Prices Are Drastically Lower For Such Perfectly Made Quality Furs . Buy with confidence these luxurious Fur Coats made from the finest skins. Genuine Hudson Seal $250 to $400 Genuine Persian Lamb $240 to $400 Plucked Beaver $275 to $425 French Electric Seal ..$ 85 to $150 Muskrat .... Silver Raccoon Marmot .... $ 75 to $100 Men's Alaska Beaver Coat splendidly made and lined. Special at $85.00 | shop, admitted violating a by-law, THE DAILY BRITISH | Brief 'Items of Int Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. Fis wamtoem tad nabibede ed Water did not freeze last night! Mr. Swain, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, 'phone 564w. Four more lake steamers arrived here on Friday and went into wint- er quarters. The anti-church unionists ° are planning to hold another mass meet- ing in Kingston. = Cooke's Churth anniversary Dec. 9th. Rev. R. M. HamiWon, Brock- ville. Inspiring sermons, bright | music. Come. | At the Hastings county council a i request was made from the superin- | | tendent of Hotel Dieu, Kingston, { | [asking for a grant of $1,000 to assist | | in making improvements to that in- | | sttuation. The council took no ae- tion. The Y.M.C.A. workers of Beile- | ville, who visited Kingston on Wed- | nesday night, returned there, the On- | tario says: Genuinely Impressed | with the fact that Kingston Y. M. C. | A. directors and workers are great | fellows, and that more intercity | visitations of a like kind would be a good thing. |VIOLATED A BY-LAW; FINED IN POLICE COURT | Second-hand i Dealer Did Not Keep Goods Two Days Before Sale. By-laws regarding sales in second- | hand shops must be observed. Mrs. Circle, who conducts a second-hand | when arraigned before SNigirite | Farrell, in the police court on Fri- | day morning, and was fined $10 and | LOCAL NEWS. | | lections."" | visit to the school room of the First | laughter he provoked by the whole- | and '"Ever-ready" classes. 1 shall sang Scotch songs that capti- v FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1988. x | WATCH FOR THIS | To-morrow the first of the "Re- | colle€tions of a Private Secretary" | will appear in the Whig. Ifas already been called to this series | can Only SEY, OR INO eve of the appearamece of the first one; | sud wo that our readers should find them ex- ceedingly 'worth while. In the rush of world evenis we | are prone to forget our own na-| tional affairs and to give little thought to the lives of the men who shape the destinies of our country.' Yet there are few of us who have | not wondered occasionally how poli- | tical leaders and national figures live when out of the limelight. On these matters J. Lambert Payne enlightens us in his "Recol- Forty years behind the scenes With the country's strongest men should be sufficient foundation for fine work. You will enjoy Mr. Payne's skétches. "DEACON DUBBS." A Little Play Presented in First Baptist Hall. "Deacon Dubbs" was in town, but he didn't hold a protracted meeting. The only protracted thing about his Baptist church last night was the some fun provided by the deacon and his friends, who in their real charac- ters are members of the "Sunshine" Every part of the dialogue was well interpreted, amd intelligently presented. The costumes and scen- ery were striking and unique, show- ing? much skill and originality on | the part of the young people. During intermission, James Mar- vated the audience, and M. B. White gave two very enjoyable readings. The tidy sum realized by the Sun- EE ------ Attention Prices on Ladies' Coats vary accord- ing to the length and how the Coats are trimmed with contrast- ing Fur, Our Special Remodelling and Re- pair Department will give you ef- ficent service and prompt delivery. Write for Catalogue. | shine Class, under whose, auspices in jail. | the entertainment was givéz, will be A second-hand dealer is re juired | devoted to some worthy church ac- to keep a sult of clothes two days | tivity. costs, with the option of fifteen days | after receiving it before making a | gale, but Mrs. Circle did not do this. Mrs. Circle 'claimed that it was all a mistake--that the suit had been sold by a girl she had left in charge of her shop--hbut the court could not take this as an excuse, as being | the owner of the shop, she is the A Husband Her Reward. 'Wins Dan Caswell's love and| maybe a fortune hecause she re- fused to be a "gold digger" Sun- day's® Detroit Free Press. q "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" |§ MOORE'S TOYLAND A land of Dolls--a land of Toys-+a land that echoes and re-echoes with shouts of childish laughter--that's MOORE'S CHRISTMAS SHOW --it's really Santa's pack crammed to overflowing with all the things that make little people happy. Here are a few suggestions for some- body's stocking: - Dolls, Carriages, Sleighs, Trioycles, Games, Kindergarten Sets, Dolis galore, Mechanical Toys. "Christmas Cards and Decoration." MOORE'S TOYLAND SUGGESTIONS FOR CHRISTMAS ATTRACTIVELY PRICED SATURDAY SILK DRESSES $12.95 18 only, Silk and Crepe Dresses, in smart, ; -- pretty shades of Brown, Green, Navy a and Coy. Miner Vo o- men's sizes. Regular price $25. 00. . . Saturday Sale Price $12.95 NEW SPORT SKIRTS, $4.95 Plaid and Stripe Skirts with box or side pleats, finished Pretty shades of Brown and Copen, Fawn DL Rrishe: Tae i Brown, and Rose. ..... cies reeen. Saturday $4.95 SILK and WooLY HOSE, $1 Silk and Wool Hose with Drop Stitch and plain knitted. Colors Brown and White, B Blue, Black and White & 29+ 'Special ......... §1:25 pair" NEW SILK UNDERWEAR Including Camisoles, Teddies; Gowns, Boudoir Caps. Priced 785¢. to $10. 00 each. Blouses in Crepe, Velvet, Dimity or Voiles . .. $1.50 to $16.50 . . 98¢. to $6.50 party responsible. DO YOUR * CHRISTMAS BUYING EARLY TO APPEAL IN PERSON. Miss Margery Wilson Coming to The Grand. M. S. Bernstein, business manager Yor Miss Margery Wilson, who will appear in person, with her picture, "Insipuation," at the Grand Opera House on December 24th, 25th and 26th, is in the city. Miss Wilson, who was formerly leading lady with 'Douglas Fair- banks, William S. Hart, Charles Ray, and many other stars, will'have the honor of being" appear in person at a local theatre. It is of interest to note that Miss Wilson wrote the story for "Insinua- tion" and produced the picture, which has scored a great success wherever it has been shown. Movie tans will remember her part as Brown Eyes, in Griffith's production of "Intolerance." Miss Wilson has selected Kingston as her first place of showing in On- tario. She is a very clever speaker, and in her visit to Kingston, the patrons of the Grand are assured ¢ a rare treat. At many of the places she has visited, Miss Wilson has addressed meetings of Rotary and Kiwanis clubs. HEATHER HOSE, 95c. Heather Hose in plain and fancy ribbed and clocked--all the new shades. All sizes. Special . . . 95¢. a pair ek REY ALERT RR FRIRREITL CPTI ARETTE RET EET EL A ET STN TSR au Fe EES THE IDEAL GIFT Furs make an ideal Christ. Tes You Save The | Difference Isiand Roll Butter, per 1b. 87c. Sweet Navel Oranges, pk..70c. Seedless Raisins . . .8 Ibs. 40c. What Can I Give 11 There is no part of the Eng- 'lish language that will be Ji _ harder worked between -now J and Christmas day. | Have you visited our store | and seen the Kodaks, Ivory, Stationery and Toflet Goods "displays. Let us help you solve that? | MAHOOD Drug Co. Ltd. snide son. Where you buy is as im- portant as what you buy, so choose carefully. Wé have been making and selling furs for nearly fifty years. We buy our pelts direct from the trappers, and choosing is easy in a large, magnificent stock like we carry. Whether it be a Coat," Cape, Scarf or Muff or any- thing in Fine Furs you can best Underskirts in Taffetine and Sating s.......5.... Bloomers ul es Winter weight Silk Knit Gloves--wool lined . ua 100 pai Winter weight Lined Silk Gloves . . $2.00 pair Corduroy Kimonas, very special . ...... ...... . +. $5.50 Heavy Beacon Blanket Bathrobes. $5.95 to $10.50 Crepe Kimonas, dainty styles .............. $2.50 to $7.50 each Newman & Shaw THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE ' "se essa "sen ®ve see esas Fancy Cleaned Currants, 1b. 17¢ Choice Large Prunes 2 lbs 20c. New pack Rolled Oats 6 lbs 258 Pastry Flour (7 Ib. bag) 20¢. 4 1h pail Ras. and Apple Demand Penalties For Fraud. The U. F. O. convention will deal with a resolution demanding the proper marking of woollen ma~ terials offered for sale in stores. The resolution reads: "Resolved that all woollen ma- terials and knitted goods manufact- ured, imported or offered for sale in Canada be marked when so. offer- ed for sale, so as to show the actual percentage of virgin wopl in such materials and knitted goods; and be it further resolved that adequate penalty be provided for failure or refustl to mark materials and goods and for fraudulent marking of ma- terials and goods." * ------------ Indoor Baseball "RB" Battery upset all the dope which had been given out by\the baseball experts, by beating the (ith Hussars by the score of 16-14 ih a thrilling game in the armouries last evening. Although the game was very lose at periods, both teams played good ball and kept the spec- tators in a state of excitement throughout. The second game "A" Battery versus No. 3 Battery was a one- sided game No. 3 ttery winning by the score 26-8. "A" Battery play-. od a good game, but could mot hit the No. 3 Battery pitcher. It Is now conceded that No. 3 Battery will be one of the leading teams in "B' Group. St. John's Lodge Offic "ow EAR BR EEN CE he Try + vey ge To The Editor Explanation of Letter Carriers. Kingston, Dec. 7--(To the Edi- tor): We noticed in your paper of Wednesday that the letter carriers came in for considerable discussion at the council meeting on Tuesday evening, ,We feel that we should make some explanations so that the public 'will not think we are block- ing anything. Our time to report for duty is 6.30 |} a.m., but if the alderman will take |» the trouble to visit the post office av 6,am, he will find the majority of the carriers there routeing up their routes so that they can be out promptly at 7:30 a.m. so as to give REAL ESTATE BUYING ---- SELLING -- RENTING $1,800--Brock Street (central), detached, roughcast. $8,100----Brock Street, detached frame, deep lot. $3,500~--King Street West, detached stone. $38,900--Alfred Street, semi-brick dwelling. $5,000--Victoria Street, new brick dwelling with garage. $5,000--University Avenue, detached brick dwelling. MULLIN . Houses for rent. Fire Insurance. Cor. Johnson and Division Streets, Telephone 539%w and 5393. The joy of Christmas bell (6)s can be heard in our Millinery Department, where we are sell- ing Hats for Ladies at Half Price, Trimmed Hats including the very newest 'winter crea- tions at $3.75 to $8.75. er Tailored Hats on sale at $2.75 to $3.75 Sport Hats Mostly in Felt and Velour. Ideal for now --$1.75't0 $4.75 # Days More. for. Shopping i [FREER Sep Set a £3 SALE OF LADIES' HITS FROM THE DUMBELLS + THREE FOR ONE DOLLAR, POSTPAID Winter Will Come It's Canada, the Land For Me Come Back Old Pal PIRATY 911 Artis Tree streets at 10:30 a.m, and then rides y in on the street car, ft would be 10.40 a.m. when he would arrive sw. 3 ©. Alien; 3.W., i Peters; chaplain, W.B:, Rev. T.|| | Austin smien: tress, W.B., 0. W. } a well : Knows resident of Gien Elbe, passed EE i A