Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1923, p. 12

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MAKE CANADA PROSPEROUS PHONES 2267F--928W. BRICK, STONE, PLASTERING AND TILE SETTING DOUGLAS & McILQUHAM CONTRACTORS +JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. 400 ALBERT STREET 237 ONTARIO ST. { HONESTY OF WORKMANSHIP OYLINDERS @round on a Heald : R. M. CAMPBELL 225 Wellington St. Phone 1212.) TE ---- Full C. N..VEALE 2 Plumbing and Heating SIARE--374 Princess St. Phone 308F M RACS.--154 York Street. Phone 890! A Sp -------------------- and Acetylene Welding, Eleetre ad Iron Castings, Patterns, 7" Gemeral Machinery Repairs THOS. G. BISHOP | GOR. KING AND QUEEN STREETS ' a PHONE 38. od " \ By 208 PRINC ERSCET FRESH SEEDS FOR BEST RESULTS USE OUR SEEDS--LOWEST MARKET PRICES FOR HIGHEST QUALITY GOODS. McFARLANE & WOOD. PHONE 444. ) NEW YORK HAT CLEANING CO. SHOE SHINE PARLOR 3 PHONE 1395. PETER LAMPROS. 5 BAGGAGE TRANSFER AND 3 GENERAL CARTING Theatrical Transfer Co. R. Buckley, Prop. Cer. York' and Cherry Streets. Phones 201 and 2214J. \ s---------------------------------- Pd oy General Auto Repairing, Carbon Burning, Acetylene Welding Cars washed. R. C. CLARKE COR. KING and PRINCESS STREET PHONE 2837F. Mssmmmiima------------------------------ "SAVOY RESTAURANT | * SPECIAL 40c. DINNER AND SUPPER "Your patronage solicited. = 210 Princess Street = Phone ; ' h Electric Home Needs Moffatt Ranges, protected or "Public Utilities Hydro Shop 268 PRINCESS STREET Telephone 844. STRAW HAT SEASON | FOR LADIES NOW OPEN We clean and remodel all kinds of Straws. KINGSTON HAT CLEANERS 163 Princess Street, Upstairs. Phone 1488, \ STAIR PADS Something new in color. You will like them better than the grey. $3.00 per doz. Get them at MARSHALL'S HARDWARE 193 PRINCESS ST. \ PHONE 150. > sms TELGMANN ' 8OHOOL OF MUSIC 8 Brock St. Phone 2217J ONTREAL STREET (992 MoNTIH 214Tw. Jobbing. Work a Specialty Carpenter and Builder. Estimates submitted. A Phone 881J. \| crr---------------------------- \ BELMONT DINING ROOM Open from 5 a.m. to 12 midnight. A. TIERNEY, Proprietor Phone 94Sw, \ GEORGE HUNTER CARPENTER CONTRACTOR Plans and estimates of all kinds submitted. "FOR BUILDING HOMES" 75 Pembroke Street. > ' BLUE GARAGE, LTD. Y EXPERT SERVICE ON CARS Queen and Bagot Streets Phone 567. ALL OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Washing done at night. v \ R. H. TOYE/& COMPANY ; ALE FRUIT AND COM- VHDSSTON MERCHANTS. 3 Distributors MOIR'S CHOCOLATES and CHRISTIE'S BISCUITS PHONE 487. 4 | PEERLESS HIGH TEST GASG.) LINE, OILS, TIRES, TUBES ATWOOD A or ACES IN D AND Dine | Phone 002m, 277 Bagot Street. | \ age -- Freight ' Move Anything Anywhere. { MH. L. BRYANT Phone 1763J £F Phone 2198w. Sk STEWART'S DAIRY 'on Third Floor Blue Garages. 7 DAIRY SCHOOL BUTTER PHONES 96 sna 112. Fh hy -- OUR AIM IS SERVICE 'Kingston, Portsmouth and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG -- y-- Sect ---- SUCCEED WEBER FACTORY IS © READY FOR WINTER Good Business This Autumn Assures Steady Operation of Thriving Industry Optimism is the keynote of every- thing around the big factory of tha Weber Piano Company at the foot of Princess street. And there is good reason for this optimism. Within the past two weeks, in addition to very satisfac- tory local shipments, two cars of instruments have been sent 'west- ward, one to Windsor, Ont, and another to Vancouver, B.C. Weber is opening up a great ter- ritory in western Canada and the excellence of these planos is gain- ing for them a reputation that spreads apace. It is the old, old story of a good article. People want it, and they will send for it across a continent. During the high production speed of the summer a large gtock of in- struments was accumulated in the ware-rooms of the company and this has been called upon so fre- quently that all-winter operation will just about keep up with the de- mand. vi 'The officials of the plant" report the outlook better than it has been in years and look forward with con- fidence. The Weber force will be working all winter and there are no fears for the future. It .is interesting to note the trend in piano tasi§s and in pianos _as compared to other musical instr ments. For a few years the pian had a serious rival in the, phono- | graph, and the growing popularity of the smaller instruments threaten- ed to hurt the trade. Soon, however, people began to find greater satisfac- tion in pianos and the player models, especially are growing in favor. The Weber Company reports a big in- crease in the demand for player pianos. Owners for these machines have given many reasons for their pre- ference, One family, whose members are all accomplished musicians, stated simply that they liked to dance and that they found the play- er piano as good as any orchestra and so clear and distinct that no oth- er automatic instrument could be compared with it. Should any of the members of a party wish to play some special selection is was only a matter of a second to change their piano from a player to an ordinary instrument. Within the past year great im- provements have been made in player modeis. One of the most im- portant of these is the reproducer, which repeats a selection over and over again as often as desired -- and repeats it with all the variations in phrasing given by the original playing by the artist. For dance purposes. this attachment is almost indispensable. The straight medel piano, of course, still helds a large majority in numbers sold over the player. Just why it Is hard to say, unless it is the fact that the earlier players were not the perfect machines that they are today and owners of instru- ments have been slow to learn their fine points. "In any case--players or ordinary ~--+the Weber models are every day gaining prestige all over the coun- try. And the Weber Company is ining prestige here as a steady perator and a big booster for the of Kingston. DRUGS OR OSTEOPATHY? "I've taken enough medicine for my rheumatism to sink a ship" or "I can't remember the time when I digin't have to take something for my bowels." Others say they wake up each morning dead tired before they begin the day, and so on. Something is wrong. What #s it? Does that wonderful machine you call your body lack some quick, wonderful medicine, or is it suffering from neglect and abuse? Throw physic te the dogs and give Osteopathy a a. ar WEEKLY WITH REVIEW H KINGSTON OPE. Never go gloomy, man with a mind; Hope is a better companion than fear. Providence, even begnigant and kind, Gives with a smile what you take with a tear: All will be right Look to the light. Morning was ever the daughter of night; All that was black will be all that was bright, Cheerily, cheerily, then, cheer up: * Many a foe is a fiend in disguise Many a trouble a blessing most true Helping the heart to be happy and wise With love ever precious and joys ever new. Stand in the van Strike like a man < This is the bravest and cleverest plan; Trusting in God, while you do what you can. Cheerily, cheerily, then, cheer up. --Anon. PEACE COMES TO THE RUHR Poincare: "Glad to see you, Father Time. But where's your beard and scythe ?" Visitor: "You've made a mistake, I'm Peace !" an A Demonstration Vtg d Here's what Atwood & Dine, Ba- got street, tell about their service. It is just one of a few of the little incidents bappening in their shop: The other day a fellow stepped in- to our shop 'and said "I'd like to sell you a course in Memory." We said to him. "Bit down and watch us work and see how good or bad our memory is." Enters Bill-- "Is that cover of mine repaired yet?" "Sure," said A. & D. "You brought it in last Tuesday. It was to be ready Thursday 'and this is Thurs- day." Next came a call for a quart of oil-- "You like the you?" we inquired. medium, don't "Sure--how did you know?" "You were here a week ago Sat- urday and asked for 'medium'." Now enters a fussy woman-- "Another one of those good tires," sald she. We hurried to the rack and drew out a natiomally-known make of tire that has the "two hands" as a trademark. "How did you make the correct guess?" "Because we sold you an exact duplicate of this tire one month ago and we realized you must have been satisfied or you would not have ask- ed for another." The Memory Salesman rose from his chair, ing," said he. up "I guess I'll be go- --From the Cardiff Express. DR. BELL'S MEDICINES ~ ADMIRED AS LEADERS Animals Themselves Seem To Know What Is Best For Them. Many people found during this season that when taking live stock to fairs and exhibitions it paid to oarry in the equipment a bottle of Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder. Ani- mals which are transported for com- petition and exhibition are usually valuable and it is nBt wise to take unnecessary chances. With the best of care however, the change In food ¥ and surroundings, the travel on mailroads or in motor trucks, the danger of contact with strange ani- rals, all these combine to make the transportation problems big ones. Often the chances of some fine an- imal for a first place have been shat- tered by just such things and in some cases beautiful thoroughbreds have been ruined permanently. A bottle of Dr. Bell's Wonder in the travelling kit would have saved such calamities and there are few experienced owners of valuable stock who travel without ft. The subject of live stock brings to mind this very good ttle piece which appeared in the American Forestry Magazine as follows: "Oh, horse, you are a wonderful thing; no buttons to push, no bell to ring; you start yourself, no clutch to slip; no spark to miss, no gears to strip; no license-buying SLOW, STEADY PROCESSES OF THRIFT PAY IN THE END By S. W. Straus, President American Society for Thrift . Recently a man in New York City was sent to prison because he had stolen his firm's money. As the solemn words which meant his incarceration in Sing Sing were pronounced he said to those standing near, "Well, it doesn't pay!" * did not pay him to begin leading a life of reckless extravagance. Benjamin Franklin once wrote a little story of his boyhood days when he "paid too much for his whistle." BUY CANADIAN PRODUCTS 1,000 words cannot de- scribe what your taste Doyle's Milk Maid Bread tells you. Phone 1369. Perfumery, Toilet Preparations Dr. Bell WONDER MEDICINE CO. \ 110 Clarence Street. Phones 514-364 eee Wr a ) JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY HURD & SON GENERAL*CONTRACTORS PHONE 1458). 38 STEPHEN ST. GEO. A. BATEMAN REAL ESTATE Phone 390w. 159 Wellington, \ > > F. H. HAMILTON Plumbing and Steam kitting, Is your Furance ready for Winter? Now {is the time to have it tuned up. . 3 We will examine your Furnace and estimate the cost of needed repairs. Phone 1420w. 131 Alfred St \, 7 r 3 ASK FOR MASOUD'S ICE CREAM |, ALWAYS THE SAMB Goi Princess Street. Phone 980, 7 7 R. ARTHEY REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 148 Princess St. Phone 2108. > -- TO HAVE A PERFECT MEAL ) Q. K. KRAUSE BAKER USE A PERFECT BREAD _ FRONT ST. PHONE 1153, \ -- BRITISH AMERICAN HOTEL etal ero her Served from M. BOHAN, Proprietor. | SEE ) E. L. MARTIN FOR REAL ESTATE 111% BROCK ST. J KINGSTON, ONT. J \ ESTIMATES SUBMITTED THOS. ANDRE CONTRACTOR 86 Sixth Street. Phone 1400. Nai rr h HOTEL RAN The Leading JanvoLe Specially adapted to Tourists and Commercial Travellers. Running water in every room. L. T. WELCH, Manager, Cleaning Things and Dying Things Saves a Lot of Buying Things COLLIER'S Dyer "My Valet" Cleaner 314 Princess Street. Phone 650. \ ' 7 TIRES TUBES OILS ~ we WE NEVER CLOSE THE CENTRAL GARAGE, LIMITED Brock and Montreal Streets. STUDEBAKER AND CHEVROLET DISTRIBUTORS GASOLINE Soward Keeps Coal Coal Keeps Soward PHONE 158 -- Branch Office: McQGall's Cigar Store PHONE st1. ro d 3 Phone 600, REPAIRS ACCESSORIES Distilled PICKLING VINEGAR Best for pickling. Factory: Bagot Street, Kingston 2; (HOTEL PLAZA Corner Montreal and Queen Sts. Tourists' Popular Stopover Where comfort and environment and excellent cuisine meet demand *! all discriminating guests. J , : -- McGinnis & O'Connor Highway Engineers and Contractors . ol ESTIMATES SUBMITTED | H. HORTON PAINTER AND DECORATOR Phone 1891w. '905 ALFRED STREET -- 3 Dominion Textile Company MANUFACTURERS "PRUE COTTON" .MONTREAL--TORONTO--WINNIPEG \ J every year, no plates to screw on front and rear; no gas bills climb- ing up each day, stealing the joy of Mfe away; no speed cops chugging in your rear, telling a summons In your ear. Your inner tubes are O0.K. and, thank the Lord, they stay that way; your spark plugs never mies and fuss, your motor never makes us cuss. Your frame is good for many a mile; your body never changes style. Your wants are few and easy met; you've something on the auto yet." Besides the Dr. Bell's Veterinary Wonder, the Dr. Bell lines of house hold remedies, perfumery and tol- let preparations are steadily gain- ing ground throughout Canada. A Bell agents cover their territories regularly, representing the only all- . | Canadian company of its kind. Pa- - Try OSTEOPATHY 0 specialty, Drs. Robert and Bans 204 King Street Telephone 447 for appointment Prefer the Yellow Pearl Most persons have placed the lus- trous white pearl above all others. The Chinese, however, together with other eastern peoples, prefer the yel- low pearl, believing that it preserves both luster and color longer than the white. ; This pearl is said to owe the shell with a knife were practiced, Black pearis are very much valued. The famous necklace of black pearls belonging to the late Empress Eu- genie was sold for $25,000. Pink pezls are much desired among the Buddhists, who employ them profusely in the adorning ef thei: templ:s. Jhe inhabitants of Chipanga are sald to Place, a pink pearl in the mouth of a dead relative or friend befcre cremition of the /

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