MONDAY, DECEMBER 10, 19283. JHE DAILY BKIil1ISH WHIG FR Gifts He Wants-from the Store He Likes Worth while gifts that are likeable, sensible and useful -- rizghtetrmmr the sora gretity wae Hee tos ¥ will find fine Linens and Woolens--8ilks in ex- quisite weaves. Neckwear Shirts Pyjamas Hosiery Mufflers Lounging Robes George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Watch for to-morrow's suggestions. As They Actually Are? 80 mauy thousands of peo- ple 'are viewing the world through abnormal eyes there is & possibility that YOU might by simply looking through a' pair of made-for-you glasses im- prove your sight wonderfully. It you aren't sure about this matter, you could do worse than interview us. W. D. GRAHAM, R.0. Successor to S Regisicicu Uprometrist 1140 Wellington St Opp. Post' Offi, Dr. Waugh | DENTIST : 108 Wellington St. Phone 256: Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS -- Sow Sweaters Gloves 'Sweater Coats Belts Dress Suits House Coats Phone 362w. Library Furnishings For Christmas Desk sets in distinctive patterns in Brass, Silver, Bronze and Leather finish, make useful Christmas gifts. Priced from $4.75 Also good-looking Ends In various Priced from $4.50 pr. Kinnear & dEsterre JEWELERS, Princess Street, Kingston Book designs, [125m Ry) | Taxi Servi Phone WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage 188 PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 am. to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment. b 8 § That gentleman who says there is no more hunting to try a man's courage should try hunting a Job. | From Your Own Plans and sketches we can make any kind of machine part, working model, tool, or other article in steel, iron, brass, etc. We are equipped to handle any kind of machine shop work, from the smallest to the great- Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREET» | JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Our new stock of 5 Crown cal Wa is'in and we do not know of anything in which articles to select from, CI1Y WORKS IN HARMONY WH CHILDREN'S AID The Last Case In Dispute Decided. in Favor. of. | Children's Aid. | i standing between the city and the | Children's Ald Society" over wards { City Solicitor Rigney takes care of | the city's interests when application ! 1s made before the police magistrate { to make children wards of the soci- [ety and to charge thelr temporary | maintenance in public homes to the | elty, | before the magistrate about | weeks ago, it has transpired three | contention that 'the city should pay | for the child's maintenance. The little boy in question proved to be! | fllegitimate as his mother's husband ( was serving overseas. 'Hence the Soldiers' Ald Commission refused to ~~~ | be responsible as this body only pro- (EE ---- vides for legitimate children of ex- | soldiers. The city solicitor had con- | tended that the Children's Aid Soci- | ety should ask the commission to | pay for this ward's maintenance, but { the commission secured proof that | the child did not belong to a veteran, | Hence the city will pay for the main- tenance until a home is found | the little fellow. i The year | disputes between the city and the | Children's Aid, but there should be | no more of these, and both' the city { council and the aid society will work hand in hand now that the | responsibility of the municipality is | tully understood. The wrangles | served a good purpose after all, for | they caused a thorough study into i the law regarding neglected children. [od ---- | Leeds County Barrister, James C. Judd, Is Dead | Brockville, Dec. 10.--James Ches- | terfleld Judd, barrister-at-law, | intimately conneéted with | velopment of the northwestern sec- { tion of Leeds county, died suddenly | at his home in Morton village ! Thursday evening. The late Mr. Judd was a son of Amos Judd of Morton, and was born { there about seventy-five years ago. | Athens | | After having attended the High School he proceeded to course called to the bar. He began practice in Brockville. At a later period Ms. Judd practiced in Ottawa and Toronto. Joyceville Notes, Joyceville, Dec. 7.--A large num- | ber from here attended the poultry fair at Lomdhurst on Wednesday and Thursday. Messrs. Campbell and Cauwritte, L'Original, are drilling a well for P, Keyes. The U.F.0. Club held a meeting in the hall on Thurs- day evening. Mms. D. McCarey is visiting her sister in Orange, N.J. Mrs. N. L. Ollmann and children left for Hamilton on Saturday. -------------- Clearing Leonard Property. George Hyland, foreman of Queen's University grounds has a staff of men employed pruning the trees and cleaning up the grounds on the Leonard property on King street, Part of this land will be used for raising fodder. The officers training school will be conducted there by Col. MacPhail. cain BERNER RR ER ! w Nn which has been termed 'the sun of | re you will find as many Kin fr : a The "Beaumont" Pattern is very attractive. You can make up Salad Sets, Breakfast Sets, etc., . , and also get separate pieces sich as : Creams, Flower Bowls; Candlesti ¥ OW NR dn RE i { There is now a complete under-| With regard to a case heard | that | | the Children's Ald officials won their | for | and | the de- | on | Os- | goode Hall, Toronto and was in due | = prevailing' diseases. | ski will proceed to New York to de- | | IT | GANANOQUE | o . : : Dec. 10 The Gananoque public i board met on Friday even- the librarian 3 ~ | ion ve 1 d over 1822, | whioh was also a banner year for the | Up to the r circulation showed 800 increase ar, despite the fact than the library had to be closed fos over a week in April last for paint- ing and repairs. Between 1,200 and 1,300 members avail themselves of the privileges. Never have the shelves been so plentifully supplied with books. Those comprising the board take a keen interest and pride in the library but that it is such a live issue is probably due in a very large measure to the librarian, Miss Carp- enter and her assistant, Mrs. George Whaley, who eous service at 4ll times, but are , ever on the alert to introduce the extra features which will make a speclal appeal to the members. Very | valuable donations in the way of books come to the library every vear, not only from resident mem- bers but from our summer visitors who avall themselves of the pri- vileges. Last year at the conventions | held in Toronto and Ottawa, Uana- noque"s high standing was referred | | to In most complimentary terms, and it will continue to be the aid of | those interested in its welfdre these conventions. Miss Maynie Brennan spent | week-end in Kingston. On Sunday morning at mass in the Hotel Dien chapel Mise Brannan sang Millard's | "Ave Verum" in a delightful man- | | ner. | { Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sherrill | { spent Saturday with friends in | Kingston, | Lawrence 'Amo, Belleville, spent { the week-end here with friends. | CHILD BADLY SCALDED, The Wife of a Clergyman Had A | Bail Fall. 8) Dec. bH.--John Flake bought the old Charles McDougal homestead and.held a sale there yesterday. There was a large crowd | and everything sold well. Mrs. ! Branch, our clergyman's wife, had the misfortune to fall and break =» | small bone in her ankle and to put it out of joint. Dr, Goodfellow, Mc- | Donald's Corners, is attending her. | Everbody hopes she will soon be | around again. Joseph Brouse has | | gone to work for Charles Dunham | | for a few months. Little Clayton | | Gorr, aged four years, son of Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gorr, fell into a pail of hot water Saturday morning ana | is badly scalded. Harold Ohiman drove Mr. and | Mrs. Jack Gorr and Mrs. ¥rank to | Smith's Falls Hospital where the little one is doing as well as can be ; expected. Mise Carrie Gorr, Toronto, | is home, keeping. house while her | mother is away, 'levna, |JAPANESE DOCTOR | HAS CANCER CURE |He Claims That His Lamp Rays Will Also Cure Tuber= culosis. St. John, N.B., Dec. 10.--Prof. N. 'Jaratski, world famed authority on | ullravilet rays, was one of the pas- | sengers who arrived hgre Saturday on the Canadian Pacific steamship Montcalm from Liverpool. Prof. Jaratski is a native of Petrograd, and is enroute to Montreal. He has | constructed a sixty kilowatt lamp | { the mountain," and which he claims | | will be a revolution to the medical | | profession. He asserts that treat- | | ment with this lamp will positively | cure rancer, tuberculosis 'and other To prove his assertions, he had with him a num- | ber of photographs, which show the { condition of patients prior to and | | after having. undergone this treat- | ment. From Montreal, Prof. Jarat- to | monstrate his. invention the | Rockefeller institution. Lacrosse Players Lose Parent. Cornwall, Dec. 18.--Lawrence De- | gan, father of Fred, Bob, Oharlle, Eddie andl Alex Degan, the well known lacrosse players, died at his home here on Thursday. Mr. Degan would have attained his eighty- fitth birthday had he lived until March 27th next. He spent his long life in Cornwall and was for years 4 valued employee of the local branch of the Department of Rall- ways and Canals. During his con- nection: with the Cornwall canal he rescued at least a score from drown. ing and the first greppling irons used along the canal apd river were the result of his ingenuity and were the means of recovering many bodis from the water, his services being sought for miles east and west of Cornwall. His wife died 12 years ago. Another son, Tommy Degan, resides in Montreal. He also leaves five daughters. St. Thomas on Saturday morn ~ At Mason City, Ia., Master Elet 30th of Novem- | not only give court- | to | 1923 has seen various | keep it worthy of special mention at | the | | Cute Little Slippers for the Little Tots. Fancy styles in Blue, Red, Green, Rose colors --high and low patterns. Prices --$1.00 to $2.00 SLIPPERS FOR DAD You know those Brown Slippers made of very soft Kid with the elastic sides--that's the kind Dad has been waiting for Santa to bring --but Santa seems to overlook Dad's needs so it would be a wonderful surprise for Dad to find a pair on the tree. Dandy Styles at $3.50 and $4.00. lg Kingston's Biggest Home Furnishers. From Christmas to Christmas your gift of Furniture will be remembered. It's going to be a Furniture Christmas, Why? Because people know that there is nothing that will be more appreciated by their friends than something that" will add to the attractiveness of their homes. A gift of Furnk ture is a beautiful, permanent gift--a token of esteem to be enjoyed every day in the year® A few suggestions: Card Tables, Tea Waggons and Serv- ing Trays, Floor Lamps and Bed Lamps, Smokers' Sets, Piano Benches, Fancy Rat- tan Chairs and Rockers. Shop early at: LEAGUE TO DECIDE UPON OWNERSHIP OF WRANGEL Question Having Been Ralsed Must Be Referred to In- ternational Tribunal. Ottawa, Dec. 10.--At the next as- sembly of the League of Nations it is probable that a question of deep interest to this Dominion will be considered. It was made known here tonight that the question of Wrangel Island In all likelihood will be submitted to that court for final settlement. When Mr, Stefansson was in Lon- don this fall he made representa- tions to the British government similar to those he made to the Dominion government last spring, and received a similar answer. Great Britain took the position that the Wrangel Island expedition was really a private venture, but, as the question of possession of that is- land had been automatically raised, it would be well to have that ques tion settled at a court where all the interested nations would be repre- sented, namely, Great Britain, Can- ada, United States, Japan and Rus- sia. Blows Off Elbow, Shotgun Pembroke, Dec. 10.-- William -Bertrandage, aged twenty-five Years, of Des Joachims, who blew off part of his elbow when his shotgun acci- dentally discharged while hunting near here last week, died following the amputation of the injured arm. ' $500,000 For Alberta Varsity. Edmonton, Dee. 10.--The Univer- ig like a green bay tree, ~The three children of Mr. aud Mrs. Charles Brill, Tamworth, were sity of Alberta akuounees that it han receired. A Fran from the Rockefeller dation ot the medical school. A.D 'the upkeep General nip | Suitable Gits For | Christmas Nothing is more appreciated than Foot- wear. We have a gift for every member of the family. Useful and acceptable pres- ents, Boudoir Slippers Goloshes Dress Shoes Skating Shoes Moccasins Felt Slippers Overgaiters 'Evening. Slippers Hockey Boots Rubber Boots Give Footwear this Christmas, because it's always useful, always comfortable, fashionable and serviceable, Te sy ESSER BRE Ge ait a a