A THE DAILY ¥ TO LET RIDEAU STREET -- Frame. | rooms, electric light. $16.00 per] month. { ALFRED STREET -- Furnished, October 1st to May 1st. Brick, 8 rooms. All conveniences. $55.00] per month. | INSURANCE of all kinds. Reli- able companies only represented. VICTORY BONDS bought and sold. R. H. Waddell rhomes 3i4-S66. a6 Brock St. THOMAS COPLEY Carpenter. Phone 987. See us fer all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates givea on new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean- ed with our mew floor cleaning .ma. chine. Wah Long Laundry Has moved from 155 Wellington Street to 112 BROCK STREET. Phone S818F. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. mr a PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 184. DR. A. W.WINNETT DENTAL SURGRON. Corner of Johnson and Wellingtun Btroets Phone 363 For Moving, of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGK OF EVER SCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co Dental Surgeon DR. J. OC. W. BROOM L.D.S,, D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets. Entrance, 1580 Wellington St. Evening by appointment. PHONE 6€79. People's Florist 177 Wellington Street. bouquets to order. Phone 1768. Residence, 1187. THERE ARE TRICKS IN ALL TRADES 'We have one. It is this: We try to give our customers bet- ter coal and better service than they can get anywhere else, for the same money. What do you think of it? ! BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards _- Hot Water F drnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. L Cohen & Co. ¥67-2756 ONTARIO STREET PHONES sss and 837. Pe W. H. Godwin & Son : #9 RoR . ANBUX Nothing else known to science performs the same marvellous healing and dis- pels disease from the tissues as Zam-Buk does. This pure herbal balm takes the fire out of a wound or sore, kills and repels germs and grows fine new skin. Zam-Buk is acknowledged THE WORLD'S TET A DELCO-LIGHT The complete Electric Light and Power plant for every country home, W.C. CANNON 164 BARRIE STREET Phone 1150J. -- H_- Restores strength quickliy- build up on - SCOTTS g) EMULSION ¥ or ---- -- Cuticura Soap For the Hands fo erg ey AA Hardwood ABSOLUTELY DRY cs AT ie SOFT WOOD AND SLABS KENNY & FALLON PHONE 687. 187-141 CLERGY STREET W.H. HALL & SON High Class Groceries and KINGSTON anp VICINITY Off on Holidays. 1 Police Sergeant John Naylon is | enjoying a few days' holidays. Dur- {ing his absence ~Constable Fred | Clark is acting sergeant. Once Again in Bloom. At Gosford, Leeds county, J. B. | Checkley has tomato plants in flow- er and W. H. Landon has apples {and blossoms on the same tree in | his orchard, } ---------- | Good\Straw Hat Weather. | No doubt many citizens are won- | dering why they discarded their straw hats so early in the season. The old "lids" would have been very | appropriate on Thursday afternoon. Called to Shoot Horse. Dr. William Nicholls, V.8.,, was | called to Cataraqui on Thursday af- ternoon to shoot-a horse belonging | to a man named Smith. Police Con- | stable William Fitzgerald accom- ! panied Mr. Nicholls, For Fall and Winter Wear. See our range of Boys' and Mens' Ready to Wear Suits and Overcoats all the latest styles, also everything in Men's Furnishings at a great re- duction in price. Prevost, Brock street. All Roads Lead to Toronto. All roads will lead to Toronto this afternoon and the highway "speed cops" will have a busy time watching the autoists hurrying to the Queen City for the 'Varsity- Queen's game. Died in Hamilton. At the Restholme Apantments, Hamilton, on Wednesday, Oct. 17th, the death took place of Sarah A. Bonny;-daughter of the late Joseph Scott and sister of the late James Scott, Toronto. Deceased was well known in Kingston. For Sale. . Limited quantity of wet wheat at 80c per cwt. Bring your own bags. Wheat will arrive here Oct. 18th 1923. James Richardson & Sons Limited Commercial Elevator, Foot Princess street Clean Up Your Markers. The police have received several more complaints about markers on autos not being clean, so the num- | bers can be identified, Action is to be taken against offenders who do not look after their markers. Provisions PRINCESS and CLERGY STS. SPECIAL SALE THREE 15¢ BOXES MATCHES FOR 385c. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. OUR WELSH COAL is arriving. Orders booked for a limited amount. Absolutely no stone or slate. Stove size only. $16.50 per ton | W. A. Mitchell & Co. 15 ONTARIO ST. Telephone 67. COME FOR TEA at Smith's Grocery A select quality Black Tea ..at 6c. 1b. Liptons in package. Special 35e. 3 Ib. Thistle Baking Powder Don't let the price stop you, "it's good." 1 Potatoes, dry, good size Carrots, new, per peck. . Turalps, "Purple Top" .. Red Onions, large Red Onions, small pickling .. VEGETABLES Supplied to Hotels and Boarding Houses direct from Prince Edward County. Get in touch with us and we will call regw lar. SATURDAY MORNING, TOMATOES . .10e. qt. Wold Jou Know whether the ten- Heavy Freight Traffic. Since the opening of navigation last spring there has been an excep- tionally heavy trafic in package freight on the Kingston route, es- pecially between this city, Toronto, and Montreal, Several times the local sheds of the C.S.L. have been loaded almost beyond capacity and the need for new warehouses has been very apparent. To Parade to Game. Queen's football team with their supporters will parade from the King Edward hotel to 'Varsity sta- dium at 1 p.m. on Saturday led by Queen's band, and they look for their Toronto friends to swell the parade. Rose-Paul Wedding, The marriage was quietly solem- nized, Oct. 10th, at the Presbyterian manse, Almonte, of Edna Myrtle, youngest daughter of William Paul, Ramsay, to Edward J. Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Rose, Pakenham. Frank Rose and Miss Kathleen Ar- thur witnessed the ceremony, Slowly Recovering. C. M. Rattray, manager of the Pro- vincial Savings office, Pembroke, tak- en seriously ill at his office on Mon- day, and whose condition was critical has recovered sufficiently to be re- moved from the Cottage Hospital to his heme, where he is resting com- fortably. Twenty Years Dean. Dr. J. C. Connell has just com- pleted twenty years as dean of Queen's medical college. In those two decades, Queen's medical school has advanced until it is now reegk- nized as one of the best in America. In the attaining of this high stan- dard, Dr. Connell has had the chief part. Caught Gambling. _._ . Seven men were caught gambling on Sunday, in Smith's Fills. Two were fined $30 and costs, one re- ieasad on suspended sentence and the others will he tried later. The loor of the building In which the men were playing was broken in and the officers caught the men in the act, with the money on the table Claims $20,000. Twenty thousand dollars is, the claim of Mrs. Vera Goodrich, admini- stratrix of the estate of the late Er- nest Goodrich, killed in his garage, at Brighton; it is alleged by electri- city coming over Hydro Electric Pow- er Commission wires. The commis- sion is the defendant. The case will be heard at the Belleville assizes. A. E. Rea Passes Away. A. E. Rea, aged fifty-seven, elec- trical contractor, and former resident of Watertown, N. Y., died on Friday following an attack of appoplexy. He was visiting with his family in Clayton, N. Y., when taken with the stroke. He had worked all day Fri- day. He was a member of the Red- man's Lodge and this organization | had charge of the services at the | grave. He is survived by his widow, | two daughters, Regina and Frances, and one son, James, Alexandria Bay. t W.M.8, Convention. The annual convention of the Na- | panee district, Tamworth division, of | the Woman's Missionary Society was | held in the Methodist church, Cam- | den East, Oct. 9th. Mrs. J. W. Wa- | gar was re-elected superintendent of | Tamworth branch and Mrs. Moss as | \ assistant superintendent. Appointed Chief Engineer. Kenneth M. Cameron, a graduate | of -the Royal Military College, has | been named chief engineer of the Department of Public Works, to succeed the late Arthur St. Laurent. Mr. Cameron will assume his duties almost immediately. He was edu- cajed at Strathroy, London, and To- ronto 'Varsity and McGill, where he took the degrees of B.Sc., and M.Sc. From September, 1918, up to the present he has been assistant chiet engineer. Branch Laden With Raspberries, It is not very often that one has the opportunity of eating raspberries which ripen on the bush during the month of October, but this privilege was extended to the Whig scribes on Thursday, when Mr, and Mrs. George Murray, Cataraqui, sent a large branch into the office, which was loaded with perfectly developed; {' ripened berries. The bush from which this branch was taken, was planted last spring, and the berries would do credit to summer production. Last Saturday, Mrs. Murray orought a box of berries to the market, and needless to say it was picked up in short order. The branch is on ex- hibition in the Whig window. Better Mail Delivery. An endeavor is being made to have a better mail delivery in King- ston," there being many complaints about people not receiving their mail from Saturday morning till Tuesday, when Monday is observed as a holiday. The suggestion has been made that when a holiday falls on Monday, the letter carriers would deliver mail on the Saturday- afternoon preceding, instead of be- ing off duty and observe their holi- day on the Wednesday of that week. For instance, Monday, Nev. 12th, has been set aside as Thanksgiving Day. Mail could be delivered on Saturday afterpoon, Nov. 10th, and cn the following Wednesday, the postal carriers could have a holiday. Such a scheme as this is also be- ing advocated in Brockville. Post- master W. BE. Manhard, Brockwilie, went to Ottawa and took the mat- ter up with the department. == dency of a book is good or evil, examine in what state wttIaX It down. " of mind you} =--THIS IS THE FOREST THAT GOD MAD * Rimes are made by fools like me -_ But only God can make a tree." --Joyce Kilmer. Brantford Asphalt Roofings Ine, two and three ply Red Roofings. Four in One Slates, Tapered Slates. S. ANGLIN CO. LMITEp~ Woodworking Factory, Lumber Yards. Bay and Wellington Streets, Kingston, Ont. NEW PHONE NUMBER--1571. i A | PW SPECIAL VALUE Men's Brown Goodyear Welt Boots, solid leather, $6.00 value, all sizes. SALE PRICE ~~ $4.59 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street Now, for the first time in years, buy the finest tobacco for 10c, a package. The you So amok Se TOM ed celebrate. Get a pachage of LONG and __ SMOKING TOBACCO BACK IN OUR NEW STORE IN THE OLD STAND 78 BROCK ST. GOURDIER'S [ot EXTRA GOOD VALUES AT - 25-28-30 *32 and *35 The season's latest models for Men and Young Men. See our extra Trousers Suits at