THE DAILY BRITISH _WHIG --_-- OVERCOATS ADDED TO OUR STOCK DURING PAST WEEK YOU'LL NOT FEEL WINTER'S BLASTS INSIDE ONE OF OUR OVERCOATS-GET YOURS WHILE THE PICKING'S GOOD. QUALITY IS THE WATCHWORD--SO IS THE LOW PRICE. OVERCOAT DEPARTMENT, SECOND FLOOR LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET \ "IF OFF YOUR ROUTE IT PAYS TO WALK" 25 | \ {It Will Begin on Nov. 1st With | | | ANDERSON' Quality--Better Values----Service Retail MarAet Phones 458-450. Business Office 865. Wholesale Department 1767. FRESH CAUGHT Lake Fish AT LOWER PRICES Whitefish, 1b. 20c. Lake Trout, Ib. 18c. Halibut Steaks ....,....80c., Cohoe (Red) Salmon-- : 27c. | Steaks 25¢, Boiling cuts 22c. Fresh Headless Haddock--delicious Steamed or boiled--per Ib. ...... 15¢. Pure Codfish--bulk form--boneless strips--per lb. .... . ; Finest Smoked Haddie, 1b. 18c. | Finest Smoked Fillets, 1b, .22c. JOYSTERS--Buy them in bulk. Pint 60c. HALLOWE'EN NEEDS NUTS--AIlmonds, Walnuts, Filberts, Bra- zils, Pecans, Chestnuts. 2 lbs Mixed 45¢. FRUITS--New layer Figs, 1b Fresh Dates . . 3 Ibs. for 29c. . EATING APPLES-- Mcintosh Reds, per peck .......80c. peck . Snows--per CANDIES Attractive assortment-- Creams, Jellies, Chocolates. Special, delicious SPONGE TAFFY. en made fresh for Hallowe'en Eve. GROCERY SPECIALS : COCOANUT-- (Shredded) 1b. 82c.' . SINGAPORE PINEAPPLE (2s), each ,.. eT ri TTrYrrY 50¢. CHOICE PINK BALMON~--3ss, fl, 8 for 33. 1s. talls, 2 for 38c. Heart ....0..p000044...20¢. each (Assorted) ..... trtssases sreeies 8 for 25c. . PRUNES---large, os DELICIOUS PASTRY 5 Cakes, Pies, plain and fancy Ralls, Buns. For health, use Community Bread. 3 8 packages 25¢. + (Desicated), 1b. . 30c. AH i - pKing street. LOCAL NEWS. Brief Items of Interest Picked Up by the Whig Re- porters. "Newman & Shaw's rug sale." Mr. Swain, piano tuner. Orders received at 100 Clergy street west, Belleville Y.M.C.A. is out to col- lect $6,000 during the week of Nov. 6th. James Modney, shoe-maker, 253 Phone 1579. All work guaranteed. Saturday is Tag Day in aid of the Kingston Tuberculosis Association. Do your bit. Mrs. John Wease, Ivanhoe, in Kingston hospital, is showing im- provement through treatment. The bank clearings at Kingston for the week ending Oct. 25th 1923 were $674,806.58; corresponding week last year, $589,387.61. "East Is West," was given its 'nal Drpsentation at the Grand last night by Jane Hastings and her players and delighted another good aud- lence. Tonight the company will pre- sent one of the most amusing come- dies ever presented to a Kingston audience, "The Small Town Girl." ---- This Means You. The recording angel will keep in touch with the taggers in aid of the Kingston Tuberculosis Association on Saturday. Be sure that a good m-rk is entered up for you in the Doomsday Book. You'll never miss your contribution. ~ Giving Oranges Away. Friday and Saturday, one dozen free with every basket of 75c¢ pears at Carnovsky's. : '| 254 and 256 PRINCESS STREET | An Infantry -- i the Armouries, on Nov. tomas RE + A A AA ov HANEY [/AN INFANTRY SCHOOL 10 BE OPENED HERE Officers From Outside Points. odaroadd A provisional school of Infantry will be opened for M.D. No. 3 in 1st, for the qualifying of N.C.0s. and officers. It is understood that an officer from M.D, No. 1 has been¥detailed as of- ficer in chatge of the school, with | Sergt.-Major Patterson, W.0., R.C. R., as instructor. The courses will include N.C.Os., lieutenants, cap- tains, and F.Os. and will last six weeks. The bugle band of the P.W.O.R. is being reorganized, and will prac- tise throughout the winter two nights each week, one night for drummers and another night for buglers. The adjutanfyyMajor w. J McManus, has charge of the reor- ganization, also of instruction, Ap- plicants will see the advertisemont in another column. It is the intention of the com- manding officers and officers to have the organization fully equipp- ed and brought to a state of effic- iency which will do credit to the regiment and to the city. AT THE ROTARY CLUB. Mrs. Emmiline Pankhurst to Give Address Friday Night. Much interest is beipg taken in the address to be givep/the members of the Kingston. ary Club, at a dinner in the British- American Hotel on Friday night. Mrs. Pankhurst will deal with the question of "So- cial Welfare," and the occasion is to be marked as "Ladies' Night," when the Rotary Anns will be pre- sent. Mrs. Pankhurst will deal with her subject with the Woman's view- point on social hygicne. Mrs. Pank- hurst will have an important mes sage and the club is looking forward to a most enjovable evening. The club is making special! ar- rangements for the musical pro- gramme. An orchesira from Queen's University will provide music, while in addition there will be other mu- sical n Rinbpys, Souvenir Programme. On Friday evening and Saturday morning a splendidly edited and il- lustrated souvenir programme of Saturday's rugby game, between M:- Gill and Queen's, will be on sale at the following: -McGall"s Cigar Store, College Inn Cigar Store, Jack Elder's Cigar Store, Princess Pharmacy, cor. Princess and Division Sts.; Harris' Drug Store, <or. University avenue and Johnson St.; the Whig Office, and in the University Grounds. It is considered the best programme published for a rygby eventrand students and citizens are urged "to secure copies. Price 10c. | Police Court Brevitics. Ap assault case, in which a man was accused of assaulting his step- son, was booked for hearing before Magistrate Farrell, in the police court on Thurslay morning, but when the case was called it was announced that the charge had been withdrawn. A drunk was fined $lo and costs. For Sale. Limited quantity of wet wheat at 80c per cwt. Bring your own bags. James Richa~dson & Sons Limited Commercial Elevator, Foot Princess street Don't forget your tag in aid of the Kingston Tuberculosis Associa- tion. Tag Day Saturday. "Newman & Shaw's rug, sale." _- DAILY MI-IORANDUM L.O B.A. asquerade Dance, Orange Hall, Monda¥, Oct. 29th, 8.30 p.m. Euchre and social evening, A.O.H. hall, Friday, Octobér 26th, 8.15 p.m. Auspices St. John School and Home Club. Admission 36c. PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE BORN, . BARRETT---In Kingston, October 25th, 1923, to Capt. and Mrs. A. Barrett, 179 Montreal Street, (a daughter, Olga Eleanor). McCUAIG--On October 22nd, 1923, at Stittsville, Ont., to Dr. and Mrs. C. H. McCuaig, a son, EWART-- In Portsmouth, on October| _ 24th, 1923, Thomas J, Ewart, aged 50 years. (private) from his son's resi- Robert Ewart, y ortsmouth on Friday afternoon, at 2.30 ' = Pataraq Cemetery. Please ot flowers. = JAMES REID The Old #irm of Undertakers { Phone 147 lor Ambulance ¢ ht enorme oi THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1923 - -- good value. UNDERWEAR ---- mt FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY . Cold weather is at our door. you thought of Underwear. Have It is advis- able to secure your supply now. We have a very complete assortment and will be glad to have you call and i inspect it. LADIES' VESTS Fine quality Vests in Swiss, ribbed or plain weaves-- medium weight in opera, sleeveless or short sleeve styles. -~ 59c¢., 75c¢., 85c., $1.00 each. . Drawers to match above--ankle length. 69c. to 95¢. garment. Bloomers to match * 00 00 et essen WARM WOOL VESTS AND DRAWERS A splendid assortment of All-Wool garments: short sleeve or sleeveless style . Drawers come in all styles .. Bloomers to-match Vests are .$1.25 to $3.50 garment. .$1.25 to $3.50 garment .. 75¢. to $3.50 4 Combinations Real comfortable Combi- nations in sleeveless, long or short sleeve styles. V neck or low neck. $1.25 to $3.00 per suit. ALL-WOOL Combinations Serviceable and warm, best describe these Wool or Silk and Wool Cémbinations. We have all styles in stock. $3.00 to $7.50 per suit Children's Combinations Well made, winter weight, in | Bands. White or Natural--plain or from ribbed. $1.00 to $4.00 Suit INFANTS will also require Vests ot We have 65c. to $1.50 Children's Vests and Drawers An interesting display of Vests and Drawers -- cool weather weight-- white and natural. Per garment 45c. to $1.50 them MEN'S ALL WOOL SHIRTS and DRAWERS Scotch All-Wool Shirts and Drawers. All sizes. Very serviceable and $1.50 (Garment Penman's All - Wool, heavy ribbed Shirts and Drawers. factory. MERINO A splendid line of fine quality Merino Under- wear for Men. All sizes, $1.00 garment = MERINO Shirts and Drawers |» Combinations Good quality Merino -- in suitable winter weight. All sizes in stock. { . ™N $2.00 Suit N BOYS COMBINATIONS In the Penman's No. 95, Turnbull's or Tiger Brand. SERVICE. SATISFACTION. "ial LADLAY & SON .. 75c¢., 85¢c., $1.00 Well made and very satis- EE ic ------------