: \ nN . WINTER OVERCOATS We've had a wonderful Overcoat season, and now we're going WINTER OVERCOAT in the store for Men and Boys to be sold at 20% DISCOUNT Overcoat Department, Second Floor. to clear decks. Every SUIT SALE We have added many more Suits to our odd lines. Suit - Sale values up to $35.00. I A a ring *19.50 Open Evenings Till Six Until Christmas, LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET "If Off Your Route It Pays To Walk" / ee ------ DAILY MEMORANDUM. | | ANDERSON'S Business Office 865, PNepartment 1767. FRESH PORK ROASTS . Shoulder Roasts 15¢. 1b. TA 18c. Ib. Trimmed Loin Roasts 28c. Ib. Leg Roasts, whole or half 23c. Ib. Another big buy--Cooking Eggs--every guaranteed. Storage seconds .39c. DRY VEGETABLES 80c. peck | Local Onions 40c. peck B0c. peck | Tu ps Da POTATOES ry, white, mealy cookers--peck . . . .30¢. Per bag, $1.60. : BEEF SUET, whole & chopped. Lb. 20c. . SAUSAGE--4 Popular Brands, Home-made Windsor Little Pig SAUSAGE MEAT--a favorite to fry inpatties, Ib. ....... .... = 25¢. COOKING MOLASSES--Cherry Grove brand. Pure Cane, dark red Molasses. Medium size, 20c. Large size, 25¢. NU.JELL--The perfect Jelly Powder--13 delicious flavors -- the new improved elly . : 3 for 25¢. IN DESERTS--Harry Horne's double Cream Custard Powder, assorted flavors --sizes 15c. and 35¢. each. No home 'should be without these. : Quaker Corn Flakes Quality--Larger Market--Service + +. 15¢.|New England ..22c. Hear Rev. Dr. Roberts and Rev. Princ'pal 8myth to-night at the Churoh Union Mass Meeting in Sydenham Street church. Church Women's Aid St. George Ca- 6th, 3 pm. to 9 p.m. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS NEATLY PRINTED PRINTERS MARKET SQUARE, KINGSTON BORN. s HART---At Roblin, on Nov. 23rd. to Mr, ! | and Mrs. Peter Mart, a daughter, rs - ------------------at-- MILLER--HAINES --At Napanee, Noy. 28th, Elizabeth Evelyn Haines to] iam Miller, ksq., both ot Seb ¥ i DIED. CLOSE--At Nonth Fredericksburgh, on Lec. 1st, Samuel J. Close, aged "| years. McFARLANE--At Roblin, on Decem- ber 4th, William Mclartane, in hig ¥ith year. Precious --Mother, father, husband and all. PHP rt a "twee mr ---- IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of our daughter, ! Agnes Sly, whe went home Dec. th, | 1922. The Master came to the harvest field, | Where the reapers were gathering the! Ji grain, He plucked the fairest flower of all, |i Lo wake to his home again, For no stain was on her armour, ter roul was pure and white, Our own dear Agnes, With her eyes so clear and bright. Transplanted from a world of sin, To dwell with Thee at home. in robes of purest splendor, thedral will hold annual tea and sale, |g; St. George's Hall, Thursday, December; CHRISTMAS | HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR | ___ JANUARY DELINEATOR.... I-- 1s now ready. Please call for your copy. Many inter- esting stories and articles. "PHONES |" 754.755. | GIFTSTHAT MEAN MORE YES, GIFTS THAT MEAN MORE THAN JUST. REMEM- BRANCE--GIFTS THAT MEAN SERVICE, QUALITY AND REAL SATISFACTION, WHICH IS EXPECTED, DRESSES that will bring joy to your heart, VELVET DRESSES in Black" and Brown, tier flouncings, bead trimmings and contrasting girdles. 21.50 to *45.00 range of shades. Attractive EVENING DRESSES that are most delightful. Developed from Georgette, Velvet, Vella Vella -- splendid | esigns in Bead Trimmings. CHARMEUSE and VELVET Combination Dress that is very attrac- tive. This is a smart, nicely finished Dress--Velvet Collars and Cuffs, Bead Trimmings and Self Girdle. 45.00 Camisoles In fine quality Silk--Pink or White. $ 1.00 to $4.50 Bloomers In Jersey Silk--Pink, White or Black. . $2.50 Very fine quality Silk Bloomer in Pink, Grey, White, Flame, Green or Brown $3.50 up Nightgowns In Silk and Satin--Pink and White. $6.00 to $13.95 ~ Waists A display of pretty Waists in Georgette, Sipedel M desi includi tyme Crepe. any designs, including Embroidery, Bead Trimmings and Lace Trimmings. $3.50 up 25.00 to *45.00 Chene, Novelty Crepe, Trico ette, ------ Silk Underskirts We have a splendid assortment of Underskirts in Habutai, Jersey Silk or Charmeuse Satin. Shades are Paddy Green, Navy, Copen, Purple, Sand, Black, Brown. Flounces are pleated or frilled. $4.25 to $12.00 Kimonas Padded Satin, very well made--Copen or Rose shades." Plain and bron). $13.50 to $16.50 Corduroy Kimonas in Copen, Orchid, Rose, Mauve, American Beauty, Purple or Pink. All have Girdles--some are Satin trimmed. $1.50 to $9.75 Mandarin Crepe Kimonas in Copen, Pink or Mauve. Japanese Embroidery. These are splendid value at-- $2.25 . { \,~ ~ Tea Aprons In Dotted Muslin, Lawn and Cotton. Embroidered or lace trimmed, with touches of Ribbon. Very attractive and a most ac- ceptable gitt. 50c to $1.50 BABY CARRIAGE ROBES WHITE BEARSKIN at PADDED SILK in Pink or Blue at WHITE LAMBSWOOL at