pas A sn ian SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1a, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG AE AES AIRE 58 Ww. Y SUCCEED wiz: KINGSTON . REVIEW SATISFIED MOTORISTS MORE POWER. | "APPRECIATED SERVICE| 1 was dinouncea on hursius that Kingston is to be) granted a further power supply by the Ontario Hydro-Electric And Wrote To Atwood & Dine Commission. The deputation from this city went after it and | hey got it. BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS MAKE CANADA PROSPEROUS BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM Within your reach, an honest food value. Doyle's Milk Maid Bread Phone 1369. CONTRACTORS | | | To Say So And Render More power to them. Thanks. | Let us all put on more power this winter. In spite of all [the blue predictions made by some a few years ago--in spite | of all the talk of post-war famines and terrors--most of us are|> still going along quite comfortably. We have survived that!/ trying peripd which was hailed as "reconstruction." A great] JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. 400 ALBERT STREET PHONES 2267TF---928W. J J There is nothing that gives a man for group of men in business that | grand and glorfous feeling so much {as a letter of appreciation concern- \ | 7 JOBBING WORK A SPMCIALTY HURD & SON ~~ FRESH SEEDS Tollet Preparations 227 ONTARIO ST. FOR BIST RESULTS USE OUR BEEDS--LOWEST MARKET PRICES 'FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. McFARLANE & WOOD. PHONE 444. WV) HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP CYLINDERS "sound on a Heald R. M. CAMPBELL 235 Wellington St. Phong 18124. 0 Full ilue of Kitchenware Carried C. N. VEALE Plumbing and Heating STORE~374 Princess St. Phone 308F RES. --154 York Street. FPhome aos | \ : . \ Electric and Acetylene Welding, rass and Irom Castings, Patterns, 3 General Ma mery Repairs THOS. G. BISHOP «ING AND QUEEN STREETS COR. XING SL NONE 38. : J SPECIAL 40c. DINNER AND SUPPER Your patronage solicited. 210 Princess Street '- Phone rs ee Electric Home Needs Moffatt Ranges, protected or open clements, Heaters, Grates, Washing Machines, Vacuum Cleaners. Ask for our special terms. . Public Utilities Hydro Shop 268 PRINCESS STRERT Telephone 844. TELGMANN SCHOOL OF MUSIC 484 Brock St. Phone 2217J J nnd \ r=": MONTREAL STREET si Phone 2147Tw. Jobbing Work a Specialty William Holder Carpenter and Builder. AZ, ~ SAVOY RESTAURANT | Estimates submitted. -- BLUE GARAGE, LTD. Queen and Nagot Streets Phone 367. EXPERT SERVICE ON Washing done at night, 'NEW YORK HAT CLEANING CO. SHOE SHINE PARLOR 208 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 395. 5 PETER LAMPROS. LIVERY IN CONNECTION) Theatrical Transfer Co. * R. Buckley, Prop. Cor, York and Cherry Streets. u Phones 291 and 2314J. Sg f General Aute Repairing, Carbon ) Burning, Acetyleme Welding Cars washed. R. CO. CLARKE COR. KING and PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2357F. cma oas mse sta i aam------ catia? (STRAW HAT SEASON FOR LADIES NOW QPEN We clean and remodel all kinds of Straws. KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS 163 Princess Street, Upstairs. Phone 1488, > \ STAIR PADS Something new in color. You will like them better than the grey. $3.00 per doz. Get them at MARSHALL'S HARDWARE L 193 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 150, 7 ff ----T------ BELMONT DINING ROOM Open from 5 a.m. te 12 midnight. A. TIERNEY, Phone SS1J, Proprietor \| -------------------------------------- GEORGE HUNTER | CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Clans and estimates of all kinds submitted. "FOR BUILDING HOMES" Phone D48w, 78 Pembroke Street. Ww N\ - ALL CARS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. > . R. H. TOYE & COMPANY WHOLESALE FRUIT AND COM-~ MISSION. MERCHANTS. De OLATES and TRS CHOC 5 ME RISTIES BISCUITS PHONE 467. XN r PEERLESS HIGH TEST GASO-) " LINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES ATWOOD AND D ACES IN VR DINE Phone 902m. 277 Bagot Street. ' ~~ do » ) Cartage-- Freight Move Anything Anywhere. { H. L. BRYANT Phone 1763J F Phone 2108w. STEWART'S DAIRY 689 PRINCESS STREET {TARLINGTON'S DELICIOUS DOUGHNUTS hing to eat that's a treat. co Somet! he Ay DOZEN. ~ TRY THE NEW ENGLAND IOAF NEW ENGLAND BAKERY 297 COLLINGWOOD STREET PHONE 18, "AUTO PAINTING J. A. FOX PHONE 567. Shop Third Floor Blue ' aor and QUEEN arages. 7 J. Y. Parkhill & Co. DISTRIBUTORS DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER PHONES 98 and 112, FOR PURE MILK ~~ AND CREAM PIOKERING'S DAIRY 126 NELSON STREET PHONES 223 and 1560. OUR AIM IS SERVICE Kingston, Portsmouth and Cataraqui Electric R. R. 5 JOBRERS AND CONTRACTORS ELECTRIC FIXTURES wt 3 Sole Agents | | MILK and CREAM |i the service or goods of the firm. And when one of those is | received it is surely deserving be- | cause the average man does not | | many of us did not even realize that it was taking place. v it was close nipping to make things travel, but then we simply put on more power and beat Old Man Calamity casionall Oe- pay for a thing and then write «a! 0 the end of the stretch by two or three lengths. « |letter of appreciation unless he gets | service-plus. Here {s-what Atwood & Dine tell us. Kingston's outlook is decidedly encouraging and thus that | {of each and every one of us, becomes the same. There are Last week a letter we now prize | Dig battles ahead, but, like those in the past, they can be very much, came our way. At the] {time we expected a tip that we were about to get the raspbegay handed to us some dank night, or we were to cough. up a quantity of simo- | leons under a certain tree or--Bang! | Bang! Bang! Instead, a letter, written by a tourist just returned | home, was couched in the most eu- | logistic terms of the A. & D. Service. | It seems, this party travelling | through Kingston, had two punec- | tures, which automatically elimin- | ated the spare tire, and they called | upon us to exceed the speed limit | 50 as to save their schedule from a rude jolt. W got our coats off and that means both of us--we got the knive: sharpened, we got the heaters going -- Scrape! Scrape! Scrape! --Cut! Cut! Cut! Pound! Pound! Pound! FINAL SCENE: --Two tires ready; two motorists happy. ONLY SOME WOMEN ARE GOOD "LOOKERS" Declares the Electric Range Demonstrator. No, she is not the least bit catty, this Demonstration But when she remarked, apropos of her work, that only some women are good 'look- ers," it did sound that way, particu- larly so when her own good looks were considered. The reporter inti- mated that one so fortunate could well afford to deal charitably with others. "Oh!" she said, after puzzling the matter for a moment. "I did not mean it that way. Anyway, beauty looks out from within and depends very little upon more regularity of features. I have seén many women whose charm of mannner and de- lightful personalitfymade one forget to study their features." "But you said," reminded the re- porter, "that only some women wera good 'lookers'." "Of course I did. I mean it, too but not the way you took it. And the ones who are not good 'lookers'." she said, "are good listeners, But Tet me explain. "In my work of demonstrating the electric range, I have discovered that while all women, practically without exception, are interested in learning about cooking by wire, as we say. they express that interest, in either one dr the other of two ways. This woman wants to learn by looking, by noting carefully, everything that is done and observing each little fea- ture of the range in detail; this other one seems to learn best by listening. The first type will remem- ber practically everything she saw and can go home and explain the range and its work so vividly that her family will almost imagine they overcome by the simple expedient of adding more power. The trials of 1923 will oon be history and we shall be facing 192% with greater confidence More power to us all ! than ever. have one in their kitchen. But when it comes to reporting what was said ehe will get things all jumbled up. "The other woman, the listener, will be able to repeat almost word for word everything she heard me She will be just as much con- vinced as the other woman, too. But if her husband askes her to describe the range she can do so only-in the most general terms. She knows it is splendid and may even have ordcr- ed one installed in her home. But her husband must wait until the range is delivered in order to know about its details. So that's why™I divide all women into two classes-- lookers and listeners. I have some of each in every audience and must contrive to do and say things that will give each type the right under- standing of what it will mean to them to be abld to cook electrically. '""Men are to be classified by the same rules," she said. "Yes," agreed the reporter, "all say. except reporters, for they must both { look and listen." Patronize your local for all electrical needs. rt ------ SOME IMPORTANT OPTICAL TRUTHS There Are Many Things About the Eyes That People Do Not Know. It is not true that people "begin wearing glasses too soon'; not if the one who first examined the eyes was up to the standard in his work. Because, when the skilled optome- trist gets through examining a pair of eyes, he knows what their con- dition is and he knows what they need and what they do not need. He will not put glasses on tnat patient until they are necessary. Neither is it true that having one's eyes examined necessarily im. plies that one will be advised change lenses or begin glasses, Every year thousands of people who have their eyes exam ined are advised that they need make no changes nor start wearing artificial aids to the vision. But, many who could at one time have had their eye trouble correct- ed very easily and comparatively quickly, defer having their eyes ex- amined until they are in such shape that the correction of their defect is more difficult and tedious thau would have been the case had they sought proper advice soon enough. It is also a fact that many per CAREER OF STEINMETZ AN INSPIRATION IN PLUCK By S. W. Straus, President American Society for Thrift Is it through pull, luck or mere chance that men reach positions of great responsibility and use- fulness in America today? This question, the answer to which should seem perfectly self- evident, is worthy of attention by all who are Specially interest- in giving en- couragement to our young men and women. yO a fact that many are discour- on the thresh- of ave life because be- lieve luck and pull and mere accident have much to do ere recently passed away a great~man; a genius, we venture to assert, whose career was a striking ex- ample of what can be done SHED Sheer pluck and ambi- tio. him a place the truly great men of this nation. PT came to this country thirty with almost every pos- sible handicap. Weak and de formed physically, destitute of money, with no friends or posi- tion, his outlook was indeed any- thing but promising. But he dis- regarded the drawbacks, set his face firmly toward the future. . and one of the most useful ful, not from the standpoint of per- It is pluck, hrift of time, thrift . ambition. char ter, Tateligen char Hydro shop | to weating | sons continue to wear old lenses long after they should be changed and that many a person is right now suffering the penalty for neglected eye strain that a thorough examin- ation of the eyes would reveal | Every investigation of this sub- ject that has ever been made has | indicated that a large percentage of | those who weuld be wonderfully | more comfortable and better off in | every way if their ocular defects | were corrected, do not even suspect | that the lack of proper glasses is at | the bottom of their trouble | eyes examined yearly. Then you | will probably never have serious | eye-strain because your optometrist p will find any tendency toward trou= | ble before it becomes serious. It is better to have a dozen examinations | and find each time that your eyes | are doing all right than to._be even | a few months late in getting the help you need. | For dependable eye service con- | sult R. Arthey, R.O., Princess street, near the corner of Bagot, Dicky and Squeedee Visit an Odd Little - Haymaker. My, how Dicky did frown when his mama called him from his play to rake the grass! {it's rake old grass," he pouted. | "But old Bossy cow loves it after lit's dry," laughed a merry voice, 7 | and Squeedee, the wee elfin from | {Joyland, hopped down from tae [trees beside Dicky. "She certainly does love hay, and so does old Nell." "But it seems such a waste of {time, cutting it," complained Dicky. "Il should think you'd like tae job," laughed the elfin. '""I'hat just {reminds me of a friend of mine--"' "I-suppose he does everything like "My Real Name Is Pika" that," Dicky laughed. "Come on-- out with it, Squeedee, Let's go and see just how he does it." Squeedee, with a merry twinkle in his eyes, caught Dicky's hand, and away they ran with magic speed to the nearest mountain, and up its side to the peak, where tae rocks were piled high. Squeedee hunted around until he found a certain hole, then hs rapped gently, A tiny nose peek- ed out. "Come on out, Little Chief, I want you to meet my friend," sara Squeedee, and he took hold of Dicky's band just as a wee creature crept out from the rocks, He was about the size of a halr- grown rabbit, and was dressed is a brownish-gray ooat, "You look like a baby raon:," Dicky laughed as he shook the little fellow's paw. Even your feet have hair on them just like a rabbit's." "Yes," replied Little Chief, "but take a look at my hind legs, They're shorter than Mr. Rabbit's. Then |my ears, instead of being pointed, are round. My goodness! / Banny Rabbit has a small tail, too, and, Jook, you can't even find a tail ou me. (Some 19lks call me Little Chis Hare, but my real name fis Pika." : , : "Squeedee says you make hay," coutinged Dicky. "Wkere do you ind hay in the rocks here?" - "Why, | It is a sensible thing to have your 'If there's one thing I hate to do | Dr. Bell WONDER MEDICINE CO. 110 Clarence Street. Phones 514-364 \ -- GENERAL CONTRACTORS PHONE 1458J. 88 STEPHEN 8T, / 7 GEO. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE Phone 396w. 150 Wellington, \ 7 F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Steams Fitting, Is your Furance ready for Winter? Now is the time to have it tuned up. We will examine your Furnace and estimate the cost of needed § 3 ASK FOR | MASOUD'S | . 10E CREAM | ALWAYS THE SAMB Is Princess Street. Phone 880. | SEE -- E. L. MARTIN FOR REAL ESTATE 1113 BROCK ST. >, | \ epaire. Phone 1420w. 131 Alfred St J r \ R. ARTHEY REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 148 Princess St. Phone 2108. Nad-- J pr-- TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL ) G. K. KRAUS BAKER E USE A PERFECT BREAD | FRONT ST. PHONE 1153, ---- BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL Special Sunday Dinmer Serv 1 to 2.30. Price Toot Som M. BOHAN, Proprietor, ~ KINGSTON, oNT. -- off : 3 ESTIMATES SUBMITTED THOS. ANDRE CONTRACTOR 86 Sixth Street. Phone 1400 b h \ | HOTEL RANDOLPH The Leading Commercial House Specially adapted to Tourists and Commercial Travellers. Running water in every room. L. T. WELCH, Manager, > J Cleaning Things and Dying Things ) Saves a Lot of Buying Things COLLIER'S Dyer "My Valet" Cleaner 2 Princess Street, Phone ose. | ~ r Soward Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Soward PHONE 155 nines Branch Office: McQGall's Cigar Store PHONE 811. . £ 7 TIRES TUBES ~=--WE NEVER CLOSE------ THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Brock and Montreal Streets. STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS GASOLINE A OILS Phone 600. REPAIRS ACCESSORIES SWEET . APPLE CIDER Made from selected ingredients only. Toe Wilson, Lytle, Co. Limited, Factory: Bagot Street, Kingston " 'HOTEL PLAZA Corner Montreal and Queen Sts, Tourists' Popular Stopover Where comfort and environment and excellent cuisine meet demand of all discriminating guests. - i 4, McGinnis & O'Connor Highway Engineers and Contractors mr ESTIMATES SUBMITTED - H. HORTON NTER AND DECORATO A! Phone 1891y. B 205 ALFRED STREET -- r-- - \ Dominion Textile Com (Limited) MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" .MONTREAL---TORONTO--WINNIPEG N pany > pea-vines that trail over the rocks in the summer," laughed IAdttle Chief. "Just before they wither In the fall, I cut them, dry them in the sun and carry, then ihto my storerooms, way down under these rocks. ' "My house is in one spot my storerooms in another. wouldn't do to have them together, or someone might rob me. My cousin, Billy Chuck, thinks I'm fool- ish to live up here in the mountains, but I enjoy it," and without anoth- er word, Little Chief Pika scamp- ered in between the rocks, out of eight, «Dicky and Squeedee spent some time looking for him, but they couldn't find him again, i "So he's Billy Chucks cousin," mused Dicky, "and I though he be- longed to the rabbit tribe. Dicky found himself in his own yard at that instant, by Squeedee's magic He turned around, picked up hr rake and whistled as he went about his work. : "If tuat tiny fellow can gather In enough hay for the winter. I :urely cab rake up the grass in this yard," he said to himeelf with a laugh, and went on emergetically with nls raking. ' » food Free Osteopathic Clinic Alling Childe treated Frag Thurs Dr. Edna Asheroft, 204 King Street Suggestions for Engine Care. Vacuum tank tested. Spray nobblé blown out." Engine tightened in frame. Valves ground and adjusted. Oil reservoir drained, cleaned and refilled. Carburetor body chamber cleaned. Starter brush springs examined for tension. / Carbon scraped from eylinder it necessary. Starter brushes and commutator tmoothed up. _ Ignition instryinents cleaned, ofl- €G, points eta and adjusted. Carburetor float valves and care buretor needle valve inspected for proper seat. Carburctor float valve and care turetor float valve weights examia- ed for wear. 3 and strainer Iam of the cainion that. there are too mans in :3'% o'd world whe make faver Suetiug a 'peclalty. The recollection of past labors fs plea ant, in ¢ Pe I _-- Gags i.