Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1923, p. 4

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THE DAILY BRITISH ROUGHING IT IN THE BUSH. -- / By Mrs, Susanna Moodie. Me. | Clelland' & Stewart, Toronto, pub- | lishers. 506 pages. .Illustrated, | Price $2.50. Thege is still another of these | 'well-known publishers' stories of | @arly lite in Canada, written by the | wife of Lieut, J. W. Dunbar-Moodie, Who came to Canada in 1832, They | sottjed firet on a farm near Port Hope, but soon removed to the un-| broken bush ten miles north of Petoerboro. When the rebellion of | A837 broke out, Lieut. Moodie was 'placed in command of a regiment, | and wife and family were left for hoe time on the farm. After the & had subsided, Moodie, who dad been made a captain, was ap- | 'Pointed sheriff of Hastings County, 'and Mrs. Moodle sold the farm aad | Joined her husband at his head- | quarters in Belleville. Mrs, Mooqje] 'Wrote other sketches of Ontario life, '8l50 a novel, but none attained the Popularity of her "Roughing it in Bush," She died in 1885. facility in seeing and portraying . jhumorous and the picturesque in the humble pioneer life in the woods 'makes her narrative as entertaining 'as a romance, -Some quaint charac. ters are described in these pages, and vivid accounts are given of hap- penings characteristic to the pioneer Bettlements--burnitng the fallow, the logging bee, the chartvart, journeying thrgugh the forest and | by the waterways. Various types of settlers--Yankee, Scottish and provincial English---are faithfully described; and the comments upon Jocal journalism, politics, settlers' problems, are frank and fearless, * showing a thorough knowledge of | her subject, and brightened by a keen wit, (a charm of style that makes By Major Richardson. BEFORE THE WHITE MAN CAME | By Mabel Burkholder. . . MoCielana | & Stewart, Toronto, publishers. | 817 pages, Price $2.50. This is another of thehe enterpris- Ing publishers' attractive Canadian books, one of a series just issued. | It deals with Indian legends and slories of early life in Canada, ana 'will have a strong appeal to all healthy boys and girls. For every mysterious manifestation of nature 'the Indian has invented a story. ; enever he wag impressed by a ®uriously shaped rock, by a ones 'fake, by a crashing waterfall, he 'tried to explain the wonder accord- ing to his religious belief. his own idea of the creation of t world, the origin of the power of Good and Evil. Bugkholder has colleced the Indians Canada, well-known places, ;she secured first hand on the spot. She has in this book told them with them a The volume is cleverly from original drawing by Manly, A.R.C.A. a -- WACOUSTA. ppeal to the readers of all illustrated C. M. McClejland pushers, Price, Toronto, Tustrayed, + & Stewart, 457 $2.00, A good book never grows e estimate of "Wacousta," old. Th by {Major John Richardson, as the great- tag]eSt Canadian novél, "has been borne of € out by the fact that 'since it was A A A tr tt Oh--** Oh, Doctor!" Harry Leon Wilson Since Harry Leon Wilson wrote that great succession of laughing- novels, "Bunker Bean", "Ruggles of Red Gap', and "Merton of thé Movies", people are expecting him to create a new clever chare acter in American life every year. This year it is Rufus Billop, the sanitarium pest in "Oh, Doctor!" who became the strangest go-gettey you ever heard of! And already "the - Billop touch", which is Wilson master touch, has become He had |first published he | re-issued time the different | cach edition tribes, the coming of the white man, |The story is founded upon the stir- Miss | ring incidents connected with une most | attempt attractive and important Jddegends | the famous Indian chief, cherished among the of the year 1763. especially those relating to| romantic and thrilling Many of them |vivid descriptive passages ages | | 'lout one lovely June afternoon to enjoy a ramble in the forest and to {bring home the cattle from the Beav- jer Meadow. Nightfall finds them fn J lan unfamiliar part of the woods; lf (they have lost their way; they make fa rude shelter of boughs under iwhich they spend the night. Days {pass and their parents search In 32, it has been |vain for them, while they are unable time again, and [to find their way home For more apidly sold out. [than two years they subsist on the {products of the forest and the lake-- | berries, rice, deer, parridge, fish to capture Fort Detroit by land the like. They build a log Pontiac, in shanty, and make clothes from the is replete with |gkins of animals. They fina a situations, | young Indian maid wounded and ' rapidity (bound to a stake. They take care of action and intense dramatic pow- lof her, and she teaches them more er. The conspiracy of this wily and {about wood craft. After thrifling treacherous warrior to posssess him- |adventures with the Indians, they | self of the various posts neld by the larg discovered by a lumberman wio British in the west, and which was |ieads them safely home. foiled it is said, by a beautiful In- | dian girl, for whom an officer of the | garrison had formed an attachment, | | The Man On Watch in 1932 It gives the groundwork for a story that grows in interest as it unfolds. The autlmrs vivid descriptions of the manners and customs of the na- | Bibles are to be purchased by a i . Ik . sior | tive red men have never been sur. | ome and school club for the sedlar | | passed. This new edition has five | €lass in one of the enmmon schools, Te we So paintings by the well-known Can- | . ! , 8 adian artist, Charles W._ Jeffreys, al- | "© need for Bible teaching in the | 80 a portrait of the author, | schools. CANADIAN CRUSOES. According to report, Portsmouth will have to move if it wants to get away frgm the penitentiary. Let the Hatter's Bay folk move into King- ston. By Catherine Barr Trail]. McClei- land & Stewart, Toronto, publish- ers. 822 pages.. Price $2, Be No wonder escaped convicts make a bee line for Glenburnie. The Glen was ever noted for its hospitality-- only there is mot quite as muich whiskey dispensed in this old Scotch settlement as in years gone by. The author of this Canadian story comes of an English family which settled near Rice Lake, north of Pet- erboro. She made a careful study of the plant and animal life of the locality, and embodied much of ler information in her juvenile stor- fes, such as "Canadian Crusoes." In recognition of her work as a naturalist Lord Palmerston made Mrs. Traill a grant of one hundred pounds, and later the Dominion It has been suggested that the Government presented her With an | penitentiary be built over on Garden island in the Otonabee River. She f Island. That would be a grand place died in 1899 at the goodly age of | for. a prison and would vield great ninety-seven, having kept her spird | business for the Wolfe Island ferry of youth undaunted to the last, | boat. The publishers are to be congratu- Ht lated on issuing a series of excellent The pound keeper should make a books, of which "Canadian Crusoes" | few visits to the east end and im- isan outstanding example. These | pound some of the cows that are books deal with early life in Can-| allowed by their owners to wander ada, and give to the present genera- | around the streets to the annoyance tion a true and realistic picture or |of street car motormen and auto the stirring adventures and the arsfdrivers. duous work that fell to the lot of | our pioneer forefathers and moth- ers. The Crusoes of the Canadian [the Baptist banquet the other night woods are three children belonging | when he answered the question as to to families of early settlers near Rice | What the church could do for politics Lake. Hector Maxwell, a boy of | by saying that it should keep out of fourteen; his sister. Catherine, aged | the political arena. twelve; and their cousin, Louis Per- ---- ron, also fourteen years of age, set| It used to be said that the bar- NA wns | TOO MAGS magy men; Yet the Glenburnie used to have a laird-- the late William Craig occupying that post of honor for many years. Has a successor ever beep named? NN John the Baptist hit it right at Could your wife and children have saved enough. from the wreckage to support Life without your help ?- There is just one sure and certain way to keep catas- trophe from those you 'love-- Underpin the $20,000 worth of Insurance safely in- vested at 6% give them 'a mon income of $100.00. Write for Life will uake with A Dollar A Day! Earthqua If you are 30 years of age this need only cost you $366.00 a 5 ME, } 3 year. i a partcalars--ot let our Agent explain 'Watchman knows of men 'to-day who declare the Ontario Temperance Act is keeping thém poor. They must have a little liquor, but at $6.50 a hottle it is a drain on the pocket- book. Another crack at tobacco! A foot- ball player swallowed his cud of chewing and was choked to death. Of course gum would not have been fatal. E Pa SATURDAY, WHIG Sunshine Furnace provides heating in its mast econ- omical form. It is installed un- der the super- vision of Me- Clary's expert furnace organiz- ation. - of a direct flue to the bath room. The "Sunshine" of your Home As an extractor of concentrated "sunshine" from hard or soft coal, McClary's All- Cast Sunshine stands waeicid among heating systems. : Besides providing uniform heat and healthful humidity, McClary's All-Cast Sunshine insures the ventilation so essential in winter, Now Soft Coal may be used for home heating. The Air-Blast Ring--an exclusive feature of McClary's All-Cast Sunshine Furnace--makes low-priced soft coal entirely satisfactory for the heating of homes. Make sure of thorough, conscientious, scientific installa. tion. To.McClary's dealers the proper installation of your furnace is highly important. Consult them. See McClary's All-Cast Sunshine with the famous Air-Blast Ring. "Clarys «Sunshine FURNACE 07 HARD AND SOFT COAL Fup AND SOFT CoAL Now that there is so little liquor to steal, some Wolfe Islanders have taken to robbing hen roosts. Surely the islanders should know better than that! "McKELVEY & BIRCH AGENTS FOR McCLARY'S SUNSHINE AND RADIUM FURNACES They are Into the charivari game at Sydenham. Verona used to be leader at the charivari, and the folks around there could almost break up a wedding too, by hurling stones through the windows of the house where the ceremony was tak- ing Place. Sydenham used to be a pretty lvely village, but higher edu- cation has toned it down. Smokers are mourning because they cannot light up pipes and cigars in the closed street cars. Pity about them! How do they get along for the hour and twenty minutes they are at church worship? - The Watch- man likes his smoke, but does his puffing at the p time and in the proper place, just Mike eating. a tionists of Canada have chosen (a "wet" as their presi- a Baptist and a college chancellor at that. : -- Complaint is made to the Watch- man that some farmers hereabouts are paying their help only $20 a month and working them sixteen hours a day. Is it any wonder labor- ers do not want to go to the farm? Counting meals and bed the help would be paid at the rate of about $1.50 a day or less than ten cents Lloyd George remarks that the suffering in Burope has been caused by failure to carry out the Treaty of Versailles. Yes, and a great deal niore suffering has been caused the McCLARY'S FURNACES SOLD BY GRAVES BROTHERS PHONE 332, 211 PRINCESS STREET. Blocks, Bricks and Sand MANUFACTURER OF HIGH GRADE CONCRETE BLOCKS, CE- MENT BRICKS, LINTELS, SILLS, BASE COURSE, PIER CAPS, ETC. DEALER IN BEST QUALITY OF BUILDING AND SAND, AND» GRAVEL, DELIVERED ON SHORT NOTICE. R. J. McCLELLAND CORNER ONTARIO AND WILLIAM STREETS SEE US FIRST If you bave a leaky boiler don't worry about having to buy a new e until you have seen us. We are cap- able of welding any broken parts by a sure-fire process that always aec- complishes the highest welding re- sults. Consult us before doing any- thing else. Our prices make it eco- nomy to see us first. (anapun Narmowat Rawers AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family. or friends going to or returning from ihe Old Country, Passports arrauged Ir. ¢ For information and rates apply J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. 44 Ry., Kingston, Ont. . Office: Canadian National Rallway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario, Open Diy and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. our Participating Policy at a nonpar rate. : modern, easy terms, $4100 BAGOT ST.--ftore and dwelling. Terms ................84000 Paymg 18% on the investment NS USHing at Spouses MINION

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