Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Oct 1923, p. 24

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MONDAY, OCTOBEK 29, NE 7 gas _THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG Builder from lidhood to Old Age VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. ~ TO LET RIDEAU BTREET -- Frame. 7 gooms, electric light. $16.00 per month, ALFRED STREET -- Furnished, October 1st to May 1st. Brick, 8] rooms. All conveniences, $65.00 per month, INSURANCE of all kinds. Reli- ble companies only represented. R. H. Waddell Fhavaes 3446-508. nd Breck St. "THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. all kinds of Carpentry Woof a given on new floors jaid. Have your hardwood floors clean ed with our mew floor letning ase ehine, Wah Long Laundry Has moved from 153 Ww allingpon Street to 112 BROCK STR! Phone B18F. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. nr PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing end Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Btreet. PHONE 184. DR. A.W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGKON, Corner ohnson and Wellingtun Sitroets oJ Phone 368 FURNITURE, SAVES, or FREIGHT, , ARTAGE and STORAGE OF PIANOS, ERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. Faone 877. 153 WELLIN GON PREET. Dental Surgeon "DR. J. CO. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Broek § Neiington ane 0 rack Streutns Evening by appointment, PHONE 679. WATTS People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding bouquets to order. Phone 1763. Residence, 1187. " Nature knew about when she made COAL There is no better coal in the world thgn ours, and ft costs no more than the indifferent kinds. BOOTH & CO. 'Phope 188. Grove Inn Yards'- what she was a N Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. 867.275 ONTARIO STREET PHONES 83¢ aad 837, N-- W. &. Godwin & Soo Med a Mes to ke pace with busy minds Eversharp is a worker, a business pencil--the world's favorite, It keeps going day after day with no other at- tention than an occa- sisal loading. Many e carry two---one with black lead, one with the new colored lead. Eversharp is com- fortable to hold. It never tires the hand because it is perfectly ' balanced. The lead never wobbles--the = clusive rifled tip it like a vice, You when to put in a no lead--the automatic index tells how much is left in the barrel. New leads are found under the cap. So is the handy eraser. Eversharp fea- tures can't be copied. we all-metal Wahl Pen is a writing innovation, a tat mats a improvement ma a worthy on for mors BE. holds Wahl Pen cannot crack aplit. I t is beautiful. It ( Wahl Pen will last a life-time, Wah! Pen and E: ar o matched in Shy. ui Wahl Por, lid gold at Solid snd at in rubber are the finest ber pens made, $2.75 up, Made In Canadas bo THE WAHL CO, LTD. Torente FIRE INSURANCE : 30 Sock srr Phoue 424. KINGSTON anp VICINITY mrt, Scld His House. George McCullough sold his i dence in Fairholm Park, Perth, to Paul:Griffin. : Had an Arm Broken. Peter Deroche, an employee of tae | Tweed creamery, had his arm brok- en at Sulphide when he attempted to crank a car. Is Canning Pumpkins. The Queen cannery, at Welling- ton, which zis now under the Cana- dian Cauners, started on Monday morning last" to can pumpkins. Sg ---- Started a Skunk Farm. A skunk farm has been started in Athol. Mr. Parr, owner of Dainard's | 1stand in East Lake, as equipped his property for raising black skunks for the production of fur. Great Clearing Sale. Having a large stock of-Boys and Men's Winter Overcoats, we have de- cided to put on sale our entire stock |at a great reduction in price. See pur range before buying elsewhere, { Prevegt, Brock street. : Partnership Dissolved. The firm oi Messrs. Lowe and | Horan, proprietors of the Palace livery in Perth, has been dissolved Jobn Horan having gone to Detroit and is succeeded in the business by his brother, Frank Horan, Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Adclbert W. Cowan, Brockville, announce the engage- { ment of their daughter, Reta Alex- | andria, to Norman Fenwick Tisdale, D.Sc, Cleveland, O., marriage to take place early in November. The Officers Named, The officers elected by the Relig- lous Education Council, meeting -in Napanee are: President, Rev, E. H. Bean, Elmira; vice-president, H. L. Stark, Toronto; recording secretary, Kev. G. H. King, Brantford; treas- urér, H. P. Briggs, Toronto. Cheese Board Sales, Perth, 724 at 18 3-4 to 20 1-4c. Napanee, 835 offered, 19 1-2¢ bid, no sales. Picton, 830 at 19 7-16c. Iroquois, 695 at 19 1-4c. Victoriaville, Que., 1,000 at 17 u-4c, 2 Concert Tour in West, Jean-Chown, the talented pupil of demy of Music, Toronto, is at pre- sent on a concert tour in some of the western cities, her itinerary in- cluding Wignipeg, Fort Frances, Brandon, Regina, ete. ! Wedding at Actinolite. On Oct. 24th, at the home of Theodore Kleinsteiber, Actinolite, his youngest daughter, Sylvia Made- leine, was united in marriage to W. | E. Raycraft, McLean. The 'ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Waite, | Actinolite. Mr. and Mrs. Raycraft | will reside at Wilkinson. Jailer Earl Croft, Picton, shows a table beet of the red turnip variety which weighs ¢ 1-4 1bs., and meas- ures 22 1-2 inches around. The beet | was grown in the jail garden where | & particularly good _crop of vege- | tables has been raised this year. | | Had a Fine Garden. | | | Started to Attend Funeral, A message came over the wire an- | nouncing the death of Edward Law- ler, Chico, California, formerly ot Napanee. Deceased was a brother of Mrs. McAvoy, Selby. Another brother, Mr. Lawler, Centreville, started immediately for California to be present at the burial of his Lrother. -------- Passes After Long Service, At Wellington, on Oct. 26th, Rev, Evdastus Seth Howard passed away. Tleceased was ir his ninety-first year and was superannuated after fifty- five years in the Methodist ministry bec. His wife survives and three sons, D. H. Howard and Judge B, E. Howard, Montreal, and John A. Howard, Lowell, Mass, and four R. and o mittee has seen fit thousand d Prof. J.J Mal the university, where Dr ae Jenny Taggart, of the Canadian Aca-. in the provinces of Ontario and Que- | daughters, Mrs. ratt, Demorestville; Moncton, N B.; Miss Mary Howard, Wellington, and Mrs. Layhew. Is Now an Editor, Rev. J. A. Meehan, M.A, \at one time -curate of St. John's' church, Gananoque, has reeently been ap- pointed editor of the Northwest Re- view, published in Winnipeg. The Nerthwest Review is one of the fore- most Cathoiic journals of western | Canada. Court of Revision. The city court of revision is meet- ing Monday and Tuesday afternoons | to hear appeals against the assess- ment of 1924, The appeals are fewer in number than years ago, as the. assessment is generally copsidered equitable. Kingston is assessed at about two-thirds the value of a prop- erty on the average. -------- A Marrying Archdeacon. Recently Archdeacon Beamish, Belleville, equalled his war record for marriages. He married thirty- cre couples in two months, He read the marriage service for the same number in a similar period during the war when so many young men were taking brides before going to serve overseas. The archdeacon's lowest record for two months is twenty. Perth Again in Wood Basiness. The corporation of Perth has pur- chased a -bush lot comprising be- tween ten and twelve acres in Bur- gess township from - Ernest Miller and negotiations are under way for the purchase of several other lots this fall. Perth still has 250 cords of. wood at the town property on the Rideau and several hundred cords in the wood yard on Glascott street. A Committee Formed. A number of gentlemen met Dr Gordon Bates and Mrs. Pankhurst at inner at the British-American Hotel on Saturday and discussed the need of social hygiere work in Kingston, where already a clinic ds doing ex- ceptionally good service. The group of Xingstonians were 'made the nuc- leus of a committee, with F. J. Hoag as convener to begin an organiza- tion. Mrs. Pankhurst agreed to give a week to conduct the campaign. Water Report. The public utilities commission did not meet to-day owing to the members going to Toronto to hold a conference with the heads of the Hydro-Electric commission with re- gard to power supply. As Dr. J. R. Currie, who has been making an extensive {investigation into the city's water supply for the past nine months, is leaving for Scotland on Friday, the commission will hold a meetihg the middle of the week to hear his report. ------------ Attorney-General at, Game, Hon. W. F. Nickle, attorney-gen- eral of Ontario, spent the week-end in his constituency. He simply could not stay away from Kingston when Queen's was participating in a big rugby game, and the Tri-color vie- tory over MoGill enthused him to such an extent that he has returned to his government duties in Toronto greatly refreshed. Of late Mr. Nickle has been instrumental in securing 'contracts for the building of four locomotives in the Kingston works for the Temiskaming railway. An Ogdensburg Visitor. Among those : who motored to Kingston on Saturday for Queen's-McGill rugby game was Dr. H. A. Mclimoyl, one of the oldest medical practitioners of Ogdensburg. N.Y. Dr. Mcllmoyl is a graduate of McGill and came up with the ex- pectation of seeing the téam of his alma mater give Queen's a good trouncing. He was amazed at the sensational playing of the Tri-color Mrs. H. BE. Fry, the } (Rev.) Rufus Gar-and returned home convihced that Queen's is not only producing men | learnéd in the sciences but also ex- perts in the game of rugby. Dr treatment being a medicine. ---------------------- Jules Falk Coming. the workings of the in liquid procession as if pearls | strung on an endless chain; to see without the apparent effort to think of a single technical difficulty. see the 'tone developed iato some- thing that lives long in the memory of the listener. And to see, all, cuired to overcome that the simplicity of bigness makes all things easy and effortless. The measuring of the rapidity of thought tor, though the mental control of the arms and fingers tion of music has not generally been considered. The large storehouse of the brain is constantly being filled with many thirgs other than music so as to make the influence broader, and the best intent of the artist is cnly given out when all thought cf his consciously-studied art is rele- gated to the subconscious in public performance, To illnstrate this point, these who may hear Falk, the distinguished violinist play here at Grant Hah, Big Mondag evening, Nov, 12th, will get a keener impression of the factors entering into this analysis Vanette van Sweringen. soprano, will be associated with Falk when he is" heard here in recital. Under the anspicés of the King- sten Kiwanis Club. Tickets on sale at Sargent's drug store. Houseboat Sinks. A hole bored into the sewer pipe by rats of the houseboat owned by Mr. Cornwall, Beaver Falls, caused that vessel to sink in three feet of water between two islands opposite Fine View, near Thousand Island Park. Workers under the' super- vision of Caretaker Heath, of Thous- and sland Park put in a bwsy day pumping out 'the water. The boat bag been raised and the hole mend- ed with damage confined to the severe soaking the craft received, The houseboat had already been an- the winter months. [Ty md FGema ii TUE the Skin Made Soft and Smooth by Using Dr CHASE'S OINTMENT a st A srt Mcllmoyl is a' goitre specialist, his | Who would not like to look into | brain of a | {- musician, if it were possible, during | [the progress of his playing--to get | an idea -of the thousands of notes | that have been memorized to flow | the beauties of the music deyeloped | To | above | the amount of study it has re- | - technique 'so | by instruments is now a known fac- | in the produc- | BUILDING Residences, Bungalows, Cottages, Barns, Garages, Porticos, built to contract. Esti- mates cheerfully furnished. . S. ANGLIN CO. LIMITED Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. W.H. HALL & SON High Class Groceries and Provisions PRINCESS and CLERGY STS. SPECIAL SALE THREE 15c BOXES MATCHES FOR 85c. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. Jules | CAT, (RAH BLADDER Safe, Swoccsseinl h Capsule name GET IT REPAIRED. S3wing Machines, Phenographs, Guas, Riley repaired and refitted, Paria supplicil. Saws filed, knives, scissors and edge tools grounmd. Locks repaired. Keyg fitted all kinds of jocks. All mak Lawn Mowers sharpened a » We can copair anything \hat is repairable. J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 20358J. chored between the two islands for | Only {he hoping live, COME FOR TEA at Smith's Grocery A select quality Black Tea . ocery 63c. Ih, Liptons in package. Special 35e. 3% Ib. Thistle Baking Powder ., Don't let the price atop you, "it's good." Laundry Soap ......... - Carrots, new, per peck... Turnips, "Purple Top" .. Red Onions, large Red Onions, small pickling .... VEGETABLES direct from Prince Edward County. Get in touch with us and we will eall rege. lar. SATURDAY MORNING, TOMATOES For Catsup at Phone 1317. . SMITHS, Barrie and Celborne Streets P.C. LAWSON KINGSTON'S LEADING FLORIST Funeral designing and Wed. ding work our specialty. Corner of Brock and W ton Streets. ity: TELEPHONE 770. Po -- «= Hell gets a little hotter every time the devil hrines in a new hypocrite. 'All may do what has by men been doue. pr SE (4 306-8-10 KING STREET, KINGSTON, Ont. 'Hardwood ABSOLUTELY DRY --Al80~-- SOFT WOOD AND SLABS PHONE 687. 187-141 CLERGY STREET CASTORIA[ For Infants and Children InUse ForOver39 Years Alwar sutry to bestow both halves of the gift u Se of FIRST CANADIAN NOBEL PRIZE WINNERS Dr. F. G; 'Banting, the discoverer « MacLeod, have been award Never before has this honor Hoch pation out forty fessors at the University of Toronto. it will total about At the left. is Dr. Banting, righ cLeod, head of the d ent of physiology of aia ead CL foe depattuent of physi Sky and, at the work, For Split Pea Coal for self- feeding furnaces, Coke ad Wood W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 ONTARIO ST. Dominion Meat Store Op. YMCA. Phones 1876-1877 18, Sesssnsveees DOC esses nle, evenness es BDOC cssssssves vudOC Book .oi0on...: 70" Beef ..ououev mn. .18c Tongues ........20¢c. sericea n aan Prompt delfvery A -- The British Whig Publishing Co, Ltd. has a Department specially equipped to "execute all classes of First-class service and fair prices. PHONE 248, BACK IN OUR NEW STORE IN THE OLD STAND 78 BROCK ST. GOURDIER'S OVERCOAT 525.528 330 $32 d*35 Young The season's latest models for Men and Men. See our extra Trousers Suits at $28.00 ~ TWEDDELL'S to Hotels and Boarding Houses

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