4 ---------- r I have always admired the terrific #udacity of snake charmers, fire eaters, sword dancers and others who make their living by risking strange and un- pleasant deaths, but I maintain that after writing this article none of that "ilk will h anything on me. For I'n{ about to discuss the respect due from Youth to Age. And I'm ing to discuss it in the reverse. hich, I maintain, makes any fire eat- er's performance look like a kinder- garten game. Here's what started me: 'Dear Miss Robinson-- "In our. Club the other day there Was a very earnest discussion on 'The Influence of the Older Woman on Younger Girls! Some said, in the light of the 20th Century they had no fluence on younger girls; others said did, but could not recall a definite tance in which they were influenced an older woman. " "If you feel so inclined we would like for you to write an article on the above subject. We would all appre- giate it, and I am sure it would be very fitable to us. I have always en- Foye your articles, and trust you will €ontinue to write as interestingly in » the future as in the past. "I am, respectfully, 'Mrs. E, G." / CE, b- ADMONITIONS FALL ON HEEDLESS EARS" Io SURELY, MAN- KIND'S FATED AND THE . RLDS ASKEW What THE Youne Ae S-- [Listen World! 4 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG A THIS TALK IS ABOUT RESPECTING AGE Now, of course, the conventional answer to give to this good lady is that young people are influenced by older people and that the jails are fill- ed with misguided juveniles who bit- terly bewail the fact that they weren't so influenced. Yes, that would be the soothing and conventional answer, But unfortunately it would be a lie-- like so many other soothing and con- ventional answers. So I'm not going to give it. A great part of my work, literary and 'social, deals with young people, the ages ranging from infancy to legal maturity. . | work with these young people in the most confidential capa- city, and I cannot escape a knowledge of the powers which make for good in their lives. And I regret to state that the influence of age is seldom amongst those present, save in a negative and often unwholesome sense. If there is any modification to that statement it would be this: Boys are often influenced by the masculine re- cord, even when they do not yield to the influence of individual men. But the typical, lively girl of 1923 has a feeling of indifference if not down- right contempt toward the record of the average woman of the older gene- ration. -~ Ir 'We WiLL RENDER Homage, BOLOLY ANSWERS "YOUTH, WHEN You P VE YOUR COURAGE, POWER, WIT AND TRUTH." WHY SHOULD | RESPECT THR, EARS I wHAT Have ou Theoretically, of course, age should exert a potent influence on youth, But we are dealing in facts. And the hard fact is that age never has exercised much of an influence on youth, and in these chaotic post-war days even that little has vanished, This fact is becoming more widely recognized amongst the elders, and great is the bitterness which it is caus- ing. For countless generations Age has taken for granted that Youth should render it respect. History does not record that the result always came up to the expectation, but the Respect Tradition nevertheless carried on with undiminished vigor. The absolute economic dependence of youth on age was largely respon- sible for this. Also Fate had not as yet called Age's bluff, It looked as if the older folks were making a good job of society, Youth might grgue and rebel, but the Established Order of Things stood unshaken, The time came at last when the Es- tablished Order of Things was no long er unshaken In 1914 began that ter- rible expose of the civilizationgwhich mature brains had wrought and for which it demanded respectdiyd obedi- ence from immature brains. And Age was proven a failure. Its boasted wis- ony gE { WHY SHOULD ANY YOUNGSTER MEEKLY DOFF HIS HAT IF YOU'VE NAUGHT TO SHOW BOUT PEEVISHMNESS AND FAT 2" m "HOMAN (WORTH 1S RECKONED NOT BW LENGTH OF DAYS d BUT BY STRENCT R WEAKNESS ACH WHICH € 2 MAN DISPLAYS, pvii A 'AND IE POMPOUS g ILD one day, cold the next. Warm Against the sudden changes of temperature which are such a shock to the system' to get well that we like to dwell on this WRITTEN AND~ ILLUSTRATED DY ELSIE ROBINSON » dom and righteousness flickered to ash in the roaring hell of war. Youth, browbeaten and despised, turned to and fought that "war. And Youth, | triumphant, and tremendously inflated by that triumph, has emerged from that war with respect, seemingly, for neither God nor Man. ? - Now, of course, this isn'tiguite right, But it's very natural. It'8Uhuman to despise u Tin God when once it's pro- ven tin. And Age has certainly proven itself to be a Tin God. "What an outrageous statement!" I hear some of the elders protest. "Do oursyears and experience count for nothing?" Yes, you've had experience, dear Elders. But what have you done with it? Has it really made you any wiser, any braver, any more subtle or intelli- gent? Or has it simply made you ti- mid, intolerant, crabby and cautious? Doubtless you will claim ygu are the former and deny the latter charge. But Youth, from whom you demand res- pect, and who stands there judging you, thinks differently. Youth sdys that you have knuckled down to ex- perience or run away from it. As for those boasted years -- why should mere years add to one's pow- er? A mud flat may be as old as the moon but what social standing has a mud flat ? Why should a fat waist line and portly jowls command a hearing? Nine times out of ten they are the signs of slothfulness and gteediness rather than of dignity and acumen, These are the thoughts of Youth which I am giving you And although Youth is cruel, Youth is also clear- eyed. Why does Youth turn from your sermons and warnings and follow the call of some reckless young rebel of his own age? Because in the reckless- ness of that young rebel lies the hope of Human Progress, I'm not saying that Youth is wise enough to know that such reckless- ness is more sane than the caution of age. But the instinct of Youth is still healthy. ' Instinctively Youth follows the right call. And all your man- dates and mutterings" won't hold him back. 'Yet young folks do need to be guided," you protest, "and surely old- er folks were meant to guide them." Yes, young folks do need to be guid- ed and older folks were meant to guide them, But Age can't guide Youth by boasting about years which are obvi- ously a handicap and experience which has plainly been met with stupidity or cowardice. Age can only guide Youth by speaking the language of Youth and thinking the thoughts of Youth. And this is not only possible but is really the best thmg in the world for Age. How shall we who are older speak the language of Youth? First by ceas- ing this silly pretence that we are wis. er and better and more powerful simp- ly because we are older. By frankly ac. knowledging that we don't know it all. By abandoning ourselves once more to curiosity and fooYishmess, By taking a chance whenever a chance presents self. By letting ourselves be argued with and laughed at and contradicted. By letting ourselves become little chil- dren again, , If you will do that, whatever your age, the children will follow you as once they followed the Pied Piper of Hamlin Town with his piping whistle that answered the tune in their own young hearts, But as long as you try to hang on to your' dignities and pero- gatives they'll pass you by with a smile of contempt and go on their ud- venturing way. \ NEW WEST INDIAN CABLE TO BE LAID Will Connect Turk's Island ° and Barbados -- Trinidad and Guiana Branches. Washington, Nov. 9.--Plans for the construction of a new cable from Turk's Island to Barbados have been agreed upon between the British government, the Canadian govern ment and other colonial governments concerned, it was learned officially, At Barbados the cable will bifur- cate to Trinidad, on the ome hand, and British Guiana, on the other, and the smaller islands of the West Indies will be served by means of a number of wireless stations, subsi- diary to the cable, which will con- nect with the central cable station at Barbados. The new cable also will connect with Canada via the "lam 5 years of age. 30 years ago I took an Endowment Policy for $10,000. with the London, Life. it comes due to-day-- it was a participating policy--! have let my profits accumulate at com- pound interest--To-day | have received a cheque for $10,183.70 - $180.16 for every $100 paid in." A "I am '30 years of age--p 1 have just taken a "Can. adian Series" Whole Life Policy for $20,000. with the London Life. It will cost me onty $485.00, If anything happens to me the future of my wife and children ' is secure--!. hava | created an Estate! : Later In life, if all ts wel, 1 have the privilege of chang. ing it (without loss or further medical examination) to any policy more suited ta my $F am 683 years of ager At 25 | took an inj ary Life Policy with t London Life _Insur Company. For 38 years my family were safeguarded and still are--for if | should dig tonight 'my wife would receive the full amount of my policy. i Meanwhile; the original: premium of $1840 pes thousand has been steads ily reduced and | am this year paying only $432 pes Jater_needs."' thousand for my insurance) Enjoy Similar Results! See. 'Our' Nearest' Agent or. Write 'The : London Life HEAD OFFICES LONDON, CANA' Agencies in All Principal Cities District Representative W. WALTERS King and Brock Streets -- A Range That Makes You Proud . § r \ : H® appreciation of the fempting, beauti- fully-baked things that come from the oven of the Kootenay adds not only to the good cook's satisfac tion, but enhances the happiness of the home. A man anticipates the good meals that he knows his wife will bake witha Kootenay Oven. «unique ENAMEL-CLAD ,FLUES The flue construction of the Kootenay is protected at every vital point with tough porcelain enamel, and the oven is built of rust- resisting Armco-iron. This\ cClary's construc- tion extends the life of the Kootenay by many years. OVEN WHITE-NICKELED The interior of the tA a Es ls And well he might, for the Kootenay co-operafes : of with all its cooking ability; it is made of Armco - Armcoiron oven js nickel Iron. Its oven heats quickly, evenly and holds its faces radiate heat quickl heat with a small fire. . and evenly--a factor whic i Not ust. a stove--The Kootenay is a master adds 30 avaiies of the * \ . white- Ask your husband to Ee with you to McClary's oat "oven is washable dealer when you wish to . and, of course, resists rust. side of the picture, Disease germs are Rarmless to a body stron, Joouth to fight them--to a body Supp with 'an abundance of rich, red Halifay-Bermuda cable. Bids are about to be invited for construction of the cable, which is designed to strengthen what has been regarded by British experts as one of the weak links in the Imperial communications system. At present 'West Indian colonies are served to a large extent by the West Indies and Panama Company, but government, through Sir L. Worth- ington-Evans, postmaster-general re- cently took up the question of com- munication to these islands with a view to providing communications in case that company ceased to. fune- and dry indoors, cold and damp outside. These sudden changes waste vitality at an enormous rate. If the 'benefits of summer temperature and out- door life are to be main it is neces. sary to fortify the system this strain of sudden 'change of The fresh air, the more naturil foods, the exercise you take in the summer time help to get your blood rich and your nerves "It is worth while to try to keep well and there is nothing like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to help you. How to retain this benefit fo your health BUNT'S HARDWARE 388 KING STREET | committee of the Association of Rallwdy Executives, in New York on Thursday. ; J. G, Campbell, Deceronto, has 3 C. N. Express company -C.N.R. Station. We must not say that every mis ~ take iz a foolish one. 3 'Bach ote sees what he carries ema of a Roman Bouse, fit: central heating, still exis: below the London Coal Exchange 3g