Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Nov 1923, p. 6

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ny T HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Ll MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1928. oa STE ---- "THE BRITIS HN YEAR. by! Publisned Datly and Semi-Weekly i BRITISH WHIG PUBLISHING €0., LIMITED TELEPHONE Private Exchange, connecting all departments SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Daily Edition) : One year im eit ' One year, by mail to rural ices, ~ Ome year, to United States ........ { Weekly Edition) year, by mall, cash ne year, to United States 3 oUT-0 F-TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: F. Calder, 22 St. Joka St. Montreal OW. Thompson 190 King St. W., erento. Letters to the Editor are published ar the actual name of the Attached is ome of the best - printing offices in Canada. job The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bureau of Circulations 'What humanity seems to need chiefly is a lower gear ratio. The most that some men lay up for a rainy day is rheumatism. Fool law: One that 'interferes "with your pet graft or pet vice. The Angora cabinet. has resigned. ~ The Turks are takmg to European, ways. Wl bi -------------------- It fen't the rattled sword that men- &ces the world mow, but the rattled Statesmen. - A debacle is what it is when a football team which didn't expect to be beaten is licked. The hunting season "for small | game is open now, but Leap Year "doesn't begin until Jan. 1st. - Pne place where the irresistible ge does not meet the immovable Body 1s at the railway crossing. Just because Italy is shaped like boot, Mussolini. mustn't get the motion that nobody will kick ft. Nothing else so encourages swell- head as the privilege of showing off before a wife who hasn't much sense, Another reason for divorce, we surmise, is a dish of cereal and a ¥ase of flowers on the modern break- The reason a few people '"'run the church" is because nobgdy else is willing to do so much work for nothing. : A Detroit -gefentist says reckless drivers are feeble-minded, and we had no idea idiocy was so nearly uni- Pathos and humor are much the 'Same.. It all depends on whether the sore thumb fs on your hand or "the other fellow's. i. 'Any man cad feel important when . in glad raimant, but only Breast can feel that way while sloppy. A {) but it offers people a unique unity to get acquainted with he was feeling his oats. When dern'-driver goes whizzing by, Se you could sell oil stock to every of your acquaintance, that's re- tion; if you don't do it, that's, T, we understand the economists, cost of Hving will not become, unti™there is some falling off demand. : ; \ Turks don't yet know what a blic is. Walt until their le- H WHIG | | DEMOCRACY IN THE DISCARD? '""A' man must be .very blind not to | see that a revolt against democracy {is already in being all over the [ora says Dean Inge, the most oracular and unblinking of English leaders in thought. Not for noth- ing is he known far and wide as "The Gloomy Dean." He seems | have a genius for pricking ordinary to able truths--or what appear to 'be truths--of which the said mortals | would much rather remain oblivious. | In this case, evidence in support | of his statement is only too plenti- veiled or open. It was a pair of | dictators whom Russia followed | | blindly into the abyss and whose | dictatorial successors are now feel- ing their way back to surer ing, Poland, too, is said to be hank- éring after an all-powerful leader. In hours of crieis the Socialist gov- ernment of Germany touches a but. | ton and presto! a dictator's strong | hand deals with the Separatists or other native trouble-makers. ' And Italy fairly basks under the heel of her "tyrant," for Mussalini, the dic- tator, is the most representative man at the head of any European country to-day. The Sociallsts and even many of the Radicals who year ago were flying before his supporters. For he has brought has effected many of the reforms which they had long demanded In vain. Is then Democtacy, inwhich we have put our trust, doomed to go the way of other outworn forms o¢ gowernment? It hardly seems likely. In times past the quarrel has fre- quently been not with the wise dic- tator but with his incapable succes- sors, and it was partly to avoia these endless ups and downs tha: the democratic form of governmen? was evolved. But now, in the world's sickness, quacks and doctors are run after and endured who, in bet- ter times, would be scorned and cast out. ON COMING BACK. The little boy who kept hitting his head with a hammer explained on tle boy had jhe true philosophy of a vacationist, Agog once a year we get a yearn- ing fo go away from wherever we much preparation and worry about where and how and when to go, we make the break and are gone. . And we are only away a little while when we begin to get restless; we have a new yearning; this time it is to get back, back to the com- fortable routine of the years, back to the cozy bed with just the right size pillow, back to the éasy chair, of things as they are; .away from the half-cooked yet burnt food of the woods; away from fle mos- ' quitoes- of Lite summer = cottage, away from thé knock-head nudity of the beaches. We have a feeling away down in the deep, dim recesses of our soul that it's not the going away that helps; it's the coming back. A VISIONARY M.P. Some visionary fdeas for the gov- cronment of Canada are being put forward by Rev. Hiam Irvine, M.P. for Calgary, who is at present meking a lecture tour of Ontario. Mr. Irvine is not satisfied with the present form of government. It was useful enough at ome time in the history of the country, he says, hut it has outlived its usefulness and is but the tool of the monied classes. As Mr, Irvine is a labour member of the. most advanced type, this is only what he might be expected to say. He goes om, however, to further criticize 'the party form of govern- ment by intimating that the two main parties are exactly alike in political economy, in practical legis- lation, moral gualities and intellec- tuality, and that, béing under the control of the monied interests, they do mot have much consideration fdr the other classes throughout the country. While seeking a solution for this condition of affairs which he sees in Canada, Mr. Irvine is not greatly enamoured of the idea of a' third party. This, he says, puts a small clique in a' position to dominate the policy of the government, and he he- lieves that this is wrong, although he sits with the Progressives in the House of Commons. He believes that the group system, with six or eight small groups in the parliament of the day, would be an improve- ment on the system whereby a third by the throat and force compliance with their demands. 1 co-operative governments. fav- ours a system in which there would be no government party and no op- position party. The conduct of the cause of outstandifg bility to serve t Ni 28 wR ha et Hg oH & ; 3 easygoing mortals with uncomfor:-| | eliminating foot- | a] his | regiments of "Black Skirts' are now | in a strong, capable government that enquiry that he did it because it felt | 80 good when he stopped. The Iit-| are, to be different, to get out ot| our chosen path of, life; and after | back to the little nook in the scheme | The big idea in hig mind, however, | is one of a system of what calls | for an indefinite period, and to be maintained in office no matter how fhe people voted in electing their representatives. The representa- tives themselves would represent no parties nor "political creeds. They would simply be the representatives of the classes which elected them, for Mr, Irvine wants to have them elected by classes, and they would co-operate in putting into effect such i legislation as would be favourable to all the classes in the country. By 1 the government party and the opposition party, Mr. Irvine is of the opinion that he would be ful. All through the twilit countries | able to secure only such legislation of Europe are dictatorships, half-|as would be received favourably by all the people. This plan is one which sounds like (a good one on the surface, although | evidently Utopian. It does away { with all thought of government re- | sponsibility, and weculd bring into effect a gathering of a motley body of representatives, each with his dif- | ferent idcas, without leadership, and { without cohésion. It may be a good | principlecin theory, his theory of co- operative government, but in these { days when governments have to bear | heavy responsibilities, it is hardly At the best, it is a dream who is seeing so far {in advance of his own time that he | cannot see present cay conditions, | and it is not likely that the dream | feasible. | of a visionary, | will ever come true, unless it be in | the dim and distant future. 1 -------------------------------- | GOOD ROADS AS ADVERTISED. | © The cost of building and maintain- ing good roads seems so great that many taxpayers are inclined to lie down and say they simply cannot be afforded. Yet before taking that | attitude, it is well to reflect on the returns that a good road brings. The news that a certain 2ity or district has good roads spreads for many miles around. Motorists drive | that way when out for pleasure, or I will go in that direction when seek- | ing a trade centre. They will go many miles out of their way if they | can find a good road Into some business centre. The convenience and comfort of a 'good road is thus a magnet that draws trade and business, that spreads prosperity into the surround- Ling country. f[t makes a city seem a centre are well filled with visitors, which a city with poor outlying roads 'finds visitors going elsewhere. It costs something to solve the good ! roads problem, but it costs more not to. MORE PEOPLE COMING. The figures for immigration into Canada for the first ning months of 1923 are such as to give the gov- ernment and the people of this country much cause for satisfaction. When the Liberals came into power, one of their election planks was to take such measures as might be nee- essary to increase the number of | people seeking to find a new home fn Canada. It took time to bulld up a policy which would accomplish this, but they have been successful, and in less than two years from the time they took office, The figures just issued show that during the first nine months of this year fifty per cent. more immigrants led in Canada than during the | sett! | Whole year of 1922. The total num. | ber of new arrivals in this country | up to the end of September was | 106,000, while during the whole of 1922 only 74,000 immigrants enter- ed Canada. That the improvement was a constant one, and did not fall off as time went on, is showh by ! the fact that the months of August | and September showed the greatest | increases of the nine months under review over the figures for the pre- vious year. Apother matter which gives cause for satisfaction is found in the fact that the proportion of immigrants from the British Isles Is steadily growing, and is taking the fore- most place in the sum total the settlers to come to Canada, half were from the British Isles, and the remainder were _ Qivided between the United States and al the other countries of the world. There was an increase of 133 per cent. in the number of British immigrants, to enter Canada, and this figure, also, is showing a consistent rise. The immigration department of 'the government is to be compliment- ed on this splendid result of its ef- forts. It is making good the und¥r- takings given in 1921, and is bring- ing to this country an Increasing number of settlers of the right type. Canada needs such settlers, come, the more prosperous will this country grow as the years so by. affairs of the nation, under his plan. | Lo would be in the hands of a perman-| ent central executive, selected be-| my -* 4 Clarence Ludlow Brownell, MA Fellow Royal Geographical Soclety, London, England. i % Bet . 1 The admonition "let the dead { bury the dead," which one reads in poesy and in Holy Writ, receives honor in the breach to-day. Such countries as Japan, and Sweeden, | {Mnited States, Mexico, several sep- |! | arate states of the American Repub- | lic, France, England, Greece, and | | even bankrupt Germany are as busy | as may be with the oldest obtainable | dead, wherever these are so much je sufpected to be hiding. | Not only does this contravene the | teaching of Scripture; and exhorta- | | | ol / AS i live one. The streets in its business | Of ah and the more numerous they be- % | tion of the makers of verse, but It must play havoc with the plans that | many an ancient potentate made for his resurrection. These venerable | rulers, who entered the Undiscover- | ed Country thousands of years ago, | parting with their friends in the] serene conviction that when the! signal come, they woud awake again { in their old home towns, will dis- | cover that something untoward has'| happened, when they awake in a] glass case surrounded by the eran- | | ing necks and peering eyes. of a' museum throng, extraordinary in ap- pearance, and irreverent to a de- gree. The shock will surely send them back to slumberland, this time permanently. Canada seems to be keeping away from the eminent, though remotely, departed. The Dominion is after live people, and would like to add several niillions of these to her pop- ulation immediately. But England fs already back on the job at K Eg, Tut's tomb, She merely got out t furniture; now she is after His Ma< Jesty himself. She has had a peep at the box he Is probably in, through a hole Lord Carnarvon made before the fatal bug bit him, and the heat of the Egyptian summer did the rest. | | Many Students Labor. The heat has gone now, and in| his lordship's stead Howard Carter is | working at the hole, and expects | soon to have the coffin of the king of such unusual posthumous . fame | out where the archaeologists can pry it open. The gentlemen do not*doubt that they will soon have much know. ledge of the funeral etiquette of | early Egyptian royality, which now that the German mark appears In | quotations at 60,000,000 to the | Canadian cent, will be most helpful. | As soon as the world has mastered | the prescriptions for burying Egyp- | tian kings three thousand years ago, 1t may take a look at the House of Nuns that Dr, Morley has found in Yucatan. None of the nuns has been | seen on the premises in approximate- ly 15,000 years, but their coops on the hiliside are interesting. Some say the nuns came from Atlantis, a place now inhabitédf entirety Wy fish" | es, beneath the oceam that separates {| Efftope from America, {~The Carnegie Institution and the | Smithsonian Institute, both of Wash- ington, are studying problems bear- | ing on this question. The case for | Atlantis is good, according to re- | ports or rumours of the results of the investigations, while the Mexi- can government has leased the area of Maya ruins, including the hillside holes, to the Carnegie Institution for ten years of exploration work. One of Japan's great students, Dr. Count~Otani Kozui, F.R.G.8., Lord "Abbot of Nishi Hon-gwan-ji, the Monastery of the Original Vow, Is prospecting along the route that Buddhism» took during its progress from Ceylon to Dai Nippon. He has been over this route several times, and regards his finds as of much value to Buddhists the world over. Incidentally, the count has estab- lished seven missions for the pro- pagation of his faith along the western shore of the Pacific. 3 * The crown prince of Sweden Is busy in Greece, He is at the site of Argos, famous since the days of the gods, not far from Corinth. He may discover who the divinities of Greek mythology really were. Heroes be- pame deities in distant days, as all religions Indicate. The Italian government, with the permission of Mussolini, is digging up new data which is nearly 2,000 years old, mear Naples, Pompeii and Herculanium, buried together under the ashes of Vesuvius, near the end lof the first century of this era, are being restored, even to their floral gardens. Cambridke University as sent several scientists to New Mexico to find out who lived there 10,000 years ago, and why. They will also study a dent which a comet made in that part of the earth's crust, some mil- lions of years earlier--the onfy dent of its kind in eaptivity, and as inter esting as a miracle to talk about. OtHer Englishmen are consider- ing Ur, where Abraham went occas- sionally for the week end, or longer. He liked the place. It was a consid- erable town In his day, and had a emple in honor of the Moon, which was as lar as the cinema is to- y, ane took In much money as SUITS terns. are dandy---good looking--Tweéds and Che- viots--all nicely tallored--Men"s and Young Men's style--all good colorings and neat pat- rr BIBBY'S Ls f! iE hundred and fifty hundred Suits -- Big Suit and Overcoat Special To-morrow; we place on sale one Overcoats and two Men's and Young OVERCOATS BIBBY'S are Young Men's Ulsterettes and Ulsters, Chesterfields, etc.w--all newest models--new- A est shades--pfire wool fabrics. The Biggest $25.00 Worth Since Pre-War Days. Kingston's Cash and One Price Clothing Store pho is a catalogue of all glyphs known to date, with sent- ences wherever possible, showing the use of the particular glyph. Pro- fessor Breastead, of the University of Chicago, 1s at work on Egyptian "coffin literature," prayers and In- cantations that: accompany ' burial caskets. Probably a dozen others are now making considerable efforts to learn what kings and others did in the distant days, so long gone by that man's memory recalls nothing whatever concerning them. The lay- man may disapprove the millions of dollars that this sort of enquiry costs annually. He does not care tuppence for the latest news of King Tut or other similarly remote po- tentates whom he believes to be permanently dead. He has no time even to listen. , But it is well that there are men who, value other rewards than mondy; men who will concentrate their splendid talents on reading the past, for, from the past we learn the trend of uman evolu- tion, and becal of this can ven/ ture guesses as fo what is to come. The curiosity of intelligent minds never rests, Resting would mean farewe)l to progress. glyphies, It That "Body of Pours By James W, Barton, M.D, ism, By the Sweat of Your Brow. 1 know that I talk a great deal about the necessity of having =the waste matter from the intestine re- moved every day. Constipation gs a deadly thing and I believe many of my readers have realized that for years. But so many think that the only method of ridding the body of waste is by the intedtine, that I must say once again that it is only one of the four methods Nature uses to keep your body, your blood, perfect- ly clean. r You may remember the others, the perspiration from the skin, urine {rom kidneys, and breath from the lungs. i% Now, if you sit down all day what happens? : Well, the skin doesn't get rid of all its share of the waste, the kia- neys and lungs likewise NEW ISSUE Province of Ontario 5% BONDS Due 15th October, 1948 PRICE 98 AND INTEREST T. J. Lockhart §8 BROCK ST., KINGSTON Phones 322) and 1707J. bread for you, but will make life worth the living. Do you see what happens? You work or exercise that body of yours, : Immediatey you create heat in the body which burns up the waste pro- ducts, and they are thrown out by, the four methods spoken of above. Four or five minutes rehl pxercise twice a day is all that is necessary. Your skin perspires and throws off it share, the urine contains waste products within a few minutes after you exercise, and your breath throws them off during the exercise. And your intestine? Why the liver is squeezed, the intestine massaged, and intestines, large and small, stimulated to increase action. Isn't it wonderful when you think about it, that if you simply obey the good book's injuction you are made free from all the flis that come retaining waste matters the body? So, simple, and so effective. and your are in Why the British are Poor. Actually the French| people are in a better position to pay their war debts than the British, who are mak- ing a desperate effort to do so. The chief difference between them is that in England the Government h the money and the people haven't, while in France the people have the money and the, Government goes short. In other. words, the French Government won't tax its people to debt payment possible, The British Government does. France prefers to wait and get the money first out of Germany. Britain, too, hopes to get the money eventually out of the Germans, but in the meantime starts to pay her own debts. This is the reason why the British Government is in a better position than the French Government and can keep its coinage stable, while the French people have more epending money than the unfortunate British.--Los Angeles Times. Jersey Popular. the. extent necessary to make a war | Jersey is one of the most popular materials for every day wear. | Straight line froeks with white lin- | en collars and cuffs, and monograms | ~--sometimes most . overgrown as. to size--are most atiraciive. » - A Different Pertume. Whole cloves sprinkled liberally throughout the clothes that are lo! be packed away will.answer the same | purpose as moth balls. i The only way to terminate what lin the language of the presemt day is called class legislation is not to Deaconsfieid. a entrust power to classes. SICK ROOM SUPPLIES As you want them-- when you want them. Telephone 343 for ' a i Prompt and Efficient Service. Or. Chown's Drug Siore 185 Princess Street. Phone 848 All British Goods Green Turtle Soup .88c¢. per tin Green Turtle Meat 58c. per tin (from Jamaica) Skinless Large Suid Codfish from Jas. REDDEN & CO. PHONES 20 and 990. "The House of Satisfaction Hotel Frontenac Kingston's Leading Hotea Every room has renning het and eold water. One-half block from Rallwey Stations and Steamboat Landings J. A. AVEHES, . TINIE OAL QUARTET TE] AKE A look at the cal- endar. Turn back two or three or four months and you are apt to turn up your coat collar. Yop know that cold weather Is coming and that it would be a mat- ter of downright sane econo- my for you to call us on the phone and give your order. Why don't you? v Crawford PHONE 9. QUEEN mart &

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