FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1923. a ~N THE DAILY BRITISH WH IG _ A AF ( Gloves of Quality for Your Man GIVE GIFTS USABLE GLOVES "Gloves of quality are all we _have--silk lined, wool lined, fur lined -- for the Street, for Dress, for Mo- toring, or Driving -- real English Gloves. Selections for the Pro- fessional or Business Man, Student or Man about town. George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. Watch for to-morrow's suggestions. NS ont er er sere eta et a How to tell { - Eyestrain If moving plctureg hurt your eyes. Sharp pains in the eyeball. A pressure at the top of the head. Eyes feel tired and the Mds heavy. Eyes smart and burn, A tendency to hold reading matter further away than forms The Gift Shop of Kingston | B® The most frivolous as well as the most practical ideas appear in this exclusive coll on of cnoice gift suggestions. A most fortunate shop, in- erly. Bright light causes squinting or frowning. Become nervous close work. Type blurs when reading fine print. All these are signs of when doling eye- stral and p Tr ghsses re- Jove them, ToT deed, for the man -- here he can purchase gift items with . W. D. GRAHAM, RO. every assurance that they are correct, charming and accept~ able. There are also gifts for 'men, such as Poker sets, Leath- er Bill Folds, Pipes, Clgarette accessories and Roll-up Toilet Bets. A word to the wise: "Christmas Day is two weeks away." Kinnear & {Esterer JEWELERS, Successor to | Registered Optometrist Hl 146 Wellington St Opp. Post Offi Dr. Waugh DENTIST 106 Wellington St. Phone 2586, || I it Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS CHATEAU WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage BN Princess Street, Kingston AAA ren. ee Phone. S00 J | 183 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. GAS--X RAY. Ww. tario by acclamation, of machine part, brass, etc. We are equipped KING AND QUEEN STREET» A. Amos was reelected pres- ident of the United Farmers of On- {| From Your Qwn Plans and sketches we can make any kind working model, tool, or other article In steel, iron, to handle any kind of machine shop work, from the smallest to the great- Bishop Machine Shop 3) IC PRESENTATIONS | | | To -Be-Made-by Dity- Commi Body Cvermen; burnfe and a son of the late William Craig, for years known as "The laird of Glenburnie." all his life. He is a native of Glen- | | -- Mayor Angrove Gift Also for Joseph A. Craig, Butter-Maker. nor, Peters, Price, Robzrtson, Rich- i. Sad ardson and Sargent, The city council will present p-- | watches ' to the members of the Queen's rugby team, who won the y dominion senior championship, and | | of the Royal Military College team | honors. This was decided upon at a | tained at a delightful bridge last | special meeting of the council on | evening. i Thursday evening. On motion of | Captain Jones of England, who | to arrange for the purchase of the fobs to the members | GANANOQUE Dec. gold football who won the intermediate dominion | 14.--The Misses Rees enter- Alds Chown and Boyd, a committee | has been speuding the pas. ten days consisting of Mayor Angrove and | Alds. Peters and Kidd was appointed | Guelph, is expected in town today to spend a few days with Mr. and | civic gifts) which will be suitably (Mrs. W. T. Sampson. engraved A public presentation will Miss Helen Nalom, who has been | be made in the city memorial hall.| visiting here for the past few weeks, | It was felt that as the Queen's team | has returned to Rochester N.Y. | clared that Queen's and R.M.C. had | | | | c. | | | | | | | the splendid reception given the mother, Mre. Leonard, Napanee, had | R.M.C. champions last Sunday. passed away on Tuesday evening | -- last, | To Recognize J. A, Craig. On motion of Alds. Price and X | Peters, the council expressed its ap- LETTERS preciation of the honor won by Jos- eph A. Craig, butter maker of the . att Daley School at the Glas- To The Editor gow exhibition last week. Mr. Craig's " butter exhibit won first prize against ---- entries from the British Empire at > Shortell Draper Suit» ok if this Scottish dairy show, 'and the oe, --(To the or): | | i | tokens will be given had won the dominion honors for the | Mr. and Mrs. Gould and little second year in succession its mem- daughter Betty left- today to spend bers should be given watches. Last | the holida year the Queen's champions were Cobourg. given gold f6otballs, and similar John O'Rourke is the military | week in Oshawa. college champions this time. If| Dr. and Mrs. Bird, who has been cadets repeat their Shalmplonship | in Toronto, for a week's visit, have win next year, the civic gift to them returned home. will be watches. Miss Gordon gave an eloquent Various members of council de-fand instructive address to the mem- bers of the Winona Circle in Grace Church lecture room yesterday af- ternoon. The ladies served refresh- ments afterwards. Miss Helen Calbeck spending the given Kingston a great 'advertise- ment through their rugby victories and that it was only right that tang- ible recognition by the city should and James be given. The committee was voted | calbeck will spent the winter In $600 to cover the cost of the | weet Virginia. trophies. "Pat" Shine was among those who Mayor Angrove read a letter he had received from Major-Gen. Sir A. Macdonell, commandant of the Royal Military College, expressing the appreciation of the staff and gentlemen cadets of the college for went up to see Martin Harvey in "A Cigarette Maker's Romance" on Wednesday evening. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Byers were very sorry to hear the distressing news that the latter's wish you to please correct a state- ment in your paper re the suit of Shortell and Draper, which was printed during the week of Nov. 10th, 1923, and stating a settle- ment was made. This has caused a misunderstanding between our many relations between Kingston and Genanoque. The facts are as follows: We. were suing Ellen Dra- per of Glenburnie, for $1,000 and costs, as the endorser of a note. The maker of the note, David H. Shor- tell, of New York, wae unable to pay and judgment was obtained against him, so Miss Draper as the endorser, was liable. ¥or three years she spoke of a settlement, oity council feels that a great honor | has been brought to Canada and Kingston through Mr. Craig's iil cess. While the victories of Queen's and R.M.C, rugby teams are na- | tional, the victory of Mr. Craig is | an international event, and is a big | thing for Canada. Only a month | ago two Frontenac cheese makers | received first and third prizes at the London dairy exhibition, and one of these makers is connected with the Kingston Dalry School. The county council is showing its ap- preciation of its cheese champions in a tangible way, and the city coun- cil will recognize Mr. Craig's Heat tory by presenting him with a gold | watch at the formal opening of the Eastern Dairy School on the 10th of January by the minister of agricul- ture. Mayor Angrove will make the presentation. The Eastern Ontario Dairymen's convention will be in session here at that time. Ald. Price and Ald. Boyd both spoke in appreciation of the honor that had come to Mr. Craig in win- ning the first butter prize at the Glasgow exhibition. Mr. Craig has been a resident of Kingston nearly took the matter to court. Our law- yer, J. M. Farrell, found upon exam- ining her that she declared herself insolvent, so we went no further. The case never came to trial, and there has been no settlement. David H. Shortell is a brother to John. Patrick and Richard of Brewer's Mills. 1 trust you will correct the statement, as it is untrue and has been very misleading. JAMES H. SHORTELL. | ANNAN RENAN NAN E RNR, Ww high class ware as | ORIFLAMME 2d RUBYIAT No two pieces alike, beautiful shapes in Vases, Rose Bowls, Flower and Fruit Bowls, etc. Magnificent colors that change with the Hanging light, and that must be seen to be appreciated. on Saturday, Dec. 15 only You can select your piece at 50% Discount this wonderful ware --now You have always wanted a piece of is your chance. Te Never before have the people of Kingston been offered such REMEMBER } PRICE ON SATURDAY ONLY i KIWANIS ACTIVITIES. W. HE. N. Sinclar, K.C., leader of the Liberal party in Ontario, will be the special speaker before the Kiwanis Club at the regular lun- cheon in the Frontenac hotel at 6 p.m. on Monday next. His subject will be "The Two-Party System." The committee in charge of the Community Christmas tree and the various sub-committees are busily engaged in the preparations for en- tertaining a large number of chil- dren. Secretary W. K. Macnee an- nounces that the annual election of officers will be held on Jan. Tth. Appointment of Emigration Lecturer. S. Edgar Masten, Bloomfield, has been appointed by the Dominion government as an emigration fec- turer. Mr. Master will take up the work about the first of the . year, going to London, England, where the office of the Canadian high com- missioner is located, He is well qualified for this position. we 13 an enthusiastic Canadian, possesses considerable ability, and is capable of placing the facts entirely before the class of people Canada desires to adopt as citizens, Mrs. Masten will accompany her husband to the old land. . ---------- ; Progressing Favorably. _The many friends of Miss Ailine Miller, who underwent an operation for appendicitis, last Sunday morn- ing, in Kingston General Hospital, will be pleased to know she is pro- gressing favorably. a -- Next War More Horrible. Sclonce's latest plans for spread- ing horror and death should we have another war. troit Free Press. All newsdealers. Anita Southwick, a young woman, - Ch a 12 'Uf the Fifth Avenue hotel, New oof of a sedan car. Doctors Be. Wil. proveblr. lize... 2. York, and crashed through the In attendance at the meeting were | and Alds. Anglin, | Drees GETTY Holder, W. Holder, Johnston, Kelly, | Kidd, Laturney, Miine, Nash. O'Con- | with Hugh Sampson at his farm near | y season with friends in but when none was forthcoming we | Sunday's De-| Ro | We have them EVERY MAN APPRECIATES COMFORTABLE soles--warm Felts in Plaids or plain colors, and many sty leather--some low and others with high tops. PRICES .......$2.00 to $4.50. SLIPPERS in soft Patent Leather with soft, cumfy les of OVERSHOES. HOCKEY BOOTS. SNOW SHOES. RUBBER BOOTS. SPATS. Here is a list of gifts that are just what everyone wants:-- Abernethy' Shoe Store EVENING SHOES. TRAVELLING CASES. SUIT CASES. CLUB BAGS. WARDROBE TRUNKS. L 2] ma ey Ny -- Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers. a From Christmas to Christmas your gift of . Furniture will be remembered. It's going to be a Furniture Christmas, Why? Because people know that there is nothing tha$ will be more appreciated by their friends than something , will add to the attractiveness of their homes. A gift of Pi ture is a beautiful, permanent gift--a token of esteem fl enjoyed every day in the year, A few suggestions: Card Tables, Tea Waggons and Serva ing Trays, Floor Lamps and Bed Lamps, Smokers' Sets, Piano Benches, Fancy Rats M tan Chairs and Rockers. Shop early at: # Si - MINDEN MASONIC: LODGE, John F. McEwen Writes About First Meeting Hall, John F. McEwen, a past master of Minden Masonic Lodge, writes as follows: "In your issue of the 12th inst. | in the article 'The Masonic Temple | Dedication," you state that Minden | Lodge was formed and met in the | hall over Lackie's bakery. Minden | Lodge was formed in the year 1870 but not in the Town's hall with the | other lodges for several years until | the brick building at the corner of | Wellington and Brock streets was | built by Mr. Ford, and the hall now | occupied by the Scottish Rite was | arranged especially for Minden | Lodge. The corner stone was [aid | by the officers of Minden. We re- mained there several years, then moved to the Bajus hall over La-| ckie's bakery. We moved back to the Town building In the early eigh- | ties, and remained until the Golden Lion property was rented, and ever since have met with the other lod- ges. There is only one of the ori- ginal charter members alive today, 'as far as the writer knows, John McKelvey. The lodge was an off- | shoot from St. John's. The late | G. M. Wilkinson was one of the | principal movers in the matter. His portrait now hangs in the new Tem- ple." ---------------- In the city council meeting last evening, Ald. Anglin twitted Ald. bertson, chairman of parks, who ordered the tobacco signboard re- moved from the cricket field. *"Ac- cording to resolution of th - EE aot Tea moved," sald Ald. Anglin. "How is it that Ald. has had it say | taken down?" he asked. To which The on of Right Hon. W. 2 Flelmg Tonnies to show tm. Save permission for its erection and 1 was quite within my rights in hav- lug it a rc nd . Suitable Gifts For Christmas Nothing is more appreciated than Foot wear. We have a gift for every member of the family. Useful and acceptable pres- ents, x Felt Slippers Boudoir Slippers 4 Overgaiters Goloshes Evening Slippers Dress Shoes Ss Hockey Boots Skating Shoes "Rubber Boots Moccasins Give Footwear this Christmas, because 3 it's always useful, always comfortable, fashionable and serviceable, 3 RR Allan M. Reid SHOE STORE ~~~ =~ 3 ZR