Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Dec 1923, p. 13

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ITISH WHIG RA 1 1s Zola Matched in gold and silver, Eversharp and Wahl Pen make a beautiful gift--a wel- come gift -- a useful gift. They are the world's favorite pen and pencil. Eversharp has be- come a daily necessary. It is a wonderful pencil with which to write. The lead never wob- bles, for the exclusive rifled tip holds it firm. Look, too, for the auto- matic index. And the eraser and extra leads under the cap. The all-metal Wahl Pen is revolutionary. It cannot crack or split. Holds more ink. Will last a lifetime. Priced from $4 to $50. Ever- sharp, $1 to $50. Give both in the velvet-lined gift box. Look for the name on each. Made in Canada by THE WAHL CO., Ltd, Toronto SOMETHING NEW! The Miniature Set Eversharp and it: Ei lithe: rere BY RADIO "" Regions. From the Countryside; oie {Frontenac | -- ! FLORIDA. Nov. 28.-----The recent rain "and snow storm has left the roads in baa | condition, Mrs. Vanvolkenburg, Bate | tersea, is spending a week at Ed- | ward Martin's. The sale at Fred or | | ser's, on the 16th was well attend- ed. Mr. and Mrs. M. Vanluven, Mur. | vale, were Sunday visitors at Bart- | er Redden's. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest | clarke and children, Maple Avenue, were recent visitors at Edwara Martin's. Mrs. Damon Martin, who | has been ill, is able to be out again. Mr. and Mrs. Maitland Redden, | Sydenham, at George Redden's. A | tow of the young people are practis- | ing for the Christmas entertainment | ¢ | at Wilton. A number of people are taking their turkeys to Napanee. TICHBORNE. snow have left the roads very mud- dy. The L.OMB.F. ball in the hall | on Tuesday night was well attended, | averybody enjoying themselves. Al- { fred Smith shipped a carload of | hogs on Friday last, the price be- ing very low. Mrs. 'Brown has start- | ed serving meals in her new restau- | rant. M. Revell, Verona, made a | business trip to this village on Tues- | day. The many friends of Alfred | Steele are sorry to hear of him be- | ing so low in the General Hospital, | Kingston, wheré he went some time | ago for an operation. Owing to | his low condition he was unable to | have it as yet. Visitors: Mr. Wagar, Parham, at Thomas McEwen's, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kennedy at Mrs. A. Steele's; David Robinson, Fer- | moy, at John Robinson's; Mrs. D. {J. Homes at John Cota's. DESERT LAKE. | Nov. 25.--Most of the farmers [have completed their plowing and lare now engaged at cutting wood . |w. Babcock has been working at lg. Wilson's house. Emerson Bab. cook is helping J. Wilson. The | etork is busy and left a baby girl | to brighten the home of James Ham- |ilton. The remains of the late Mrs. | L. Campbell were laid to rest in the cometary here, she being the young- est daughter of Anson Timmernan. Mrs. Pomeroy has been staying with {Mrs. 'H. L. Bauder, who has been ivery ill Visitors; Mrs. E. Morey lat E. Page's; Mrs. E. Page at F. |Clark's; Mrs. J. Hamilton ana daughter at J. Hamilton's. | Abrams also Robert Abrams at J. IN. Abrams'; Richard Whitty and {Bert Abrams made a flying trip in je vicinity. : OUSHENDALL. {| Nov. 27.--The farmers have near- | iy completed their fall plowing. The supply of milk has decreased and the cheese factory runs just twice a week. The farmers are fattening | their fowl for the turkey fair at | Lyndhurst on Det. 6th. Wednesday | evening, Nov. 21st, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woods entertained a number : of their friends it being the twenty- third anniversary of their marriage. A very dainty supper was served | after which the remainder of the ! evening was spent in music and dancing and games. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Keeler gathered at their beautiful home, "Maple Lawn," on Nov. 26th, in the form of a shower for their daughter, Jewel, the bride of this week. Many beautiful and costly gifts were received. The evening was spent in music, games and danc- ! ing after which a dainty lunch was | served. The guests left after wish- ing the bride-to-be many years of happiness. Many from here attend- of St. James' church. It was a grand success. MF. and Mrs. James Green- | jess visited their daughter, Mrs. R. | Webster, Gananoque, who is quite iil. Mrs. D. Wood, Chantry, who visited her som, Harry Woods, has returned home. S. Atkingd has ereet- ed a new barn in place of the one which was burned last summer. | -- tn , At London, Eng, Bmily Ann Colenso, daughter of the late T. C. Kare, of Hamilton, died on Friday. 2 | you have been subject to all Név. 29.--The Tecent rain and | Van ed the box social at J. Duffy's in aid 2 L.0.: "Now, I don't suppose any of my listeners to-night know much about the rsa | Was Constipated | For Several Years | If you have suffered from consti- { pation for years, tried all kinds of remedies without getting- relief, if] the! miseries associated with constipation, { wouldn't you consider it a blessing | to be able to keep the bowels regular " |and in a good healthy condition and | prevent disease getting a foothold on your system? | Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are in- | dicated just for this purpose; their | regular use relieving the worst cases | of constipation. { Mr. M. Hedican, Sudbury, Ont, | writes: --*'I have been troubled with | constipation for several years. | began to use Milburn's Laxa-Liver { Pills and find them to be the best | remedy I have ever used for regulat- {ing the bowels and Hver. I always | keep them now and recommend them | highly." | Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pilis are 25c. {a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct | on receipt of price by The T. Milburn { Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Lanark WARBURTON. Nov. 30.--Miss M. Gavin and Ur- ban spent the week-end at B. Gav- in's. Miss Marcella McDonald is spending a.few days with her sister, Mrs. A. Vincent, Gananoque. Mrs. CC Hamilton thas returned = home after spending a few weeks with friends in Akron and Cleveland, Ohio. Kenneth Kelsey has gone to see his sisters in Hartford, Conn. J. Crozier has returned from his hunting trip. Charles Gavin and sisters were Sunday visitors in Rockfield." Our cheese factory clos- ed today for the season. Miss Cora Kelsey has returned to her home in Long Point after visiting Miss Etta Goff, i ADDISON. Nov. 27.--J. A. Watts and bride have returned from their wedding trip to New York. Several of the farmers are drawing gravel for the North Company, who are putting in cement floors at their plant here. The members of the Anglican church met in the Orange hall on Wednesday evening last and soent a social time in games and dancing. Ce rn ---------- If you can't sleep turn om the And make the brightest day of night. An adjustable lamp that can be used on the table or attached to the wall or bed is a great night time convenience that cesty very 1'ttla money. Whatever fix- tures you need can be supplied by us--we want you to allow us to show you around the place. | | ferent parts o dediar Poiar | it being a farewell for.Mr, and Mrs. who are Mr. James Love, Lyn and for son, who: are moving 10 Athens. They gave each. family a very suit. brance. Herbert. Watts and family Watts. The meny friends of Mrs. John Pattermore will to hear she is somewhat better after her serious illness. returned home from St. Paul Hospital, Brockville, improved in health, BETHEL. Nov turkey day at Napanee and report way, spent Sunday at W. llam's. Clarence Manion is home from the West where he spent the summer, Mrs. Townson, Colebrooke, was with Mrs. Edith Alkenbrack for a day. Rev. Roy McWilliams and family, Grafton, with nis parents. { Mrs. Myrtle McWilliams and Mrs. Garnet Jeffrey and baby spent a day with Mrs. W. Jackson. Mrs. R. Jackson, Yarker, at S. Hamilton's this week, DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN Famous Arctic explorer, who is visit- ing Canada as the League of Nations' Commissioner for Refugees. He is ap- pealing for help for the refugees in dif- Europe. ----eanee ee p-- AT SHARBOT LAKE. the Mechodist Church. Sharbot Lake, Dec. 1.--Rev. Mr. Bromwick, Haley's Station, is re. newing acquaintances in this vicin- ity. His many friends were pleas. ed to see him. A "social evening" was held in the Methodist churce on Friday evening last. Rev. Mr. Bromwich sang a solo, "Hosanna in the Highest." Mrs. E. C. Wal roth gave a party for Miss Mary Cooper, who is leaving for her home in Perth and who has resigned from the Bank of Nova Scotia. Mr. Brownscombe has secured a position in Ottawa and will move mmere m a few days. Mies Jordan, Perth, spent a few days in the village. W. Pappa was operated on in the General hospital, Kingston, and is doing nicely. W. Hawley is expect. ed home from the hospital this [: The Ladies' Aid bazaar was id on Friday, Nov. 30th. A. Hart man, Perth, called on friends last {week. He Intends to reside in Perth Itor the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Millikin and son spent the week.end with friends in Odessa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Avery, Perth, visited at M. Avery's. J. H. Fair spent Monday in Kingston. A ball was held in the new hall show will be held in the hall on Saturday evening. Mrs. Mallett and Mrs, A. Erwin spent Wednesday in Kingston. Mrs. R Gray and Miss Pearl have arrived home. Mrs, J. Bourke .has gome to Lavant for the week. Mrs. Dawson has returned to Ottawa accompanied by Mrs. (Pawson, Jr, A "Social Evening" Was Held at] moving to | and Mrs, Herber* Watts and Mr. andi Mrs. J, F. Gib-| able present as a token of remrem- | moved to Athens, this week, having | leased his farm to his son, Arthur | be pleased | R. Kelly has | Vincent de | much | {Lennox & Addington] 29.--Quite a number took in| prices fair. John Moon and wife, Con- | MeWil- | | | | | For Him THIS CHRISTMAS Do the Handsome Thing Oversize Duofold $7 Duofold Jr. $5 LD CANNOT match the classic beauty of the black- tipped, lacquer-red Parker Duofold Pen, whose cheery color will soon flash its "Merry Christmas"in the homes of Cana- da's well-to-do. Even those who would nevercarry afountain pen before have become the most enthusiastic Duofold 122 DUOFOLD at $5 is like the TIARAS, 1 2 [ 4) 51 BSS devotees. For here, at last, is a pen so infinitely smooth and so superbly balanced that it thrills the hand with writing urge' Christmas buyers besieging the stores the Duofold. So don't defer selections--there of a pocket clip. Red imitations cannot deceive you if you take the precaution to see that the name "Geo. S. Parker" is imprinted on the barrel of the pen you select. are for MADE IN CANADA--SAME PRICE AS IN THE STATES The Parker Fountain Pea Co, Limited, Toronto, Ontario. . Ask also for Parker "Lucky Lock" Pencils That: \ 1. The ministers will not be pledged No. 8 of a Series PRESBYTERIANS Have You Read THE BASIS OF UNION? This document introduces such radical changes that every Presbyterian should read and study it DO YOU KNOW? 3. The right of a congregation to ri one to any system of Truth. It casts aside the great Fundamental Doctrines on which our church was founded and by which she has done her work. The new church will be really a creedless church. The ordained eldership will be dropped. No other church has such a company " call "" its own minister will be taken away. Instead, there will be a "Settlement Committee" which may or may not grant the request or adhere to the wish- es of a congregation. The right to "call" its own minister is a cherished right and privilege of Presbyterian. work of the Lord. new church. For the first time since the Greenfield government *took office in Alberta it was told by farmers, on Friday, that unless it adopted diffeerint tactics, is was doomed. of ordained men, banded together by the most sacred vows for service im the This sheet-anchor of Presbyterianism will be bartered away for the "Committee man" of the The right of a Presbytery to or- dain and induct Its ministers will be taken away. This solemn and sacred privilege is highly prized by the Presbyterian Church. 35. To exchange the Great Confession of Faith for this doc- trinal compromise--the to pay for a so-called Union. Basis of Union----is too big a price For Further Information and Literature Write to THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ASSOCIATION ? TORONTO, CANADA | 115 BROCK a MAKE YOUR WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STs. ME ---- AA Arr DAINTY PASTRY Cream Puffs, Chocolate Eclairs, Charlotte Russe, Fresh Made Daily ; F.C. HAMBROOK CATERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES STREET . . Phone 2519.

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