Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1923, p. 23

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« a A, - © A, @ - 'SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1923, -- THE DAILY BRITI SH WHIG Obtain Things ~ LOCAL NEWS. 8rief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. "There was no session of the police eburt on Saturday morning. Get one of our Simmons' special outfits at $32.76. James Reid's. Principal Dyde is to preach anni- versary services in Lansdowne Pres- beterian church on Sunday. dr. Swain, plano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street wast, Caleb Nash, Kingston, has been visiting his mother and other friends in Wellington. Pe D. W. Way hag returned to King- ston, after spending some time with relatives in Wilson Settlement, N.Y. Mrs. W. F. Clark, Cape Vincent, N.Y., was called to Sydenham by the sorious illness of her sister, Mrs. Hattie Brooks. ~Bee our $8.60 Simmons' Mattres- ses in all size¥ at James Reid's. Hollyhocks in flower were noticed in a dowgtown garden on Saturday, having escaped the severe froats of this week. November 10th is very late for those big plants to bloom. Call and see the display of fancy stamped goods, baby's knitted goods "and woollens for Christmas gifts at Ethel E. McCullagh's, 351 Princess street. At YW.C.A, World's Week of Fellowship and Prayer to be held next week at the building. Mrs. Jonathan Doforth, Honan, China, will be the speaker. Further notice will be given. Bpecial reductions on all Simmons' beds, springs and mattresses at James Reid's. The firemen were called to the home of John Hingey, Flgin avenue, about 11 o'clock on Friday night, for a fire which had started back of a sideboard. The sideboard and wall were severely scorched. Tr { CATTLE POISONED | Richard Arthur, Latimer, Loses Five L€° Valuable Animals. A' cattle poisoner 1s at work at | Latimer and Richard Arthur, a pro-| minent breeder of thoroughbred registered Durhams, lost five of his valuable animals this week. They were all heif>rs, two two-year-olds and three yearlings. "The cattle were pastured on the aylor farm and word reached Mr. Arthur on Monday that two of his cattle were sad. He took the ani mals out of the pasture and three more that showed symptoms. of ill- ness died. Dr. G. W, Bell, Kings- ton veterinary surgeon, was called and diagnosed the cases as poisoning, and laboratory tests made at Queen's University confirmed . this. How was the poison administeged and by whom ?' This is the question that has aroused feelings among the farmers of Latimer. Mr. Arthur is of the opinlen that it was probably used in salt that cattle always lick up greadily without leaving any trace. His suspicions are not directed against any particular individual and there is no clue at the présent tine, * ay PRODUCE MARKETS. | Toronto, Nov. 10 §6 to 36.75. Qattle, 36 to $5.75. Lambs, $10.50 to $10.75. Hogs, $8 to $8.75. Hens, 18 to 24c. Chickens, 14 to 16c. Turkeys, 26c to 35c¢. Eggs: Firsts, 37 to 38c. Seconds, 32 to 33c. Cartons, 44 to 45c. Cartons, fresh, 64 to .660; Eggs delivered Toronto: Extras, 60 to 63c. Firsts, 34 to 36c, Beconds, 24 to 26a Splits, 23 to 24c. Butter to retail trade: eamery, extra funcy, lc Heavy steers, to Creamery, No. 1, 40 to. 4le. No. 2 37 to 38c. Dairy, 31 to 32c, Delivered Toronto: Creamery, special solids, 3¢ 6%. : Creamery, No. 1, 36 to 363c. No. 2, 33 to 33%ec. Cheese, new, large, 283% to 24c. New twins, 24 to 24%e. Manitoba wheat, No 1 northern, bay ports, $1.06. Manitoba oats, 0 Ge British Whig CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Indexed, standardized and popular- ized according to All ads. are restricted to - thelr Proper classificativn, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Daily fate per line or consecutive insertions: Minimum charge, 25 gents. Lally rates per line. Charge Cash see 4 b 4 14d Fetsterataenanas 8 6 Deatas-- One insertion, charged, Births, Engagements, Marriages, $1.00; casn, $1.00. L&rd of Ynanks and Memoriam Notices--_ harged, $1.50; casn, $1.0 each insertion. Adverusing ordered for irregular insertions takes the one-time inser. tion rate; no ad. taken for less LOAD basis of four lines. Count six average words to the line. Charged ads. will be received by telepnune and ir paid at The Brit- ish Whig Uftice within 6 days from lhe Drs. day of insertion, cash rate Will pe allowed, Ads. ordered ror more than one day and stoppea before expiration will Only be cnarged for the number of times the au. appeared and adjuer- lent made af the rate earned. 1 | | i | | | | | | | 4 { | Give This Page The Attention It Deserves And- et - Begining At The Wrong End Is The Wrong Beginning Jones was given a good cigar--and he lit the wrong end. He puffed and sputtered--and then he fumed some ause the cigar didn't. Of course the laugh was on Jones. He decided then and there that it pays to look at the right end-of things. The time might come when getting hold of the wrong end would mean something more doleful than missing the enjoyment of a cool Havana. People who begin things right turn daily to the Whig's A-B-C Classified Section. They find offers to buy at economy prices linked with opportunities to sell at profitable figures. They are burnin bec g with a desire to succeed--and they make good use of the only place where Opportunity js classified and indexed for quick reference. You, too, may "smoke" out Opportunity by regularly reading--and regularly heeding--the advantageous of- fers which the people of Kinggton and vicinity place be- fore you in the A-B-C Classitied Section. THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE POSITION WANTED-- Employment Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 85 AGENTS-- A boeiness of your own: make sparkling glass name plates, numbers, checker-hoards, medallions, | signs; big illustrated book FREE. Eg Palmer, 210 Wooster, O, AGENTS--If line showing & profit of $50 weekly | up, write for literature on our rub- ber specialties. S eady demand. B. &' E. Mig. Co., Dept. 4, London, Ont. | MAN OR WOMAN--Not to canvass, but | to travel and appoint local representa- | tives. Contract guarantees weekly | average $21 and expenses; commission | besides, offering opportunity to earn $50 a week and expenses. Experience an advantage but not required. Write at once, stating age and experience Winston Co., Dept. W.U., Toronto. SALES AGENT--Reliable, for unrepre- | sented districts. Good pay, free equip | ment. We are the largest growers of | fruit and ornamental trees in Canada, | Sell for a Nursery, not for a Jobber. You will successful. Write: Pelham | Nursery Co., Toronto. { Eituations Wanted--Female 30 | By young lady, having a complete teachers' course, al- | so full commercial course --sShort-| hand typewriting, bookkeeping. Would! 'accept reasonabie salary to start. Re- | plies confidential. Box V-8, Whig Of- you want a good, steady |. __ Merchandise Articles for Sale. HARDWOOD -- Mixed wood, mix ~ 3 slabs, soft wood slabs, one car choice orm OME. Radu an King oe body hard maple, shingles $4.00 thou-| ADDIY tarpucH pled by the Bt sand; rough lumber, cope siding. 'W ngham & Smith, : 2 H. Talbot, yard 3 Concession Vv Street, Phone 2302W. | Houses For Rent near Division. To ota » on Ordnance street. Possession at onos. Clarence Street. s per month. Apply § Deacon St.,| Pe eoonth Tr marine engine. phone 2336m, ORGANS--We have '6 organs, all in| BRICK RESIDENCE--No. 390 ATbert de a good condition, from $16 up. C. W.| Unfurnished. Apply to Cunninghass Lindsay, Limited. | & Smith, 79 Clarence Street. ; PERAMBULATOR -- Baby's, white, DWELLING--And barn on Stuart English style. Apply at 88 Barrack | Ammediate possession. Apply to Street. Brock. Street. Telephone 203. 2 QUEBEC HEATER -- Kitchen table, HOUSES--§ rooms, two storey woods hanging lamp, table lamps, barber, en dwellings, newly decorat : APRIY K. Zacks, | E ! -- QUEBEC HEATERS -- Combination HOUSE--§ moom, Stoves, dining room and other furni-| $15.00 a month, ture. We also buy. J. Thompson, 333] R. Chas. Bell 130 Princess Street. Phone 1600w. or FOR SALE OR FOR RENT--493 Jol RANGE--One Steel Range, Superior! son Street, § rooms, frame. Rent $1 eh Niguria, coal or wood, hot water! in advance. Apply J. B. Cooke. Phones front, in first class shape. Also one| Res, 824w., Office 503w. Fe Kerosine Vapor double gas burner, fits | any- stove. Will sell cheap to quick| buyer. 157 Lower Bagot Street. HOUSE--At once, new, with large lot and barn | fred. Apply J. D. Boyd. nation gas and! or sale cheap, at| Princess Street. seven r rth Als Phone har % on Noi PRINCESS STREET roo! - gas and electric. Apply ME. Wi a Canada Radlo Stores. Phone 1307). Comfortable RANGE -- One combi coal; almost new. F Taylor & Hamilton's, SMOKES--W with a spec € are leading this week ial new brand (Checkers)| 104 BAGOT STREET Rate per line for white space is ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY fice. | selling at 25 cents a tin. An excel-| brick house, near City Park PY: the same as a line of type. me -------------- == | lent smoke for the moderate smoker. King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence £0 oa Spacial sais for Jearly advertising 2 | Situations Wanted--Male 87] Hide, nn Smokes we have it, --| Kingston, t. CB Publish. serve the right to edit | : r--_] | J ---------- ey mms | $35.00---382 Earl Street, 8 rooms, three or Torecr aarierve the, A eairae Ee eee =e __ | YOUNG MAN---Desires position. Eng-| STOVKES--Lawrenson's for Goud Cheer| Piece bath, electric lights, sas, furs copy. Automobiles : "Business &. 1 lish. Willing to do anything. Appiy| Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters,| hace. Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. | Auloma i usiness Services | Box X-9. Whig Office. Economy Heady Mixed faints and Var. 33s 00 = 330 Barrie Street, 9 rooms, x: \ = ------ en =| nishes. i Tincess reet. one ree plece bath, electric ht ut Ker = a | Automobiles for Sale, 11 Painting, Paper Decorat 26 | Fi ial | 880w., opposite Orange Hall. y Roe, hardwood floors. Habis. gum ing, ing nanc "| $35.00--200 William Street, 7 Announcemenis | Money to Loan 40 | SCALES--AIl kinds, new and second-| three piece bath, electric Nght pas. | & 2 USED CARS-- Several. Apply Blue SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear | hand. Cash or easy terms. Toledo| furnace, newly decorated. ar Personals | Carage Ltd. Bagot and Queen Streets.| 275 Bagot street. 4 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment| Scale Co, Ltd. 209 Princess St., King-| $40.00--23 Division Street (furnished), | | ---------- { "Society, incorporated 1861 President, | 2ton. three piece bath, electric lights, gan FITS, EPILEPSY -- Permanently Té-! TIRES -- TIRES Factory adjust-| Architects ' 28D, | W. F. Nickle KC: vice-president a -- - $40.00--Universit Avenue, rooms, lteved by Trench's remedy. 35 years merit, all size cords, 30x31% to 36x5: ------ on 'Cunningham. Money issued on elty STOVE--"Fire King," good size, suit-| three piece ba v gas, electric lights, success. Write at once for free book.| grom' 3350 up. Palmer Auto Salvage, | ARCHITECTS Pow "nS dG Drover] ond pooh properties; municipal and! able for store or hotel; wonderful| gas, furnace. Simple home treatment. Thousands | corner Bagot and Queen Streets. | "Merchants Dany or » Son and Drever, | county debentures: 'mortgages pur-| heater; best of condition; reasonable See Mullin's for houses to rent. Phone testimonials. Trench's Remedies, | J } Merc $8 Bank Chambers, corner of Y. : 3 price. Apply at Hopkinson's Grooery 53%w. Joh d Di : 2 . | Brock and Wellington, chased; investment bonds for sale; de-| PI : . nson an vision Streets, Limited, Dept. 0. 9 pieiaite East, To- USED (CARS And Trucks, bought, em posits recelved and iuterest allowed.| 37 Brock Street. TE rpm Sadek SEE ronto, Cut 8 out). sold, listed or exchanged. Chi; R. C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence I = re eal tate ER - - PALMER AUTO BALVAGE, ropructie 28c.| LLC Aliwrsht, ger, Barter and Exchange Sia Real Es For Sale, gy MATRIMONY--Wealthy, pretty, affec- Cor. Bagot and Queen Streets. CELIS--W. . Houses For Sale a tionate girl, would marry. Write en- MARCELIS--Wm., A., D.C, Ph. C., cor- FOR EXCE " . \ ner Princess and Barrie § Live Stock XGHANGE--Ford Runabout and X closing 'envelope. Doris Dawn, South fer ee Y rests. 2nd | Truck Body Box. for exchange for BUNGALOW! g s . n e 2967 ro I 5-- 3 Kuglld, Onlo. Ont." Consultation free. Telephone Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 SEashL Fane. Seoone 22670. F. J.| Two, $1,200 each. Ot MATRIMCNIAL -- Hundreds seeking Se arsS| $22J. Hours § to 12 a.m, 1 to § poy. ON TEE Foe cr aa. yireel. poo brick, hot air marriage. If sincere enclose stamp. " 3 BOST! T J ES8--Regis- y . > hy » & plece bath, verans Mrs. J. Willard, 2928 Brosaway, Chi. | PAO CT TONAL VACHE CY Dre GF ne Wnd. Hag Chires| "tered from high class stock, beauti- Wanted---I'o Buy oo Mansy" ge Toaooma. $3000.00. A "XCE NAL JE { BP 8 egistered | 1 A 0.00. | - " 0 n first 'mortga cago, Illinois 8 Nurse, 239 Bagot Street, Phy rood | ine Sarked. S150) and i he a) OLD GOLD--Sllver, or False Teeth, for H. B, WILSON, REAL Jha ih MATRIMONY--Marry girlie -- wealth | CHEVROLET Hours: 9-13 a.m., 1 to 5, and 6 to 7.30 | -- tbe: Brighton R. R. No. 3, Ontario. | Sash Or exchange. G. W. Lyons,|316 Barrie Street Phone' 1008, = $50,000, but lonesome, oh. Irene, Box : Do eunday and other houfs by ap-| tlorses, Cattle, Implements 48 | 214 Princess st Kingston. - - - 86, Oxford, Mla. Newly painted, good tires, first i n tion free. td ND : SE S DOUBLE BRICK HOUSE---Princegs F Vo; class running order. Price $200.00, | MARE--Dark Brown, young, good ary.) oe DERg- 1 Narerds, clean Cinders.| half minute from ear line, § bed. ia MATRIMONY --Marry if lonely, tor Two excellent 28d. | "cr and in first class condition. Apply | Oy Library, yoreross, Queen's Uni- and Jathroom in sash glectria results, try me; best and most suc- | " | Frontenac Mattress Co. 377 King St garr---- 2 0 : r - ses aaa oh | | SP 8 ' ---- A » = = or a rates A 3.000 singly. No a he Satins, dot. asset FORD TRUCKS | Sas & sams -- bore boston: i PANG Waried good ured Uotiani | E10, wale omg, "SMe ADDIY dential; most reliable; years of ex-| in fine condition, electric starters, Phone #46. | YOUNG MARE--with buggy and har. ho OF. wash or exchange on ew Yr ---- verience; descripiions tree, "fhe Suc-| in good running order, ness, complete; fine driving horse. | Plano or phongs , gc WV: Lindsay, | HOUSE rooms; bath and toilet, eige- cessful Club", Mrs. Nash, Box 666, KNAPP--Dv. A. E., Dentist. Office: 2358) Outht 1n Lost of shape; or would ex- mma Ee hdl waarage and driveway, Oskland, California. McLAUGHLIN E45. Princess Suse. Puone §52w. Open| change for Ford car. Apply Box W-8, ig $22 Foray Laide &00d closed " - 4 ¥_ appointment. Whig Office. -- . . = PENSIONS--S8panish War Soldiers, in- Closed car. | f= = Rooms For Rent (sou BRICK HOUSE 8 5 formation sent free. Authorized agent | 280. y od-- 3 5 EE PT TT ra = T-- - 1 -- Too! L. G. Fitzgerald, Indianapolis, Indiana. McLAUGHLIN D45 | 8 Want Live Stock 30 | Rooms Without Board es Jedroonn, whter ponant ns dn UB.A. Box 52. Bend your address at Good tires, new top, painted, per- cu? GHAM & SMITH -- Barristers! | T-- irst . * ; once. foot mictehay ages p And Solicitors, 79 Clarence Tete) POULTRY--We want your poultry, live! BEDROOM --Comfortable, on bath room | Firat foors large drawing room, fire m-- It will pay to look these .cars Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.:| Or dressed. Write for price ists. Wal- | flat, in new house. Apply 345 Al-| Dace. in DE aaa, kitchen, with uy Rin BLEMISHES itr, , Moles, over. Terms arringed | Cyril M. Smith, | ler's, Spadina Ave., Toronto. | fred Street, or phone 2292w. ¢ | Snuranee Thirg Soor: 3 Sarac : arts, rthmarks, n cancers, . y | | --_-------- ms IIE | essere tesserae meee be . ty , v Scars] Pits, etc., removed permanent- » [DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and| Merchandise. *" | FURNISHED ROOMS -- Two, good| Inia house is beautitul, situated on ly. Batisfactory Glasses ftted and | solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King-| | rooms, furnished. Apply 233 Brock| par ir Bel: ayer ooking the City furnished after others have failed. oy S arage { ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I Revells, | =----------------o_ irticles For Rolex | Street. Phone 2473W, | : Mierested, call the oftign, Goitre cured without operation. - 38 173 B P ot Money to loan. Phone 206. Articles For Sale 51 | ern ou TR 5 years' experience. Dr. limer J. La) 9 Brock Street. hone 201w fe - ROOMS--Comtortably furnished, Every B. RTMEOUR Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, = | CA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister an ASHE ie da H y Clinkers.| ©onvenlence. Apply 215 University 7 Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J.| Amto Accessories--Tires-- Parts +18 Solloltor. Law Oftice, corner of in| reilly ai oud De] Avenue. Phone 1216J. Phones 704 or 1543F A dpi hh nd Ee mii S| an rock, over Royal Bank. Money To be had for drawing. Apply | Los Foun 10 | MAXOTIRES-- Are your tires weak?|s------- oor over H me | : ROOMS--Two, three or four, furnish dq, | my os t and Found Then what you want is a Maxotire, | Osteopathy To0g| Sue "iiovea Foundry, King and with kitchenette. All convenieneas | RE amemie large Beat Estate ads BBLT---Of Sweater Coat, found, on| Wear them out instead of blowing| Apply 470 Johnson Street. Phone | Dp , column 1. S Division street, near Sixth Street. them gut. Cail ahd deus sel JOU| OSTEOPATHY--A. 7. Still sgraduates.| AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents | 14394. | Owner may have same at 450 Divi- . stern a Maxotire Drs. Hebert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 eisslorvugh Cadoen, Biife Fo ms For Housckeopi PTY MEMUCHANUISE _-- slon Street. Rn -- ng Street. Phone 447 for appoint. ushions, I'lags, Tarpaulins. CW, Roo usckee Garages--Autos for Hire--Taxl 14 | 1o.n8 FARO | Choke 3is Haw Jurveulina. VF. Ps CUFF LINK--Found, on Tuesdsy even- | ROOMS-- Furnished, f light h -. ing on Princess Street, near Allen] GARAGE-~For rent, close to business Repairing 20| ARMY GOODS--S8hirts, pants, breeches, | keeping; all conveniences; tulephome: STORM WINDOWS MADE 10 ORDER Theatre, Owner apply 246 Colborme| district. Apply Box M-6, Whig Office. putties, mitts, bed blankets, = horse] centrally located. Apply 163 Syden- | Get our money saving price Net. . Street. Telephone 1765M. | FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds, | Plankets, coats, leggings, boots, prices| nam Street. showing cost of storm windows{ - Call and see W. Driscoll, 23 John| Very reasonable. A. Shapiro, 45 Prin | - - -- | | glazed complete, any sive. If you COCKER SPANIEL PUR--Lost, black, Business Service street. Phone 296F. cess Street. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS-- Convent. are butiaing or repair . alk tor] © spot on breast. e Ir OF I'e- | Smee eT, 1 y or, 8 ousekeeping, electric ou rr cata. ue 0 turn to Crothers Co. Business Services Offered 18 | UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni.| BRICK--Hara and soft, any quantity. light, gas for cooking' y Rb las. Ld ullding ma-f ture; work guaranteed. Cal] or drop a| vp E. E. Walthem, corner Birch| ypiy y Avenue. Phone 317w. . - FOUNTAIN PEN--Lost, silver, mono- ® card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street.| 2nd Collingwood Strees. Phone 618 or} er The Hallida Co. Led, : Sram on MR.V.B. Finder Kindly re-| AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- UPROLE Em 139 f | HAMILTON, ONTARIO. 1 turn to & Office, Reward. Stieactling, W. A Twige 314 King | UPHOLSTER ING--And general repair BALDWIN LOUD SPEAKERS Units i Real Estate For Rent | 3 FOUNTAIN iN --Found, picked u to KF. W. Ha ' y n ones now in. € sure ed pr SuNTAIN PEN Fa Be 'Saturdays ; > Harold ,104 Clergy Street. | them and see ihe wondes{yl Mica Dia- Apartments and Flaws 74 game. Uwner please apply at 65 Col-| WELL , DRILLING -- Sanitary water| SHOE REPAIRING--AIl hand work| Phgrams. Canada Radio Stores. EN r = { lingwood Street. Wells, the oldest, the largest, the only| Rubber heels a speciaity; efficient ser- | - . ea APARTMENT --Four rooms, all _con-| FURNITURE » sanitary well drillers in Frontenac| Vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont-| BARGAINS IN FURNITURE--Barnet| venliences; hot water heating. Apply Of All Descriptions at Reagon. MITT--Found, child's woollen, grey, on| and Lennox and Addington. The| real and Queen Streets. | kitchen cabinet Happy Thought| W. J. B. White able Prices King street, between Queen and Prin-| most modern equipment in America. | ----------__..| range. Highest prices paid for old STOVES Cess Streets. Owner may have same For full information writs to F, J.| UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons| early Maple furniture. Lesses Anti-| FLAT 4 rooms, ground floor, com-| Well repaired. at & rgiht rion at Whig Office. Garrison Co., Colebrook, Ont. | made same day as ordered. Upholster-| que Shop, 507 Princess Street. Phone! pletely furnished, well heated, electric | > oe -- : ing at Seasonubie prices. E. J. Good-| 1045w. | light, gas range, piano, phone, every | - ° PRAY BOOK---Found, on Wellington Ladics' Hair Farvior, | ridge, Diversity Avenue. Phone > convenience. Hent moderate. Central street near West. Owner may have # Parlor. 2ta) 20435, CIGARS--If you want real cigar ser- | location. Suitable for refined prey ur = same at Whig Office, RITE yer a eas pt emma vice, a full line to choose from, at rea-| Immediate possession if desired. Ap-| . LADIES TRANSFORMATIONS Bob. Emplo t sonable prices, drop in and see us.-- ply Box T-5, Whig Office | SMALL FURSE-- Found. containing a| bed curls. switches. Sentiomany wigs, ploymen Elder's Cigar Store. [a Rn iis Omtes, _ PHONE 08... sum of money. Owner may have sam ] . &, es' | APARTMENTS ; 81 106 Victoria Street, north of Mach | an Children Bay Sens. Mrs Cun- Help Wanted--Female 33 OH h=RpIELD SUITE Completely | "lights, gas, throe plas Bath aren Street. { ' . on. - upholstered in English Figured Tap-| house C 5 it, i Te ====| EARN---$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, the estry; also Walnut dinin room suite | two families. Soven toimey table ind ARTICLES FOR SALE SCOTCH TERRIER PUPPY--Lost, fe. Insurance 23 Dleasant Home Work way making! with long buffet -and o long table:| Ein Street. Also a stable, accommo. | One seven drawer mahog male; color, biack, slightly grey. Sucka on a Jagt, sauily jsarnsd Autol Just like new.. Apply 5 Jenkin Street. | dations for four horses on Stanley St ished, fiat top piles desk, e sige. «ong tail, short legs. hone 15340 : ; Ti 8i3. Apply H. F. No . satri . mahogany finished, flat types or return to $22 Princess Stent. DOMINION LIFE vasging haterial; positively no 'can-| COLUMBIA B. PHONOGRAPH And 30] APP emai: $9 Patrick St. | | One mahoga ne four dares B82 SPANIEL PUP -- Lost, on Nov, 8th, white and brown Spaniel pup, chain collar and string attached, followed street car from Port th. Phone 2497). or 318. Z J To-Day's * Blunder Arch. Thomson, Bra Office: 58 Brock Stree FIRE---Automobile and Casualty Insur- ance. Phone 1783M. nch Manager. vassing. t. Telephone 68. 3 78C, Auto Knitter © Particulars dc. stamp. Dept. 0., Toronto. MAKE MONEY AT HOME-- paid weekly fo ing show cards M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street. We instruct and $15 to $60 I Your spare time writ- for us. No Senvassing, supply you with wor records (100 selections), your own! choice, $60. Eaay terms arranged. C, W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St. =m BUSINESS SKRVICK hogany finished filing cabinet. swivel Rewriter chair. On board with frame. Several od larg __ Corrected (See Illustration on Page 18.) A 'bowler should never walk in front of another bowler who is getting ready to send his ball down the alley. Such an action helps to destroy the accuracy of a shot and is highly discourteous and unsports- manlike, INSURANCE---Our Health and Accident West-An, 8 policy will protect your salary. Fire Colborne Bi. hoy Card Sorvies, * 17 insurance at low rates. Phone E. Williamg, 2 Couper Street. Help Wanted--DMale 83 INSURANCE--Only the most reliable | premMEN AND BRAKEMEN Begin. str tabl eset 18 Strange & ners $150-3250 monthly (which posi- ange, os DeJs0. Office: 95| gion t Py te Railway, B 2 Clarence Street. opposite Post Off le Whig Office. Fy Box D3, ETE Bude : Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 ---- COKE---310 ton. DUCK PUNT--New, with oars. 1-4 and % ton lots, 26c. extra. Mixed Cordwood or Slabs, | $12.00 cubic cord or sawed in one foot lengths, making 4 single cords at! $4.25, or half single cord $2.25, or if] split, $2.50--measured and delivered. | Phone 2440W. 290 Wellington, corner Ordnance Street. W. C. Bruton. Extra well built. Snap for cash. Apply W, B. Westlake, Portsmouth. YOUNG MAN--- customed to Poultry Show Results. W. J. Arniel won first pullet in the barred rocks instead of H. L. Hicks, who won third pullet. 8. Campbell won second hen in Bantams (Rose Combs), not first, as previously listed. The Kingston Industrial cup has not yet been awarded. ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and Spare one or two hour . yards, clean Job done: A, MacGregor, plain to business men Realy jo ex. 24 Russell Street. Phone 2155. advertising. This advanced method appeal to t Sand don: Sapon Botgotmiure. clean! ThE Dubie and In gos rtiser and to and dry, App Wathem, 143 cessfully throughout Ontario, win Nelson street. Phone 1391] .or 618, give very attractive contract to right . man. For samples and particu - STORAGE---For furniture, clean, ary, ply The Direct Advertising ori ny. airy rooms and fpuces; your own lock| 64 Cambridge St., Galt, Ont, an y. Frost's oy Storage, 299 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w, At Belleville early on Friday mor- ning, a fast-going Ford coupe ran into a car owned by BE. I. Mooney, Kingston, and damaged it. The Ford car belonged to Toronto. ---- the trade balance for the date is $107,000,000 in favor. Between 25 and 30, ac- meeting public, who can Hon. James Robb announced that y Canada's David S. Kidd Byrne, so called millionaire evangelist, was arrested in Toronto on a charge of fraud. FURNITURE<Oak Dining Room Fur- niture. Phone 1218J, ear, to J HEAVEN AND HELL bargains are advertised & GET---Your Repairs and Separator Ojfl for the De Laval, Renfrew and Melotte Cream Separators at Frost & Wood Agency. 236 Ontario Street. | | { | A Swedsnborg's| great work on the life after death and a real world beyond. Over 400 pages. | Only 25c. post , A. Law, 486 _Ruclia Ave,, Toroatu. IT WILL not take long to find what | Yeu want if you watch the Classified Ads. HOUSEHOLD goods at exceptional | he C in the black size picture frames with can glass. be seen by a, pointment. W. Kent Macoes Bank of Commerce Building, Bro DAVIS DRY DOCK Co and King Streets. Phune 08 or 3 oe 1 . General Insurance Agency, { East End, Wellington Street. Writing: --Automobile, Fs Accl. | | " dent, Sickness, Plate Glass urglary Boh ste. Representing caly reliable com. panies. LOST SOMETHING? Let a clagsfe. fled ad find it. ~ Genuine Pocahontas ~ Smokeless Coal | Large Nutsize . . . .. .$14.00 per ton, For Stove or Furnace, James Swift & Co., Limited Foot ot Johnson Street No 2. C.W., not guoted. No. 3, 46%e. No. 1 teed, 43%e, . Ontario wheat nominal, 94 to 96¢ outside. ' . : Oats, Ontario, No. 2 white, 40 to ~ J BRINGING UP FATHER 8 a 3 3 33 3 3 orn i 1 BY GEORGE McMANUS 7 STR =) : : worsens] [wma I (oe ae re Te BEL ora Trem HEY? weLL f NeED OF A WAITER! ACE a pe ¥ 15 MO LOD AN MAKE iM OIDH WASHER JOB a AWATER AND A. A GOOD a HE WANTS EAT IT OR 1 STILL Oren 2 g Dison ER. h : LL er YOUR ANOTHER BUST YOUR -- 3 4 bok OVE WANT? - JAWS ! 2 ACE * a 0 / G hat 2 TER 3 Hi y: 9 ' o 4 ¥ : \J ] ; : 3 -- ": : { A 2, ! " i x 3 4 : i = - 3

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