Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Oct 1923, p. 13

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TURSDAY. OCTOBER 23, 1923, t THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG OR TA Students Watch Your! EYESIGHT | Close application to study is a con- { stant tax on your vision. a | t the slightest indication of un-| due drain, come to us for a thorough | exami ation of your eyes. fe can quickly tell whether glasses are necessary, R. ARTHEY, RO. VISION SPECIALISY 148 PRINCESS STREET Phone 2108. : Open evenings by appointment. | TRY BURNS WHOLE . | WHEAT BRZAD THE STAFF OF LIFE W. BURNS 61 Frontenac St., North | Phone 1826... { | | { Sly and Jack Gibson. | Cullogh, | Harpell, CHESEBROUGH MANUPACTURING CO. 1500 Chabot Ave. Moston Vaseline | i -- cl | REMOVAL NOTICE | L.C. Hemsley WATCHMAKER Has moved to 109 BROCK STREET and now open for business un- der the name of HEMSLEY & SON 109 BROCK STREET NOW IS THE TIME To Get Your Plumb- ing and Heating 'Plants 'LOOKED AFTER 'See us for reasonable rates. J. BARRETT Pose 180 9Mairal GET IT REPAIRED Parts supplied. Sawa fied, knives, scissorg and edge tools ground. Lawn a awers dha spe wat is TATE repticmbie™ ik ng J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydeaham Kingston reestam Sl, FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has;vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. - (Your own lock - and key.) PHONE 520. | nedy, | Win Coombe, Edward - | Joseph Broderick. THE RURAL SCHOOL EARS The Pupils Who Won Prizes the Event at Cataraqui. J The following is a list of the prme |winnérs at the Rural School Fair [eld at Cataraqui, Sept. 13th. The names are given, in order of prizes won. Sheat of wheat--Albert Henry, G. A. Hegadorn, Bruce VanOrder, James: Brown and George Wartman. Four quarts of oats-- Willie Mac- | Row, Half a bushel of oats--Gordon Pillar and Ronald Gibson. Sheaf of oats--Ronald Frank Koen, George Wartman, win Coombe, James Coombe James Brown. Four quarts of 'Giosva, Ed- and barley--Clifford Hega- Gibson, barley--Gerald Jack Sheat of dorn, "Clifford Sly, and George Wartman. Six ears of sweet corn--Elwooa Morley, Alfred. Baker, nilldrea Wartman and Alfred Ledsalr. 'Single ear sweet corn--Alfred Baker, Mildred Wartman, Eiwood Morley, Leo Mooney, Alfred Ledstir and Albert Smith, Sheaf of sweet corn--Alfred Led- sajr, Alfred Baker, Elwood Morley, and Miidred 'Wartmanm. Six ears of field corn--Roy "Me. Cullogh and George Wartman. Single ear of field corn--Roy Mc- Cullogh and George Wartman. Sheat' of field corn--Roy "Charlie - Brown, Wartman and Wilbur Price. Twelve Irich Cobbler potatoes -- Gordon Herron, Thelma Baker, Florence Ledsair, George Turnham, Me- { Donald" Kish and James Coombe, Irish Cobbieis--ueslte Thelma Baker, Jamos Coombe, Florencé Ledsair, Alfred Led:air and Donald Kish. Singie Irish Cobbler -- Artauae. Pearson, Evelyn Wise, James Coombe, Sperry Robson, George Turnham and Donald Kish. Twelve Green Mountain potatoes --Wesley Baker, Eldon , Gardener. David Grant, Margaret Koen, Edwin Coombe and George Wartman. Peck of Green Mountains--Wesley Peck of | Baker, Clifford Sly, Edwin Coombe, George Wartman and Mac Morris, Singie Green Mountain---David Grant Mac Morris, Wesley Baker, il Cattermole, Leslie Harpell and win Coombe. Peck of: Irish Cobblers from seed--Leslie Harpell, Gordon- lar, George Turnham; Nelsén James Coombe and Babcock. Five mangels--Albert , Hewry, Thelma Baker, Elwood Morley, Ed- ker and BE old Pil- Ken- Hagel Singie mangel---Albert Henry, Thelma. Baker, Elwood Morley, Bd- twin Coombe, Joseph Broderick and Edward Baker. Six beets--Gordon Pillar, Hazel Babeoock, Meryl Simkins, Florence Ledsair,, Neison. Kenedy and Ed- ward Baker. Single beet--Nelson Kennedy, Ed- | ward Baker, Gordon Pillar, Margar- et Koen, George Turnham and Ros- ella Smith. Six carrots--Mauride Baker, Elsie Cattermole, Meryl Simkins, Gordon Baker, Gerald Hegadorn, and Wes~ ley Baker, ' Single earrot---Wesley Baker, Stella Koen, Mac Morris, Thelma Morley, Daisy Emmons and Marion Koen. Five turnips -- Charlie Fearn, George Turnham and Wilbur Price. Single turnip--OCharlie Fearn and George Turnham. Six onions--Albért Henry, Alfred Baker, Gordon Herron, Willie Mac- Row, Arthur Pearson and Kenneth Joyce. Single onion--Albert Henry, Wil- lle MacRow, Alfred Baker, Gendon Henon, Nelson Kennedy and'Arthur Pearson. Twelve Asters--Nora Fearn, Jack Gibson, Margaret Joyce, Eunice Heaton, Martin Wilson and Evelyn Bracken, Twelve Zinnias--Florence Mae- Row, Evelyn Pearson and Mossaline Burt. Twelve Calendujas--Ralph GIb-. son, Gerald Hegadorn, Winnie Rib: bons, Maine Sprqttt, Thelma Morley and Milicent Burt, Table bouq of mixed flowers-- Thelma Murray, Gordon Pillar, Thel- ma Baker, vid Grant, James Coombe and Edwin Coombe. Potfed ' house plant--Barl Mae- Row, Mossalene Burt, Glaays *ar- banks, Clifford Sly, and Elisabeth Maloney. Two pullets and one cockerel -- Kenneth Davey, Garnett Truedell Hayward Turnham, David Grant, James Coombe and Ralph Gibson, Cockerel--Cectl Kenneay, mf cent Burt, Evelyn Bracken, James Coombe, Kenneth Davy and Hayward Turnham. Bar hat Jaste Coombe, - Kenneth vy, Ralph Gibson, 'Garnet True ---- George | Jackson, den, n. Cock ath hen from home flock-- Géorge Turnfiam, Nile Rogers ane James Coombe. ™., Calf (dairy heifér)--Clifford Sly, Albert Hendry and Jafies Coombe. Lamb---Willie MacRow, Edri Mac- Row and George Robbs. aga Grant and Evelyn Brack- man, Bes.ije Gordon, Charlie Fearn and Calin Baker. fall apples Charles arn," Bruce VanOrder, Mabel Mur- ray, Thelma Murray Leslie Harpeil and Ronald. Gibson, Plain layer cake--Florence Lea- |salr, Vician Henry, Mildred Wart- man, Mae Truedell, Mary Leonard and Winnle Ribbons. . Fancy cake ---- Margaret Koen, Mildred Wartman, Milicent Burt and Gladys Fiarbanks. Spaniah- bun--Millicent Burt. foal white bread--Mildred Walt. man. Miilicent Burt, Margaret Koen and Marion Koen. One pound home-made mixed candy--sMossaline Burt, Margaret Koen, Mildred Wartman, Iola Hodge, Agnes 'Maloney and Alice Sargeant. Loat of nut, raisin, or date bread --Mossaline Burt, Florence Ledsair, Margaret Koen, Mildred Wartman, Florence MicRow gud Gladys . Fair. banks. | Darning bag--Irma Ellerbeck. Knit scarf--Mae Truedell and Gladys - Fairbanks, Embroidered doiley--O0live Heas- lip, Helen Merriman and Elizapeth Maloney. Flower-pot siand---Jamer Coombe, and Jack Gibson, Boot-jack--Jack Gibson, Alfred Ledsair, Edwin Coombe, Willie Mac- Row and Earl MacRow. Collection of acorns, nuts, seeds and fruits of forest trees--Vernon Burnett. Collection of 3 mounted mens--Vernon Burnett. Collection of seeds, classified as to method of distribution -- Jack Gibson and Florence Ledsair. Writing "Cherries are Ripe"-- Frances .Taylor and Frances Black. MA Writing: "My Shadow"--George Taylor, (Nellie Carrol, Ronald Rib- bons, Nora Sparks, Beatrice Young and Stanley Smith, Writing "The Song of ine Great Dominion"'--Millicent Burt, Bessie Babeock, Thelma Murray, Doris Hill- fer, Florence MacRow and Gladys Sparks. Writing "Children's Song"--Mos- éaline Burt, Vernon Burnett, Mable Murray, Winifred Ribbons, Estalja Caverly and CHfford Sly. Chalk or crayon drawing--Gordon don drawing---Gordon Mona, & i Morley, Clifford Silver, Coombe, Marie es, pai ha and Nellle Carrol Water | golor drawing--Hamy Cecil Kennedy, = Willie Price, Winnifred Ribbons, Winnifred Mclver and Mabel Murray. ' Essay "My Favorite Story" -->Mos- saline Burt, Winnifred Ribbons, Ver- non Burnett and Willie MacRow. Essay "How we Spent Arbor Day in our School"--Lucillea Dafoe, Earl 'MacRow, Millicent Burt and Fiorence MacRow. Hitohing and driving contest for boys--Willie MacRow, Vernon Bur. nett, Albert Smith and Charrie Brown. Hitohing and driving contest for girls--Mae Truedell and Mossaline Burt. Nail driving contest for giris-- Florence Ledsalr, Florence Mac- Rrow, Ivy Biddulph and Marion Koen, Boy winning highest number points--James Coombe, Girls winning highest number of points---Mossaline Burt and Millicent Burt (tie). 8chool parade--Gienvale School, Sunnyside Sohool and' = Cataraqui School, speci- of HARROWSMITH WINNERS, The following is a list of tne prize winners at the Rural School air held at Harrowsmith, Sept. 10th, The names are given in order of prizes won. : Four quarts of wheat--Olive: Husband and William Conners. Sheaf of wheat--Evelyn Conners, William Conners, Oliver Husband, Walter Spencer, Gordon Moir and Joseph Kerr, Halt bushel of oats--Oliver Hus- band. Sheaf of aie BVeIy Conners, Ethel Townsend, Lloyd Townsend. Joseph Kerr, Oliver Husband and Ross Spencer. Sheaf of .barley---Evelyn Conners, Garfield. Bradford, Ethel Townsend, Joseph Kerr, Oliver Husband = and Walter Six' ears .of sweet corn--Ferdin. and Wallace, Gordon Bauder and Mildred; Husband. 'Single Green Mountain Wesley Spencer, Ferdinand Wallace, Ross Spencer, Laura Husband, Jack De- liné and Gordon Bauder. Peck of Irish Cobblers from old seed -- Evelyn Conners and Gar- {field Bradford. Five winter apples--Gladys rar. banks, Reggle Pitman, George Wart- Five mangels--Herman Veley, MacCiement Day end Mildred Hus. band. * Ru Single 'Hangel--MacClement Dag, Robert, Cole, Hazel Jamieson and Bruce Huffman. Six beets--Harold Day, Russell | Babcock, Edna Kerr, Laura Husband Verna Clarke and Lillian Day. Single beet--Edna Kerr, Russell Babcock, Ford Kerr, Garfield Brad- ford, Geraldine Aylen and Edna Leonard. 8ix carrote--Edna Leonard, 'Neil Deline, Jean Wallace, Lloyd Town- send, Gordon Moote and James Trousdale. Single carrot---Neil Deline, Clint. on -Aylen, Edna Leonard, Lloyd Townsend, Gordon Moore and Isabel Babcock. : Five turnips--Garfield Bradford. Single tarnip--Ford Kerr. Six onions---ArthumyBaboock and Jeabell Babcock. ' Single onion----Isabell Babcock, Arthur Babcock, and Edna Kerr. * 12 Asters--Anna Knapp, Nell Deline, Lalit ° Westbrook, Ethel Townsend, Thelma McUmber and Gordon Green. Twelve Zinnias--Eleaner dale. Table bouquet of mixed flowers-- Ethel] Townsend, Vera E. Grant, Myrtle Bauder, Alice Stover, Ralph Deline and Grace Green Potted" House Plant---mfiCbnCSS& Potted house plant--Ethel Town- send, Mary Spencer, Alice Stover, Lloyd Townsend, Arden Armstrong and Velma Husband. Two pullets and one cockerel -- Willlam Conners, Ethel Townsend, Harold Walker, Jack Deline, Harold Day and Neal Ashwin. Cockerel--Lalia Westbrooke, Har- old Walker, Joseph Kerr, Ethel Townsend, Harold Day and Neil Ashwin, Pullet--William Conners, Westbrooke, Ethel Townsend, old Walkel, and Joseph Kerr. Cock and hen from home flock-- Harold Stover and Evelyn Conners. Calf (dairy heifer)--Haroid Wal- ker, Evelyn Connors and Lloyd Townsend. Lamb---Gordon Moore. Five winter apples--Harold Day, Trous- Lalia Har- MacClement Day, Walter | Spencer, | and Ethel Townsend. Five fall appies--Harold Day and | MacClement Day. Plain layer cake--RBvelyn Connon Laura Spencer, Velma Wallace, Ruth Botting, Ruby Knox and Fern Rut. tan. Fancy cake-~Ewelyn Conners, Laura Spencer, Florence Knapp, Beatrice Embury, Mildred Husband and Myrtie Bauder. Spanish bun--Velma and Mary Spencer, Loaf of white bread--Velma Wal- lace, Laura Spencer, Mamie Smith Mildred Hamilton and Laura Hus. band. One pound home-made mrxea candy--Laura Spencer and Evelyn Conners. Loaf of nut, raisin, or date breaa ---Geraldine Aylen, Laura. Spencer, Velma Wallace and Evelyn Con. ners. Darning bag-- Velma Husband and L Mary Spencer. . ; Knit scarf -- Evelyn Conners, Laura Spencer, Helen Shibley ana Bernice Campbell. Embroidered doiley--Evelyn Con- ners, Laura Spencer and Lillian Molr. Flower-pot stand-----William Corn- ners and Walter Spencer, Boot Jeck--Wlilliam Conners, Clinton Aylen, Oliver Husband and Joseph Kerr. Wall medicine cabinet -- Wiliam Conners and Waltef Spencer. Collection of acorms, nuts, seeds and fruts of forest trees -- Ethel Townsend and Eleanor Trousdale. Cofjlection of the most important of farm grasses and forage plants-- How Fat Actress Was Made Slim al wASAnY ats or iaFat prove now piles nd _en- ra Be on Tab- e One ry uty ote that she reduc- ily and sasily by using this new Husband good | points--Evelyn Conners, and Wallace, Evelyn C s, Keith Reynolks, nai McUmber and Eleanor Sheaf Conners. Single ear of sweet corn--Evelyn Conners and Ferdinand Wallace. Six ears of field corn--Ralph De- line and Lloyd Townsend. Single ear of fle corn--Lloyd Townsend. . Bbeat of field corn--Ralph Deltne and Lloyd Townsend. Twelve Irish Cobbler potatoes -- {Rupert Storms, Theime Graham; of i" corn--Evelyn| hi C oupons Package and Tin in Each controlling . fat. | at any of its Branches in DOMINION OF CANADA VICTORY LOAN BONDS MATURING 1st NOVEMBER, 1923 BANK OF MONTREAL, under authority of the Minister of Finance, is prepared to redeem the above bonds in full at maturity, without charge, Canada. For the convenience of owners of the bonis, the Bank of Montreal will accept the bonds at any time prior to November 1st,and will make on November 1st, either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owner's credit in' the books of the Bank, as the owner may desire. payment in each case Evelyn Conners and Ethel Town. | send. Collection of seeds classinea as to method of distribution -- Ethel Townsend, Evelyn Connors and Laura Spencer. Writing "Cherries Are Ripe" -- Dorothy Warner, Elda Leonard and Mildred Husband. Writing "My Shadow"-- William Conners, Frances Harris, Lewis Day, James Trou:dale, Thelma Graham and Jean Wallace. Writing "Song of the Great Dom- injon"-- Bernice Campbell, Eva Walker, Harold Walker, Ferdinand Wallace, Myrtle Bauder anc =aim Westbrooke. Writing "Children's Song" --Ethel Townsend, Wilfred Fair, Alice Stov- er, Laura Spencer, Velma Wallace and Gerdon Moore. Crayon or chalk drawing---Wijliam Conners. Water color drawing-- James Shangrew, Harold Stover, Laure Spencer, Clinton Aylen, Ethel Town. |} send and Maitland Reville, Essay "My Favorite Story" -- Fleanor Trousdale, Laura Spencer and Emma McMahon, Hitching and driving oontest 1s boys--James Shangraw and Jack Hamilton. Hitching and driving contest for giris--Ethel Townsend and Annie Hoftman. Nail driving contest for girle-- Ethel Townsend, Alice Stover and Marguerite Cousins, Boy winning highest number of points--Willlam Connors Girl winning highest number of School! parade--Union 2 and 25 School, Union No 8 School, Harrow- smith School, Verona School, Hart- ington School, Petworth School SAYS DAYLIGHT SAVING 18 HARMFUL TO HEALTH Wakes It Impossible for Ohil-| ENJOYING LIFE ! (British Die-Hards have tried to make Baldwin's political life an uneasy one.) --From the london, Eng., Star, on the street while it is yet day- light, thus keeping them unduly aec- tive and preventing normal relaxa- tion which should precede bed time," states Dr. Kobler. Sudden movements of the mind often break out either for great good or great evil. If things look bad today, they may look better tomorrow . ------------ ; 4 Pine fans! in Lrerg) Home

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