THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG »SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1923, NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS ~ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Editer of Women's Page, Teles phone 248. Private 'phono 857w, . * Oy Friday afternoon, Mrs. W. H. Hughes, Alfred street, gave her home for a shower of pretty things to be sold later in the season at the annual sale of the Church Woman's Ald of 8t. George's cathedral. Mrs. E. J. B. Pense, the president, took the parcels of all sizes which were opened and their contents displayed . for the benefit of the visitorg. Tea was made at the table In the dining room by Mrs. J. Adams, assisted by the members of the society. During tigp afternoon, Miss Eleanore Row- lands, a clever young pianist, play- ed a piano number, 'Miss Isobel Hughes, sang sweetly, accompanied by Miss Pearl Nesbitt, Miss Anna Mitchell first sang. a solo, her Whooping Cough Stopped By Vicks Toronto Mother Says New Vaporiz- ing Salve "Worked Wonders" in ° The quick direct treatment for golds of children and grown-ups too, is an application of Vicks over throat and chest at bed time. Not only is Vicks absorbed through the skin, but its healing vapors of Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus, Tur- pentine, etc., are breathed all night directly into the affected air pas- sages. Relief usually comes by morning. Just as good, too, for cuts, bruises, burns and itching skin troubles. Mrs. William Morrison, of 114 Sheridan Avenue, Toronto, says: "Last fall our baby had whooping cough so bad that we were afraid of loping her. I heard about Vicks VapoRub from my neighbors and decided to try it. Every morning and night I applied it as directed, and it worked wonders. It seemed to .break up the cough and ease her, es- pecially through the night when it Was most troublesome. I have also used Vicks for colds with good re- sults and would not be without it." At all drug stores, 50¢. a jar. For #® free test size package, write Vick Chemical Co., 344 St. Paul St., W., Montreal, P, Q. Though Vicks is new in Canada, it has a remarkable sale in the States. Over 17 million jars used yearly, ~ Vin St- (ST. MICHAEL'S WINE) > -| rendered. charming unaffected way, and then she and her sister, duet, and chose "Carry Me ack to Old Virginny" and the blending of the sisters' pure sweet voices was truly a delight. Mrs, J. R. C. Dobbs accompanied her nieces. The after- noon was a pleasant and successful one, the table being loaded with ar- ticles for the sale. e+ a A number of Kingstonians motor- ed to Bath on Friday evening to at- tend a banqué¥ and "At Home" by | the Masons of that village in the Ma- sonic Hall. It was ladies" night. The tables were effectively decorat- ed and about two hundred guests enjoyed the hospitality of the mem- bers of Maple Leaf lo\ze. The or- chestra of the Ancient St. John's Lodge, Kingston, provided excellent music and ° solos were also A sing-song was also an enjoyable part of the programme. Rev. W. G. Swain and Rev. J. Huffman spoke briefly as did Dr. Northmore, who presided. W. 8. Herrington, K.C., Napanee, gave a splendid address on 'Canada and the Empire." Carl Cannon, who brought along his Delco plant, added greatly to the pleasure of those pre- sent by the brilliant illumination of the hall. The affair was splendidly arranged and altogether a most en- joyable event, Miss Eleanore Lyman, King street, west, entertained at bridge on Fri- day afternoon in honor of Miss Louie Spackman, Montreal, when the prizes were won by the guest of hon- or, Mrs. J. F. Preston, Miss Doris Folger made tea and Mrs. Preston cut the ices at the effectively ar- ranged tea table. . Crowds of visitors filled the re- ception rooms of the house of Brock street where Prof. and Mrs, L. F. Goodwin have made their home, on Friday afternoon, when Mrs. Good- win received for the first time since her' marriage, wearing a charming gown of white georgette and satin. In the tea room, at a table centred with golden marigolds and flanked with candles in tall candlesticks. Mrs. Bruce Hopkins and Mrs. Her- Michel This Medicated Wine brings prompt relief and permanent benefit in most cases of Loss of Appetite and Poor Digestion. AT ALL DRUGGISTS Gen. Smutx, premier of South Tn lays the foundation stome of : the South African pavilion at the British Empire Exhibition, LL DTA JUST LOVE S TRS PIES OR PUDDINGS ZA |) MADE WITH LIB (C0 ECONOMICAL TOO Held e,Sickly ai Ailing People AVORS GROCER Fey oF UY A BOTTLE OF Miss Florence | Mitchell, were persuaded to sing a | bert Ryan made tea, with Mrs, H. K. Hill, Mrs. Spencer Melvin, Miss Mildred Jones and Miss Cecily and Miss Aline Rutherford as their as- sistants, A hearty welcome was ex. tended to this gentle young English woman who has come to' join the university sét by the wives of the staff as well as the older Kingston- | lans, | . » * Mrs. BE. J. B. Pense, West street, will receive on Wednesday when Mrs. John Mollett, who is safiilng tor Fugland off Nov. 9th, will receive with her. * . The first meeting of the Badmin- ton club wi'l be held in the armor- fes this afternoon. when tea will be served after the football game. LJ . . Mrs, J. F, Preston, George street, was the hostess of a pleasant tea on Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Louige Spackman, Montreal. \ . . » Mrs. Leadbeater and the students at "Avonmore" will entertain' at the tea hour on Tuesday. . . * Mrs. A. W. Winnett, . Bagot street, was one of Friday's bridge hostesses. * * Mrs, G. W. Mylks, Kensington ave- nue, entertained at bridge on Thurs- day. . . Mrs. E. J. McLelland and Margery McLelland, left for Mon- treal today and will sail for Ant- werp, Belgium, next week, They will spend some time in Brussels ana also visit the south of France. ' Miss Marjorie Henderson, Ottawa, who 18 in town for the Queen's- Varsity match, is the guest of the Misses Mowat, Johnson street, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Drury, Mon- treal, Wilmot Matthews and Mrs, E. F. Osler, Toronto, are the guests of Mr, and Mrs, William Harty, "Rose- lawn." Col. C. T. Wilkinson, H. W. Going and J. Gill Gardiner, Brockville, are in town for the Queen's-Varsity match, . Miss Dr. Alcock, Ottawa, is with Prof. and Mrs. E, L. Bruce, Victoria street, for the week-end, Harry Wheatley, Lima, Ohio, who is with Bliss Barnum, Barrie street, for the week-end, will return home next week. Dr, and Mrs. W. J. Gibson, Queen street, will leave for New York early in the week. Miss McMurtrie, Ottawa, 1s the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Rose, Alice street. Dr. and Mrs, John Currie and Miss Shella Currie sailed for Glasgow, Srotland, today. Mrs. J. 0. Macdonald, Barrie street, will spend some time in Scot- land, sailing this month. * * Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Allison have returned to Picton from their honey- moon trip at Montreal and New York State. Dr. William J. Brough, Hamilton, is the guest of Mrs. R. J. Chadwick, ar street, for a few days. E. K, Martin. of the Toronto Star, Mrs. Martin and their son, Jack, are the guests of Mrs. J. S. Twiss, Union street. Mr. and Mrs. J. P, Limage, Toron- to, are with Mrs. 8. J. Wilson, Mack street. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Turner. who 'were recently married in Ottawa, are the guests of Mrs. J. Kennedy, John- son street. Mrs. John Gorrie, Ottawa, is in town for the Queen's-Varsity match, Ex-Cadets Harrower and Walker, Toronto, are in town for the game. Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Denyes and Dr. Minns, Trenton, motored to Kingston today and are with Major and Mrs. F. A. Walsh, Aberdeen av- enue. Mrs. John Fairlie and Miss Cath- arine Fairlie, who have spent the summer in EMmonton 'with Mr. and Mrs. George O'Connor, returned to town this week. Mri. Gilbert Johnston, who has been with her daughter, Mrs. R. J. cKelvey, Bagot street, will leave for Montreal on Monday taking Miss Gertrude McKelvey with her for a visit. 3 . Rev. George Brown, Barrie, fs spending the week with Prof. and Mrs. John Matheson, Stuart street. Mrs. Lionel Smith, Montreal, ar- end with Mr. and Mrs. John McKay, Sydenham street. Miss Harriet Vair and James Vair, Glenburnle, are spending a few days In Toronto, and will be among the guests at a coming-out dance to be given at the King Edward Hotel on Monday evening for Miss Grace Northwood. . : » . * Mr. and Mrs. Charles 8. Simmons announce the engagement 'of their elder daughter, Apna Guild, to Jos eph Errol Hipwell, B.Sc. Bond Head, Ont, the marriage to take place the third week of November, Tea and Sale in aid of the Chfld- ren of Mary's Poor Relief fund, to be held In St. Joseph Annex, William street, Tuesday Nov. 6th from 3 to 7 o'clock. Homemade cake and candy Considering the number of people are to tell him about it,. no ought to make the same mis- .|the big match, The Editor hears That the very finest brand of In- dian Summer, having all the qualifi- cations, that is, warm sunshine iu «~ovember after the first snow is with us. It arrived on Friday in time to get everyone enthusjastic about -- ny That the roses, "nipped in". the bud" by Jack'Frost, present a rather pathetic sight in the Custom House garden. But it is something to have roses that contemplate bLioom- ing in Kingston as late as Novem- ber. . -- : To That the small hat of a gray col- or will be much worn with fud coats thif*winter. They are easy to mas at home, and a clever girl should have several, That "Good Old Queen's" has drawn hundreds of her graduates back to the city "On Old Ontario Strand" to see the rugby team piay for the championship. ~ That the DoueTeere of the Empire have chosen the right place for the cenotaph. The passing boats will carry those who will see that King- ston honors her dead, and the chila- ren, playing on the shore, will not forget that men of their own cies cared enough for the Empire to give their lives that she might live. That the visits of hi students of Queen's University of Sunday after- noon are eagerly looked forward to by the inmates of the Home of the Aged. \ November. The children wade amid the sodden leaves, So lately glistening green in summer breeze Now. dropping slowly from the bare brown trees, That stretch gaunt arms about cottage eves. Stripped are the"orchards; gathered in the sheaves, ¥ the The wild fowl quits her haunts for southern seas touched by silent streamlets freeze And winter's craft her fcy mantle- weaves. Ere frost the About the woods there breathes the mystic spell That speaks of vanished beauty, lost delight; : The last belated robin flutes fare- well The sun, 'mid red and purple, sinks from sigkt. rived on Friday to spend the week! nile the wild winds and rain- gusts rise and swell To wrap the world in storm and wintry night. ~--Agnes Maul Machar. Three Minute Journeys | The Raflroad with the Serpentine Track. The most wonderful raflroad in the world is located in Peru, but it is a triumph of American achieve- ment, because it was designed and constructed by American engineers. In seven hours it rises from sea level, or practically sea level at Lima, to the tip top of the Andes at Cerro de Pasco, more than sixtben thousand feet above the sea. Furthermore, this - remarkable railroad is standard guage, and does not contain a cogwheel in its entire system. There are many mountain raflroads wXich climb with the aid of cog track, into which cogs on the bottom of the engine fit, and give the leverage needed for a steep climb. But the Peruvian road is so ingeniously constructed that it lifts steadily on & three per cent grade, and can thus manage heavy freight trains as well as passenger cars, The Andes mountains are full of copper, and the Cerro de Pasco mines are among the richest in the world. It was to connect the mines with the sea that this road was bufit. are not particularly picturesque. |There are practically mo rainfalls, jand no vegetation of any sort --- |only vast mounds of brown dirt, [black rock and yellow clay. In the jralieys, where = swift mountain {streams irrigate the sofl for a few | reds on either side, there are streaks of green, -and here and there be, but beautiful not at all. Green and Black, Some of the most lovely lingerie recently displayed is of green georg- ette trimmed with black shadow lace and black ribbon. Yellow and Plue. With a plain littie frock of navy charmeen 'are trimmings of bright canary yellow braid and a canary colored felt cloche. ¢ Sports Blouses, « Sports blouses of radium and silk broadcloth come in excellent styles this season. The more dressy blouses have elaborate beading and em- broidery. Tiered Skirt. An unusual black velvet frock has a three-tiered skirt bound on each edge with watered silk ribbon, Keeps Fish Fresh. - When your neighbor gives you some fish from his catch and you do not wish to use the fish until the next day, sprinkle it liberally with salt and 'wrap in a piece of muslin wrung out of vinegar. Rinse under cold water before cooking. Blue and Gold. Dull blue velvet is made into, the most effective frocks this season by combining it with gold and silver tissues. This old world is full of important people who have nothing but asse. tions to back them up. Tr A in i re mn sa S-- oe he oe ie hls a lhe de ie ie i ie he POT TTTTIVTPPITrITITIroeoeTe A Stubborn Cough Right Up der Tor ick results. aay Here is a home-made syrup which millions of people have found to be the most do nda le means of break- up stu coughs, p an simple but very prompt in action. Under its healing, soothing influence, soreness goes, phlegm ~ loosens, breathing becomes -easier, tickling in throat stops and you get a good night's restful sleep." The usual throat and chest colds are conquered by it pb u ous a Joss. Nothing better or onch: oarsene: croup, throat tickle, bronchial es or winter coughs, ie To make this splendid cough bottle wich Pain ake FPP POP PTPIY TIETPIITITY ur 2% ounces of Pinex into 4 Botts and fill the 8 lated 8; and rey. Yt you Li, my use clari- fied molasses, honey, or corn eyrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, yon get 16 ounces--a family supply --of much better cough syrup than ready-made for $2.50. eps Borfect ly aT children love its asan P Pinex is a special and highly con centrated compound of genuine Nor. way pine extract, known the world over, for its mpt healing effect upon! the membranes. i rane Lani. ask druggist for "2Y, ounces of ex" with full directions, and don't t anything else. Guaranteed to give ab- solute satisfaction or money Jroumt- 3 Jefunded. The Pinex Co., Toronto, ct. + Nt tat Dr. Martel's Female Pills Thousands testify to beneficial re- sults last half century, ed and Dizziness, ete. Sold only in Sealed TIN BOX with our All or bocker Remedy Co., 71 E. St, Toronto, There is nothing else just ss good. IA pa stat et a ca att ep i S---- GALLAGHER'S xe 960 SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT - an, Indien village. The mountains, how- | "|ever are bare and grim; grand, may- | Hints TO ovsEwives | | _ Ng NNER RENN ENRENERNSNAARANEENG MacKEY'S 'Whole Wheat Bread From the Wheat Fields to You MacKey's Whole Wheat Bread is the real bone and muscle building kind, rich in all qualities that growing children need. A thick slice with plenty of good butter is a meal in itself. For grown people, too, it makes digestion wait on appetite and health on both. Why not try it to-day ? MacKEY'S BREAD Ltd. PHONE 884. KINGSTON, ONT. REE EN ---- - A ------ Electric Curling Irons » We have a most complete line of Elec- tric Curlers with and without comb attach- ment, ranging in price from $2.50 to $8.50. Come in ahd investigate at:-- The H. W. Newman Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 441. FOR TONIGHT Men's Flannelette Shirts-- With Collars--good, roomy sizes, in Grey and Khaki--15 to 174-- Or. ivansinin.civinsS175 each Women's White Flannelette, Dresses-- Night ; ith short and long sleeves -- V neck and high neck, for $1.00 and $1.25 each. Men's Heavy Heather and Cashmere Sox-- : English makes, in black and colors BOF + onto viet int vin n «508, och Men's Braces-- Good strong elastic -- with real leather ends--20c. a pair, 3 pairs for 50c¢. W. N. Linton & Co. Phone 191, The Waldron Store, THE LINDSAY PLAYER PIANO $675 An exceptionally fine instrument In every respect--=full iron frame, overstrung Bass, Mahogany Case and beautiful tone. CASH OR TERMS TO SUIT.