Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Nov 1923, p. 9

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BATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1923, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ------ i | A Builder from Childhood to Old Age "Indigestion Gas On Stomach Pains After Meals | Many people suffer terribly from | gas and pains in the stomach after every meal, and are kept in constant | misery. For the past 44 years Burdock DELCO- LIGHT Power plant for every coudlry home, 164 BARRIE STi T Phone 1139J. | Blood Bitters has been bringing hope | and joy to thousands suffering from | various forms of stomach trouble, helping them to eat three ! The complete Electric Light and square meals a day; helping them to eat | anything they wish, without having {to suffer for it after. Mr. Fred Nielson, Moose Jaw, W.C.CANANON ~~ | $3,000 for investment in first mort. gage on approved security. General Insurance, Bonds Bought and Sold. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. See us for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates giv Lam. er ~~ | Sask., writesg:-- "All last summer I | was troubled with stomach trouble ONEY TO | and indigestion, and also gas on the | stomach. I could not eat anything | except some light food and even then LOAN I would he bothered with pains after | each meal. I could not work a whole day withgut being done.out. [I had tried evePvthing; doctors, medicines and pills, until I read about Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 have taken four| bottles and it has nearly, if not com- | pletely, restored me to health again." | Manufactured only by The T. Mil- | burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. re is | rt ------ ny, | Mees. ~- KR. H. Waddell -". ee si BE Dr. Vincent A. Martin] | DENTIST | Evenings by appointment. Phone 2045w. | | Vavaes oe. Phone 987. | | 4 En on hew floors, 272 Princess Street. 1 Have your hardwood floors i ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma-| chine, Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, REITER CIGTSS | Yd IFT | EMULSION rich in Vitamine A --'| Hemstitching Picot Edging PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and 27 Pine Street. PHONE 134. | DR. A.W. WINNETT Corner of Johnson and Wellingtun Streets FREIG! PIANOS, CA Kingston Transfer | and baying Cord on each side of Hemstitch. MRS. H.J. SHALES| SESTAL oy. : National Cleaners | Phone 363 - rer movme oe | Winter Coats made to CARTAGE and sromace or order from $12 up to $25 | EVERY DESCRIPTIO) | | Co. L. WINSTON | i LADIES' TAILOR Evenings 1231. Pho nea. TW Ss GTON STREET, ne 07 Wellington Street. | er ----------\ ------ { A Mo me 377. 153 WELLIN Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S. Wellingto d B k St tn Wellinwton, br Evening by appointment. PHONE 679. L. C. Hemsley WATCHMAKER Has moved to 109 BROCK STREET and now open for business un- der the name of Fresh Fl vuneral designs, bouquets to order, Residence, 1137. HEMSLEY & SON 109 BROCK STREET WATTS People's || | Florist | Dry Mixed | 177 Wellington Street. | Slab Wood owbrs and Danis daily. Best qu.lity Summer fuel. Phone 1768. aw Da SW Jars Mayle; Prompt attention given to all orders. N. (Chas. Bedore & Son 274 NELSON STREET Phone 1746J. _ KINGSTON anp VICINITY mtn Horses Arrive From Winnipeg. A carload.of horses arrived in the city on Thursday night from Winni- peg and will be disposed of in King- ston and distriet. To Give Increase of $100. Chief of Police McKee was grant- ed an increase in his salary of $100 a year by the Renfrew council after the matter had been reopened for consideration. Elected to the Executive, Ald. H. N.: Robertson has been elected to the executive committee of the Ontario Wholesale Grocers' Association which has just conclud- | ed its convention in Toronto. No Whig on Monday. The Whig will not be published on | Monday, Thanksgiving Day. The paper on Tuesday will have all the local Thanksgiving days. Be sure and se- cure a copy. 2 To Open the Tenders. The committee appointed to award the contracts for the Women's Resi- | dence at Queen's University will meet on Friday night and then the names of the successful will be announced. Great Clearing Sale. happenings of Armistice and ! tenderers | | over $1,250, and when the new addi- tion is erected many more hands will be employed. Many regarded the report in the Toronto Telegram telling. about "Red" Ryan being in Toronto over the week-end, paying a visit to his | sweetheart and enjoying a spin at the roller rink, as merely a fairy story. | Is It A Fairy Story? i An Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs W. J. Henry, Peter- boro, announce the engagement of their second daughter, Maye Evelyn to James C. Andrews, eldest son. of | Mrs. Andrews and the ate David | Andrews of Belleville. The marriage is to take place quietly the latter part of November. 1 rp tim. | Be at Church on Time. { The pastors of churches are ask- | ing their people to be promptly in their places on Sunday morning so | that the two minutes of silence for the fallen war heroes may be respect- fully observed. All church doors will be closed during the solemn and impressive token of respect. | 1s Seriously HL | Mrs. William Wagar, residing near | Colebrook, mother of B. D. Wagar, { £10 East Lynde street. Watertown, framed life membership certificate to Mrs. Reid. She was taken completely | | by surprise, but thanked the society | for its gift. Then all joined in sing- ing for "She's a Jolly Good Fellow," | | after which a dainty lunch was ser- | ved by the ladies. | S-------------------- | SAVED BABY'S LIFE { Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne, St. | Michel des Saints, Que., writes:-- "Babys Own Tablets are an excellent | medicine, {and I can highly recommend them to | all mothers." Mrs. Tranchemon-| tagne's experience is that of thou- sands of other mothers who have test- | ed the worth of Baby's Own Tablets. The Tablets are a sure and safe medi- | cine for little ones and never fail to' regulate the bowels and stomach, thus relieving all the minor ills from which children suffer. They are! sold by medicine dealers or by mail | at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- | llams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. { Prepairing for an Event. The Kingston Board of Education | has formed a number of committees | to take care of the Urban School i Trustees "Association of Ontario to | | meet here the last week in February. | Some eighty or ninety trustees will | Having a large stock of Boys' and | y suffered a stroke Sunday and) U® here from the cities of the prov- | Men's Winter Overcoats, we have de- | cided to put on sale our entire stock at a great reduction in yrice. See Prevost, Brock street. . The Orange Bazaar, The prize winners at the Orange Bazaar on Thursday evening were: Phone 2166. Bagot and William Streets | ['irst, Mrs. Perry and E. Van Luvan; | jjaq suddenly ------ ne consolation, Mrs. F. Nicholscn and Mr. Breen. Friday evening there was progressive euchre and a dance To Extend Its Works. A boiler has been 1 aw company at Trenton. sive alterations. An addition, 40 x on mn -- EST LAXA FOR BOWELS achy, Bilious, Sick, Constipated 10¢ If Head ° a Winte ere This store is now prepared to handle .your needs during the winter months. A large stock has been carefully bought. It comprises the better quality line in Medicine, 'Drug Sun- dries, Toilet Articles, Choco- lates, etc., ete. Also the NYAL located at figy and Princess Streets. 8/appreciate your patronage at all times. ption Druggist, (Opp. St. Andrew's Church) Phone, 82 TIE TO IT n you find the 'place that gives you the most good coal for le least good money, cling to "We believe this Is the place. You may think you are satis- fled with your present coal ser- vice, but we believe we can give you &till better satisfaction. Give us our opportunity. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards $32.00 -- Good store on Princess St., long lease, electric and gas, and heated. - $15.00--0n Princess St., 6 rooms and toilet, electric and gas. $23.00--Modern brick house on | ¥6T270 UNTAIIO STREKy Victoria Street. } FOR SALE $8,800--Brick, 7 rooms, 4 bed- rooms, 3 p. b,, clectric and gas, sum- mer kitchen and garage. $4600--Brick, 7 rooms, 4 bed- rooms, 8 p. b., electric and gas. fur- Easy Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. PHONES 836 and 837. ----) : H 8 W..H. Godwin & Son FIRE INSURANCE. First class companies repre. Lowest possible rates. i PUTS HEALT lows a gentle liver and bowel cleans- ing with '"Cascarets." Sick Head- ache, Biliousness, Gases, Indigestion, and all such distress gone by morn- ing. Most harmless laxative for Men, Women and Children-- 10c. boxes, also 25c. and G50c. sizes, any drug store. FAA A AAA A AAA HOMEWORK We require parties to knit men's wool socks for us at Home, either with machine or by hand. Send stamp and addressed envelope for information. The Canadian Wholesale Distribut- ing Co. Orillia, Ont. [S-------- an, = ee Dr. Martel's Female Pills Thousands testify to beneficial re- sults last half century. Delayed and Painful Menstruation, Nervousness he, There is nothing else just ne good. a i -- AND VIM INTO : i 8 i Ai installed | | at the works of the Benedict-Proctor | The company | | intends in the spring to make extén- | causing his parents a lot of trouble, as yet has not regained conscious- | ness. Mrs. Wagar is eighty-four | years of age and had been active up | our range before buying elsewhere,| . iii Sunday. Edward Lawler Dies Suddenly. Edward Lawler, aged sixty-two, {for thirty-three years a well known and beloved citizen of Butte county. at his home three | niiles north of Chico, California. Ed- | ward Lawler was born May 15th, | 1861, near Kingston, one of ten chil- | dren--of-Mr.--and Mrs. Patrick Law- [ ler. | Tad Sees Cat-o-Nine-Tails. A nine-year lad, who has been was brought to the police station on REMOVAL NOTICE | 40, will, in the spring, be built. The Friday afternoon and the sergeant in | company's payroll per week runs | charge gave him a good talking to | Before leaving the station, the lad | was shown the cat-o-nine-tails and | told that if he did not behave him- | elf he would get a good trimming. Captured the Racoons. Roused from his slumber at four o'clock in the merning by the loud | barking of his dog, a Bishop's Mills | farmer discovered four racoons, near | 2 tree in his cornfield. A lively | scamper ensued, the coon climbing {the tree with much alacrity. The { farmer, with a club and his dog, suc- ceeded in killing all four. Black Fox Farm. The Alexandria Silver Black Fox | farm has started on a piece\of the property owned by Thomas A. Jacob, on Main street west, Wellington. The men chiefly interested in this ranch ara F. M. Johnson, T. A. Jacobs and A. A. Morden, Mr. Jacobs has taken | cver the ranching of the foxes. The | property is on the lake side. Cheese Factories Closing. The cheese factories are experi- | encing the raoid drop in the milk | soopty and although some located in | heavy producing centres will con- | tinue operations up to December, the {-most of them are now closing. Prices | have continued very satisfactory | throughout the entire summer ac- cording to some patrons who antici- | pated a considerable drop after the | war. J | Seven Assessment Appeals. , Seven appeals to the county judge | have been entered against the asseas- ment decisions of the local court of revision. One of these is on prop- erty valuation and the other six ap- neals are of a technical nature. The court of revision members are glad that the matters in question are go- ing before the judge as they are eager to secure judieial decisions on some points that may be of help in the future. An Unusual Accident. The Perth golf links were recent- iy the scene of an unusual accident. when a team of horses owned by Wil- liam Wilson, caretaker of the links, wandered to the river and pushed by the wagon slid into the water. Some boys saw the occurrerce and brought the golf players to the scene, but nothing conld be done to aid. the animals until a hoat was secured. One horse was rescued in an exhaust- ed condition, but the other was drowned. Malloch Apartments, Designation of the apartment house created in Broad street. Brock- ville, by R. H. Smart as "The Mal- loch Apartments" is an appropriate tribute to the original owner of the building and long its occupant. his honor George Malloch. judge of the county court of Leeds and Green- ville, and for many years a leading figure in the public life of this sec- tion of Ontario. Judge Malloch pass- ell away on February 12th, 1870, at the age of seventy:two, the possessor of considerabl2 wealth. # iden, . Gathering and Presentation. The W.M.S. of St. Paul's Presbyter- home of Mrs, Alexander e evening of Nov. 1st. A at the - convention, the Kingston beard will function at various social events while visits will 'be made to Queen's and the Royal Military Col- lege. | | | | We cannot expect perfection in any one, but we may demand con- sistency of every one. In looking tor pleasure, many in this old world have run up agains: | trouble. HAIR STAYS COMBED, GLOSSY Millions Use It -- Few Cents Buys Jar at Drugstore Even obstinate, unruly or sham- pooed hair stays combed all day in, any style you like. '"'Hair-Groom™" is a dignified combing cream which gives that natural gloss and well- | groomed effect to your hair-- that! final touch to good dress both in! business and on social occasions. | ""Hair-Groom" {8s greaseless; also helps grow thick, heavy, lustrous] hair. Beware of greasy, harmful im- itations. Removal N otice DR. H. A. STEWART announces that he has moved his Dental Office to 84 BROCK STREET, Opposite Livingston's Clothing House ORIN I atl DRINK WATER FREELY IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Also Take Salts If Back Hurts or Bladder Troubles You, Flush your kidneys by drinking a quart of water each day, also take salts occasionally, says a noted au- thority, who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which almost paralyze the kidneys in their efforts to expe! it from the blood. They be- come sluggish and weaken; then you may suffer with a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the; back or sick'headache, dizziness, your | stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine gets; cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night. To belp neutralize these irritating acids; to help cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste get four ownces of Jad Salts with lithia, and years to help flush and stimulate gish kidneys; also to aids | in the syst 80 t er irritate, thus often relieving der weakn 3 FIBRE BOARD is a firm wall board of great strength. It makes fine ceilings and wall panellings. The factory where it is manufactured, has been destroyed by fire, but we are for- tunate in having on hand, a sufficient stock for present needs. S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED z Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. They saved my baby's life | s---- fuce. In addition to a fine programme | ™ -- RUBBERS We sell the best Rubbers in Kingston at the same price as the others. Trya pair and prove it. RUBBER BOOTS ..... $4.50 to $6.50 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE" Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street DAINTY PASTRY Cream Puffs, Chocolate Eclairs, Charlotte Russe, Fresh Made. Daily F. C. HAMBROOK ALL ITS BRANCHES PHONE 1925w. CATERING IN STREET 115 BROCK SPECIALS IN SHOES | FOR THIS WEEK 'Growing Girls' Brown Calf Oxfords with wide toes and low flat heels--$3.95 and $4.95. Also Growing Girls' Gunmetal Calf Ox- fords with wide toes and low heels -- $3.95 and $4.95. Ladies' Kid Oxfords -- medium toes 'and heels . ... Cee 32.98 Men's and Ladies' Overgaiters. The Sawyer Shoe Store Phone 159. 184 Princess St. 0 Order 0 A Fur Coats ALASKA SEAL HUDSON SEAL PERSIAN LAMB "GOURDIER'S Phone 700 OVERCOATS EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT $25.528.530 332 ad *35 'The season's latest models for Men and Young Men. ; Si See our extra Trousers Suits at $28.00 * TWEDDELL'S

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