Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1923, p. 1

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TO-DAY RICHARD BARTRELMESS in "The Wighting Blade" A ------------------------------ . British Whi Ewa MON.. TUES, WED. SINCLAIR LEWIS Great Novel "MAIN STREET" YEAR 90; "No. 240. e Dail KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1928. LAST EDITION. FURTHER STORY OF FARMER | "WHO SHELTERED CONVICTS | Copies of Whig With Accounts of Es- "cape Found By Prison Officials | Home of John Swill, Clesburnio=-Farwer Tells Whig Reporters Convicts' Names And What Each Said to Him. On Saturday morning, Brig.-Gen. W. 8. Hughes, who is investigating the sensational escape of the con- victs from the Portsmouth penitenti- ary, stated that there were no later developments in the case. It is expected that when the in- vestigation is re-opened on Monday, & great deal of valuable evidence will be given. The letter, which is sup- , Dosed to have been writien by "Red" Ryan, and forwarded to Chief Keep- er Matt Walsh, will likely play an important part in the case. Ryan stated that the convicts had been given help by three people who live in the country. Up to date only one of these has come forward and told his story. There have been rumors to the effect that a large sum of money was used to assist the convicts in making their It is a well known fact that "Red" Ryan had a consid- erable amount of money invested in real estate in different parts of the province. -- Gave No Further Aid. John Swift, Glenburnie, who ad- mitted giving food and shelter to the four convicts was indignant at the search made of his place. He still sticks to his original story that he never aided the fugitives outside of allowing them to remain in his barn and to give them a supper of bread, butter and tea. _ During the visit of two Whig re- porters on Saturday morning, Mr, Swift reviewed his previous state- ments as. to his interview with the four ex-prisoners. He was question: @divery. closely by the newspaper- { | hien, but hiy-wetwal story was not varied to any extent from that pre yiously given out. '" % His statements have been very clear and concise--up to a certain point---and here the old man appears to be very uncertain of his ground. Mixed Up the Story. During the interview, which took place in the hay-loft where the four men were actually concealed on the right of the spectacular escape, Mr Swift remarked, in answer to a ques- tion, that "1 had no idea who they were at the time when they asked me for something to eat." Yet, some few moments later, he apparently got crossed up in his me- mory or something as he calmly told the two reporters that "Ryan was concealed in the far end of the loft" and also acknowledged that "Simp- gon was the man who first spoke to me." This latter statement Mr. Swift admitted to the prison officials, ac- cording to his own words. The aged farmer is quite willing 16 'alk freely of the subject, but places great stress upon the fact that he left the men to their own devices after he had brought them their food. Hero is his story in brief: "Late in the afternoon I climbed up the ladder into the loft with tha + intention of throwing down some hay for. the horses. Before I had really left the top of the ladder. I started to feel arqund for a hen's nest that was near the open hole at . the top, and then the head and shoul- ders of a man appeared, asking for pall at the head of the ladder as 1 wanted it for milking. I never saw the men again, as they were gone when I came around about eight o'clock the next morning." Mr. Swift denied the rumors to the effect that he had received mon- ey for aiding the convicts. He ap- peared to think it impossible for the fugitives to have any money on their persons. In apswer to further questioning, Mr. Swift stated that he was unaware at the time of giving food to the four men that they were escaped con- victs. And yet he has admitted that two of the four men were Ryan and Simpson. The old man appeared slightly confused . when confronted with his own contradictory evidence, but at all times gave his statements in a clear and simple manner, He argues that if he had given the details of the stay in his barn the prison authorities immediately, he had go. protection frem a return of the desperate men and the burning of his house and other property. It is a prevailing feeling amongst far- mers, supported by actual happen- ings, that refusal of food to tramps has brought about suoh destruction of property by revengaful men.. Found Copies of Whig. Gen. Hughes and his staff appear ed to make a great deal over the fact that a number of copies of the Daily British Whig, which contain- ed accounts of the escape of the con- viets, were found in the home. Mr Swift has contended that he did not know for some time after the escape that the four men were at large. When the eoples of the Whig were) found it was shown that if Mr. Swift bad been reading the papers he cer- tainly would have been aware of the fact, as a number of the papers con- tained full accounts of the escape.Mr. Swift stated that he told the prison authorities he had not been reading the papers very carefully, and for that reason he missed the semsation- al story. He said that a few days af ter the escape, he heard some talk in the cheese factory but he did not pay much attention to it. Some years ago, Mr, Swift pur- chased a fifty-acre farm and due to his hard work he had been able to pay for it. At the present time he has five cows and a number of hens. Offered to Fight. Judging from Mr. Swift's conver- gation he did not take very kindly to the cross-examination by the pri- son officials who visited his home. He said that he thought the oflicials were trying to make out that he was telling an antruth and he would not take that from any person. It is evident that something went wrong during the conversation as Mr. Swift took off his coat and asked one of the officials to come ont of doors and settle which was the better wan. Mrs. Swift, who has been blind for some time as a result of a stroke. has nat been very well for the past few days, and is staying with a neighbor. More Pay to Manila Teachers. WILSHUR DEFEATS FOX. Toronto Boxer Easily Wins English Featherweight, . Toronto, Oct. 13 --Curly Wil- shur, Toronto, successfully defended his newly won title of the Canadian featherweight championship here Jast night, when he completely out fought and out classed Joey Fox of England in a ten-round bout. After the first two rounds, in which it looked to those at the ring- side that Wilshur was destined to be a short lived champion, he cut loose with fierce body fighting and for the remainder of the fight the English boy was on the receiving end. From PPE PIPPPRE RETIN * + BRODEUR APPOINTED LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR Ottawa, Oct. 13. -- Hon. Louis Phillippe Brodeur was yesterday appointed Lieuten- governor of Quebee, succeeding Sir Charles Fitzpatrick. The appointment takes effect 'Oct. # 31st, > » - CPP PLPELRPSOISINIPIOGOSY Brewer's Truck Collides With Royal Motor Car 24429092 Srrastet®s London, Oct. 13, --The Duke and Duchess of York were shakem up but not seriously injured whem a horse-drawn brewery truck oollided with the automobile in which they were riding to the Guild Hall to at- tend the Lord Mayor's inauguration yesterday. The crash broke the of the duke's limousine, and glass window in one door. a------------------------ SUSPECTED OF KILLING YOUNG KEW YORK WOMAN Son of Montreal Minister Is Sought by New York Police. windshield the News York, Oct. 13.--The pélice are broadcasting descriptions of a man, believed to be the son of =a Montreal minister, whose west 97th room adjoined that of Miss Estelle Phillips, attractive department store executive until yesterday morning, | wihen her mutilated end nude body wae found on the floor neat Her bed. The police believe the murder was committed by @ degenerate who en- tered the room while she. was asleep and strangled her before she could call for help. Detectives said the man closely resembling the description 'of the suspect was seen boarding =» train yesterday morning. | which ' has undertaken to TORTURE OF MISER : WAS OF NO AVAIL Bandits Attacked an Old Man In a Village in the Italian Alps. Paris, Oct. 13.--An account of a revolting crime which occurred in the Italian Alps, was received yes- terday from Turin. Near: the tiny mountain village of Verres- lived a paradoxiéaf micer named Anselme Bonin, with his wife and boarder. The old man boasted that he had saved a great fortune in gold, but, unlike traditional misers, he was always-ready to lend to his netgh- bors at a low rate of interest --- the sole stipulation being that the money 'which was lent in French gold should be returned in French gold. Four masked bandits broke into his home, and when Bonin refused to reveal the treasure cache they first beat him till his body was bleeding in all parts, then broke his bones. As tho measures failed to produce results the robbers lighted a fire in the kitchen hearth and proceeded to roast their victim. Four times they held him over the flames, but never once did he open his mouth. Finally, when they thought him dead, the bandits fled. The boander,who with Bonin's wife bad been bound, succeeded in es- caping and giving the alarm, but the police have been unable to find trace of the robbers. There is no suspicion of any townspeople. These people are so honest that all whé are debtors of Bonin have already reported thelr indebtedness to an examining mag- istrate. nt cm ONE-PASSENGER TAXIS, New Type of Cab Begins Service in Paris Monday. Paris, Oct. 13.--The 'taxi. mono- plane", or one passenger taxicab, will begin, to circulate in Paris streets next Monday. The first of these vehicles was taken to the prefecture of police this morning by a representative of the company relieve Paris trafic, and was registered with the authorities. The new type of taxicab is re- markapbly small, the passenger's seat being only a little more than 27 inches wide. The low rate is its principal bid for popularity. For the first 600 a charge of 80 contitien "while after that the meter registers' 50 centimes per kilometer. Twenty machines will be in ser- vice Monday, and four more will appear daily till the total is 220. 1f they prove as popular as the com- pany expeots, the number will be | Importing Foreigoers And Exporting (Canadians. WRITTEN FOR THE WHIG BY ARTHUR HUNT CHUTE. greatly increased. ais SE ! «immigration or stagnation," garding Canada's master problem. Everybody admits quisite to the There ar which to look for future citizens. It seems to Mme that it may most desirable immigrants for us to abroad. If we are Letts, and Italians, why not patriating the exiled native born ? much the poorer. man also appeared Manila, Oct, 13.-- More than 70 One of the chief is anlicpronion of E. W. Beatty, re- the need of augmenting population as a prime re- development of this land. o difterences of opinion as to the most promising fields to be laid down as a basic principle that the go after, are our citizens} domiciled going to spend money, and thought to bring in Bwedes, \ divert a little of this same eff} toward re- It is high time that we quit hiring out our best for the augmenting of American wealth, whille our own Dominion is rendered thereby that CALL BACK OUR OWN. To call back our own in large numbers would be to gain the most promising of all possible immigrants. advantages of such repatriation, if effected, would Almost Proved Fatal. SOMETHING WEFT WRONG And the Victim Taken Down From the "Scaffold" Al- most Unconscious. London, Oct. 13.--The celebrated Charles Lee, 'the man they gould not hang," has nothing on fam D. Christianson, 764 Waterloo street, who was almost hanged in the Y. M.C.A. on Thursday night"m a membership campaign stunt, when the 'trap was sprung.' " The "hanging" was part of the programme which rounded off the evening entertainment following the reports of the various team members on the number prospects for "'Y" membership they had to offer. Mr. Christianson, who was about to depart following the supper, was asked how many names he had turn- ed in, when it was discovered that he had only turned in one. The suggestion was made that some sort of punishment should be meted out to him/and another mem- ber added that the best way to deal with him. This suggestion met with the ap- proval of ell in the gathering, and {n short order a table took the place of a scaffold wand trap, and was placed under the hangman's noose. An attachment was placed on the "doomed" men's back, on to 'which the rope was placed to bear his weight, and then, to make the smet- ting more realistic, the noose was placed around his neck. It was not intended to bear any weight, as the attachment on his back was placed their for this purpose. In some manner, however, the rope 'came off the attachment on Tils back, throwing the whole walght 'off to the plece around his throat, While the majority of those in at tendance, including "Bill" Himself, thought that this was all in the game, even when he discovered it was no longer easy to breathe. In a few seconds he was taken down almost unconscious, but revived in a few seconds, and left the building to attend another meet- ing. He bears a nasty rope burn on his neck. GUARDS ARE WELCOMED HOME FROM TURKEY {task in & manner worthy of Sir Charles said, in an m- terview: "Our send-off was wonder- The Turks, who had always been silent, though respectfil, sud- Grenadiers and Coldstreams Reach Southampton -- Message From the King London, Oct. 13.--The final seeu. in connection with the British evacu- ation of Constantinople was enacted yesterday when General Sir Charles commander-in- chief in. the Near East, and 1,000 officers and men of Grenadiers and Colgitream Guards, landed at South- They received an enthus- fastic greeting, and the Guards were araded on the quay to hear a mes- sage from the King, welcoming them home and thanking them for accom- difficult my Harington, British anipton. plishing their "long- and Guards." ful. denly gave vent to their feelings -of and supper of anging would be he ee eo YMCA. PLAY AT HANGING" Burlesque At London, Ont, "DOPE" WAS ONLY SODA BUT WOMAN ARRESTED a The Police Think She Acted As a "Feeler" For Smugglers. Niagara Falls, Oct. 13.---A curious faature has arisen with regard to the arrest of Mrs. Ruth Dundas, a young married woman of this city. Ly lnited States customs officials, why was fourd with twenty small packages, believad to contain mor- phine, concealed under her clots. She was held on $2,000 bail. It has been proved, however, that the "dope" was baking soda. She ap- peared before United States Commis- sioner Stockwell on a different charge, in that she did smuggle into the United States 20 ounces of bi- carbonate of soda in an attempt to evade the tariff. The duty is one- quarter of a cent a pound, 80 Mrs. Dundas faced a possible sentence of five years in prison and a $1,000 fine for defrauding the United States government out of five-sixteenths of a cent. She was admitted to bail in $500. Detectives have a theory that the woman and her fake dope were used as a decoy or "feeler" by the dope ring to test out possibilities of rushing through a big consignment at the Niagara boundary. GASOLINE DOWN IN WEST. Now Retails at 37 Cents on Prairies, Including Tax. Calgary, Oct. 13. -- Gasoline pric- es were reduced another two oents a gallon in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, according to an announce- ment made here by the Imperial Oil Company, Limited. The price now is thirty-one cents wholesale in Al- berta and thirty-seven certs a gallon retail, including the two-cent govern- ment tax. AI SERVICE PROTECTION FOR CANADK'S FORESTS British Empire Forestry Oon=- ference Recommend Grant- ing Subsidies to Companies Ottawa, Oct. 13.--Fear of forest fires destroying the result of silvi- culture, or the treatment and plant- ing of forest trees, is the greatest single deterrent to the general prac- tice of reforestation in Canada. This view is emphasized by the British 'Bmpire Forestry Conference in its report" fittingly issued yesterday, during. "Fire Prevehtion . Week: This report deals at length with the great need of better fire pfotection in Canada, the reduction of waste in logging and sawmill operations and the application of more efficient methods of silviculture. One of the most importazt recom- mendations made by the conference is for the establishment of "reserve forésts" or clearly defined distriots intended to remain as forests, where the arts of fire prevention and silvi- culture would be specialized. In cther forest areas, not so well suited for reforestatien, no attempt would be made to replant trees. . The conference expressed its opin- fon that the British Empire's re- uuirements of timber and other for- est products should be supplied to the greatest possible extent from sources within the Empire, and that it should become self-supporting in almost all minor forest products. Owing to Canada's vast forests, fire control, it is stated in the re- port, must continue to play an im- portant part in the protection of the standing timber. While active fire prevention is urged, the confer- ence claims that unfavorable clim- atic conditions may result in sudden emergency periods of great danger, and for this reason, forest officers should be clothed with powers ade- quate to conscript labor to fight smergency fires. FISHERIES FAMINE STRUCK BY ITS BEAUTY Lloyd George Is Impr With Northern Ontario. : INTERESTED IN INDIANS ---- A Big Crowd Meets the Great British Statesman At Chaplean. Chapieau, Oct. 13.--(On board Lloyd George Special.)-- 'What a beautiful country," sald Lloya George, yedterday, sitting at the window of his private car, running through North Ontario over the Canadian Pacific, between ' Caruer and Chapleau. Ideal weather marks the trip so far and the inhabitants o "fthe country, through which the train is passing, appear to nave gathered from far and near to catch a glimpse of the little Welshman as his stately train rolls by, At odd clearings in the woods Mt tle groups .of men, women and children gather, and in the hands of most of the latter are flags, which they vigorously wave in greeting to Britain's war-time prime minister. The little flags are as varied mn cup or as the countries of origin of the wavers. In not a few places the tri- color represents the French-Canadian element of the population and even Gréek and Italian flags have appear ed here and there, . At Biscotasing Lloyd George was particularly interested in & group of Indian women and children, ev- ery one of whom held a Canadian red ensign to the morning breeze. The brightness of these flags is all but dimmed by the autumn splendors of the forests on either side, and the whole party, including the Am- erican newspapermen, are charmed with the lakes and hilly woodiands, through which the train is passing. At Chapleau, a divisional point, & fifteen-minute stop was made, and a big'crowd was at the station to greet the train. Full of Enthusiasm, White River, Oct, 13.-- Mem ories of - Niagara haunted George all yesterday. of enthusiasm over what he had seen there. ) iG "Did the rainbow that arched the falls seem to you & symbol of the future?" he was asked on the train, "It threw itself clear across the gulf that divides two nations," he replied, The train is due at Winnipeg this afternoon. A drive about the city and an address in the evening are the only events on the Winnipeg programme, g 1 oe ---------------- WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC, A---- Astounding Letter Read a; Confers ence in London. 3 London, Oct. 13.--An sstounain| letter dealing with the white slave traffic was read today at the com- ference of the international bureau for the suppression of trafic in women and children. It was writ. ten from Hamburg, and reac: "Five jassies have well arrived ana 'are put in safety for sailing to New York. The harbor of Hamburg is full of police, but after hard work we brought the girls on the steamer. Two of them . nearly. bes trayed us through their crying, but you know that chioreform has is effects, . "I have #emt the girls to San Francisco--they may cry for father and mother as much as they Hke. "It you have fresh merchandise food. Another . and asked me if 1 was going t8 hit him' with the pitch fork. I went to the house and later took a small loaf of bread, some butter and a milk pail with plenty of-tea for the men. The four men gathered around together % 1 told them to leave the » * "You Said It, Marceline!" : By MARCELINE FALROY . A "TRAINED" EVENING GOWN : Many evening GOWNS ' § But a FLIRT can manage one Are still STRAIGHT and narrow. | With great dexterity, And many WOMEN ; For.she HANDLES it Are still that way, also-- In the SAME way At least, they LOOK that As she handles a MAN. fours admiration for our troops, and ap- plauded them warmly = as (thoy marched off after their final cere- mony. We left on the best of terms and 1 fee] that the memory of the conduct of our forces will be a help be the moral impetus thus imparted jo the whole field of 'national develop- nient. What higher attraction could Canada present to other peoples than the sight of her roving sons returning to the lintels of their homeland ! The finest advertisement for any country is the fact that that country It 1 were an outsider, looking on, the sight of a continual flood of at Brviss +. oom Canadigns pouring forth, would convince me that their dominion Was &| rye Mudanis conveation brought good place to shux. On the other hand, the spectacle a vast hebira of na-|¢oreh the first fruits of the pemce tive born, moving back, would set my own geet burning for a stampede In the same direction. . 3 Lately I. was a passenger steamor was IN THE NORTH SEA British Trawlers Forced To @o Further Afield--May Be Help to Canada. London, Oct. 13.--There has deen such an extraordinary ramme bring it immediately, you know address. If the police get on track disappear to Bremen. Cheque for over $1,000 follows. "Please destroy this Ww! ; ; The letter was not destroyed as a result of its coming into hands of the authorities two were captured, One of them ¢ {essed to having brought during t last year about 50 girls to Holl American and Filipino teachers have heen promoied and their total pay i creased by $10,000 a year. The in- crease is in line with the governs ment's plan to increase the salaries of the entire teaching staff of the bureau of education. AI esa NI rp ess . on a steamer bound from a Camudian to an full of my compatriots, on their © the same timo the jocal papers of their ; a 8 th . did not get a batch of immigrants that proceeded to another part of Can- ade. These papers were fo occupied with the problem of Importing for- etgners that they hardly considered the graver problem of exporting Cena-{ The as like that of 3 man in who was! g but kindness sll the nations She knows just when To let him TRAIL behind her, Just when to PICK him UP Just when to DROP him,' Toss him out of the. way, Or keep him DANGLING |

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