THE DA ILY BRITISH WHIG QUICKLY YIELD TO DR. (HICKEY'S TREATMENT Dr. Hickey's Speedy Mixture stops a Cough in a few doses.. Dr, Hickey's Cold Capsules dry up the head cold over night. Dr. Hickey's Chest Rub quickly removes the congestion and draws out the pain. This combination is the best obtainable. 25c¢ each L.T. Best Druggist FOR SALE $1650--Frame Bungalow, 5 rooms, tol | let, electric lights. Let 333x115, $1800---Frame, Portsmouth, electric lights, 7 rooms, $2000--4 rooms, toilet and eleetricity. Several to choose from. $3500-Frame, 7 rooms, 3 p. bath, fur- mace; nice location; stable and garage; electricity. §3700--For 3 stone Cottages. A Snap for quick buyer. $9000--Stone, 10 rooms, hot water heat, electric light, h.w. floors through- out; a beautiful home. Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington St. | 1 SILVER TEA There can be v0 appropri- | | ate gift than a | more | Tea Service. Throughout the years to come it | will be cherished as an heirloom | by future genera- | tions. Our stock is at all times well as- sorted and sonably priced. rea- MIT JEWELERS LIMITE EST? 18 Kingston | | | | { | | | STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE SOWARDS WITH SATISFACTION 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. THREEDAYS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday We will have a factory representa- tive and a cooking demonstrator to ex- plain and demonstrate McCLARY'S ELECTRIC RANGES Call and see the demonstration. cKelvey & Birch, Limited tractors, Heating Specialists, Steam Fite era and Plumbers, Cross-Bows and Battering Rams. One of our pictures today is = of |spectal interest. It shows a device for sending arrows swiftly and true to the mark. The device is known as the 'cross- bow" and was used by the Romans two thousand years ago. The pic- ture {s taken from an engravmg ua a tomb of a hunter, At the center is a quiver he used for holding ar- IOWS. Notice the strap by which ft was slung over his shoulder. Good cross-bows are powerful weapons. The main: piece- of the Roman bow was so tough that the archer had to hold it to the ground with his feet when he pulled the string into place. : Once in place, the string was held: there by means of a notch. When the man wanted to fire tne arrow, he simply loosened the string. This meant much quicker work than with the older kind of bow. |1t was the nearest thing the _Ro- {mans had to a rifle, . | The other picture shows a batter- {ing ram. Perhaps you will be sur- | prised to know that the image of a ram's head was once used to batter down walls. People noticed that the ram was mighty good at "butting," so they jthought they would butt down the walls with a ram's head, made of metal and fastened to a beam, When soldiers attacked the city they tried to make a breach in the walls. If they had just walked uj with the battering ram, they would i -------- ~ PROBS: --Rain during the night and on Thursday. have been killed by men on top of the walks. t So the Romans bullt sheds which could be moved on rollers, There was a hole in front for the battering ram. Several soldiers would get in such a shed and push it to the attack. . When they reached the wall, they tried to batter it down with the metal head. They were safe inside the shed, but the head | went "smash, smash,"' against to. | A Roman cross-bow. A Roman battering ram, Néxt--NMoving Roofs of Shields. _- LEAVING FOR CHINA. Rev. Dr. King And Wife Returning to Mission Work. Athens, Oct. 16.--Rev. Dr. King, for over forty years a missionary in China, conducted misslonary ser- vices in the Methodist church here on the 7th inst. His wife, Dr. Leonora Howard-King, a native of this vicin- ity, has been a medigil missionary in that land for over fifty years. After a few months visit here with the latter's brother, Eugene How- ard, and other friends, they leave in a couple of weeks to resume their work across the seas. Mesdames Newton, Curtis, Car- nell, Ganford, Towriss and Miss Keyue motored to Westport on Wed- nesday to attend W. S. district convention. Several ladies o he Anglican church were in ckville recently attending W. A. Deanery meeting. A kitchen shower was recently tend- ered the youthful Prince street bride, Mrs. Hugh Campbell. Epworth League has reopened for the fall and winter. High school Sports Day was held on the 5th inst. and was a hugh suc- cess. Mrs. Merwick and little son Billie have arrived and with her husband, who is on the high school staff will take up residence in Mrs. M. Der- byshire's, Henry street dwelling. Mrs. George Bulford held a sale of her household effects on the 9th inst. preparatory to leaving for Carthage, N.Y., where her husband has se- cured employment. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Cross are now domiciled in their commodious new home on Henry street. Mr. and Mrs. William Bartley are now com- fortably settled in the Stafford pro- perty, Main street. Mrs. Rappell has moved to the recently acquired Central streeet property, the Hol- mes' resjdence, which she formerly owned. Mrs. Alice Johnston has taken pos. session of her Church street pro- perty which she has been leasing for years. The motion picture entertainments put on Saturday evenings under the Women's Institute auspices, dre proving very popular. The subjects are varied, and each evening there is usually the scenic, the humorous and the dramatic. Mrs. William Towriss has been ap- epent a few days at her home here. C. Walroth visited friends at Wat- son's Corners. Mr. and Mrs. W, Kim- Huffman have returned from the northwest, where they spent the past to, Mrs, R.| Butler, Ottawa, also Mrs. G. Lucy, Kingston, at their mother's, Mrs. John Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Daw- | days. Miss Ollie Munroe, Kingston, The friends pointed delegate from the local In-| stitute to attend the Eastern On- | tario Institute convention to be held | in Ottawa next week. Sharbot Lake Items. Sharbot Lake, Oct. 15.--The Teachers' Convention was held here last 'week with a large attendance. The Marks Bros. will give a play here this week. J. H. Fair To- ronto with cattle this week. "Mrs. J. H. Fair has gone to Balderson for a visit. T. Dowdell, Mississippi, call- ed on friends last week, Arthur Reynolds has had a new verandah built. John Peters has add- ed a new verandah to his house. Mrs. W. Mallett spent a few days in To- ronto. Mrs. H. Walroth visited in Verona a few days last week. Blake Buell was at Calabogie a few days duck hunting. Miss Bessie Erwin, Echo Lake, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Fair and Mrs. E berly. Mrs. C. Huffman, Miss Viola month. Mrs. R. Robinson and son, Toron- son, Mr. and Mrs. E. Smith took a | trip to Ottawa for a day. Mr. and | Mrs. W. N. Cannon and Carl Cannon. Kingston, at Dr. Suddaby's a few at R. Hawley's. W. Meldrum has his new house almost-completed. The Anglican church o pens shingled. of Mrs.\John Martin, formerly of this place, but now of Tweed, are pleased to hear that she is recovering in Kingston General Hospital. For Sale. Limited quantity .of wet wheat at 80c per cwt. Bring your own bags. Wheat will arrive here Oct. 18th 1923. James Richardson & Soms Limited Commercial Elevator, Foot Princess street British investors are looking to Canada, says the deputy minister of raflways, Bell, on his return from England. The Ontario legislature will open | 755 [ © S--, UTILITY FROCKS of smart simplicity for Street, Office and House wear. Evolved from all wool Tricotine, Poiret Twill and Tre- nella Cloths. Splendid assortments of styles and colors. Rl % rx Never have we offered so wide a 1 choice and never have so many un- usually becoming styles been available for such modest prices. Nr from $6.50 to $23.95 Tiny Cloche Shaped Cap The Climax To The Smart Autumn Costume The beloved Cloche has re- turned this Autumn in quite the smartest guises it has ever assumed, and in the richest colorings. We are showing smart adaptations of French models in Felts, Velvets and Duvetyns. They fea- ture the new Dome Crown, fashionable split crown and are finished with ribbon and feathers. Turbans and Lace Trimmed Hats are here too, and all are distinctive and inexpensive. from $9.50 on up to $25.00 each at the end of January. ME t rs | Ig HOME FURNISHINGS Our stocks are most complete and offer an excep- tionally attractive choice in all the requisites for adding charm to the home. Special values are to be noted in---- FLOOR SQUARES, RUGS AND MATS, CUR- TAINS, PILLOWS, CUSHIONS, CURT A IN NET, SCRIM, CRETONNES, CHINTZ, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, COMFORTERS, WINDOW SHADES, FLOOR OILCLOTH, CONGOLEUM RUGS, etc. We take this opportunity of inviting your inspection of our new stocks in our basement department. ) po |STEACY'S - "Sale Agents for McCall Patterns"