SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1022. THE DAILY B RITISH WHIG A ---------------- Las t-- \ hi) "WE CAN SUPPLY THE KIND OF Dressed Quebec Spruce Uniform grades--well milled--in Flooring, V. Joint, Novelty Siding and Sheathing. Let us have your inquiries. ~ ALLAN LUMBER C0. VICTORIA STREET. "Phone 1042 FINEST J Building Blocks, Bricks and Sand | MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE BLOCKS, CE- | MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, BASE COURSE, | PIER CAPS, ETC. . DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND PLASTERING SAND, AND GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. | R. J. McCLELLAND | CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS | i Ny | Modern Equipment | pilus experience and ability are rea- sonable for the work that we are able to accomplish in this shop. Drop in some day and take a look around our plant. There's ample evidence here to reveal the kind of shop that we maintain. We're on the job all the time. We make what you want or repaif what you want repaired. \ "Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREEIs tt ---- SOOT DESTROYER Eats up soot without injury to the chim- ---- - - Kingston Markets | 23rd. Friday, Nov. Fruit, , Lawrence, pk. Wolfe River, pk Haaz, pk. Duchess, Jelly Crab, Cal., 1b doz Lemons, doz Duchess, 11 Anjou, 11 qt Pears, Keifer, 11 qt, Dried Fruits Apricots, Cal, 1b, Prunes, Cal. 1. .... Peaches, #vap. Ib. Garden Produce, Deets, 1b. Carrots, Ib. Cauliflower, each, . Celery, bunch, Lettuce, head, Lettuce, Jeaf Apples, St Apples, Apples, Apples, Apples, Bananas Grapes, . Oranges 0 to 60 20 $1.25 .$1.00 Pears; Pears, Onions, Yellow Denver, pk. Peppers, red, doz. Peppers sweet green, doz. Potatoes, few, pk. Potatoes, new bag, Fresh vegetabjes-- Cabbage, each Tomatoes, 1b, Unclassified. Sugar, granulated, Sugar, yellow, 1b, Sugar, icing, 1b. Flour, standard, cwt. Rolled Oats 1b, Honey, 5-1b. pail Honey, comb, Maple Sugar, 1b. Lard, 1b" Oleomargarine 1b, -+$3.75 to $4] hirr ase dvene nas 5 | e430] vse.36] Cod, 15. Filets, 1b. . Finnar Haddie, 1b, Haddock fresh Ib. |Halibat, fresh, 1b, Kippers, pair Perch, 1b. Pike, 1b. Salmon, 1b. ney--will not injure metals or mortar. No ||| more Stove Pipes to be taken down. The only Soot Destroyer on the market that has [| proved successful. Lemmon & Sons | 187 PRINCESS STREET | | | SPLENDID DISPLAY | e------ of CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS | The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. | $06-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. PHONE 243. A ee cc eee, Special Prices on Davenport, Cheser fields [Shoulders, roasts, .... «2! 5 Wheat, local, Fresh: | Trout, salmon, 1b White Fish Dairy Produce, Butter, creamery, 1b Butter, dairy, 1b Cheese, new, lb Cheese, old, 1b. 35] Eggs, new' laid, doz 60 | Te | 1 Meats ang Poultry 40 30 | 35 23} Beef: Steak, porterhouse , Steak, round, 1b. Boiling cuts, 1b. Stewing cuts, 1b, Beef, western, cwt Beef, local, 1b Veal, 1b. ....i... oa Pork: Loin roasts, 1h, - 10] 11 14 8] 20 CA el Hogs, 1iT8 weight, cwt. | Chops, 1b, 25 351 Hogs, dressed. cwt. Bacon, breakfast, Ham, smoked, Spring lamb: Carcase, 1b, Fronts ,lb. Mutton, chops, |b. Mutton, carcase i Poultry « | Fowl, Ib, 25! so) | ..30] L283 25 . 15) Hay, Straw and Grains. | Barley, bus, 80 Bran, ton, ..829 to $30] Buckwheat, bus. $1.10 Corn, feed, car lots, ,., 115] 'Corn, feed, bus. $1.30 Hay, baled, ton $12 to $13 Hay, loose, ton $11 to $11.50] Oats, local, bus. vere BB] Shorts, ton . $31 to $32 raw, baled, bus. ------ Market Review, .. $1.30 Davenport Beds . . . $37.00, $45.00 and up Chesterfield Suites--5 pieces--Lamp, -Ottawa, 'Nov. 23.--Further en- quiry on export account is reported and one or two cats are being ship- ped on consignment. Canadian mar- kets for fresh are firmer; storage unchanged. In the United States, refrigerators are reported weak, due largely to the banks and warehouses calling for increased margins. There is a possibility of this causing a fur. ther break. Toronto--Special, 80c; extras, 70c. Retail stores paying country shippers: Extras, 60c; firsts, 50e¢. Montreal -- Fresh, unchanged; storage, extras, 40c; firsts, 3b¢ to 36e. Ottawa--Farmers' market 1 Spe- clals, 80¢ to 90c; extras, 70¢ to 76e. Quebec--Jobbing | fresh extras, 80¢; firsts, 55¢; storage extras, 42¢; firsts, 38¢. Chicago -- Unchanged. New York--Eggs, unchanged; Plugged Nose Cleared, Table, 2 chairs and Chesterfield. ; Worth $250.00, for ......... $200.00 Extension Couches $10.50, $12.50, $13.50. The Targest and best line of Furniture in the city to choose from, ~ : _Robt. J. Reid Ainbulance Phone 577. "Nose Colds Stopped Relief From Catarrh, Broachitis, Colds . i Just think of it!'--you can clear away your cough, remove all trace of catarrh, strengthen a weak. th 1 make yourself entirely well without taking any medicine, You wonder how--very simple in- deed. You simply breathe through Inhaler and fill yo lings and nose with healing essences] that soothe away your trouble in a short timé. In using Catarrhozone you have a safe, quick remedy for colds, Squgha, STippe and winter ills. Sold ed | No doubt they will be wary about [ ciety bills but it is noticeably very 35 people get enough of it right here. j city has so many pretty maidens that i it would tako too much time and too Ww. 20d | Eskimos 1s like hanging children. | all hanging is anyway. ? | at home, | Jiggs. 0 | opinions expressed oyer the banning j of moonlight dancin | Queen's. | cemetery Sapiitse Shammale. pa: chickens, weak; firm, 42¢ to 46¢c; dressed fowl and Western turkeys, poor to good qualities, 36¢c to 40c¢; { live chickens, firm, 18¢ to 19c¢c; Jed } 1 fowl, firm and unchanged, and tur- 'keys are weak. 'Boston--Turkey prices unchang- receipts reported heavy, with | lower prices anticipated next week. | The Man On Watch || Wolfe Island is again to the fore. It is providing many turkey dinners ; for tie Yankees next Thursday. The | fsiand birds were fot all stolen | that'{ sure, or there would have | | been a turkey famine somewhere. | i ------ | The poultry fairs are again in pro- | gress Last year dealers who | bought turkeys early were badly stung, as the prices went to pieces. | 1 Huying this December. | The county of Frontenac may be good at paying Children's Aid So- backward about paying its provine- ial highway levy. The clergymen do not-need to preach hell fire to the people. Most Kingston is not to enter the In- ternational Beauty éontest. . This many expert judges to decide upon the best -- We are well acquainted with the Castle waltz, but now we learn about the wine cellar that Ireme Castle owns and desires to have moved away from her husband's home. --- According to Dr. Grenfell, to hang Yet is it not wise to teach these people that they are not to go abdut strangling one another? That is A man has just left his wife after forty-two years of married life. He prefers the wild places to a quiet life His name is certainly not --- is said that the girls are on edge with regard to It somewhat measures at | : It's all in the: Queen's family, however. The university | authorities and not the police are | the ones who are the censors: | No-light dances are perhaps all | right in common dancing halls, but |' are hardly the thing for a university to countenance. It is said that the | "moonlight" dances originated as science features some years ago and that the Meds. are not to blame for the creations. H-- Now comes the news that ap ad- dition to the vaults at Cataraqui fs necessary gnd is in course of construction, While we are asking the question "Why the Weather?" might we not also ask "Why the Larger Vault?" --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. WESTERN TURKEYS COMING TO TORONTO Still Many Turkeys of Last Year in Cold Storage Plants. Edmonton, Nov. 23.--Reai live | Christmas turkeys, which Sobbled, | strutted and in general comported | themselves as turkeys do, upon a hundred farmsteads in the Lake Saskatoon listriet, north of here, are destined to find a last resting 'place amid floral tributes of cranberries upon 'the plates of Toronto citizens You Don't Begrudge the Fuel = The Kootenay is a range in which you may put your trust for years of economical service. The saving in coal bills 1s an evidence of its gratifying efficiency. And every pound of fuel gives value in cooking and king service. The Oven is so constructed that the heat completely surrounds it, and it is constructed of t-retaining, rust-resisting Armco Iron, protected with tough porcelain enamel. McClary's dealer will clearly show the economy and king perfection of the Kootenay. OVEN, WHITE- NICKELED, The interior of the Armco. iron oven is nickeled, Its clean white surfaces radiate heat quickly and evenly, a factor which adds to the economy and baking quali- tes of the Kootenay. This white-nickeled oven is wash- able and, of coarse, Tesists rust. McClary's Utensils High quality and last- ing brightness is com. bined in this enameled ware, : Clary's every kitchen need. SOLD AT BUNT'S HARDWARE 388 KING STREET nn, VICTORY LOAN COUPONS We will cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to your credit In our Savings Bank where they will Araw interest at 3% per annum. - THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 Kingston Branch - . . F. E, Dench, Manager. when December 25th rolls around. Two car loads of live gobblers, | shipped under the auspices of the egg and poultry marketing services | of the Dominion and Provincial | Governments, will leave Lake Saska- toon in two weeks' time on thefr | Grst and last sight-seeing trip. | In specially equipped cars, with ample feed and water enroute, the | turks will not only reach the Tdron-| tc market alive and well but will probably have gained weight on the trip. It is stated that owing to the glut of turkeys on the Canadian market last Christmas, due in par to the importation of turkeys from New Zealand, large quantites of last year's birds still remain in cold storage. One local man, well in- formed as to market conditions, states that there are 'a million pounds of last year's turkeys in various Canadian cold storage plants and five million pounds in American cold storage plants, msn eve di ------ PREFERENCE WORKS WHLL. -- British Imports Through Canadian Poris Increase 80 Per Cent, . Ottawa, Nov. 23.--Figures are in preparation showing the effect of the legislation enacted at'the last feasion, allowing for a tem per cent. reduction in the dutigs under the British preference when shipments arrive directly at Canadian ocean ports. Having regard to trade con- ditions, the system is raid to be working well with an increase of thirty per cent. in business through channels, compared with the ---------- Walter Andress, Mallorytown, pleaded guilty to crossing the inter- section of King and Bennett streets at a greater rate of speed than 10 miles per hour and was fined $5 and $3.35 costs by Magistrate Page, Rrockville, nt you can't sleep turn om the Hight, And make the brightest day might. An adjustable lamp that can bd used on the table or attached to the wall or bed Is a great night time conveplence that costy very 1'ttia money. Whatever fix- tures you need can be supplied by us--we want you to allow us to show you around the place. {CITES PHONE:423, 74 PRINCESS St WE SERVE GOOD MEALS Good meals served to your liking, EVENING PARTIES given first class attention, THE VICTORIA CAFE 354 King Street. Siug Lee and Gan Lee, Props, Telephone 762. BUY ADVERTISED GOODS They Must Always Give Full Value or friends going to the Old Country, for. J. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Canaan Nenowss, Rawes AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP. Special attention given your tamfly Or returning from Passports arranged For information and rates apply P, HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. on Office: Canadian National Railway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1423. "i ~"The National" Leaves Toronto 10.45 p.m. daily Sleeping Cates Dibing Cam my Soaslutin y I planning tour ts CALIFORNIA this . For Tickets, Reservat tons Passenger and all other information. a pply to. J. P. Hanley, and Ticket Agent, Canadian National Riys, Kingston, Ont. Phone 99. 4 31 E " ; a , 1 of Coaches, Standard and Tourist Compartment-Observa See Canada's highest peaks and finest scenery. Travel at lowest altitude of any transcontinental > tion Cars, City To--