__THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = ALL OR HERRDGE. [HER HP BROKEN Wf ee Al CHALMERS CHURCH a Regretted ' Accident Befel Mrs. G. W. Morden, Na- panee, on Saturday. ABERNETHY'S 5.00 WONDERFUL VALUES IN LADIES' FOOTWEAR Ladies' Brown Calfskin Brogue ©xfords. Ladies' Black Calfskin Brogue Oxfords. Ladies' Black Satin Strap Shoes. Ladies' Grey Satin Strap Shoes. Ladies' Brown Satin Strap Shoes. Ladies' Grey Suede, Brown Suedes and Black Suede Strap Shoes. Patent Strap -- Patent Oxfords -- in fact you can be well shod for $5.00 "Be particular as to how your feet look" Abernethy's Shoe Store {| Oct. 29.--Ag anticipated, *the medal contest at Bethel church last | Friday evening proved a great suc- | cess, There was a capacity audience representing the whole vicinity. The silver medal presented by Welling: ton Landon, had eight contestants a= follows: Frances Cross, Vera Steacy, Doris Gray, Kathleen O'Hearn, Jean Steacy, Armand Anderson, Clayton Anderson and Margaret O'Hearn. The judges, Miss Agnes Johnston, J C. Linklater and James F. McGuire had "no easy task in their decision, | but Miss Jean Steacy was fortunate | EE Men's Underwear QUALITY AND PRICES TO PLEASE ALL We have all these well knowrn-brands: Watson's, Tiger Brand, Turnbull's, Mercury Price $3.00 to $5.50. Ceetee Combinations, price $8.50. George VanHorne's 213 Princess Street. Phone 362w. Preached Two Forceful Ser=| mons at the Services There | strossi cider oC it on Sunday. A distressing aecident occurred in | {Kingston on Saturday afternoon, when Mrs. G. W. Morden, Napanee, | fell and broke her hip. She, with {Her husband, Dr. G. W. Morden, anid {other friends, came to Kingston to | witness the Queens'-MoGill football | game. Mrs: Morden, who has not aah -- At both sdevices in Chalmers church on Sunday, the pulpit was occupled by the Very Revercud Ww. T. Herridge, D.D., of Ottawa, who | | delivered two very forceful dis- | | courses. Rev. Dr. Malcolm Macgil- Leen in very robust heaith during va assisted in the services | the summer. decided to call ou! ¢ the morning servies, Kev. Dr. | some friende while the rest of tii | Gorsidge_ pacts frum io on party took In the game. = walking | enought to capture the majority of | | ince a Si Se | on the sidewalk, in some unaccount- | points. A pleasing programme was {t2'ng8 We are morc than CONAUEr- | ghla manner, she tripped and fell | also. given, towards which the foll- | ers through Him that loved us. | heavily, breaking her Hip. She was! owing contributed: Miss Gussie Ta going through lite, the strength | oven 16 the General hospital, where | Dempster, Miss Davidson Miss or weekness of human nature 4s- yep injury was attended to. Her | phyilis Webb Migs Mavie Squire, | sertad itself If lite were too easy | friends in Napanee and Kingston Mrs Rov Richardann. Percy Cock. v2 night bevome aly. whfie i life | gre pained to -learn of Wer mishap Mre. 'Albert CHI and Mise Valores hh oh oe on fell tn Stee Richardson, a winner of the medal vifles a wide range of possibilities in a previous contest also gave a re- add the choice remains within ovr. Seaton. Aros wore Sa b selves. 'It was for H r itive. Sime ial came all or oarWi Svar | | 1 Mcguire dnmOudeed tie wismer i crown of lite. ' Life was not all con. | Sydenham street Methodist church | the medal and presented Miss Steacy. | was crowded to the doors on Sunday] With the same. Dainty refreshments | fict, rlthough there was consider- | , | able in it, and one did not want to | evening when W. J. Rose, M.A., a| Were served by the Ladies' Ald, un- | der whose auspices the concert and | be beaten. Everyone would like to | Rhodes scholar and a former protes- | 4 know the secret of 'triumph. The, | sor of classics in Manitoba Univer- | contest were held. At the close of Christian " warrior realized that | sity, spoke to the students ot [the evening Mrs. Wellington Landon, strength came from God. Queen's. For years past It has been | President, moved a vote of thanks | The Christian sees that {nto his | the custom to hold services at the | thOse Who so ably assisted in the | life Ohrist may enter, to transfigure | university for the students, but this| ®vening's entertainment, ana A STUDENTS' SERVICE, Held in Sydenham Street Church on | Sunday Evening. DOES YOUR WORK STRAIN THE EYES If yon suffer from the slight- est eyestrain, you should have your eyes examined immedi- ately. To delay is to Invite ser- fous trouble later. Our amination will show you the exact condition of your eyes. W. D. GRAHAM, RJ. Successor to Fancy Hand-Dipped Candles These are very attractive for decorative purposes, and ean be had in a variety of colors-- Dark Blue, Light Blue, Pink, Rose, Red, Green, Old Gold, Orange. 20c. to 535c. Hallowe'en Candles A special Pumpkin shade -- very suitable for this occasion. 80c. a pair. | Kimear & ¢Estere Jewelers PRINCESS ST., KINGSTON and to glorify. Christian triumph | year it has. been decided to bring | Was seconded by Rev. Dr. Cooper has a rich wide margin, an excess | outstanding men to the city and the | Besides the judges and those taking over the requirements, with no rea- | sarvices will be held in the city | Part in the concert there were sev- #on for doubt, and with no room | churches, The first service took place eral Gananoqueans present among | for anything but gratitude to God [on Sunday evening and judging from | Whom were noticed Mrs. W, J. Wil- During the morning service, Miss | the attendance the change Is a moe | 00. Mrs. C. H. Hurd, Miss Mabel | Craig rendered a fine solo. | in the right direction. The servides | Carpenter, and Mr. Webb of the as At the evening service Dr. Her- | at the college have not been as wil | 5chool staff. W. J. Wilson was the ridge's subject was the yesterday chairman. The winner of the medal | Christ, "Is not the Life greater than | is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George meat?" Prof. R. O. Jolliffe of the stafr | A. Steacy, Wilstead. of Queens University, spoke of He | Mr. and Mrs. James Kane and YOUNG MEN WON WAR, days that he had been assoctatqd wane araied In Jana vith Mr. Ros fle on th ta Ir) sibiidhoinbinic cue Prt brik oud gh gti ab uddon Who Addressed the Kiwanis "50 War broke out Mr. Rose was Shs ree Club in the Odessa Meth- odist Church. attended as the university authomi- | ties would like. --~-- ESTABLISHED 1854. a Pair J. studying in Germany and was - Garfield Hood who has been in | terned. While he was detained n | Toronto for the Jae few days re- that country he studied Polish, a ) turned home on Saturday: after the war was over he went to| Mr. and Mrs. George Whaley and Poland where H® has done .work Miss E. Baker motored to Kingston among the students in the polish | Yesterday-and spent the day with universities. On Sunday evening Mr, | friends. Rose told of the work which is be-| Gananoque sent its usual large ing done in that country which isf U0ta UP to the football game on gradually coming back to her own Saturday,~among whom were W. G. after the war. Rogers, Charles Wright, B. C. Me- At the close of the evening service | C3Tney, Robert Tulloch. Misses Mar- over two hundred attended the sing- | 587¢t Chapman, Alma Sinclair, Mr, song and social hour. J. Alexander | 2nd Mrs. Ford Petch, Mr. ana Mrs. C. S. MacKenzie, Jack Har- | Edmison, a student attendin Queen's University, and who * AE graft, J. B. Sampson, Fred Mooney, mayor of the boy's council in the Frink Keys, Miss Mary Funnel, city of Toronto, gave an excellent ad- JSeotge Funnell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. dress on "service." it was ome of | Fred Laughton. WHY THE WEATHER? | heard in a long time. Musical num- bers were given by G. Radcliff and DR. CHARLES ¥. BROOKS' Secretary, American Meteorological C. Williams, Ernest ! adrand presid- Society, Tells Regisi. cu Uplometrist Yailtuston § St vp. rrr Nr. Waugh DENTISY 106 Wellington St. Phone 256. Drs. Nash & Renton DENTISTS _ 188 PRINCESS BT., KINGSTON OFFICE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. y Evenings by appointment. ~N GAS-X RAY. 25% DISCOUNT On English made Stainless Steel Knives You can get them with solid or bone handles. Dessert size . $11.50 doz, leas 25% Dinner size . . . $12.00 doz., less 259. The young men won the war, not | the officers nor the old men, said | Major Gen. Sir A. C. Macdonell in | an address before the Kiwanis club in the Methodist church at Odessa on Sunday afternoon. Gen. Mauc- donell spoke on "The Canadian Sol- \. dier on The Western Front" and in hig usual Interesting way told of the response of the boys from the cities, | towns and the farms in Canada when | the call came for men to fight for | the Empire. He explained the for- mation 'of the Canadian Corps, a fighting unit that was to become the speak-head in the final drive of the Allies in 1918 that smashed the German lines and made victory pos- sible. 'Jt was the Canadian boys who did it and when anybody dsks me who won the war I am proud to fay that the Canadian bovs did 1t." Rev. Soford F. Dixon conducted a vesper service and there was a large congregation composed of residents of Odéssa and vicinity. The Kiwanis Club was well represented. A es A + All eee ent A. CHATEAU hans S00 WE NEVER CLOSE Live or Dead Storage Frederick Ferguson has been ap- pointed collector of taxes of the township of Front of Yonge If your home is dull and dreary, let "CONGOLEUM"" make it cheery, and buy it at JAMES REID IN ALL SIZES, ed at the plane. i THE NEWS OF NAPANEE. | ------ Persons Moving In and Out of the Town. . Napanee, Oct. 29.--Mrs Robert Foster, Renfrew, spent tha past two weoks visiting her mother, Mrs. Robert Webster, \Centre street. Miss Pearl. Van Alstyne is spending a week's holidays with relatives in Ha- milton, William Ballance anil Three Recent Tropical Cyclones. Though the tropical cyclone is best known through the bad reputation of the West Indian hurricane and the typhoon, there are numerous tropical cyclones of much less des- tructive intensity. Three of these eutered the egstern United States and as two storms crossed into Canada October 16-19, 1923. After a number -of days of low pressure in the Guif of Mexico a tropical cyclone of nearly hurricane intensity was reported by two vessels not far south of Louisiana. The storm reachea the coast during the night of Octo- ber 15-16, and moved northwanl. Another one arrived early on the 17th. By the evening of the 18th the remains of this pair were some- where in Canada mouth of Hudson Bay. These storms readily follow- ed a lane of warm, moist air which during several days before had spread from the Gulf to Canada. The other storms appearing sud- dealy from the direction of Bermu- da brought rain to New Englanc early on the 18th, before the Weath- er Bureau could forecast it. The FUNERAL DIRECTORS. WHAT THEY LAUGH AT ON THE OTHER SIDE. o------ Meggendorfer Blaetter, Munich: "Oh, Adolph, how came you to choose just me?" "Well, with my small salary, I couldn't make a very wide select- tion." TEL. 147 FOR SERVICE. 0 A Marriage on Saturday. At St. Luke's church, on Oct. 27th at 7 p.m., Miss Louise Tolnurst, sec- ond youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Tolhurst, 260 Col- ddaughter, Doris Knapp; spent borne street. was united in marriage | jast\week in Watertown, N.Y. Rev. tc Cecil George Allen, youngest son C. Demille, Regina, "Sask., was of William J. Allen, 151 Clergy | the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rob- street. Fav. J. DeP. Wright, officiat- | fnson for the convention. &r. und ed. The bride was dressed in a blue Mrs, F. Ritchies, Lindsay, are visit- suit with hat to match. The brides- ing her eister, Miss Blanche Haw- maid wore georgette. The gifts to | ley, the bridesmaid, Miss Katie Allen, Mrs. W. C. Scott returned Fiiday was a bracelet, and, to-the grooms- | from a four months' visit with her man, Alfred Kelly, a pear! studded daughters In Saskatchewan and Al tiepin. After the wedding a dainty | perta. Harry Scott, Montreal, spent buffet lurch was served, There ware | the week-end with his mother, Mra: many handsome gifts. The couple W. C. Scott. will reside at the home of the Many of the citizens took in the bride's parents. Queens-MeGill rugby game in King- ston on Satcrday. Born in Ireland. An Irishman was being. cross-ex- || amined in a case of 'assagilt. "Did the prisoner strike you with Kiod Haus, Copenhagen; "How can you téll he lovés you it he hasn't said zo?" "I can tell by the way he looks at me when I look at htm." q Thanksgiving! q To the boys it spells a thud of a toe meeting the old football. q Sister links the day up with a new late autumn costume, or a fashionable fur or a new winter hat, or that heavy sweater all the girls are wearing. Nebelefalter, Zurich: "Look, mother! the police are tak- ing a man up!" "Well, don't act as it you thought it was your father again!" "Strix," Stockholm: Teacher--What chdnges have hap- pened ito the map of Europe since 1918? hite A crowd thinks with its pathy, never with 'ts resson, sym- varnisaea We have Silverware Forks that will match these Relves, | ROBERTSON'S Limited 73 Princess St. | Autumn Footwear 'Cabin, Bob-o-link, Bamboo, log and Black Suede $ models favored for Fall Winter wearing. Characteristic for style, wo Sinan - ship and guality, and will orks an ands o ? enacting and particular Gre, Shoes, are the and early malice." "He did not have wan, ror, eo he struck me wid his fust." After the court 'Thad recovered, counsel proceeded: "Where were you born?" "Ofreland." "Yes, but what part?" "What part, begorra! av be, av course." Vacancy at Chalmers. A meeting of the congregation at Chalmers church was held on Sun- day evening, following the servies, to deal with the vagant charge. Rev, Dr. Malcolm Macgillivray presided, and the meeting adopted the resolu- tions presented by the joint boards with regard to the calling of a min- ister. A committee has been named to make a selection of suitable min- isters and report to the congregs- tion. i, yl MAGIC) |BAKING (ELLE | | The howl | In the Interest of Accufacy. - "You have héard whet the last witness sald," .pérsisted counsel, "and yet your evide: 6 is to the eon. trary. Am I to infer thet you wish ow doubt on her veracity?" polity young mag waved a miles and h only warning of its approach was the slow rise of high clouds far to the southeast in an otherwise cloud- less sky during the 17th, and a vorthéast wind that did not die at nightfall. A boisterous wind, mag- nificent festooned clouds, then a heavy shower, and the storm had ar- rived. Drizzle and rain continuea in southern New England with the northwest wind for neanly 24 hours The weather became muggy as the centre approached. Then followed a squally and showery southwest wind for 24 hours more. A trop- feal storm had passed across New England. It had in moderate form the characteristics of ite dreaded re- lative, the West Indian hurricane. On account of a restricted supply of moisture it was tQo weak to make more than about ome inch of rain. The Gulf storms operated with ah more with water vapor and their latent emergy wae much stronger; the wind rose to 60 , and the rainfall totalled meaniy 10 inches at Pens, Pupil--it' has been twice, Fliegende Blaetter, Munich. He--What shalk I do dear? Your father has threatned to 'throw me downstairs and to break every bone in my. body! 8he--Don't worry, dear! His acts are only half as bad as his threats, h-- "Your friend Coldmaier is being married! It's remarkable how the most stupid men find a wife!" "Not at all -- the sensible ones don't get married." Simficissimus, Munich: "Why does the daughter of house sing in the dining room?' "It's the only way to get guests to leave the talre. "Why has head?" + "Because he thinks so much." "And wby have ¥ $0 much hair?" the father go hair on his Kasfer, Stockholm: . "No young man should go any- where he cannot take his mother you young men who breaks this Tuje?" the or sister. Is there any here among q Brother trots out tne new ulster and is quick to enjoy its warmth as the sun falls lower on the bl q Father has his mind on the house, the winter supplies of fuel and vege- tables, the furnishings and repairs. € Mother thinks about the Thanksgiving bird and its surrounding retinue of sed things to eat and drink. hour comes when the pleasure seekers come trooping home. 9 In fact, all the family have a hundred dugines to gratify as the day of Thanksgiving rolls nearer. '4 To everyone at home the newspaper should be a con- stant guide and reliable friend. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. A- highly respected: in Voiee--"Yes, 1 do!" > "And where do you go then?" "To the barber's." ville, William Henrv Kerford, cd away on Oct. 22nd, at his I about four miles from M ] Beceased was-sixty-two years of Thomas Sheard, Brockville, the led away on Thursday after a grave of your bemefactor. illness, aged, fifty-four years. Frignd-- Well, 1 shionld have dor- | was born ai Almonte ut, you see, I came without =» | Not all who know | sandhoreiat, \ | know their hearts. Parson---And you did not let fall a single tear as you stood hy their =