Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Dec 1923, p. 1

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%% Veregin, JN NOW PLAYING POLA NEGRI in "THE SPANISH DANCER" Daily British Whig ALLEN THURS. FRI, SAT. "THE NET" With an" All-Star Cafe, YEAR Team 'No. 28 KINGSTON, UNTARIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1023 LAST EDITION. NEW FRENCH BIRTH PLAN A Senator Prestil Bill in France's Upper House. SENATE NOT 10 | 10 PRONOUNCE "On Bil Til Each Member, Has lime to Have Three Children. b.~~Concorned at tho Senator Parts, Dec. deficient French birth rate, Meassabau has introduced a bill pro-| viding that no man cap be elected to public office unless he has ieast three children of his own or adopted. The effect of the proposed | law would be to make such men ie | Poincare, Artistide Briand, | Rene Viviani and Louis Barthou in- | Premier public service even as in the smallest town- eligible for select men ship, 'We have been taken unaware,' sald Senator Labrousse wunen the measure was introduced in the sen- ior house of parliament. "I move that we only pronounce on this bill when each of us shall have had time to have three children." The majority of the senators "greed. To Reward the Germans, Paris, Dee. §.--Troops occupying the Ruhr are gradually to be con- centrated In camps outside the city, it was explained by the French Bov-. ernment officials today The ' de- sign is to make the occupation less burdensome and irritating to the Germans, in reward for their appar. ent disposition to abandon their hos- tility toward occupation and to co. operate with the Allled regime. There is no idea of evacuating Ruhr at present: Barges for Toronto. London, Dec. 6.--John McGovern, managing director of the Furness Shipbuliding Co., of Middlesboro, returned Bogiana from; Canada , securing orders for the construction of two steamers of 2,600 tons depd- weight for the Canada Steamships, Lid., lines, and five oil-carrying '*=qes for the Imperial Ol Co.,.To- ------------------ fof Comes to Prison. 3 \. Dec. 5.--Two years in h penitentiary was the imposed by Magistrate A /ohn Miller, who with his Al the theft of nineteen \lued at some $5,000 departmental 3 r -- Trial of Grain Stealing Case Involves a Question of + Right. Sask., Dec. 6.--Action Which may mean the breaking up of the Doukhobor community was taken today when Simon Ghorkot, member of the sect, was arraigned on a charge of stealing grain frem the community. Simon, his father and two brothers are charged with theft oun the ground that they held their own crop and kept the money instead of turning it over to the community. The whole argument is 2 question of right. and observers ay it will decide the fate of the community. LL HELP CONVINCE INTENDING IMMIGRANTS | Canadian Government to Ad- vertise Testimony Before U.8. Tariff Commission. . Dec. 5.--The it was report- the recent tari hear- D.C roment, will have Washington, | Canadian gove | ed here to-day, | testimony in the wheat ng before the tariff commission | printed and will circulate it widely Lin the interest of increased Immigra- tion the farm lands of wesiern Canada Representative nesota, and other j sesking to promote the cause of higher wheat tariff, made such i strong showing as to the capacity o | the agricultural regions of western Canada to produce wheat at a low cost that Canadian government of- | ficials, it is stated, will be valuable in io Anderson of Min. witnesses, convinelng in- | in Canada « i at t Lack of Apprentices Menaces Labor Unions in Great Britain london, Dec. 5.--Trade Unionism is récognizing the fact-that the de- cline of the "apprenticeship system is threatening the existence of- the craft unions .in this country In- dustrial recruits are so scarce that ® national campaign 18 to be under- taken by the Federation of Build- ing Trades Operatives to revive the system. we: It has 'been emphasized that cas- ual laber is replacing skilled artl- sans in the labor market, and while Britain's most efficient craftsmen are said to be finding jobs in the United States and dominions, the supply of trained labor for Britain is being stopped at the source. PREPARING 10 RECEIVE MILITARY PATIENTS The Mowat Hospital Has Done Splendid Work for Sick Veterans. ---- The Mowat Sanatorium, Ports- mouth, is preparing to receive all of the military patients now under treatment at St. Agathe, Que. The Whig made the announcement Tues- day ot.the decision to transfer ail learned that the reason for the change is that the Quebec govern- rieht fs 'tdking 'over ' thé "thanage- ment of the St. Agathe sanatorium, but before doing so, it has asked the Dominion" government to = re- mave all military cases to a federal institution. St. Agethe will have tp make pravisipn for gil applicants in the province of Quebec, hence the necessity for the removal of patients not residents of that pro- vince. The' MoWwat sanatorium, Kingston, has done excellent work for the military patients under the direction of Dr. Bruce Hopkins and his splendid staff. A Supplementary Assessment. Toronto, Dec. 5.--City Solicitor Proctor upholds City Assessment Commissioner Vedle's action in mak- ing a supplementary assessment on 1922 incomes in the some 2.400 cases where the commissioner has found that the returns on which the 1922 assessment was based were under the actual incomes of the assessed. Mr. Proctor has advised | the Board of Control that it was not optional with the assessment com- missioner to make or not to make the assessment. It was his duty te make il, he says. under the 1922 amendment to the Ontario Assess- ment Act Maurice Barres Dead, Paris, Dec. 5.--Maurice Barres, French novelist and politician. is dead. He was born in 1862 and was an exponent of individualism fn literature ~u4 politics. Premier King has accepted the eral Association to attend a ban- quet in Toronto on Dec. 19th. "You § Said It, Mareceline!" MARCELINE #ALROY ON "LOOKING AHEAD" IF WOMEN daily become More MASCULINE, 'Will MEN daily become More FEMININE? And if so, what on earth Is a woman going to do With an EFFEMINATE man? For of a certainty, The more MASCULINE SHE got, and the more Feminine HE got, The more she would want To KILL HIM. And if the women Killed off all the men, What would there be left For a woman to do I mean, WHO? And another thing, WHEREVER the MEN Went it would be NOTHING compared to the 'World they left behind. A world of women Would be like a Garden of BLOSSOMS Without any LEAVES; Like sunshine Without shadow; Like a day--without night Coporight." 1908. Teemiar Myadiate, tne. it many to Cover Food- have perceived it | tending immigrants abroad to settle | patients:to Kingston. 1t-is yp invitation of the Toronto Men's Lib-' BIG FARM LAND DEAL BEING CLOSED IN WEST | '100 Families From US. to Be! Placed on Property In Spring. Winnipeg, Dec. 5.--One of the} largest farm land deals in recent | | years is now in progress of consum- | mation, involving the 5,000-acre | farm of Hon. Aime Bernard at Da- | cota Siding on the Canadian Na-| { tional' Railways, a short distance | Speaker Has Has Ended. 10 CVE MORAL SUPPORT| west of Winnipeg. it was announe- | ed. The sale price has been fixed at | i $525,000, or $105 an acre, os] ih Floating of Loan By Ger-| "co 'cons CONGRESS CAN NOW PROCEED Deadlock Ov. Election o | | i { M. G. O'Conpell, New Orleans, | La., is the prospective purchaser. | | He intends' to move here in the | spring, bringing with him 100 | families. Bernard is now on his | way south to close the deal. stuffs' Purchases. Washington, D.C., Dee. Frederick H. Gillett of Massachu- jose was re-elected speaker of the house to-day when the republican i insurgents voted for him for fhe | first time since the deadlock sde- veloped Monday. The re-election of Mr. Gillett completed the organiza- | tion of the sixty-eighth congress and paved the way for President Coo- lidge to deliver tomorrow his first | message to a joint session of the house and senate, The 'break cafe on the first bai- lot to-day, the ninth taken for speaker since Monday noon. From the outset, insurgents had been casting seventeen votes for Cooper of Wisconsin, one of their leaders, and five for Madden of Illinois. To Give Moral Support. Washington, Dec. 5.~--German proposals that the reparation com- mission authorize the floating of a loan by Germany to cover food- stuffs purchases are assured of the moral support of the United States.) Wednesday Afternoon, The only connection of the Wash- Aged Seventy-four. ing government with the matter \ will be, however, an expression Toronto, Dec. b.--Sir William | through James A. Logan, American | MacKenzie, noted Canadian finan- | observer on the commission, of the | ijer and railroader, who has been | willingness of this government that seriously ill for some weeks, died priority should be extended for such here to-day aged seventy-four years. a loan. Sir Willlam became ill while play- ing golf with a few friends several weeks ago and was rushed to his home. His death then was hourly expected, but he rallied and recover- ed to the extent that it was believed he would regain his health. Relapse, however, a few days ago, Sued in 'his path at 12.30 p.m. to- Nida zie "predeceased fim] some years ago. Bir Willism is sure vived by one ton, J. M. MacKenzie, and six daughters, all of Whom, with the exception of Mrs. J. F. Adams, were at his bedside, Mrs. Adams is aboard ship enroute from South | America to New York. Other survive ing daughters are, Mrs. Scott Grif- fin, Mrs. F. H. McCarthy, Mrs. W. W. Beardmore, Mrs. C. K. F. An- drewes, and the Countess De' Les- seps. SLICK CRIME STARILES BROKERS OF NEW YORK Bold Thefts and Amazing Forgery Oarried Out on Wall Street. Yew York. Dec. 6.--A stock book containing 25,000 shares of Ajax B,-- $2490990004 0000000 © | + PRINCE OF WALES + TO VISIT DUBLIN o| -- hd London, Dee. 5.--The Prince of Wales may visié Dublin in April and run a horse in the Punchestown races, according to a despatch to the Westmin- ster Gagette from the Irish city. If the report proves true, it will be the first visit of Brit- ish royalty to Dublin in several years. * +> + * *> » | > * > * 006006400020 F one SIR WILLIAM MACKENZIE, NOTED RAILROADER, DEAD Passed Away in Toronto on} Declares Science on Verge or Important Discoveries Cincinnati, Dec. 5.--~Important discoveries "which will go beyond the present scope of science" will be announced at the seventy-sev- "eonvertion Here or tie Ameri] cali Assoclation for the 'Advance- mept of Sejence, according to Prof. Harris Hancock of the convention committee. Leading scientists of America and Canada will be represented in the fifteen sectional meetings represent- ing all phases and branches of sci- wuce.. The sessjons will be held at the University of Cincinnati, Dec- ember 27th, to January 2nd. German Urges Less and Looser Clothes to Aid Women's Health Berlin, Dec. 5.--German women do not devote enough time to phy- sical exercise, in the opinion of Dr. Hermann Altrock, of the Berlin high school for gymnastice. He ad- vocates German women engaging more generally in rhythmic gymnas- ties and urges them to swim and row os much as possible. Fewer and looser clothes and ex- ) ill may | isters appear to have Rubber Company stock, with a total face value of about $175,000, has been stolen from the company's of-| fices on West 57th street and the! shares sold through Wall street | brokers after the names of regis-! | trar and transfer agent were forg- | ed, the New York Evening Telegram said it learned today. Describing what it termed 'one of the boldest thefts, involving one of the greatest forgeries perpetrat- ed in connection with stock market operations in Wall Street in years", the newspaper .said the theft ap- parently had been arrgnged 'with the connivance of some one familiar with the company's office. Sailing. For Fngland. Winnipeg, Dec. §5.--That tie western provinces will be strongly ik {represented In the passenger lists Floating Mines Still at Large, of the steamer Montclare sailing Christiania, Dec. 5.--Mines scat- (from St. John for England on Dec tered over the North Sea during the |ember 7th, was demonstrated yes- war continue to be washed: up along [terday when the Capadisn Pacific the Norwegian coast, and although [train left in two sections carrying they have been adrift for four or five Pamsen gers enroute to St. John for years, most of them are active his ship. Extra sleepers from Al- One mine exploded reventiy near indy Sasketchowan and Manitoba the Torbjormskjaer lighthouse and were required to accommodate the threw a column of water 140 feet |people into the aid, the explosion -------------------- heard for many miles. Juhn Buttrey, ployed in Davies' posure of as much of the body as possible to the sun are urged as a means of producing fresh-blooded, healthy skin. SHIP TURKEYE® TO ONTARIO. | Whole Trainload Will Leave Manic toba Wednesday. Deioraine, Man., Dec. 5.--A sclid | train of turkeys started from this district to-day for the Ontario Xmas trade. Tuesday has been set aside by scores of farmers for bringing in their "birds, and Dr. McLaughy, of the Dominion Livestock Dept. is here to superintend the packing. The birds are being marketed on the co- operative plan. Poultry industry and dairying is a big feature of this section of Manitoba. Beachrille office, near Woodstock, heid up by bandits aq $3.500 pay. roll taken. Berlin, Dec. trachoma, diseases of filth and pov- erty, gradualiy are being brought under control in Germany Diphthe- een pia and scarlet fever also show -de- sssesiseetrersse * creases. Practically all. contagious (e diseases are disappearing in pro-| ¢ KILLED vANDLADY portion to the time elapsed since the | + x '| Buffalo is allowed $148,000. | be erected in Buffalo, N.Y., by the A MAJORITY | FOR BALDWIN In British Elections Is te General | Expectation. | FOUND CANADA IN PROSPEROUS STATE Ex-M.P. Surprised at General Contentment Which Was Self-Evident. 'London, Dec. 5.--Sir Robert Clough, formerly member of the House of Commons for Keighley, ! Yorkshire, who hag - just returned | from a visit to Canada, expressed | the opinion that Premier Baldwin' 8 | BUT IT WILL BE REDUCED Some of the Leaders Have Hard Fights--Asquith in Danger in Paisley. London, Dec. 5.--With only one day left before polling the election | campaign has reached the peak of | intensity. All these parties have marshalled their last ounce of strength on platform and in press, | and while the belief predominates that Baldwin will win through with a reduced majority, there 'is room | for grave doubt as to tho result. Yesterday's meetings in many parts of England, as well as in some parts .of Scotland, were marked by | wild scenes' Conservatives speak- ers were practically mobbed In some of the Labor districts of Lon- | don; Winston Churchill had the | windows of his motor' car broken, | and narrowly escaped injury; ane | Communists in, Glasgow broke up| meetings of both Liberals and Con- | servatives, | Having Hard Fights. Some outstanding figures are hav- ing hard fights. Mr. Asquith is in danger in Paisley. Winston Churen- lose in Leicester. Sir John | Simon has stiff opposition in Spen Valley. In Sutherland, where Sir | Hamar Greenwood is seeking to change last year's result, he is _be- ing heavily opposed by the Irish vote; while Sir Walter Runciman and F. C. Masterfnan, two import- ant Asquithian lleutenants, will probably be defeated. Labor leaders, too, hard going. John R. in danger in Manchester; MacDonald is having difficulty to carry his seat in Wales; and a number of -the party's intellectuals ---Ponsonby, Webb, the Buxtons, Anowdon..and Trevelyan --are in| are having Clynes is Ramsay '| danger of defeat. Seats Appear Safe. Most of the Conservative min- safe seats. | Mr. Baldwin has but feeble opposi- tion; Amery and Neville Chamber- | lain are safe in Birmingham. It 1s quite possible, however, that Bonar Law's old seat will be lost in Glas- gow. From reports reaching London, Glasgow, the Ciyde and Lanark- | shire will go strongly Labor: al-| though it is said that Newbould, the | Communist, who would be more, at home in Moscow than at Westmin- | ster, may go down. H. G. Wells, | who is running for London Univer- | sity, is not conceded a chance; and | only two women--Lady Astor and | Mrs. Wintringham---are expected to | be returned. | CANADIAN 18 APPOINTED TO BATTLESHIP VALIANT | | Many Officers of ~ Canada's | Navy in the Imperial Fleet. | grettable an influence in this coun- | only | despatch says, | elerks, i their man, | Hinschelwood, who in evidence | the trial said that in his stockinged policy should appeal to the workers | if only there was time to put it | f clearly before them. "During the visits I have paid to | | Canada, " says Bir Robert, "I have noticed a standard of prosperity [ which T would be gratified to see among our own workers. Everybody | there is well dressed and all seem | { to go about with en air of prosper- | i ity. General contentment is self- | evident which is contrary to the gradual and general lowering of the standard of living, retently so re- | ry. "Almost all the inhabitants in | Canada seem to have money for the : purchase of automobiles. 1 was in-| formed by one of my hosts that his laundress came to work in her motor car. I think our free trade orators would have difficulty in finding a parallel for that.here. If there is any suffering at all in Canada it is from the tiglitness of money | which at the present time is ani- f versal.' FORCED TO LEAVE JOBS, fof J. | St. | versity of Toronto, A DESERONTO GIRL IN PLOT 'Arrested At Rochester in Company With Salesman. TAUGHT AY bi GANANOQUE Her Father Feared That Her Male Companion Was Try- ing Extortion. Rochester, N.Y,, Dec. 5. --~Mish Ellen Madigan, formerly of Des~ eronto, aged twenty-seven, daughter P. Madigan, now at 66 An Toronto, graduate of the Uni was arrestee" here yosterday morning in company with Matthew Russell, aged 3h salesman; of Holyoke, Mass. Miss Madigauv, the police allege, has been slightly demented since & tall from the horizontal bars in the college gymnasium several months ago. She was suffering from the dé | lusior that members of her family, sald to be wealthy, were prosscuts ing her and wished her confined ha au asylum. Russell, he learning this, when I met her in Buffalo three weeks ago Women_ in Belgrade Yield Places! o\Workless Men. . Paris, Ch 5.--A despatch from | Belgrade says the unemployment crisis has caused a number of mun-! icipalities to take work from wamen ! and give it to men. In Sarajevo, the | it is expressly forbid- | ! den for women to work. Women fae- types, store servants, | to leave | tory workers of all and even domestic have been given 24 hours their places. On the day following the promt) gation of this order the police made | organized raids throughout the city. | Where a woman was found still working she was placed in a walting automobile and sent to the municipal | jail. | 18-YEAR-OLD BOY GEN <I. YEARS IN "The Public Hist 80 Protects | ed," Says Toronto Police | Magistrate. Toronto, Dec, b5.--"The public, must be protected, things are going from bad to worse, people are say- | ing that the police are not getting | they have got this man and I must do my duty. Nine charg- | es of house breaking to be taken in} the act, loaded revolver in hand, | no light matter. Still on account of | | the youth of the accused in view of |#djourned the doctor's report, I shall be more | lenient than I otherwise would be. ; I am not going to send him to jail ¥4dters as ifalo, Lrancy, for life, he will go to Portsmouth penitentiary for five years." Such was the summing of | up | Magistrate Cohen at the conclusion | of yesterday's police | Daniel | nine charges of house breaking, ap! court when McParland, convieted of peared for sentence. { McParland, despite the fact that he is only eighteen years of uge, was | caught red-handed by Officer Jock at | feet he crept into a house after Me-! London, Dec. 3.--The appoint- | ment to the battleship Valiant of | Lieut. Louis J. M. Gauvreau, R.C.N,, directs attention to the large pro- portion of officers of the Canadian | Navy who are now .serving in ships | of the Imperial fleet. Of the 86 lieutenants now in the list, 21 are! lent to the Royal Navy, or nearly | two-thirds. Lieut. L. W. Murray is! in the Queen Elizabeth, Lieut. Harry Kingsley fis in the Mght cauiger | Cairo in the East Indies. Others | are undergoing courses at Green- | wich or Portsmouth; there is one each in the war staff course and the | intelligence course, and two in the! torpedo course, all at Greenwich, while at Portsmouth one is qualify- ing in physical training duties, two as signal officers, and others in var- fous subjects. The Money Provided. Washington, D.C., Dec. 5.--Work | on the country's rivers, harbors and waterways will require $63,328,965 dufing the flecal year beginning July 1st, 1924. For work on the Ogdensburg har- bor $12,000 Is allowed in the arm, engineer's report presented to con. gress. Cape Vincent harbor is allow- im only $500, while Oewego gets $62,000. For the harbor at Little Sodus Bay $21,000 is recommended and for Great Sedus Bay $38,00v. Flour Mill in Buffaio. : Minneapolis, Minn, Dec. 5.--A three thousand barrel flour mill costing: approximately $750,000 will Russell Miller Milling company, and will be ready to my i the 1924 crop of wheat, officials | Parland and csught him in the act of robbing the premises McParland wis stated to coma from Haileybury, where his family | are well known and much respected. Four of his brothers served over- seas, one giving his life for his; country, | kb. » GETS FIVE YEAR TERM. -- Aor sald: | rightly spent. iratgned, | 24th, told her he would protect her from her family. They came to Rochesi~ er Noveinber 26th and occupied a suite of rooms in a hotel, They were registered as' M. Russell and wife. They occupled separale rooms, they told the police. Asks Money From Fafher. In the meantime 'the salesman communicated with Miss Madigan's | father in Toronto. He demanded money for Miss Madigan's food and clothing. The parent was given an address in New York city to reply to, and the letters were forwarded from New York-to Russell in Roche ester. The police believe that, in ads dition to the demands for money, Russell asked for a large sum to diss | close to the parents Miss Madigan' | address. Letters were found on Russell's person fron Mr. Madigan. One lets. "You are & total strag) 'ay my daughter any nec y. you ean give me any honest ance that the money will I will gladly, si it. Her mother Is verging up insanity due to the wotry over disappearange."' Case Remandod, Miss Madigan was arraigned {the municipal court on the charge of vagrancy. A plea of not guilty was entered for her and until Thursday was remanded in custoay, Matthew Russell, who gave hi #2. Greenwood Ave., Bufs was alo charged with vags proaden not guilty, and his case was also adjourned, ip Miss Madigan, after she was afe told police she went to Buffalo and obtained a position jn Russell's office, Russell declared his relations with Miss Madigan were at gil times platonic and she corroboratsd him in this statement The Father's Statement. 3 Toronto, Dez. b.--J. P. Madls gan, father of the teacher mentione { in the above despatch, when spoken to, stated he believed an attem was being made by Russell to extont money Irom. him. Since November 24th 'he received two letters mailed' from New York City in which Ruse | sell informed him his daughter was | very {ll and was in need of money, {In a letter sent here on November a note in his daughter's han | writing was enclosed, | Gets a Chance to Solve Combination at Portsmouth, Oshawa, Dec, 5.--Before Magis- trates Hind and P. M. Willis, Alex- | ander Bell, alias James Alexander, | who broke out of the Guelph refor- matory, and who was captured by Oshawa police, and who before his | Guelph veuture escaped from Whit-| by jail, was sentenced to threc years | in Portsmouth penitentiary on al { charge of passing bogus cheques | while in Oshawa, also two years for! false prelences, (le (Wo terms to run | concurrently. For breaking jai! at! Whitby he was sentenced to two! years, making a total of flve vears' to serve : re | To Make Dash for Pole. Washington. Dec. 6.--~A dash by air for the North Pole will be! launched by thé Navy department during the coming summer, Séere-| tary Denby announced that Prési-| dent Coolidge had given his specific approval to the projects as "of great practical walue."' The route, date and method of | procedure for the trip, however, are | still to be decided, a special board of naval officers headed by Rear Ad- miral William A. Moffett, chief of Naval Aercnauties, having been ap- pointed by Secretary Denby to pre- pare a detailed plan. | which he is holding for her. Mr. Madigan has never met Rus- sell, and, fearing extortion, he res fused to send on the money, bus asked for his daughter's address and said he would go to Rochester 800n as he was given this. The parents have $700 belonging to their daughter. A note for the amount given by the father is possession of Mrs. Madigan. Mr. Mad fgan is anxfous to give the cash to his daughter. but refuses to delfve it to anyone but her personally. Miss Madigan was a ¢2hoo! teu ; er, having taught at Lucan, Wiarte and Gananoque, Ont. Last June was taken 1, and despite a request | of her parents to return to her he ai7 Deseronto, sha. went to the U ited States. Now Reconciled. Rochester. Dec. §.--Reconeil with her father on his appearance this ¢ity, aithough she previeu an aversion to A adigan was to leave iste had Miss day for home with her parent. M Madigan greeted her father 38

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