GR RTI AST PEO Nema activi O EN Siena meio rast au TSI SA THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1028, eet NEWS AND V LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Editor of Women's Page, Teles phone 248. Private 'phone 857w. LS J . . The annual thankoffering meeting of the Mother's Council of the Y.M. C.A. was one of the events of Friday ' afternoon. Mrs. Walter Cannem took the envelopes at the door and Mrs. G. A. Bateman, the president, was in the chair. Rev. J. K. Curtis, of Princess Street Methodist church, who has been a worker amongst boys and young people for many years, ~ gave an Inspiring address, emphas- " fzing the part the mother and the home should play in the life of the i Doys and the need of this being fol- ~ Jowed up by the church and such _ institutions as the Y.M.C.A. A coun- ¢ll of mothers was just what was " meeded to help the work along. "There are no bad boys," suid the speaker, "trowblesome, perhaps, and full of latent energy that needs a " stronger and even more energetic 'mind to control it." A vote of " thanks was passed to Mr. Curtis for ~ Bis splendid address. " The musica. part of the pro- gramme was most emjoyable. Mrs. John Evans, always a favorite with & Kingston audience, sang several "gongs, accompanied by Mrs. R. O. Patterson. Miss Helen Guild, one of the younger band of sweet singers, sang a charming solo, accompanied by her sister, Miss Kathleen Guild. Miss Phrone Gimblett played while | ------------ A A "WOMEN! DYE IT NEW FOR 15¢ Skirts Kimonos Draperied Waists Dresses Ginghams Coats Sweaters Stockings Diamond Dyes Don't wonder winether you can dye tint successfully, because perfect Rome dyeing is guaranteed with "Diamond Dyes" even if you have "mever dyed before. Druggists have all colors. Directions in each pack- eo ays Vicks I only Reinedy ~~ For Croup Québec Mother Enthusiastic Over Vaporizing Salve -- Every mother wants her children 40 be active and to grow strong rough outdoor play. 'But frequent plds sap their vitality, cause loss # school standing, and keep young- juny and delicate. prs who use Vicks Vapo-Rub dren's colds find that the kid- can play outdoors and that their ld troubles can usually 'be checked ight. fed externally, Vicks acts like Jiniment or poultice. In addition, j@ ingredients are vaporized by the body heat and are inhaled directly the inflamed air passages. This action quickly loosens up a Mrs. Leon Crandall, Box 247, Lake Megantic. Quebec, writes: "I used fol VapoRub for my little girl she had croup, and I found it relieved her at once. It is Be only remedy for croup, and d not be without it." all drug stores 60c. a jar, Fora test size package, write: Vick nical Company, 344 St. Paul St. Montreal, P.Q. Though Vicks is néw in Canada it a remarkable sale in the States. 17 million jars used yearly. TTITeTTYYITIY Fina was going on, adding much to jhe pleasure of the members of the { council and their visitors. The table |at which Mrs. W, 8. Lennon and Mrs. IJ. G. Bttinger poured tea, was cen- ltred with tall yellow clrysanthe- {mums. The tea assistants were the {ladies of the council and some {bright young girls who proved most | efficient waitresses. The sum of [$28 was received in the envelopes. . . . Very pleasant and successful was the tea and sale given on Friday | afternoon by the Ladies' Aid of Prin- | cess street Methodist church. Mrs. |J. K. Curtis and Miss M. Gardiner | recelved the guests and Mrs. Gwat- kin and Mrs. J. Clark were in charge of the tea which was poured at a table decorated with smilax, yellow mums and yellow candles by Mrs. | Caverly and Mrs. Delehaye. The | assistants were Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. { C. 8. Creer, Miss M. Graves and Miss Helen Cred¥. The home cooking was sold by Mrs. L. Lawrenson and Mrs. C. R Horne. Pretty aprons wero in charge of Mrs. J. Peters and Mrs. C. Clark, and the work table was presided over by Mrs. L. Wild- er, Mrs. Smith, and Miss Simpson sold candy and Miss E. Wiskin took entrance fees. The sum of $110 was realized. . . . A tea and sale was held 4t-the Robert Meek school on Friday after- noon which was most successful. The | reception committee were Mrs. Rob- ert Meek, Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ang- lin, Miss E. Godwin and Principal MacDougall. A candy tale was in | charge of the teachers, Miss Kelly | Miss Ferrier; Miss McBroom, Miss | Vanluven and Miss Singleton. | At the home made table wers | Mrs, James Dunlop, Mrs. Hyland, | Mrs. Paynter and Mrs. Brunton. | Plain sewing was sold by Mrs. Bil- {lings and Mrs. - Reynolds and a { "Touch and Take' table was in { charge fo Mrs. Morris and Mrs. , Wright. The proceeds amounted to $177. LI I The ann al Queen's Alumnae din- ner will be held in Grant Hall this evening, at which the president, Miss Charlotte Whitton, will preside. The principal speakers will be Mrs. Wal- ter Vaughan, Montreal, and Miss Margaret K. Strong, Toronto. The final year girl students will be among the guests of the Alumnae. * * » On Friday evening Mrs. F. B. Horne, Albert street, entertained in honor of Miss Emma Horne when sent, Miss! Salsbury played for the dancing and a dainty supper was served at quartette tables. . * . Mrs, A. E. Ross will raceive for the first time since her marriage at her home, 217 William street, on Wednesday, Nov. 14th, from '4 p.m. fo 6 p.m.,, and every second Wed- neslay afternoon. . . . Mre. Frank Newman, Victoria street, gave a tea and miscellaneous shower on Thursday for Miss Anna Simmons, one of next week's brides, . Ld . Msg. J. C. Ponzford, the Warden's Residence, is entertaining at bridge this afternoon. . - » Mrs. Walter Vaughan, Montreal, president of the Confederated Wo- man's Clubs, who will speak at the Alumnae dinner this evening, is the guest of Miss May Macdonnell, Uni- versity avenue, president of the local branch of Queen's Alumnae Asso- ciation. Miss Hazel Vanalstyne, Queen's University, is spending' Thanksgiv- ing in Napanee. . Miss Margaret McIntosh, who 1s in town from Ottawa for Queen's Alumnae dinner, and the laying of the corner stone of the new Woman's Residence, is the guest of the Misses Mowat, Johnson street. Miss Mar- jorie Henderson is another Ottawa graduate of the university who is with Miss Mowat. % LJ * * » Miss Gwyneth Matheson, Ottawa, who is attending St. Hilda's College, Toronto, wil spend the Thanksgiv- ing week-end with friends in Port Hope. Mise Louie Spackman, who fas heen the guest of Mrs. H. S. Folger, "Kdgewater," left for Montreal! to- Cadets Howard Fair and Murray T'olson, RM.C., will spend' Fhanks- giving with Mr. and Mrs. Leigh, To- ronto. ; Miss Lillian Fair, West street, left on Friday to spend week-end A . Brock- ville. Mion Ottawa, and Miss Myrils Chown, are among the dinner tonight. Miss Della Douglas, Queen's Uni- versity, is in Dalkeith for Thanks- giving. °° > Miss Marion Spence is spending the week-end in Carleton Place. - Miss Myrtle McCourt, Miss Morn about twenty-five guests were pre- | Bonell and Miss Sybil Spencer. | Queen's University, are spending to, who has recently returned from Geneva, Switzerland. where sha was connected with the International Labor Bureau of the League of Na- tions, will be one of the spefkers at the Queen's Alumnae dinner in Grant 'Hall this evening. | During her stay in Kingston she will be the guest of Mrs. T. Ashmore Kidd, Stuart street. Miss Olive Zeron, spending Thanksgiving in burg, Mfs. Edwin McLelland and Miss Margery McLelland, who were to have sailed for Europe on the SS. Melita, have had their sailing de- layed, and leave today on SS. Em- press of France. Miss Marjorie Purtell, Queen's University, is with her parents In Picton for the week-end. . . * Y.W.C.A., is Moryis- D. A. Shaw, Begot street, is spend- ing the week-ead in Ottawa. Miss Winnifred Guild, who is at- tending the Normal School in Ot- tawa, will spend Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leman Guild, Division street. W. Y. Mills and his mother, Mrs. George Mills, University avenue, are to go to Saranac Lake, N.Y., to visit Samuel Mills. Mrs. R. Ely, Ottawa, 1s to join them at Prescott. . . * Mrs. Johnathan Goforth, Honan, China, will arrive in town on Monday and will be at the Y.W.C.A. Miss Lilian and Miss Jean Gordon are spending Thanksgiving in Mos- cow with Mrs. Robert Asselstine. Miss Charlotte Whitton, Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs. Douglas Chown, West street. Mrs. Chown also has Miss Guthrie as her guest. Miss Winnifred Perry, Earl street, is spending the week-end in Napa- nee. * . ». Cadet Donald Buell, RM.C., has gone to Brockville for Thanksgiv- ing. Mrs. H. K. Hill, Maitland street, is in Toronto for the week-end. Mrs. Charles Willard, accom- panied by.Miss Isabel Myles, is leav- ing to-day to spend the holiday with jh Capt. Willard in Montreal. Dr. and Mrs. E. Cays, and their son, Oswego, N.Y., are with Mr. and M:s. D. A. Cays, Barrie stzeet, for the holiday. Courtland Elliott, Toronto, is at his home for the week-end. * . . Mrs. John Herald, St. Thomas, who, accompanied by Miss Bull, Hamilton, 'left last January on a round-the-world cruise, and who Las spent the past few months in Europe and he British Isles, reached home on Friday. . . » Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cooke, 171 Union street, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Ella May, to R. Calvin Wilson, M.D., C.M., Kes- wick, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. John 'Wilson, Bolton, Ont. The marriage to take, place quietly the latter part of this month. -- St. Paul's annual Thanksgiving Organ Recital Monday afternoon at 3.30. Admission, 25e. Mrs. Denison wishes to announce that she is serving afternoon tea MOTHER! Clean Child's Bowels with "California Fig Syrup" feverish, - constipated or full of cold, children love the pleasant taste of "Califor- nia Fig Syrup." A teaspoonful never fails to clean the liver and bowels. Ask your druggist for genuine "California Fig Syrup," which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother! You must say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Liisi mbm. Taste It Once and you will be convinced SDR. COVENTRYS Invalid Port Wine Will dé you the world of good. Try It and see for yourself. Buy it at your druggist. "iiss Margaret K. Strong, Toros- IN ATONIC gastric juice. increased depends. relieves that mo mucous membrane on which the production of mucus It is known as being the best stomachic tonic. EWS FOR WOMEN READERS DYSPEPSIA 'Vin St-Michel (ST. MICHAEL'S WINE) is employed to promote the flow of astric catarrh, it id state of the AT DRUGCISTS ONLY Girls! An abundance of luxuriant hair full of gloss. gleams and life shortly follows a genuine toning up of neglected scalps with dependable "'Danderine." Falling hair, itching scalp and the dandruff 18 corrected immediately. » from 3.30 to 6.30 o'clock in the Densmere tea rooms, 72 Sydenham street. TO-MORROW'S HOROSCOPE BY GENEVIEVE KEMBLR SUNDAY AND MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11.12, Sunday's horoscope shows the usual activity but with little in re- turn for intelligent effort and ap- plication. Those in the employ: iment of others should be carefue Social, domestic and romantic at- fairs should be satisfactory. Those whose birthday it is, may find. that things move slowly despite the fact that & particularly impo. tant obstacle may be removed. Those in the employment of others, should be careful of their positions. A child born on this day, will attain success by its own industry and ap- plication as well as by quick' men- tality and initiative. Monday's astrological chart holds presage for important events which should point to success and increase of money and business, but also hes auguary for the defeat of these by obstinacy and rash and quarrelsome tendencies, There is probability of a change or removal bringing suc- cess. Shun law, and prosperous year, if they shun quarrels and liti- gation. There may be charge of advantage. A child born on this day will succeed and rise in life. | ABOUT QUEEN'S GIRLS The prize given MaaVeill for the best made gown, was awarded to Miss Norah de Harte. By the sale of tissue paper chrys- anthemums, and little woolly men, a considerable sum has been raised by the girls, to go toward the Women's Residence Fund. The Student Christian Associa- rugby games. The proceeds this are to be used in sending dele- to the Student Conference at Indianapolis, during the Christmas holidays. $ Preparations are on foot for the teas and sales held by the Levana Society and the S.C.A. A mew organization has been 35¢ "Danderine" so Improves Lifeless, Neglected Hair ~ Th.n, dry, wispy or fading hair is quickly invigorated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Danderine'" is delightful on the hair; a refreshing, stimulating tonic --not sticky or greasy! Any drug NESNEENENENNNNENEENNERGE store. being held in Convocation Hall\on Friday afternoon. ERE ria DR. A. E. MARTY, MA., LL.D, A Queen's University graduate, and the only woman school inspector in To-| ronto. She will lay the corher stone of the Queen's Women's Residence on University Avenue Saturday afternoon. Tho®e whose birthday it is, may | lhave a successful by Mrs. W. E._ BIAS FILLED - CORSETS F TUF Vi RENEE ERE WHY NOT TRY ] 'MacKEY'S | BETTER BREAD TO-DAY ? It is wholesomely delicious .Ask your grocer or phone 834 and our Salesman will gladly call, Everyone in the family can enjoy a RADIO. Why delay buying one of our inexpen- sive receivers? They have been proved the best. For Radio--See Us The H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 441. KINGSTON'S PIONEER RADIO SUPPLY HOUSE For To-Night Men's Lined Suede Mocha Gloves--Dent English make, lined = "throughout and with gussetted fingers, for only . ...$1.50 a pair Women's Suede Chamoisette Gloves in the new colors with em- broidgred backs for . . . 75c. a pair Underwear for all the family --warm and comfortable -- all styles and sizes at attractive prices. W.N. Linton & Co. Phone 191. The Waldron Store. . >, Into the best must go the best--and so it is with the Weber. The Weber Plano, made in Kingston, is an fustrument of great value and its construction is past criticism. =" PRICE x EET a .. i