Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Dec 1923, p. 16

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i | Regular Readers Of Th TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 192% . CIs, | PRODUCE [ARKETS. stec Toronto, Dec. 4.--Heavy $6 to $7. Cattle, $6 to $6.20 Lambs, $10.50 to $10.75. Hogs, $7 to 38 Hens, 18c to 20c, Chickens, 14c to Turkeys, 26c to Manitoba wheat, bay 'ports, $1.04. Manitoba oats:.... .. No. 2 C.W., not quote No. 3, 42 1-2c. No. 1 feed, 4lc. Ontario wheat, 96c outside. Oats, Ogtario, No. 40c. Hay: Extra No. 2 timothy, per ton, $16 track, Toronto. No. 2, $14.50. No. 3; $13.56. Medium, $11 to $12. Eggs: First, 37¢ to 38ec. Seconds, fo Extras, 42¢ to 43e. Cartons, 44c to 4de. Cartons, fresh, 70c¢ to Eggs, delivered Toronto: Extras, 60c to 62c. Firsts, fresh, 45¢ to 40c. Storage firsts, 33¢ to ldc Seconds, 25c to 26c, Splits, 23¢ to 26ec. Butter to retail trade: Creamery, extra fancy, 46c. No. 1, 16¢, 35e¢. No. 1 north a. nominal, 94c to ° white, 38¢c to 32¢ 33¢ ow 44c to 43¢c to 44c. No. 2, 39¢c to 40c. Dairy; 35e. Delivered Toronto: Creamery special solids, 38 1-2c ¢ No. 1, 37 1-2¢ to 38c. No. 2, 36c to 3 1-2¢. Cheese: New, large, 23¢ to Ne wtwins, 23 1-2¢ to Sng t------ THE LATE J. ACKERMAN, re 38 a9 co His Death Came From Injuries From | Colt"s Kick. Picton Times There passed away very ly from injuries received from a colt kicking him, at his home in Elmbrooke on Nov. 2nd, James Ack- erman, in his seventy-third years. Mr. Ackerman was a son of James Ackerman and Rhoda VanCleaf, and grandson of Edward Ackerman, who being loyal to the crown, came to sudden- Canada after the revolution and set- | tled in South Marysburgh. His par- ents died when he was very young and he lived with his cousin, the late Samuel Gardiner at Bethel un- til eighteen years of age. He was the last surviving member of a family of eleven children. Mr. Ackerman was a resident of Elm- brooke for forty-five years, and was a succeseful farmer and breeder ot Percheron horses, at fairs, In religion-he was a-Methodist, and was converted at the first Cross- ley and Hunter meeting held In Picton, Mr. Ackerman was twice married. Hig first wife, who dled seven years ago, was Genevieve Bradley, and five years ago he mar ried Mrs. Willlam Noxon of Picton who with his six children, one son and five daughters, Mrs. Manly Rorabeck of Bethel, William,of Elm- brooke, Mrs. Claude Kotchapaw af | Bethesda, Mrs. Otho Flake, High Shore, and Misses Annie and Nellie | at home, are left to mourn the loss | of a kind and affectionate husbana and father. The 'funeral, which took place from the family residence on Mon- day, Nov. 5th, was conducted by his pastor and an old friend of the family, Rev. J. J. Mellor, Picton, assisted by Rev. II. Richard, North- port, was very largely attended, many 'relatives and friends coming from a distance, and these, with the beautiful floral offerings, showed the high esteem In which the deceased was held. The remains were laid to rest in Glenwood. i Porch Lights Stolen. During Sunday night two porch lights were stolen from houses on Frontenac street, between Brock and Johnson streets. The residents who suffered the loss are up in arms over the matter, and threaten to take action if the property is not retumed. Several complaints have been made of late about petty thefts around the city, Well-Known Cattle Drover. George J. Joyce, who has been elected as an alderman in From- tenac ward, is a well-known cattle- drover. He was born and raised in Kingston and has lived in this city all his life. He is a young man, in- dustrious and progressive, and will, no doubt, be able to render the city able service in council. He was the recipient of congratulations on all sides over his election. 'W. EB. Morrison, Alexandria Bay, N.Y., is dead, aged forty-Hve yeat-. He was ill but a few days. He own- ed a billiard parior. Deceased was the son of Thomas and Jane Kerr Morrison and was born in Brockviile in 1878. He never married, William Thoburn, ex-M.P., who has been mayor of Almonte for the past two years will again be a candidate at the forthcoming elec- cia, and for several | years one of the government judges | al { CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. | indexed, standardized and popular. 4 ized aceording to | All ads. are restricted to thelr | proper classificativn, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily rate per lune or consecutive inseruons | Minimum charge, 2 sally rales per line, b uays ... v GIDE see. cents. 4 4 4 L GUY ..oasersercnvanssnas 8 6 eatas-- Que insertion, charged, | Births, Eugagemeuts, Marrivges, | 81.50; casn, §i.uv. Card of Yoauxs and Memoriam Notices --Caurged, $1.00; casa, $4.00 each insertion. Adverusing urdered for ({rreguiar | lusertivns .akes the one-time inser- Livi rails; no ad. taken for less tuap | basis of four unes. | Svuul sia average words to the | line, | Charged ads. will be received by 1 leicpuvue and if paid at The brit { 154 Wag Office witnla 6 days trom Lhe brst day of luseruon, cash rate will be alivwed. | Ads. ordered tor more than one day | and stopped before expiration wiil Only be cogrgéd for the number of | times the ad. appeured and adjuct- ment made at tne rate earned. Kate per live for white space Is i lhe same as a line Of type. bpecial rate tir yearly advertising ! pun request. | d'ubusners reserve the right to edit { ur eject ali classined advertising | copy. | felephone 243, ask for a want ad. taker. : | cee ANNOUNCOmMONtS | . Personals w | THE CANADA RADIO STORES--Have | the most complete line of radio equip- ment in Eastern Ontario. All mail orders prepaid. Write your wants. ~- Halr, Moles, Skin Cancers, | SKIN BLEMISH | Warts, Birthmarks, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent- ly. Satisfactory Glasses fitted and turnished after others have falled. | Goltre cured without operation. 38 | Years' experience. Dr. Eimer J. Lake, | Hye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 358 Bagot Street. Phone $01w. House 11857. Lost and Found ~Found, grey woollen, for coat. Un University Avenue, between Stuart and Union Streets. Owmer apply at Whig Office. 1 BUNCH OF KEYS--Found, on Division Street, beiween York and Concession | Street. Owner may have same at 459 Division Street | BICYCLE--Found, on Sunday, a lady's bicycle. Owner can have same by proving property. Apply Sharp, 60 Queen Street. creee---------------------------------------------- BUNCH OF KEYS--LOST, On Novem-| ber 23rd, around corner Princess and Division Streets. Finder please return to Anderson Bros. store, DOUBLE BOILER-- Found, on street, aluminum. Owner may have same at Whig Office. FOUNTAIN PEN---Found. Owner may | have same by applying at 156 Bagot Street, FUR COLLAR---Lost, muskrat, initfal- led. Finder please return to Miss Ei- leen O'Connor, 193 Earl Street. 1 | HOUND--Lost, black and tan; last seen at White Fish Rapids. 310 reward giv- | en to anyone giving information that ! wili lead to recovery. Wilson Bar- ton, Domville, Ont. hr LAP RUG--Found, on Sunday evening last, at post office corner. Owner may have same by calling at 90 Main St. or phone 146m. | MALE HOUND---Lost, blue grey, with | light tun ears, small slit in one ear, while hunting dear Flower Station. Notify David J. | Bauder, Hartington, ont, R. R. 1. | MAN'S OVERCOAT-- Found, on road | "between Kingston and Napanee. Own- ! er may have same at §1 Pine Street. i . PURSE--Would the gentleman who Was seen to pick up a grey leather purse on Princess Street, containing a | swn of money, keys, etc. | turn to 88 Raglan Road | p ., and receive | reward: | PURSE--F ound, on Garrett Street, con- taining small amount of money. own. | sie 13 Alfred SU nett, Fraud and Bootlegging Cases | A ncHITECES Power, Son and Drove er may hdve ROSARY BEAD---Found, bluish, with silver mountings. Owner may have same at 154 York street. ROSARY BEADS--Found, on corner of Wellington and Princess. Owner | may have same at City Taxi Stand, corner Princess and King Streets. SHEEP--Strayed from the property of Willlam Gordon, Kingston Mills, in November. Finder please phone 2368 r 14 or notify the owner. SUM OF MONEY---Found, on Brook St., near King. Owner can have same by proving property at British Whig. Gas Ignited 1 Started Blaze. On Tuesday or the fire department answered a call to the home of Willlam Moore, 458 John- son street, where a fire had started in a bed room, There was a slight leek in the gas pipe and as Mrs. Moore entered the room with a light- ed lamp there was immediate igni- tion. She was slightly burned about the face and arms. The mattress on the bed caught fire but the blase was soon put out. . James Thompson, former New York State senator, and Charles Smith, his real estate partner, on Tuesday were asphyxiated in their office at Long Branch, N.J. | { Charge Cash | | 10] kindly re-| THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG is Section Are Saving and Making Money Continually b | | | Wise people have knuckies. What 1s merely It's time everybody kne knuckles! to be easily determined. Giving Brass Knuckles | To Opportunity ~~ = no patience always whining that they cannot hear Opportunity when it comes a'knoeking at the The wise ones hand Opportunity a mistakable crash to the wise ones the A-B-C Classified Section Daily there are appearing among these ads offers whose value to you in profit and satisfaction is too great And all these offers are care- fully indexed--for your immediate finding. ! Reading--and heeding--this section encourages Op- portunity to batter down your door! THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY with those who.are ir doors set of brass a faint tap to others -is an un- w. that the helpful little ads in are Opportunity's brass ; ~ Automobiles Z . Jorvive | Business Service Merchandise f Real Estate For Rent - i Usteopathy OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. | Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 | "King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- | ment | , | | Repairing 29 { FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. | | Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296F. | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furnl- | | ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a | card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. | | UPHOLSTERING--And general repair. | ing. Leave orders at or drop a = to I. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. SHOE REPAIRING--All hand work. Rubber heels a speciaity; efficient ook | GRINDSTONE--1 vice. Adolf Kaminski, cotner Mont- real and, Queen Streets. UPHOLSTERING -- made same day as ordered. U pholster- | ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good- | ridge, 244 University Avenue. Phone 2043F. | Tailoring and Pressing 80 | SUITS AND OVERCOATS-- Made to] your order, $30. Easy terms of pay-| ment. | Btreet. Employmen Help Wanted--Female SS = Automobiles For Sale 11 Business Services Offered { | USED CARS-- Several. Apply Blue AUCTIONEER--For cou CUarage Ltd, Bagot and Queen, Streets, WE HAVE A FEW BARGAINS IN USED CARS LEFT One Ton Ford Truck Price $150.00 One Ton Ford Truck Price $400.00 | McLaughlin E45 Repainted, rebuilt: and new top. | Let us give you a drive in this car so that you may know the good | qualities In it. Price right. | BOYD'S GARAGE { | 129 Brock St. Phone 201iw. | Home of Used Cars | $100 buys Ford Truck. | $150 buys Ford Truck, | $150 buys Chevrolet Touring. $300 buys McLaughlin Six $300 buys Country Club. Heavy Tubes, all sizes, Also used autu parts, PALMER AUTO SALVAGE Corner Bagot and Queen Streets. $2.50. | Auto Accessortes--DNires--Farts 18 | G&AS---We have Peerless that gives you quick getaway in cold weather. astern Canada Maxotire | Co, Queen and untario Streets. | GARAGI-~For rages--Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 rent; close tu business Gas--the gas; est dealing, W, A. Tw . Street. iss. Phone 8204 or 1786w. { WELL DRILLING -- Sanitary water | Wells, the oldest, the largest, the only | sanitary well' drillers in Frontenac | and Lennox' and Addington. The { most modern equipment in America. For full information write to I. | _Garrison Co., Colebrook, Ont. Ladics' Hair Parior, 21a { LADIES' LRANSFORMATIONS -- Bob. | bed curls, switches, shampooing, | singeing. curling, Ladies' ang Child- | ren's fhalr cutting. Mrs. Cunningham, 6 Bi Street Kingston, 1 Aol Ce sai i: | Hemstitching 21b EDGING Hemstitching, ork guaranteed, Mrs. rie Street, near Princess 2433). Successor to Mrs. | m---- | Insurance | J. B. COOKE -- Representing Im erial fe, London Fire and Globe aaa | | { | | DOM! 8 rtesy and hon-| 374 King 23 = » Accident and Sickness, Phones: | 5 + Re Zw. ---- : ION LIFE | Arch. Thomson, Branch Manager Office: 56 Brock Street. Telephone 68. | --------e ee | FIRE--Aucomobile and Casualty Insar-! ance. Ii. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. | Phone 1783:M, FIRE--- Automobile, cident Insurance. | anles represented ° Sickness and Ac- Only reliable com- | Williams, Couper Street | INSURANCE--Only the most HOUSEKEEPER-- Immediately. Ap-| ply stating wages desired to Mrs. M.| | R. Reid, Sharbot Lake, Ont. MAKE MONEY AT HOME--§15 .to $60 pald weekly for your spare time writ- ing show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply igh with work. West-Angus Show rd Service, 17 | PLANO--Wormwith Upright, mahogany Articles for Sale, 51 case; Al condition. "Apply in evening | to 201 Frontenac Street | ing room suite, with long buffet and oblong table. also walnut bedroom suite. Like new. Bargain. § Jen- Kir 4 ar Alfred. HOUSE--8even y : medet, good and gas or coo Ss. Appl ' Charles Street or phone 231000, i . | FURNITURE---Chesterfield suite, din-| HOUSE--Small brick, on Princess near Division Street; gas and elect) 2 2 fireplaces; all newly decorated. Phone 851w, Mixed wood, mixed wood slabs, ane car choice 1-maple, shingles $4.00 thou- ® sugh lumber, cope siding. W H: albot, yard Congession treet, near Division. Phone '2302W. GET--Your Repairs and Separator Oil HOUSES-- Two, HOUSE--At once, new, seven 1 with large lot and barn on No pid fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. Phone 103m C on Charles Sfre Elesiyic light and gas Yor cooking. ply H. ¥. Norman, 69 Patrick Street. for the De Laval, Renfrew and Me Cream Separators at Frost & Agency. 236 Ontario Street. lotte o 8x214 inches. Also a TO LET--§ roomed house, west near Union, newly decorated, e light, gas, furnace, session. Apply Box L-27, W fice, or phone 666w. Immediate i hig oo $ Apply 94 Division St. Covered buttons pig eross cut saw. $18.00--169 Bagot Street. ~-- $20.00--43 King Street. HEST PRICES--Paid for old wal-| $35.00--350 Harrie Street nui, mahogany and curly maple fur- niture, brass candlesticks, old wter, etc. Lesses Antique Shop, 507 Prin- $35.00--200 Willlam Street. 3 See Mullin's for houses to rent. Phone 539w. Johnson and Division Streets, cess Street. - Phone 1046W. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS --Make last- ing gifts. Enjoyed and appreciated throughout the year. Buy your boy one of our violin outfits, $22.50.-- 318 EARL STREET--7 rooms, furgishe » rent reasonable for winter m ghoy at 318 Kar] Street, or pho ° m. Elder's Cigar Store. J. G. Patterson, 120 Johnson | yATT 2 CSSES---Special Sea Grass Mai- | tress s week only $4.50. Frontepac! Mattress Co, 3771 King Street. Phone | 19614. | wo PIANO--Upright, Decker Bros. in good buy at § Terms | condition, a good 3. F. J. Grace, 37 Mack St! | QUEBEC HEATERS -- Combination Stoves, dining room and other furni- ture.. We also buy. J. Thompson, 233 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Goud Cheer Square Quebec Stoves and { et. |r | Real Estate For Sale. i a | FOR BALE OR WILL 113 PATRICK STREET--Brick, detach ad i ed, hot water furnace, wood floors, 3 piece bath, good cellar, J and garage. poved, condition, hm X diate possession. pply 473 Princess Stre Phone 1628m. y % Farms CHAN 3 For Ontario property, 30 acre a 3 in Carman - district, Manitoba, one | half under crop; frame buildings; im= mediate possession. - Chas. R. Wel 33 Brock Street, Kingston. Heate Colborne Bld., Toronto. Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var: . Houses For Bale 84 Rc] nishes. 8 rincess Street. Phone : Help Wanted--Male 38| 339w. opposite Orange Hall BUNGALOWS--- 5 Two, $1,300 each. 4 EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the SCALES--AIl kinds, new and second-| One Bungalow, solid brick, hot air pleasant , Hdme Work way maxing hand. Cash or easy terms. Toledo| furnace, fireplace, 3 piece bath, veran= socks on the fast, easily learned Auto] Scale Co. Ltd. 209 Princess St., King-| (dah, seven rooms, $3900.00. Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- tance immaterfal; positively no can- vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept. | SEWING MACHINE---Single, hand ma- | .18C, 'Auto Knitter Co.. Toronto. i FOUR MEN--With rigs, to sell ' to] larmers.™ Call 5 to 7. "Mr. Lee, 382] Alfred Street. i SALESMEN--Wg¢ pay weekly and offer | steady eimnployment selling our com-| plete and exclusive lines of whole-| rout fresh-dug-to-order trees ar plants. Best stock and service. teach and equip you free. A money-| | making opportunity. Luke Brothers, | Montreal. | ston. chine. Cash for quick sale. Nearly! 232 Brock Street. new. Can have electric attachment if desired. Apply Box S-4, Whig Office. | i | | TABLE--Antique, black walnut. Apply | Money x seen, on Sat mortgages e LSON, RE 316 Barrie Street. ALTOR, DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE--Princegs Sty Phone 1088, * half' minute from car lne, 3 bedr and" bathroom in each, electric ] 8as, good renters. $5750 for both, oF $3,000 singly. No agents. Appl Box k-15, Whig Office. "wy 7 Clergy Street in first class condition. 10 a quick buyer. gon, price Rigat Apply 103 | | SOLID. BRICK HOUSE-- WAGGON--Light spring delivery Wag Seven rooms, all improvements; garage for two cars; best locality in city; also builds ing jot adjoining: will Sell with house or either separately. A Box 0-28, Whig Office. poly ° », Solicitor asters, Agents 5 | 0 Equipinen 02a | CTT BRICK HOUSE | 5 SE -- 8 roo Rtars. Cauy us 38 | RADIO--A big radio special coming| peOro0Mms. electric light, sas, 8 | oh SALES AGENT--Rellable. for unrepre-| Soon. =~ Watch the Canada Radio| bith: Bot water heating, good cellar sented districts. Good pay, free aquip- | - Stores' ad. on page b. ince, dining hTge aang room, ment. We are the largest growers of | b= == | De Be ah a tchen, with aide fruit and ornumental trees in Canada. | Wanted---To Buy 00 und bath. Third floor, 3 hegrooms Sel or & Nursery, not for a jobber. n : p | You will be successful. Write: Pelham | OLD GOLD--Silver, or False Teeth, for Tots heyse is ll, rusted 3 Nursery Co. Toronto. | cash or exchange. G. W. Lyoms,| park. If interested, vall the om = mE | 244 Princess streci, Kingston. M. HB TRUMPOUS oe. Teachers Wanted | 337 Bagot Street. MOTOR BOAT----small, light, in good Phones 704 or 1542F. TEACHER--Protestant, holding second condition. Apply C. A. Laundry, Ban- : oe | class permM, 8S. 8. No. 11, Portland.| croft, Ont. e---- Apply, stating salary. Duties com-| SEE--Batemun's large Real Estate reliable | companies represented. Strange &| Strange, established in 1860. Office: 93 | { Clarence Street, opposite Post Offic district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office, ovine ee =n 3 Telephone 1765p. | Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 BERVICE STAT'ON--And repair gar-| ABHES--Cleaned out of cellars and ent. y ary 1st. Apply zs0| Yards, clean job done. A. M 7 ol t, on nuary 1st Apply of 24 Russel] Street. Phone 2aaacGrego A a EE . | STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clea -- ' | and dry, Avply E. Wathetn, 143 l'o-Day's Blunder Nelson 'street. Phone 1391J -or 613. : Corrected | -- -- -- | (See lllustration ou Page 14.) {In making a correction iu a let{e¥, | { the word to be crossed out should | be crossed out with a single line and | not smudged up-as the crossed-out letter words are in the in the illus- | tration. | { Before Magistrate, | Cecil and Herbert Johnston, bmo- { thers, appeared in the police court {on Tuesday morning, charged with | the theft of an overcoat and a suit {of clothes from one Edward Hughes. The overcoat was found in a second- hand shop, but the suit was not lo- cated. The case was remanded till Thursday, to give the accused time to pay over $25 for the suit. George Pratt was charged with | "wrongfully converting money to | his own use but he stoutly denied the charge. It is alleged that while | engaged by Eugene Denee, he did not give an account of his collec- tions. The case was laid over till Thursday. A. Cunningham, K.C., appeared on his behalf. A bootlegger was at work in King- ston on Monday, but the party who got some of his wares suffered a lapse of mgmory after tasting the li- quor, and as a result the name of the distributor of good cheer was not ascertained, so any person who is dry will have to look up the party. The thirsty one who Bought the li- quor was fined $10 and costs. -- Most any man will lie about truthful he is, how £TORAGE-For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own Jock and key. Frost's City Stora 2, 299+ 205 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 289w, STORAGE-- To let, for 8.50 per month . Street, or r automobiles, Furniture, etc. 196 phone 328, "Painting, Papering, Pecorating 26 iis 2peTiOg, Becor, | SIGN' PAINTING--J. S. Robi " | 276 Bagot street. STTI0N, reat Architects 280. | Merchants Bank Chambers, corner o | Brock and Wellington Chiropractia 28c¢. LUCY --Drs. GA\J". ana Jennie A., Chiro. | practic Specialists and Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Hours: 9-12 am, 1 to 6, p.m. Sunday and other pointment. Consultation PUDNEY--Dr. W. Gordon, 182 Welling ton street; upstairs. Consultation free. Hours 9-12, 1-5, 6-8, and by appoint- ment. Registered Phone %43w. and 6 to 7.30 hours by ap- free. Dental 28d. | SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists 188 | Wellington sireet, corner of Broek. Phone §44. KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Deatist. Office: 268 | Princess Street. Phune 653w. Open evenings by appointment. Legal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers| i | | Situations Wanted--Male | | { | Call or phone, E,| heice January | FRONTENAC Lous and Investment P nt, ! B. Cunningham. Money {ssued on cit; 3rd. sec-treas., Bellrock, Ont. TEACHER--Second class, experienced, | 5 | for 8. 8. No. § and 2], Storrington, Ont. Salary $900. Duties to eom- mence January 3rd. Apply to Ben Greenlees, sec-ireas., Mount Chesney, ont, 37 WORK --Any kind for time being. Ap- ply. Box 8-4, Whig Office. Finanoial ing, electule. and Bas stove for cook- | = | ing engar unable... iy. 208 Money to Loan 40 | University Avénue or --- ' J Zara Reynolds, | PIANO--Wanted good used Upright Pi- ano for cash or exchange on new plano or phonograph. C. WwW. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. Rooms For Rent Rooms Without Board e8 ences. EDROOM-- Furnished, with electric light, on bathroom nat. Ail convenj- Apply 313 Unjyersity Avenue or phone $blw. Roems For Housekeeping 00 ROOMS---Sultable for light housekeep- | Societ ident, y. incorporated 1861. 3 J A. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-pres: ,and farm properties; county debentures; mortgages chased; luvestment bonds for sale; as- posits received and interest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager, §7 Clarence street. Kingston. municipal an 50 POULTRY--~Ws¢ want your poultry, live or dressed. Write for price lists. Wal- ler's, Spadina Ave., Toronto. Articles For Sale 1 AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes. Life Savin Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. F. . Cooke, 319 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BOBSLEIGHS--WIth patent coupling. Draft and coupling arrangement is superior to all others. Medium team size. JF. B. McNamee, 345 Alfred St. Phone 2293w. BRICK~~--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch a ing woud Streels, Fhone 818 or 139 -- Real Estate For Rent Seton WEBSE'S RESIDENCE--Two lots, MioHAN rT ad 3 vertisement, pagg 4 column 3. - 3 iness, also stock of frames, pletu > etc, frames and photog made to . der. All prices reduced. Weese : Sete fe dbacuS BUSINESS SNNVICH - a. W. Kent Macnee = Bank of Commerce Buildin and King Streets, Phune General In oy. Jorge, ep en ef ste. Representing only tetiabls come panies. Fox ® Apartiuents asd Flats 74 APARTMENT --Four rooms, all con-| veniences; ho 4 t water heating. Apply . e. . Whit APARTMENT Unfurnished, UNIVERSITY APARTM large ready for occupation 1st December; choice location; electric light, hot wa- | ter and hot water heating; gas for cooking. Apply 134 Baril Street. recreate. ENTS--261 Uni-| raity Avenue, near Johnson. Five! Cook Stoves | With and without tanks. Also Square Heaters. Real cheap, Ate a J. Turks PHONE 1708, and six roomed apartments. Well | equipped. Apply 337 Johnson Street. Business Places ior Ment 73 | LODGE ROOME--Rooms on Kin stron | the Sa --formerly ocoupled Gy Apply to Cunningham & Smith. Houses for Rent 77 BRICK RESIDENCE--No. 590 Albert St. Unfurnished. Apply to Cunni & Smith, 79 Claroncs Sitocs" Aingham WE HAVE FOR SALE A few odd pleces of office fur ture. Liberty ofl burners for hot aly of hot water furnaces. These are the kind of burners that lieat. of operation, about the same p coal, with All the dirt and drudgery eliminated "¥ Gasoline engine, automobile and general repairs. E DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. HOUSE--Furnished, electric, gms and furnace, in good . condition, centrally East End, Wellington Street. located. Apply - _B. Trotter, cjo. . Trotter's Hardware, 345 Princess St. | mmr wel = HOUSES--Two small, 30 and 20 Ellice] "ARTICLES FOR SALE 5 a be Street. Apply Dr. W. T, K ngsley,! for thrifty buyers in the iy Kingston Mills. Telephone 1100-1.2. Section. COME IN--And see our stock before buying anywhere else. Men's Over- coats, Pea Jackets, Army Leather Vests, Sheepskin Coats, etc. clal line for hunters, Bedford Cord Kiding Breeches. Bargains in every line. A. Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. and Solicitors, 70 Clarence Street, Kingston. (A. B. Cunningham, K.C.: Cyril M. Snfith. DAY AND REVELLE---Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, ki - ston. A. E. Day, Adrian & Revells Money to loan. Phone 2085. SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister Solicitor. Law Office, and Broek. over Royal €0! iL King Taer of Bank. Nira | CLASSIFIED Opportunities 1s an- j other name for classified advertising. LOST SOMETHING? Let lassie fied ad find it. A Class! COLUMBIA B. PHONOGRAPH--ADd 50 recordg (100 selections), your own choice, $60. y terms arranged. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. COKE--$10 ton. 1-4 and % ton lots, 36c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, 2.06 cubic cord or sawed in one foot 4 single cords at $4.25. or half single cord $2.25, or if £plit, $3.50--measured delivered. Phone 2440W. 290 Wellington, corne Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. SOME READERS are already answer- in to-day's classifi section. WHY NOT USE COKE? Domestic Nut Coke. impurities. Hotter than $14.50 per ton. Fine for the Quebec Heater, James Swift & Foot ot Johnson Street Good, clean fuel; no coal; goes as far. Co., Limited BRINGING UP FATHER «= :: 3 3 3 és 3 ss 3s 2 a a WELL IF IT (OMT | NO- THE JAIL COVLONT . ALLAHAN - BURNED

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