Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Dec 1923, p. 15

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- Tuesday, under the direction of the | CAF CASS: spring 1b. ..... A Apples, pk .. ® 4 4 i SIPNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1923, ~~, » 7 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | { | | | | egular Readers Of This Section Are Saving and Making Money Continually | Frm-- The Late Walter Forbes. Walter Forbes passed away al the home of his sister, Mrs. H. Esford Bath Road, on Sunday The de- ceased was forty-six years of age nd single, and he resided at Wolfe | land all his life The funeral will take place from the home his sister to Cataraqui cemelery on Tuesday under the direction , of James Reid, undertaker. Mate W. J. Nicholson. William John Nicholson th, and the remains were Drougns to Kingston on Saturday, via Canadian' National Railway. The funeral took place to Cataraqui cem etery on Monday under the tion of John Cornelius, undertaker, | Rev. Dr. W. S. Lennon officiated The late Mr. Nicholson was sixiy- three years of age and followed the occupation of an engineer. There Agre surviving, besides his wife, five brothers, James M. Dawson City Henry C., Watertown; Thomas K., Kingston; Charles C., Sunbury; Rev. | Ernest C., Ann Arbor; and one sis- ter, Mrs, John Bearance, Elginburg. | 1ate Mrs. Milne, Brewer's Mills Mrs. Eliza Milne, one of the oldest gesidents of Brewer's Millis, passed away on Sunday. The deceased was Mighty.-five years of age and she re- sided at Brewer's Mills all her life. Her husband predeceased her, but there are surviving two daughters, Mrs. John Rogers, Brewer's Mills, | and Mrs. Frank McKanna, Calumet, | Mich., and two sons, Peter, Kingston | and Willlam, Toronto. The funeral | will take place to St. Barnabas church on Tuesday under the dir- ection of M. P--Keyes, undertaker. | Late Miss Alexandria Leblanc. The death occurred at the Hotel Dieu on Sunday night of Miss Alex- andria LeBlanc, She had been ail- dng for some months. She was the daughter of Serg't. A. LeBlanc tailor of the R.C.H.A., and was eighteen years of age. Besides her parents there are left to mourn her loss one brother, Edward, Win. nipeg, and three sisters, Lolo, Reta and Cectle, at honie, The funeral will take place from 89 Barrack #treot to St. Mary's cathedral on Tuesday under the direction of John | Comelius, undertaker, | f | | Late Mrs. Daniel Cunningham. The death of Bridget Deian, | widow of the late Dandel Cunning- | ham, occurred on Sunday at the resi- | dence of Mrs. Michael Lambert, 259 | Rideau street. The deceased 'was | elghty-two years of age and spent the mont of her 'ife in Kingston. She | 4s survived by two sisters, Mrs. Can- | aon, Kingston, and Mrs. Broom, | Waterport, N.Y. The funeral takes place ¢6 8t. Mary's cathedral on | | 'firm of T. Ronan. | I: PRODUCE WARKETS. | Napanee Retall Market. Napanee, Dec, comb, Ib 5 1b pati | { 10th. | ..30 88 15-60 'eo 32:40 .10-20 ..10-20 Honey, Honey, { Apples, choice spys, bus, Lettuce, leaf, bunch Celery, bunch :. CaoUage, head Caulifiower, Leal Peppers, dosen .. .. .. Onions, domestic, pk. . Potatoes, bag .... Potatoes, pk. ... Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs. Butter, creamery, 1d .. Butter, dairy, 1b .. Cheese, new, ib. Cheese, oid, Ib. Eggs, fresh, dozen, . .. .. ard, a. Lh Oieomargarine, Ib. ...... ..... Shorts, cwt. .......... ....$1.65 Straw, baled, ewt. ............H0 Wheat, western, bus. ........$1.36 Wheat, local, bus .. ..$1.35 BIRD, BOR «cov. nransss cased Buckwheat, bus .. .. .. ..'$1.10 Corn, Teed. cwt. ..........$2.35 Corn, car lots, ewt. ........$1.88 Hay, baled ewt. ............ 75 loose, ton odae aan §6-$10 western, bus. ............65 ..50 cd ..83-85 ® eos 40-40 Roast Beef 1b...... ......14-23 Steak, porterhouse, 1b. ......23-26 HHH «37.75 seve ee va 18-33 cone. 810-814 caves 30-50 i i LE of passed way at Watertown, N.Y., on Dec. | the direc- | | Chickens, dressed, each | Sheep skins, fresh .. .. : The British, Whig CLASBIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular- ised according to All ads. are restricted to their proper classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASEIFIED RATES Daily rate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 36 cents. Daily ra per line. Charge b duys Sen ines 4 v Guys Luuy .. Jeaths-- One insertion, births, Engagements, $1.50; cash, $1.00. tard of Toanks and Memoriam Nolives --harged, $1.50; casa, $1.00 each nsertion. x Adverusing ordered for |rreguiar | insertions takes the one-time inser--- lon rate; no ad. taken for less taap | basis of four lines. Fova: #ix average words to the Wise people have no Cash 3 » 4 we s knuckles. What 1s merely charged, Alarriages, | It's time everybody kne knuckles! - to be easily determined. fully indexed--for your i Charged ads. will be recelved by teiepnione and ir paid at The brit- ish Whig Uitice withis 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate will be allowed. Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjue'- ment made at the rate earned. Kate per line for white space is Lhe same as a line of type. Special rate ior yeariy aavertising ALWAYS THE 8S. Giving Brass Knuckles To Opportunity always whining that they cannot hear Opportunity when it comes a'knocking at their doors, The wise ones hand Opportunity a mistakable crash to the w the A-B-C Classified Section » Daily there are appearing among these ads offers whose value to you in profit and satisfaction is too great Reading--and heeding--this section encourages Op- portunity to batter down your door! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY _ Employment _ a at "Heélp--Male or Female | ANY BOY © Christmas p GIRL--Can make lots of ket money 'easily selling | Christmas Cards, Booklets, Seals, etc We trust u with Cards till sold You keep one-third of the money. Un- sold goods returnable, Send a trial order for $3.00 worth, assorted A postcard will do The Gold Medal : People Ltd., Jarvis St, Toronto. Dept patience with those who are K anvassers, Agents 85 licitors, C Merchandise Articles for Sale. Furniture--Contents of well furnished | house, including walnut dining room | suite, Chesterfield. Davenport. walnut bedroom suite, rugs, etc. Telephone 2566w. HARDWOOD Mixed wood, mixed slabs, soft wood slabs, one car thoice body hard maple, shingles $4.00 thou- | sand; rough lumber, cupe siding. W.| H. Talbot, yard Concession Street, near Division. Phone 230IW. SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- | sented districts. Good pay, fee equip- ment. We the largest growers of fruit and ornamental trees in Canada. set of brass a faint tap to others is an un- GET---Your Repairs and Separator Oil for the De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte Cream Separators at Frost & Wood Agency. 236 Ontario Street. ise ones w that the helpful little ads in are - Opportunity's brass Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham | Nursery Co.. Toronto, Teachers Wanted 35a. | HEATER--"Brilliant Favorite," in first class condition. Will be sold at .a bargain Apply £3 Frontenac StPeet, near Earl street. Phone 1261M. HALL Protestant, for | State salary. | ACHER--2nd class, 8S. No. 1, Barriefield. W. A. Milton And all these offers are care- mmediate finding. HIGHEST PRICES--Paid for old wal- nut, mahogany and curly maple fur- niture, brass candlesticks, old pewter, etc. Lesses Antique Shop, $07 Prin- cess Street. Phone 1045w. YOUNG ENGLISH GIRL--Aged 17, de- | sires a position as general maid. 6/ months' experience. Apply Box H-8, Whig Office Situations Wanted--Male | | 37 | AME---IN SERVICE { | EMPLOYMENT-- man; high school education: married Respectable i desires PIANO--Upright, Decker Bros. in good condition, a good buy at $225. Terms arranged F. J. Grace, 37 Mack St Phone 2267J. PIANO--Lindsay Upright, Mahogany full rich tone. A bargain for sy terms arranged. C. W.| 121 Princess Street. { employment; good references. Apply! upon request. Box U-X, Whig Offic Publishers reserve the right to edit Or teject all classined suvertising copy. Teloplione 243, ask f taker, Automobiles © Automobiles ¥or Sale 11 EE ~~ Financial HEATERS Combination dining room and other furni- We also buy. J. Thompson, 353] cess Street. Phone 1600w. QUEBEC Stoves a Business Service Business Opport 0 TR eee | e-- | Architects SHO. | WANTE Substantial, high- man. wyih sales and business €ARS-- Several. Apply oe USED Personals | SKIN BLEMISHES -- Hair, Moles, --. Warts, Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent-| ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have falled.| Goitre cured without operation. 38/ years experience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, | Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 268 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J. : Lost and Found 10 BULL--Strayed from property of John George, Mount Chesney, black and wh'te with horns. Please return to above address | BULL TERRIER PUP Lost, white neck, white face and white feet. Find- er please return to 426 Princess Bt.| Phone 1944 | WE HAVE A FEW BARGAINS IN USED CARS SFT One Ton Ford Truck Price $150.00 One Ton Ford Truck Price $400.00 McLaughlin E45 Repainted, rebuilt and new top. Let us give you a drive in this car so that you may know the gooud qualities in it. Price right. BOYD'S GARAGE 129 Brock St. Phong 201w. JET | a lady's! Ro Auto Accessories--Tires--! by | 260 Found, on Sunday, Owner can lave sane erty Apply Sharp, BICYCLE bicycle ving eis | MAXOTIRES--Are what you Wi the season advances. Makes all trouble proof Kastesn Canada Maxo- tire. C Queen and Ontario Streets. Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 2 Found Owner may have same applying at 156 Bagot Street b | GLOVE--Found, on Sunday, on John-| Rlue CUarage Ltd, Bagot and Queen Streets. Parts 18! L as tives as exclusive representative Uppor- tunity to permanently make from $3 900 to §$5.000 a year in your own | town Must be able to invest $1500. Thig is a connection with the largest | and foremost manufacturer fn the ARCHITECTS--Power, Son aud Drever, M hants Bank Chambers, rorner of Brock and Weilington | Chiropractio 28c¢. | , ~Lawrenson's for Good Cheer) Quebec Stoves and tleaters, Economy Heady Mixed Paints and Var- nishes. 387 Priucess Street. Phone] 39W,, opposite Urange Hall. SCALES---AIl kinds, new and second- hand Cash or easy lerms. Toledo Scale Co, Ltd, 209 Princess St, King- ston. electrical appliance industry. Your expenses paw to Toronto and return! if interview is deemed advisable by | this company. Address application to! O. Wellby, Sales Manager, 102-104 At- | ---- ee LUCY--Drs. G. F. anu Jennie A., Chiro- practic Specialists , and Registered | Nurse, 239 Bagot bifeet. Phone 943w. | Hour 12 am. 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30! p.m. Sunday and other, hours by ap-| | BEWING MACHINE---Singer, hand mia- l i chine. ! new. desired. Cash for quick sale. Nearly Can have electric attachment if Apply Box S-4, Whig Office. | pointment. Consultation free. | Y--Dr. W. Gordon, 182 Wellidg- | on street; upstairs. Consultation free, fours 9-12 51-5 ment lantic Avenue, Toronto, Ont Money to Loan §, and by appoint-| FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment | |" Society, incorporated 1361. President, | | PUDY 40 | tt i I SMOKER"S GI¥TS-- Ladies, you can shop just as freely in this store as you can in any department store. Any assistance we can give you will be a real pleasure.--Jack F. Elder. = = W. ¥. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A.| B. Cunnlugnam. Money issued on city | and farm properties; municipal and vounty debentures; mourigages pur- caused; savestment bonds ior sale; aa- pusits received and juterest dllowed. AL CC Cartwright, manager, oi Clarence Direel, kingston. 2nd. EP = SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Wellington glieet, corner of Jrock. Phone $46. KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 268 = Princess Street Fhoue 652iw. Open SPECIAL layer felt -- Special for this week --| mattresses, $9.50. Frontenac| Co. Phone 1961J Radio Equipm a pent RADIO Christmas that radi Canada It's but lio too early for Merry not too early to get All prices, all makes. Stores. evenings by appointment. 28¢. Wanted---1 0 Buy NINGIHIAM & SMITH -- Barristers Solicitors, 7% Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, PONY With exchange ix marl Street furs Apply | OLD GULD---Sllver, or False Teeth, for Ww. he Lyons, gston. * cash or cxchange. G. 244 Princess streel, Kim KC. eT es me Cyrii M. Smith. Wanted--Live Stock son street, lady's brown glove. Apply] GARAGE---For rent, close tu at Brandard Office. district. * Ro Telephone 1765M. LICENSE---Found, automobile, Westbrooke Owner may have at 8. M. Burts, Westbrooke, near | same | Business Services Business Services Offered 18 | | MOTOR LICENSE---Found, No, 197-099, | business! DAY Apply Box M-§, Whig Office. POULTRY~We want your poultry, live or dressed. Write tor price lists. Wal- ler's, spadina Ave., Toroute. Merchandise. AND REVELLE--Barristers and live Solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. LK. Day, Adrian Revelie. | Money to lvan. Phone 205. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A., Barrister and Solicitor. Law Ont corner of Kin PIANO--Wanted good used Upright Pi- ano for cash or exchange on new) piano or phonograp C. W. Lindsay, | Limited Prin 5 Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board 68 | and Brock, over Royal Bauk "Articles For Sale B51 | on William Street. Apply at Whig. | AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- ROSARY BEADS Found. on Brock| est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 Kiug Street. Owner may have same at the | Street. Fhone 8ivd or iisGw. Whig Office | RUBBER BOOTS--One pair: one pair| WELL DRILLING --- Sanitary water lady's shoes; left in motor car on Wel-| Wells, the oldest, the largest, the only Mngton greet by mistake. Please re-| sanitary well drillers in Frontenac turn to Whig Office or 270 Division| and Lennox and Addington. The Street. most modern equipment in America. For full Information write to ¥. J SUM OF MONEY Lest, on Saturday,| Garrison Co. Culebrook, Ont. between Hambrook's Bakery and 274] =~ wv - : Ladics' Hair Parior, 2ta Ontario street. Reward on return to! 274 Ontario Street. { LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS--- Bob- bed curls, switches, shampooing, singeing, curling, Ladies' and Chila- ren's hair cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, 5 Street, ningston, EE SS Hemstitching WOOLLEN GLOVES --Found, woman's, in Couneil Chamber, on Monday. Own- er may have same at 20 WORK BAG ack, n ¢ Brock Streets Finder please return] to 183 William Street and recclive re- war | PICOT EDGING Hemstitching, | Pleating, work guaranteed. Mrs Feild, 362 Barrie Street, near Princess | Street. Phone 2433), Successor to Mrs. Card. Carca:s, yearlings, lb, + ..22-25 16-20 25-43 20-25 30-32 18-20 .12-15 Hinds yearlings, 1b. Hinds, spring, Ib .. Forequarter, spring, 1h Lamb chops Mutton chops, Ib Mutton ,carcass, Poultry: Fowl, 1b .. Chickens, Ib | Insurance | J. B. COOKE Representing Imperial | Lite, London Fire and Globe Indem- | nity, Accident and Sickness. Phones: Ofticp 503w., Res. §42w. DOMINION LIFE Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager. | Office: 56 Brock Street. Telephone 68. 1b. .20-23 'ras 233-3 90-$1.50 | FIRE--Automoblie and Casualty Insur- A & so | nce. KE. M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. +. 75-31.50 | Phone 1782M. $1.50-32.50 | FIRE-- Automobile, Sickness and Ac- ++26-32 | "cident Insurance. Only reliable com- | nies represented. Call or phone, E. ws} Villlams, 2 Couper Street. ..B0-75 ..$2-82.50 | ve 4 | INSURANCE--Only the most reliable Ducks, cach Geese . Turkeys, 1b Hides, etc.: Deacon skins, each Horse hides . . Hides, 1b companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Stree ite Post Office. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ASHES Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2355. STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean and dry. Arply E. BE. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or Veal, skins, 1b. Wool, washed, Ib... .. .. Wool, unwashed, 1b .. | | | { i R-establishment of. the whipping post of old times as a punishment for burglacg is yrged by the boot ang shoe dealers of Montreal in a resolution which they telegraphed Saturday to the Quebec attorney- general. A woman bandid held up the cash. fer of the City Savin and Loan company, at Fosteria, Ohio., escap- ing with thirteen hundred dollars. Mrs. Paul Sawicki, found guilty of manslaughter, was sentenced to one and a half years in jall at the Dauphin, Man., assizes. A new commercial treaty between United States and Germany was signed Saturday at Washington. BRINGING UP FATHER Alry rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City St-rage, 3 206 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 98%w. T TORAGE-- To let. for automobiles, 3.60 per month. Furniture, etc. 196 ing Street, or phone 336. EE i asm Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 J. FLANAGAN--Painter, and Decorator. Phone 1433. Kingston 4 SIGN _PAINTING--J. 8. Robirson, rear 176 Bagot street. ' Paperhanger Estimates submitted. 247 Montreal Street, 23 | STORAGE---For furniture, clean, i) Usteopathy ANTIQUE CLOCK-- Very old, wooden works, case elaborately hand carved, BEDROOM -- Furnished, with electric light, on bathroom flat, All conveni-| ences. Apply 313 University Avenue or phone »o2w. in good werking order Can be seen OSTEOPATHY--X. T. Still graduates! at smith Bros. Jewelry Shop, or Drs. Robert and Edna Ashoroft, 204 Wanted---Rooms or Board King Street. rhooue 447 tur appoint-| phone _1436 b between 5 as > and 7. p mw oo" [ven be | AWNINGS -- Tents, Automooile Tents, | } Petervorvugh Canoes, life Saving | Cusalons, clags, Tarpaulins. FF. W,| Cooke, 210 Bagot Street. Phone 436. | Repairing FURNITURE FINISHING Call and see W. street. 1 20 | Of all kinds. Liriscoll, 23 goan| Phone 2968). { Aluminum, Pyrex and 3 gt Taylor & Hamil«| se Street. | BUY Your Unristnas | | ton's, 3 Ifa WANTED--By a college room and sitting room, phone, in vicinity of the Box Y-10, Whig Office. girl, a with use { University. | bed- | Real Estate For Rent | 74 | Apartinents and Fiats $ UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; wurk guaranteed. Cajl or drop &| | ecard W. J. uavine, 216 Bagut »treet. | White Wicker, lat- Would f to} BABY CARRIAGE est style, 1a spiendid condition seil cheap to quick buyer. Apply No. 4] Liergy SL. West. -------------------------- TERING--And general repaic- leave vraers at or drop a card BOBSDLEIG W. Harould ,104 Clergy direet. Draft a Superior tu Size. ; Fnone With patent coupling oupling arrangement is ail uthers. Medium team McNamee, 345 Alfred St. 2293w. PAIRING--All hand work. Rubber heels a specially; eliclent ser-| vice. "Adoil hamunsxi, corner Monte | | redl and Queen direets. | BRICK---Hara and soft, any quantity. 136s Le Ea I ~ | Apply EK. kK. Walthem, corner Birch| UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons uu Colungwood Streeas. Phone 615 or| made same day as ordered. Uphulster-| j3yij | ing at reasounabie prices. E. J. Good-| _ reread | ridge, 244 University Avenue. FPhone! L043¥. . foot. Cheap for cash if Apply Bex X-10, Whig i | UISE sold at once. Office. Tailoring and Pressing 30! APARTMENT --Four H EATED APARTMENT rooms, all con- venlences; hot water heatifig. Apply w B. White | unfurnished conveniences, Apply modern 1 Strect. Phone 143%J. Johnson ~ 8ix rooms, complete equipment; hardwood floors. Corner Barrie and Princess Streets. Apply I. Cohen & Co., Ontario Street. ree. UNIVERSITY APARTMENTS--261 Uni- versity Avenue, pear Johnson. Five and six roomed apartments. Well equipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street. Business Places For Kent 75 tt ------------------------------ CONCERTINAS--Organ size and tone § fold bellows, leather gussets | nickel keys Price $7.60 up. We in- vite you to come in and ijook, then | SUITS. AND OVERCOATS-- Made tol 2 your order, $30. Easy terms of pay-| ment. J. G. Patterson, | | LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on Kin Apply to Cunningham & Smith. § street 0.0.F. --formerly occupied by the 120 Johnson Street. | compare prices with mail order houses | EEE | --kwier 8 CIgAr Store, Employment | COME IN--And see our stock before] buying anywhere else Men's Over-| coats, Pea Jackets, Army Leather Help Wanted--Female I Houses for Rent 77 BRICK RESIDENCE--No. 390 Albert St. Unfurnished. Apply to Cunningham & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. Vests, Sheepskin Coats, etc. Special! ine for hunters. Bedford Cord kiding Breeches. bargalns in every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. {| COKE--$10 ton. 1-4 and % ton lots, 25c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, $12.00 cuble curd 'or sawed in one foot tengths, making 4 single cords at | | f | EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 { pleasant Home Work { DINING ROOM GIRL--Appiy Belmont | Dining Room. | weekly, way the making | socks on the fast, easily learned Auto! HOUSE--436 Division Street, six rooms, | HOUSE--Furnished, electric, gas and furnace, in goed condition, centrally | located. Apply H. B. Trotter, clo.| Trotter's Hardware, 345 Princess St. cellar, electric lights, guod yard Rent! $15.00. Apply { 434 Division street. $4.25, or half single cord $2.25, or ir} Knitter. Experience unnecessary; di 4 4 . split, $2.50--measured and delivered. tance Immaterial; positively no can-| . vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept, | Phone 2440W. 290 Wellington, corner 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. | | GOOD HARD COAL----$14.75, delivered. | | MAIDS--For dining room and wards.| Coke, $15. Both guaranteed satisfac- | Apply to housekeeper, Kingston Gen-| tory. Phone 1962). G. W. Richard- | eral Hospital | son, 197 William Street. rm MAKE MONEY AT HOME $15 to $80 paid weekly for your spare time writ. | ing show cards for us. No canvassing. | We instruct and supply you with work. | West-Angus Show Card Service, 17| Colborne Bid., Toronto. i Help Wanted--Male | lo-Day's Blunder __Corrected (See Illustration on IFage 14.) This is the jam caused by people mailing Christifips cards and letters | at the last minute. The mail gets | stacked higher than the heads of ths men sorting and some of it is torn and much of it is delayed. Mail early and avoid all this--eany in the day and early in the month, 10ST SOMETHING? ) | | carzxpan SALESMEN -- Wanted. | Apfly Wright Litho Co. d. .. London, Ont. py AND BRAM MEN Besin- ners - mon w sl tion ?). Tite Rallway, Box oa Whig Office. ~ | HOUSEHOLD goods ai exceptional b ins are advertised in the Classi Let a classi- HOUSE--Smalil briek, | HOUSE--At once, | on Princess St. | near Division Street; gas and electric, 2 fireplaces; all newly decorated. | Phone 951w. | | new, seven rooms, with large lot and barn on North Al- fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phone 1083m. 51 Real Estate For Rent Houses For Rent 5 HOUSES-- Two, on Charles Street lectrie light and gag for cooking. ply | A Ap- - ¥. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. TO LET--6 roomed house, west end, near Union, newly decorated, electric light, gas, furnace. Immediate pos- session. Apply Box L-27, Whig Of- fice. or phone >66w. 8 SYDE son St session, Street. NHAM STREET--Corner John ot, furnished. Immediate pos- Apply H. J. Ryan, 8 King Phone 259 318 EARL STREET--7 rooms, furnish ed, rent reasonable for winter months. Apply at 31y Earl Street, or phone bd . Farms and Lands For Sale 83 FOR BALE OR WILL EXCHANGE-- For Ontario preperty, 240 acre farm ip Carman aiswict, Manitoba, one half under crop; trame buildings; im- * mediate possession. Chas. R. Webster, _33 Brock Street, Kingston. Houses For Sale 84 DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE--Princess 8st, half minute from car line, 3 bedrooms and bathroom in each, electric and gas, good renters. $5750 for both, oy * $4,000 singly. No agents. Apply Box r-15, Whig Office. E. W. MULLIN Real Estate and insurance Broker, Johnson and Division Streets Phone 538w. See advt. Page 2. SOLID BRICK HOUSE--- Seven rooms, all improvements; garage for two cars; best locality in city; also build- ing lot adjoining; will sell with house or either separately. Apply Box O-28, Whig Ofrice 1 Double . Brick bouse, all improvements, Barrie Street--3$6,600, Double Rough Cast, lights, Bath and Toilet, garage. York BStreet---§3,000. Brick house, Mghts, B. and T. and barn, Stephen Sureet---§3,500. Brick house, Frontenac Street, all im« provements, garage--3$5,000. Brick House, Mack Street, all improve« ments--§4,300. Frame house, Barrie street, provements, garage--§$3,600. Frame Bungalow, Chatham lights, B. and T.--$2,800, Many other good homes to choose from, M. B. TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 1543). all ime street, | HOUSE AND LOT--Barl Street, well 10= cated, alone $1300. is Easy terms. The lot worth more than the price. Must be sold. Come in and see my iist ot other bargains. Apartments and houses to let H. B. WILSON, REALTOR, Office removed to 337 Barrie Street, * Oppostie Y.M.CA. Phone 1710." SEE---Bateman's large Real Estate ad- vertisement, puge s, column 1. ESE'S RESIDENCE---=Two lots, bus- iness, also stock of frames, pictures, etc, frames und photog made to ors der. All prices reuuced. Weese Store, HOUBE--S8mall or medium sized, for quick sale. Also a few cheap lots. J. I. Cunningham, real estate agent, 19 clarence street. BUSINESS SSNMVICH W, Kent Macnee Bank of Commerce Butidi Broek and King Streets. Phone 701 or 36m. General Insurance Agency. Writing:---~Automobile, Fire, dent, Sickness, Plate Glass, Bur, etc. Represeniing enly reliable panies. cole Elary ocom- MuMUCHANDISK Cook Stoves With snd without tanks. Also Square Heaters. Real cheap, Ate J. Turk's PHONE 705. EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Gasoline and steam operated centrifugal Pumps, both for sale and for rental. All kinds of machinéry re- paired, Boats and engines built tp or- der. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. East End, Wellington Street. CLASSIFIED Opportunities is ane anther name for classified advertising, WHY NOT USE COKE? Domestic Nut Coke. impurities. Hotter than coal; goes as far. $14.50 per ton.' Fine for the Quebec James Swift & Foot ot johnson Street Good, clean fuel; no Heater. Co., Limited fled Ads. fied ad fnd it SEE LOCK | HAD BUT JUST STER.CUTOIDE ShCw How ha) » $\\ el ogy hee - Wa T --_---- Ee --

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