THE DAILY LY BRITISH WHIG Fall Colds QUICKLY YIELD TO DR. HICKEY'S TREATMENT Dr. Hickey's Speedy Mixture stops a Cough in a few doses.. Dr. Hickey's Cold. Capsules dry up the head cold over night. . Dr. Hickey's Chest Rub quickly removes the congestion and draws out the pain. This combination is the best obtainable. 25¢c each L.T. Best Druggist: FOR SALE let, electric lights. Lot 338x115. $1800---Frame, Portsmputh, electric lights, $2000-----4 rooms, tofjlet and electricity. Several to endine from. $3500--Frame, 7 rooms, 3 p. bath, fur- mace; nice location; stable and sarage; electricity. $3700--F or 3 stome Cottages. A Snap for quick buyer. $0000--8Stone, 10 rooms, hot water heat, electric light, h.w. floors through- out; a beautiful home. Bateman's Real Estate 136 Wellington St. There can be wo more appropri- ate gift than a Tea Service. Throughout the years to come it will be cherished -as an heirloom by future genera- 7 Yeo, tions. | Our stock is at | all times well as- | sorted and rea- | sonably priced. $4 Household Slaves, Many Roman homes contained hundreds of persons. Most of these were slaves who acted as household servants. The slaves did the werk and the family enjoyed things. It was the Roman beMef that a slave had no soul. He was treated I"ke one of the lower animals by most of the masters. If he tried to run away, red hot irons were pres- sed against his face and he was marked forever. ing up and down so as to tramp out | the dirt. The picture today shows another scene in the same laundry, A man is brushing off a shirt which hangs | from a rack. Another man is car- rying a kind of céige into the room. | This cage was used for spreading out | woollen cloth to be bleached (whit- | ened) by the fumes of sulphur. At the lower left is a woman overseer, looking at a piece of clothing which Las.been brought there by a female SOWARDS STARTS WITH SERVICE, ENDS WITH SATISFACTION SOWARDS KEEPS COAL AND COAL KEEPS SOWARDS PHONE 155. UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. PHONE 811. THREEDAYS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday We will have a factory representa- tive and a cooking demonstrator to ex- plain and demonstrate McCLARY'S | ELECTRIC RANGES Call and see the demonstration. McKelvey & Birch, Limited | they had given the same effort to the development of Canada." The Certain masters were so cruel that they did not deserve the name of men. It is said that a slave once broke a vase, and just because of that was hurled into a pond so he might "feed the fishes." Other Romans, I am glad to say, showed kindnees to their slaves. Freedom from slavery was granted to thousands. If you could go back to a large Roman household, you would be likely to find slaves who were tailors, carpenters, shoemakers, masons and bakers. Washing the clothes was a job the slaves must have hated. One ancient picturs shows four slaves stata is & sceie iu'8 Juudey durify standing or kneeling in tubs. Three of them arg-rubbing and wringing clothes. md other one is jump- porting Foreigners hud Exporting Canadians (Continued- from page 1.) Supposing that in the early days, the best brains of Pennslyvania, like the Schwabs, and the Fricks, had joined a treck out of that state; it is safe to aver that the industrial development of the state would have been a different story. Perhaps it was with this thought in mind, that Mr. Beatty recently declared, "We would be wise to keep our gates open to Brain, as wll as Brawn." \ How much has Canada lost because of the Brain that has gone out of'her gates? How much more undeveloped is she use of that talent end genius which she has allowed to drift aw. At a dinner, one night, in New York, I saw Dr. George Stewart, and Prof. 8imon Newcombe, sitting together; one was president of the Ameri-| can Academy of Medicine, the other director of the American Observatory, | at Washington. Both came originally from a little village called Wallace, | in Nova Scotia. Beside me, at the dinner, a friend was thinking on how much these | two had contributed to the United States; I was thinking on what great service they had deprived their own country. Perhaps we can afford to give New York a couple of Broadway Traffic Cops, but can we, at this stage of our development, afford to give away a Simon Newcombe ? We haev been, for too long a time, in the business of exporting brains to the United States, and then putting up a tariff to prevent them coming home, - Newmitugt Gates and War Brid- HOLD OUR OWN, It's all right to talk about the United States as a lgrger field. That is merely a shallow attempt to palliate our own indinfrence to a vexing problem. Canada is in need of all the brains that she can produce for the next hundred years. After that, perhaps, she may be able to go back to the export business in that line. When our tariff making Is in the hands of those who think only In ierms of bone-meal, and plaster, it iz natural that our most precious and most needed product should escape attention. For ten years, as a rover in many portions of the world, I've seen the brains of Canada at work for other peoples, in railroal!az, in commerce. in diplomacy. Perhaps the strangest sight was on the Golden Horn, where I saw Buckman Pasha (a native of my home country), flying his flag as admiral of the Turkish navy. Everywhere I've heard others praise the work of my exiled compa- triots.. But I have always objected. "It would have been far better if Greatest virgin estate on earth, should be able to occupy even such ad- ventuhous souls as Buckman Pasha. Outsiders, who have not grasped the vision of this new nation may object to m¥ argument as narrow. To such I reply "There can be nothing | narrow in the faithful stewardship of half a continent." If we had faith in Canada, and in Canada's century (which most ] us have not), we could not view the loss of many of our best and ablest, except a national calamity. It is well and good for Sir Percy Girourard to build a railway to Soudan, for General John Stewart to build another on the Gold Coast, for Franklin Lane to serve in the cabinet of the United States, for Jacob Gould Schur- man to become American Ambassador to China, but what has Canada, as a growing nation lost because of this dissipation of her talent ? If' there is such a thing as patriotism, #t f§ the duty of every home, and of every school to instil in the hearts of its youth a sense of high privilege because they have been born in this century, and im this domin- { Senator Fry, in the American Senate, spoke of her as, joi. In one of the finest tributes ever pald to Britain, United States "an Empire worth dying for." ' The paramount duty for our homes and schools is to present Canada as a dominion worth living for. ENCOURAGE OUR OWN." Getting down from the realm of ideality, to the realm of practicality, if we are to benefit by the talents of all, we must afford adequate oppor- tunities for service. One reason why we have lost so heavily in the past, is because we have been remiss in this particalar. It's so much easier to find a place for an Ice-cart driver, than for a Simon Newcombe. . Genius can find its way in the dark. But genius cannot live on earth and board in heaven. It is taken for granted that youth desiring to serve must do its 'part toward the creation of its opportunity. But alas, too many have been knocking at the door, only to have the door banged in their faces; as @' case in point, a friend of mine, who was with me as a post-graduate student at Harvard, applied for a professorship of English in a Canadian university. He was a native born Canadian, a Ph.D. an author of a recognized treatise on Canadian literature. He had an ideal | to come back to Canada. But he was turned down, and the position went to an applicant from the old country, with the result that that young Canadian, in an American professorship at higher salary, is now probably lost to us. In instancing this case, I am not drguing for any petty policy of "Can- 2 We had 5 Department of National Servics Suring. the 'war. rough Wiish Canada waa-wbie ta mobilize Slt Yer latent, aad Willies whom is the utmot, a Howsht for ihe gigantic: ski before, even, a pesce, to lose the service of a single Ca effective, «From 7 until 9.45 o'clock. A list of special offerings at prices that afford wordhowiile savings--in addition to the fine list of Saturday bargains. The SALE of traordinary savings in-- FLOOR RUGS LACE CURTAINS WINDOW SHADES the-city prices! House Furnishings continues until closing time to-night, and offers some ex- LIVING ROOM MATS AND SQUARES MARQUISETTE CURTAINS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS BED COMFORTERS COLORED MADRAS A complete assortment to choose from, at lowest-in- BEDROOM MATS ENGLISH CHINTZ FLANNELETTE NIGHT- GOWNS To-night ..... anividtiion $1.00 We have just received a large shipment of White Flannelette Nightgowns--full sizes. Long sleeves with high neck. Regu- lar $1.50 values. CHILDREN'S MIDDY SKIRTS To-night veminiss $1.98 150 All-Wool Serge Middy Skirts with cotton tops, in sizes 6 to 14 years. Regular $2.50 each. ALL WOOL SERGE To-night ........$1.09 yard 100 yds. of All-wool Navy Blue Serge -- full 54 Hohe wide. Regular $1.50 value. TABLE DAMASK To-night ........ 89. yard 150 yds. of Linen Finished Bleached Table Damask: full 54 inches wide--regular $1. 25 a yard. PURE LINEN TOWELLING To-night . . . . 5 yds. for $1.00 800 yds. of heavy Linen Crash Towelling -- special value at 25¢, yard. : IES' VESTS To-night/. ..... . ..... 50c. each 300 medium, winter weight Vests, with V necks and half -. sleeves. Regular 75c¢. values. TRENELLA CLOTH DRESSES For Juniors and Misses From ...... $6.50 to $11.50 100 Billy Burke Dresses made in the new Trenella Cloth--all the new shades in sport and the more sombre colors for the business girl are included -- sizes 13 to 42. A wonderful variety of the season's smart- est styles await youl MEN'S NEGLIGEE SHIRTS 300 new, Striped English Per. cale Shirts--full body sizes-- reg. $2.00 values. BOYS' SWEATER COATS Tonight... ..... v. ro. + 98c, 60 only, Boys' All-Wool Coat Sweaters, in sizes 26 to 32, in brown heather mixtures -- regular $1.25 values. CASHMERETTE STOCKINGS Tonight ......... 50c. pair 300 pairs of Penman's plain Black and Brown and ve Silk Clocqued Cashmerette Hose--regular 75c¢c. values. STEACY'S SPECIAL CORSETS Tonight ........ 89. pair 200 pairs of Flesh and White Coutil Corsets with four strong garter supports--regular $1.2 values. Better values for less is our constant endeavour