Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1923, p. 5

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~~ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1023 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Builder from Childhood to Old Age 4 2% DELCO- LIGHT | The complete Klectric Light and Power plant for every couniry home, W.C. CANNON 164 DARRIE STHERT Phone 1130J. REALESTATE GENERAL INSURANCE .Reljable English, Canadian and} American Companies represented. | | Guarantee Bonds. | Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell | Phones Hau-506G, »6 Bruck St. Pe THOMAS COPLEY | Carpenter. Phone 987. us for all kinds wt Carpentry' Yee floors work. Estimates given on new laid. Have your anrdwoud floors viean- ed with our pew flyer cleanivg me. PIANO TUNING Piano . Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman ii. . Butcher, 27 Pive Street PHONE 134. DR. A. W.WINNETT DENTAL sURGRUN, | ui duimsou and Wellington | Phon»s 864% | Corner Streets For Moving of REIGHT, VURNITURE, SAFES, ri. DD. CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIFTION Kingston Transfer Co. 7. vemngs L131. iss WeLL INGTON STREET, Dental Surgeon DR. J. LC. W. BROOM LDS, D.D.S. Welllugton and Breck Streets. Entrance, 150 Wellington 5g, Evening by Sphuintment. FHON WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants dally. runeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order, Phone 1763. Residence, 118%. Brrr -------------- W.R McRae & Go : | ONG, [o. a N "n TH Phen I. on other wa$ in which any one could get as good ccal as we sell for lesg money, and that wouldn't be a safe way. We sell good, sound, clean, sat, isfactory coal. | We give full weight, charge | the jowesl possible price, and de- liver promptly and carefully. t you buy Jour next ton of || us, you'll *:. for one { thing--that ou dian begin to | putronize us long ago. | i | BOOTH & CO. "Phone 138 Grove lun Yards Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec caters for sale. I. Cohen & Co. ¥6T-590 LVITAMU STREL, PHONES 83¢ and 837, | stimulate the sluggish His Sluggish Liver Made Him Feel Drowsy and Tired All the Time When your liver becomes sluggish and pastive your whole health sett ck to es right is to RT a i Hver right. This you can do by the use of Mil- burn's Laxa-Liver Pills as they will liver, clean waste and poisonous mat- ter from the system, and prevent, as well as relieve, all complications arfeing from a liver that has be come inuetive » Mr. Hazel N Ein 4: away all East Florenceville: had been troubled Na my liver atid felt drowsy and tired all the time, and was unable * do my work with any comfort. took your Milburn"s Laxa-Liver Hae and to-day I am a different man, and would not be without them in the | house." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 26¢. , a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct | on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Toronto, Ont. a COLDS GRIP Fortify the system against Colds, Grip and Influenza by taking which destroy germs, act as a tonic laxative, and keep the sys- tem in condition to throw off all attacks of Colds, Grip and Influenza. The box bears this signature GC.) yore . Price 30c. Made in Canada W.H. HALL & SON High 'Class Groceries and Provisions. NEW FRUITS FOR CHRISTMAS New Peel. . New Raisins. New Currants. New Table Raisins. Christmas Spices. Prompt delivery. Phone 645. i aa GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machtues, Phonographs, Guns, Nifles repaired and refitted, Parts supplied. Saws Aled, halves, scissors and edge tecls ground. Locks re red. Keys fitted to all kinds of lochs. All manes uf Lawn mowers sharpeucd and re- paired. We can repair anyihing (ant us repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Siveet, Kingston Phone 2086J. SMITH'S Barrie and Colborne, Strects JELLY SEASON IS NOW ON | We have Hornes' Celebrated Nu-Jell, 3 pkgs. assorted flavors for . Corn Starch | Prunes--Ilarge, juicy ... . 28c¢. .2 Ibs. 25c. | New Secdles Raisins | Sun-Maid, in 13 oz. pkgs. Currants, double cleaned . Apricots, new, tender . . .. Shredded Wheat | Corn Flakes Thistle Brand Baking Powder 28c¢ 1b. Mountain Blend Coffee 90 cups----per pound 40c¢. Fresh Sausage, nade daily . . 15c¢. Ib. We keep a good supply of Ham. brook's Pastry at all times. Phone 18317--"We Deliver" Dominion Meat Store Op. YMCA. Phones 1876-1877 SATURDAY'S SPECIALS Red Salmon (large) .....24c rena ss ole 100 Te ven wena 11Ge .13¢. "ee es Bn "use of tobacco by the EE yy = a KINGSTON anp VICINITY sre EL ER One lex 20 Brockville on Monday, to take in the forty hours devotion Trancis Xavier church at St Forbid Use of Tobacco. Arngprior Board of passed a re=olution forbidding pupils they are under the jurisdiction of teachers, Education ' =8 the while Lhe + Bale of Bouys' Overcoats, Most sensational value ever of- fered in boys' overcoats at $10.50. The regular prices of these overcoats were $15, $16 and $17.50; 'ages from 10 to 15 years) Prevost, Brock | street. Spent Two Terms In Prison, Fingerprints taken of Edward I'earson. Marsden, under | Cornwall, for the theft of a car, | show that he was on two occasions | sentenced to terms in the Ports- | mouth penitentiary. Purchased Property. Miss Alice Pelo, Gananoque, has purchased the property on the head ol Tremont Park nier. A large style, erected by the ie on the property. cottage, bungalow late Col. Drury -------------------- Located at Athens, Rev. Mr. Upham, Whiting, near Toronto, has accepted the call of {the Athens, Plum Hollow and Toledo {Baptist churches, - as pastor, and | [with his family "is in in. the Baptist pareonage. Pembroke Votes for Bridge. Jy a majority of 179 municipal electors in the voted in favor of a money by-law to raise by way of loan the sum $75,000 for the purpose of * con- structing a bridge over the Muskrat | 'River at Mary street, Death of Iraiah Tubbs, On Nov. 8th, Isaiah Tubbs pas- sed away at Picton. Mr, been in faillag 'health time. gon of the late Hiram Tubbs, for some | Picton, He was a strong and a Methodist all his life, and for | !a number of years was superinten- {dent of the West Lake Methodist | | The simplest way toend a corn i8 Blue-jay. Stops the pain in- stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in clear. liquid and in thin plasters. The @ction is the same. :rAtyourdruggit iF KIDNEYS BOTHER TRY DOSE OF SALTS Hurts or Bladder Troubles, | Drink Quart of Water if Your Back | | No man or woman can make a mis- {take by flushing the kidbeys opca- | stonally, says a well-known authors {1ty. Too much rich food creates arrest. at | from Prof. Tour-! residence | town of Pémbroke | of | Tubbs had | The deceased was the eldest | West | Lake, at which place hé was born. | For several years he had resided In | Liberal | rise S-- CEN part | To Enforce O.T.A, Better Among the resolutions to be con- | | Mrs. J. Harry Adams phssed away | sidered by the U.F¥.O. convention lin Toronto is one passed by the U. F.W.0, placing the ciuvs on record as being in favor of a more rigid enforcement of the Ontario Temper- | anco Act, Purchased Property Gerald Ferguson ha purchases the Bovay farm on the fouth shore {of Consecon Lake, and will take | possession in the near future. 'This | property is very conveniently situat. ed, joining as it does the Hillcrest! | Farm, the two combined making a most desirable estate. | ! | Gifts to Departing Friends. | A very pleasing event oocurred {when about sixty persons assembled at the home of Peter Collier, South Bay. After an hour or so spént ivisiting, Mr. and Mrs ColHer were {called and an address; 'Fead and {presentation made. 'The address was read by Stephen Dulmage and {Mrs. A. M. Clarke presented the gift, an electric lamp *u | $85,000 Was Realized. The representative of the Ontario department of agriculture in Lennox and Addington writes ment. Twelve cars of dressed poul-| try, containing approximately 1101 | tons were shipped from Napanee on | | turkey fair days, Wednesday anc | Thursday of last week. The value ot | the poultry amount:d to approxi-| { mately $85,000. | and | A number of business men' l have | | jclub women of Belleville endorsed the suggestion of Maj- lor D. T. McManus that $10,- 1000 be expended on a foldiers' mem- oria] monument. Col. S..8. Lazier {will add $1,000 to the $2,000 fund |which remained in the treasury of {the Lad!e:' Patriotic Society when {the war ended and to be used for monument purposes Oldest Barber in Canada Trenton claim; to have In Louis 'H. LaFrance the oldest barber In {Canada. Born in Quebec on June 23rd, 1842, he served his appren- ticeship in Montreal and after ten lyears went to Ottawa. After four | vears there he went to Collingwood. where he barbered for ten years, {then went to Winnipeg, finally set- [ting down in Trenton forty years lago, where he is highly esteemed. { Despite his 81 years, Mr. LaFrance, | Three Minute Journeys itor The Englich Named Continent. } al Cities. | In journeying about Europe Am. lericans are frequently surprised to |find that the names of many of the principal cities are totally gifferent |trom the names taught in our (schools. It would be supposed | that the natives of a country or a city had a right to name their nat ive places, tnd that their pames | would be the right ones. It is due Ito the liberties taken by English- speaking peoples that we hardly |know a great European city by iw {proper name. . Of course all Amer- |icans know that the i'rench ignores [the fact that they live in"Raris and {insist on living in Paree, t that lis only a matter of pronunciation. |Yet the Bavarians never heard of a city called Munich, being fénd of a capital called Muenchen. And the {Austrians are impudent enough to the depart- | 1st Suppor. of Memorial Scheme. | ito. asks the committee in that they sluggishly filter' or strain | deny the existense of Vienna. The only part of the waste and poisons capital of that unfortunate country from the blood. Then you get sick. Rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, constipation, dizziness, sleeplessness. bladder dis- orders often come from sluggish kid- neys. The moment you feel a dull ache in | the kidneys or your back hurts, or if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, irregular of passage, or at- tended by a sensation of scalding, be- gin to drink soft water in quantities; also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoonful in a glass © water before breakfast for a few nye and your kidneys may thea act ne This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for years to help flush' clogged kid- neys and stimulate them to activity, also to help neutralize the acids in the system so they no longer cause irritation, thus often relieving blad- der disorders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not.injure; makes a delightful effer- vescent lithia-water drink, which everyone can take now and then to help keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby often preventing serious kidney complications. By all Then have your physician examine eys at least twice a year. _ Livorno, "los Angeles is where peopie 2 into ths movies. to" find something to do until they i! is Wien. When we got to tlaly we find the {English equally intolerant of Italian |names for their own cities. Try tu |find Leghorn on the continent of { urope, There is a big seaport fkown as Livorno, and it is there {that the Leghorn hats come from. {Naples doesn't exist either, but | Napoli does. And Florence is a fig- !ment of the English imagination, | Firenze is the place they have in mind. Warsaw Vasovia is the capital, How would American feel if the English called New York, Yump town; Boston, Beanwich, Chicago, Porkville, etc.? That is the way the Cont:nentals regard the English system of renaming all their cities to suit themselves. The total inability of the English to pronounce foreign names is the explanation of the practise. ~~ They simply come as near lo a foreign pronunciation as they can manage, and then spell the the way they misprondunce it; hénce Vienna for Wien, Munich for Muenchen, Florence for Firenze, Leghorn for Warsaw for ~~ Vasovia, Naples for NapoM and so on. The system grew from the prac tice of the English two or three cen turies ago of sending their som to make the Grand Tour, so call ed. This t thal a conmstam stream of English gentlemen, total ly ignorant of the languages an: of Continental countrie:, a ETT any, France and aly. Wher same to the names of town. they pronsuticed and is another 'Anglicism. -name of Poland's *° AF irr a Cut i ht EARS Sls ever, | | Death of Mrs. J. H. Adams, Perth. at the family home in Perth, on Nov. 25th, after an illness of over a year with anaemia and heart trou- | woman , of lovely | She was a admirable be greatly name was ble. character and tion and will i Her maiden disposi- missed North Elmsley, a | daughter: of the late Alexander | Dudgeon. Deceased is survived | by her husband, | daughters--Messrs. Harry, De- | troit, Fred A., Perth, and Misses { Evelyn D. and Hilda E. at home. S80 at Canadian Pacific. City Ticket Office; 186 | ton street, rivals of their steamships: Montlaurier, from Quebec, | Liverpool, Dec. 5th. | Montealm, from | St. John, Dec. Sth. | Montslare, from Liverpool, ! ed St. John, Dec. 1st ! Montrose, from Montreal, Liverpool, Dec. 1st. Minnedosa, from rived Cherbourg, Southampton and Liverpool, arriv- Montreal, r- Nov. 30th Antwerp, Dec. Metagama, from Montreal, arrive ed Belfast and Glasgow, Nov. 30th. Marloch, from Glasgow, due St. | John. Dec. 10th, Empress of Canada, { Kong, afrived Vancouver, Dec. 3rd. Empress of Asia, from Vancouver, due Yokohama, Dec. 11th and Hong | Kong, Dec. 18th. Wants to Hear of Descendants. The landing of the 1784 United Loyalists is to be mext year at Belleville and other points along the Bay of Quinte, and will attract descendants of those pioneer: from every portion of Am- erica. being arranged for them din fitting manner, B. M. Wylie, Toron- charge ito make place also for those Loy- 'alists who preceded then In 1776, among whom wei: "my great- grand- tather, Solomon Huff, and his broth- er, Pau Huff. My grandfather, Richard Huff, was three years old when his father settled at Adolphus- town, in 1777 and from him I learn- ed the traditional history Pligrim Fathers as nursery tales he delighted in rehearsing. desirous of having communication with descendants of Paul Huff." nnd the diaries that all of them kept religiously. than no is often Half a loaf's better bread, but half the truth worse than a whole lie. IF CONSTIPATED, SICK, BILIOUS Harmless Laxative for the Liver and Bowels Feel fine! No griping or incon- venience follows a gentle liver and bowel cleansing with '"'Cascarets." Sick Headache, Billousness, Gases, Indigestion, and all such distress gone by morning. For men. Women apd Children--10c. boxes, also 25 and 50c. sizes, any drug store. Sterling Toilet Sets FOR CHRISTMAS What would look more | beautiful on her Boudoir Table than a pretty Three- Plece Tollet Set, Mirror, Brush and Comb in sterling Silver with: engraved and | engine turned designs, and |] since they are open stock patterns, other pieces may ] be added to them at any i} time: These sets are heavy and made for service. i | | { Priced from $35.00 to MRE gare Elizabeth ! Yudgeon, and she was bora-54 years | two sons and two | Welling- | report the following ar- | dus | due arrived | and | from Hong-| commemorated | But while an anniversary $s | such | of the | I am very | SENT Be TY MEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. = Cloth line at $3.50. Phone 231]. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. Fall Footwear See our line of Men's Fall Shoes--they are the : best yet. Priced at $9.50, $8, $7 and on down to $5.00. We have a large line of Men's Spats at $3.50 down to $1.50. - See our English Spat Storm Sash and os fing . Made to your order. bre Sow oka Fld aR aa whew JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE 70 Brock Street {Something New at Last; Hold-up Men Use Buggy Hastings, Dec.. 5.--While on his { way to Roseneath on Saturday even- ing, after selling a load of grain to | merchants here, W. Carew was over- | 'taken by two men with a horse and buggy on the Cobourg road. Both men left the vehicle, one attacking Mr. Carew in the wagon, while the other held the horses" heads. Mr. Carew, having a broom in the wag- tention. opportunity of escaping. away, The holdup men took this A book is a living voice. It is a spirit walking on the face of earth. It continues to be the living thought of a person separated from us by space and time. monuments crumble into dust -----what remains and survives is hu- man thought. It is unjust for any one to be judge in his own cause the Men pass os { on, took it and managed to lay out the one man by hitting him over the head. At this time the horses took fright and bolted, so that Mr. Carew had to give them all his. at- Abbe | meme SAL Lr Hardwood SOFT WOOD AND SLABS KENNY & FALLON 187-141 CLERGY STREET ABSOLUTELY DRY ~--Alg0~-- PHONE 687. J. P. EVES wishes to announce that he is resum- ing business at his new store-- 171 Raglan Rd. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st. carrying a full line of Groceries and Western Meat. Telephone 1378w. P. C. LAWSON FLORIST Funeral designing and Wed- ding work our specialty. Corner of Brock and Welling: ton Streets. TELEPHONE 770. ALASKA SEAL HUDSON SEAL PERSIAN LAMB GOURDIER'S Phone 700 i OVERCOATS EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT 525 +28 +30 332 and *35 The season's latest mod-ls for Men and Young Men. See our extra Trousers Suits at _$28.00 XB i TE ER ah did x

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