG-- { t, $2.50--me ivered. | Co. ¥ PRODUCE MARKETS. | |iumate "Fhe sires ore moc Fim a, Wepre 1 | Pus, Biel dha Sint Lonos nooks oem un sine rem fo street. Phone 296F. Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruto > P %, the LO.O.F.| East End, Wellington Street. decorated and, although there 1s no Oo-operative Hog Shipping a ---- = | AEPIY to Cunnligham & Smith. Dos. 30 snow, the air seems filled with the Walkerton, Dee, 20.--The recent | '{FHOLATERING --New ned Juri] [ = 2 -- Toronto, . . . ' » * | or diop a { -- » sp.rit of Christmas. agreement entered into by the local | card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. | i { Heavy stoers $7 to $7.60. Ch ye eal : -------- | lo-Days Biund | Y aries Joyner who has been II! farmers' clubs with J. J Zettl y under | ? - dL er of | UPHOLSTERING--AnNd general re pair- f ' Cattle $6.26 to $6.75. Lambs $10 to $10.50. Hogs $7.25 to $8.25, Chickens 14 to 16c. Hens 18 to 22c, Turkeys 25 to 36¢c. Manitoba wheat No. 1 northern bay ports, $1.05 %. > Manitoba oats: No. 2, C.W., not quoted. No. 3, 43 I-dc. No. 1 feed, 41%c. Ontardo wheat nominal, 92 to 94¢ outside. Oats, Ontardo No. 2, white, 38 to 40c. Hay: Extra, No. 2, timothy per tom $16 track Toronto. No. 2, $14.50. No. 3 $13.50, Medium $11 to $13, for a long time died on Monday ev- ening. He was a life long resident of Sydenham. St. Paul's church held a bazaar and tea in the basement of the church on Dec, 11th. Many beauti- ful articles were offered for sale and a goodly sum was realized, Boyd Alton who has been in Co- balt for some time returned home this week. A social gathering of the ladies Walkerton, whereby a car is started from here every Tuesday morning, rangement so far, under the grading | system. Under this arrangement | has proved a very satisfactory ar- | SHOE REPAIRING--all ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. | | hand work! Rubber heels a Specially; efficient ser-| vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real anda Queen Streets. the breeding of the bacon-type hog | is encouraged, as the difference be- | tween selling price of selects and the | next grade amounts to about 75 | cents per hundredweight. The per- centage of selects shipped from here | from week to week is very high, run- | i UPHOLSTERING -- Ci made same day as ordered. ing at reasonabie prices. E. ridge, 244 University Avenue. 2043F J. Good- Phone| SOME READERS are aready answer. ng ads in to~day"s classified ad section. ! | performance a conversation should | x | not be indulged in, as #t distracts | overed buttons ; 8 od. Uphulsters| other people from giving their ai. | s | tention to the show, { from the interest in the _ Corrected (See Illustration on Page 10.) During the course of a theatre | Domestic Nut Coke. Good, clean fuel; no impurities. Hotter than coal: goes as far. $14.50 per ton. Fine for the Quebec Heater, James Swift & Co., Limited and detracts | perform- | ers. Foot ui jonnson Sureet "ARTICLES FOR BALM 1s a haven! HERE! of the thodist church was held at | ning up to 70 per cent. some weeks. AND HEED tne Classified for thrifty buyers. in the Classified Me 4 -- Sebtion. ¢ 2 = = ee =) BRINGING UP FATHER 3 3 3 33 3: 33 BY GEORGE McMANUS £ THIS 1D MY CLUB 1 SPEND IN THIS ROOM WE NES! § SALLY QUITE A BIT OF MY TIME HAVE ALL OUR JOLLY > { RESOR'Y THY IN HERE PARTIES, - BoETERIOUS Ll . IT LOOKS AS IF THA REALLY! "SALL \S SPENT A" bY

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