"1 : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG oe -------------- ee -- a ee a sirable 160 to 180 pound averages, | $7.60 to $7.90; better grades 140 to 150 pound averages, $17:20 to $17.50; bulk packing sows $6.85 to $7.10; bulk desirable weighty slaugh- ter pigs, $6.50; cattle; i{#T matured steers, $12.50; best mixed yearlings, early $11; other classes generally 'Teromnto, steady; fat native lambs, $12.76 to Toronto, Oct. 9.--~Manitoba wheat $13; top to city butchers," $13.40: »-No. 1 Norther, $1.11. | heavy feeding lambe around 72 Ibs, Manitoba oats-----No., 2 C.W., 51813. { 1-2¢; No. 3 C.W., 48 1-2¢. American céorn---Track, Toronto, Buffalo. Buffalo, Oct: 9.--Cattle, shipping Vulcanite Roofing Let us show you the new Doubletite. Shingle. Vulcanite Doubletite Shingles build a double tight roof. We can also supply the Vulcanite Four- in-Oné Slab Shingle and Asphalt Roll Roof- ng. : | No. 2 yellow, $1.15. GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Fill your pipe RD ALLAN LUMBER CO. | Millfeed -- Delivered, Montreal freights, bags included. ' Bran, per ton, $28.25; shorts, per ton, $31.25; middlings, $38.25; good feed flour, $2.10. Ontario wheat--No. 2 white, 95¢ steers, $10 to $12; butchers, $8 to $9.50; yearlings, $9.50 to $11.85; heifers, $5.50 to $7.75; fair to choice cows, $3.26 to $6.25; canuers and cuyers, $1.75 to $3.25; balls, $3 to $68 stookers and feeders, $4.50 lo CUT PLUG VICTORIA STREET. 'Phone 1042. : ;1 to $1, outside. $7; Mresh cows and springers scarce = I, Ontario, No. 2 white oats--40 to | and strong, $45 to $120 per head; I, SASS sins '| de. calves, 34 to $14.50; hogs, heavy, nternal and External Pains Ontario flour--Ninety per cent. | $5.85 to $8.90; mixed, $8.75 to $8.- are PECLE relieved by patent, In jute bags, Montreal, | 90; yorkers, $8.76 to $8.85; light > prompt shipment, $4.60 to $4.70; | yorkers, $8.25 to $8.75; pigs, $2.25; oz THOMAS' EC ECTRIC OolL Toronto basis, $4.45 to $4.60; bulk | doughs, $6.75 to $7; stags, $4 to $5; THAT IT HAS BEEN FOR NEARLY FIFTY YEARS g seaboard, $4.35 to. $4.50. '| lambs, $7 to $14.25, iy : "BerORE 15 o TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR IT3 Manitoba floyr---let patents, in MEROUS CURA jute sacks, $6.50 "par barrel; 2nd TIVE QUALITIES, GENERAL TRADE. ~ patents, $6. | ------ Hay--Extra No. 2 timothy, per Montreal, ton, track, Toronto, $14; No. 2 Montreal, Oct. 9.--Butter, cream- $13.50; No. 3, $12.50; mixed, $11 | ery, solid, 38¢ per Ib.; prints, 39¢ per e i enc to'$12. Ib.; cooking butter, 34c per Ib.; oleo- . . traw--Car lots, per ton, $9. margarine, 22¢ per lb. 56 BROCK STREET. Phones 68. Res. 2240m. -- Eggs--Specials, 50¢; extras, 42c; REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. Montreal. . firsts, 27¢; seconds, 32¢. Montreal, Oct. 9.--Corn, Ameri- Ham---Large size, 25¢; small size, | ~ C { can No. 2 yellow, $1.07. Oats, Cana- | 288cooked, 42¢ to 48c per 1b. | dian Western, No. 2, 58 1-2 to 59c¢c; Bacon--Windsor boneless, 40¢ per or 2 packet KING STREET EAST---Brick, all conveniences | Canadian Western, No. 3, 57 fo 57 |1b.; breakfast, 29¢ per Ib. 80 Aa ELLERBECK STREET---Brick veneered, modern, easy terms, $4100 1-2¢; extra No. 1 feed, 56 to 56 1-3¢; Dressed poultry--Milkfed chick- 74 1b tin [ oe Ana [£ you roll your OWN. ask for y RUGIDJENES "id CINE GUT (deen label) UNION ST. WEST--Brick, all conveniences. Terms . . . { No. 2 local white, 55 to 55 1-2¢. | ens, 35¢ to 38e¢ per 1b.; broilers, 35¢ BAGOT ST.--Store and dwelling. Terms | Flour, Manitoba Spring wheat pat-|to 45¢; selected chickens, 30c to 3 1c: ' BARRIE ST. ~--Brick, 8 rooms. opposite Park | ents, firsts, $6.50; seconds, $6; |turkey, 38c to 42c; ducks, 25c to | strong bakers, $5.80. Rolled oats, | 36c; green ducks, 30 to 28¢ per 1b. | bag 90 1bs., $3.15. Bran, $28.25. Dressed hogs--TFresh killed, abat- Shorts, $31.25. Hay, No. 2 per ton, | toir stock, $15. | car lots, $15. Maple syrup---choice imp. gal, $2.25 to $2.50; dark, $2; small tins, Winnipeg, $1.75 to $1.85; choice sugar, 25¢ per Winnipeg, Oct. 9.4Wheat---No. 1 | 1b. Northern, $1.00 5-8; No. 2, do., 98 | 'Flour--first patents, $6.50 per 5-8; No. 3, do., 95 3-8¢; No. bbl, and $1.15 per 90-1b. bags de- wheat, 91 1-8¢; No. 5, do.,, 84 1-8c; | livered; second patents, $6; strong No. 6, do., 756 1-8¢; feed, 70 1-8c; | bakeks, $5.80; winter wheat, choice track, 99 5-8c; No. 4, special rusted, | in jute bags, $5.20; broken lots, in 91 1-8¢; No. 5, do., 87 6-8¢;, No. ¢, | cotton bags, $6.10. Jdo., 80 5-8c. Oats--No. 2, C.W..| Millfed bran, and shorts in box Excellent service and reasonable prices. 44¢; No. 3, do., 41¢; extra No. 1 feed, | car lots, $28.25; shorts, $31.25. 41c; No. 1 feed, 39 1-2¢; No. 2, do., Rolled oats, standard grades, AIN CAl E 87c; rejected, 35 1-2¢; track, 42 | $5.15 per 90 Ib. bag. OPPOSITE BIBBY'S 1-2¢. Barley--No. 3 C.W,, 52 7-8¢; Potatoes ex-track, in 90-lb. bulk, No. 4, do., 49 3-B¢; rejected 46 1-S¢; | N.B. Green Mts., $1.30 to $1.25; Am- feed, 45 5-8; track, £2 5-8c. Flax-- |erican No. 1 f.o.b. Montreal, $6 to tAge Presents No Handicap H. Warren, Smith's Falls, spent Sun- We have also an apartment house paying 138% on the investment after paying all expenses. ANVEOVES anv 003 FINEST VIRGINIA TRY US FOR GOOD MEALS AND QUICK LUNCHES' Chicago, Oct. 10.--Consumption this year demanded over 1,000,000, RE 000 'pounds of poultry and eggs ex- : i ceeding wheat consumption for the ppreciate the comfort of sea travel to its fullest extent same period, H. F. Jones, executive book by the White Stare secretary of the National Poultry, Dominion Line--luxury ! Butter and Egg association detlared wonderful eur) ships: Bn at the annual convention of the or- ; ganization of shippers and receivers. ee -- : # No. 1 C.W., $2.17 3-4; No. 2, do.,| $6.25 per barrel; American No. 2, To Hardy Hunters of North day with his parents here. George SEE US FIRST $2.13; No. 3, do., $1.84; rejected. | $4 to $4.25 per barrel. Gledhill has gone to visit his brother, ry $1.84; track, $2.17. Rye--No. 1 Hay--baled, per ton, in car lots. If you have a leaky boiler don't|(.w. 65 8-8; No. 2, do., 65 3-8¢; | Dew crop, No. 2 timothy, $15; No. 3 tance of nearly 250 yards, Mrs. | ford Bourk spent Sunday with James worry about having to buy a new one | No, 3, do., 63 3-8¢; rejected, 2 C.W., | timothy, §14; delivered to Montreal Isaac Tripp, aged eighty years, | Warren. © Many friends were sorry until you have seen us. We are cap- | 62 8-8¢; rejected, 60 3-8c: track, 65 ------------------ brought down with one shot from |to hear of the death of Alexander able of welding ahy broken parts by | 3-8¢, Oats--Oect., 1-8¢ higher at her rifle a large brush wolf a morn- | Curkwood, in New Ontario. The ° complishes the highest welding re- | unchanged at 39 5-8¢; May, 1-8c T Comcils- Mrs. Tripp claimed her bounty fon Friday was a great success. Mrs. | or friends going to or returning sults. Consult us before doing any-| higher at 42 7-8c. Barley--Oct., 62 A iast Saturday, and won for herself | Mervin Cox has taken charge of the | the Old Country. Passports ai thing else. Our prices make it eco-|1-8¢; Nov., 51. 7-8¢; Dee. 51 1-%e. ¢ ' for the second time the name of the | °T88n in Christ church, Ose, during | for. Bi Ma . $2.10. Rye--Oct., 85 3-8 to 65 1-4c. Hinchinbrooke, ' trict. . a | ------ % PAANLEY, C.P. and T.A. Q chine Sho ' "| Town Hall, Piccadilly, Oct. 6.--~| The same day George Randall Thos y., Kingston, Ont. ishop Pp Chicago. Counell met. Members all present. [and William Brewer of Cloud Bay |... ee rw Jo Tnjury to others, in : Office: Canadian National Rail KING AND QUEEN STREETS :. 3-5 perd generous to | tuner Johnson and Ontario 8 ~ [$1.14 1-2 to $1.15; No. 'Z, hard, | Bilis and communications read when dressed, more than 500 ~ e , Injustice as if they had converted Open Da, d Ni 8 . 19. ' y and Night. $1.11 1:4 to $1.12 Moved, Howes-Jackson, that the; pounds. This is the largest and the goods of others to their own PHONE 9% or 1433. : $1.04; No. 2 yellow, $1.03 to $1.04 | pointed to investigate the claim' of triet, Sweeping assertions are liabe to 1-2. : Joseph Albertson, with power to act. raise clouds of misunderstanding 3 : Oms--No. Sy white, Noro Moved, Beattie-Howes, that the 1,000,000,000 Pounds of It is never too early to begin look- / 1-4¢; No. 3, white, 43 to 44c. clerk notify R. H. Fair that the town- Eggs and Poultry Used |ing on the bright side of iife Rye--No. 1, 73c. ship of Hinchinbrooke will take his : A Barley--62 to 76c¢, he for ronsideration and advise him : 5 Cloverseed--$19 to $23. later as to action taken. Carried. Made in the most popular Fall colors. PovicoNom} sal. Moved Judge-Jackson, that George ard--$12.45. Smith be appointed collector at a Ribs--$9.75 to $10.25. Moved, Beattie-Jackson, that $15 . ' Ladies' Oakwood Brown Brogue Oxfords. Minneapolis. _. | ve spent on road ecompinined of by . a Minneapolis, Oct. 9.--Bran, $28 | A. Cronk under Instructions of Ladies' Fog Grey Suede Brogue Oxfords. to $28.50. Wheat, No. 1 northern, | Councillor Howes. Oarried. a Suede and Satin Slippers in many original patterns. Fort William, Oct. 10, --At a dis- | Arthur Gledhill, at Timmins. Wil- a sure-fire process that always ae-|42¢; Nov., unchanged at 41¢; Dec.. ing or two ago. wood bee at Willle MacPherson's Special attention given your nomy to see us first. Flax--Oet:, $2.165 Nov., $2.14; May, -- champion sharpshooter of the dis-|the absence of Miss Vera Crawford.| For Information and rates app . Xs hard, y Chicago, Oct. 9 o ard, | Minutes of last. meeting adopted. [killed a huge blgck bear, weighing others, are in the same positioon of | Kingston, Ontario, Corn--No. 2 mixed, $1.02 3-4 to| eve and councillor Beattie be ap- |blackest bear ever seen in the dis- use. bill up with the township of Bedford Timothy Seced--$7.25 to $8. . , . Ladies' Log Cabin Suede Oxfords. | salary. of $75. Carried. §1.17 to $1.22; Dec. $1.18; May,| Moved, Beattie-Jackson, that| Improved distribution, chiefly to $1.22. Corn, No. 3 yellow, 93 1-2¢.| Councillor Howes instruct Road Sup- | Prevent loss from excessive concen- | Oats, No. 3 white, 39 5-8 to 40 1-3c. | erintendent Comwall to level up|iratian of products at warehouse Star, Red Star and Flax, No. 1, $2.49 to $2.52, road at &in¥ ble on Parham and |Points, is the important problem fac- Lines, roger miinge Trem Now Tchborne road. Carried. ing 'the convention, according to By Short S. Trip Fork. M. Alton BE. Briggs, of Boson, former oar Witter ato et "EO w " loved, Judge-Beattie that by-law . » ' w to VIVE §TOCK MATKRTS. to provide for expenditure on roads|President of the assoctation, who On: four tiie: Oren Set" from Indies Monreal and Quebec by Canadian : and Mediterranean. The Sa er Sh Store Toronte in 1924 be filed in with the sum of |SPOke at the opening session today, [ 0¢ 0. " if : WY Toronto, Oct. 9.--Choice heavy $3,500 and by-law be read first and At Oso Station. die New York to sccond time and forwagded to the steers, $7.25 to $7.75; choice buteh- ers' cattle, $6.75 to $7; good butch- ors, $5.76 to $6.76; medium butch- ore, $5 to $5.75; common butchers, £3.50 to $4.25: good to choice On- tario feeders, $5.50 to $6; stookers, good, $4.50 to $5.25; stockers, com- department for approval. Carried. Moved, Judge-Beattle, that afier considering the estimate of G. La. kins for building addition to hell, his offer be accepted. Carried. Moved, Howes-Jackson, that Coun- cillor Beattie be appointed to settle Oso Station, Oot. 9.--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Warren and son, James, and Miss Ethel Conboy spent a few days lagt week with friends in Smith's Falls and Carleton Place. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McPherson celebrated the 25th anniversary of their wed- ding on Friday. Mrs. John F' Bourk lass (one Ships. Everything Canadian Pacific Swndard -- there 15 none better Sailings every lew days. Further information from local seamslnp agents . ~ WHITE STAR DOMINION LINT Pleasure bestowed upon a mon, $3.50 to §4; choice cows, 85 to with J. Turpin for work om road, ns a, or: $6.60; good cows, $4.26 to $4.30 | ete. Oarried. has returned home from Toronto. medium cows, $3.50 to $3.76; com-| Moved, + J@#dge-Jackson, that | Mré. Sam Swain, Glenvale, spent a mon cows, $2.75 lo $3.36; canmers|shoques be drawn to Hanson Crozier | feW days with friends here. Mr. and and cutters, $1.25 to $2: oholce| ana Edgar for $51.47 and George | Mrs. Arthur Robinson, Sudbury, are bulls, $4.75 to $5; good, fair bulls, | A. Smith, for $177.24. Carried. visiting friends around here. Josie $3.50 to $4: bologna bulls, $2.50 to] Moved, Beattie-Jackson, that coun- $3; baby beeves, $8 to $10; spring} cil adjourn to meet at Perham, Oct. 3 ve lambs, choice, $11.76 to $13; spring| 31st, or at the call of the reeve X | \ [4 lambs, bugks, $10.25 to $10.50; | Carried. a Ji spring lambs, common, $9; yearlings, olen, ST 1038; B00d bn ahr GEORGE A. SMITH, Clerk. sheep, $7; heavy sheep and bucks, $4; choice calves, $12 to $12.50; medium to good calves, $9 to $11; common calves, 36 to $8; grasser calves, $3.50 to $4; bogs, fed and watered, $8.85; do. f.ob., $8.25: choice milchers and springers, $30 to $110; medium mikchers and springers, $50 to $65; common, $40 to $50. ? \ ----l. 4 ] Montscal, Montreal, Oct, 9.--Cattle: Butcher steers, good $6 to $5.50: mediam, $4 to $5; common, $3 to $4; butcher | hoth heifers, good, $4 to $5; medium, $3.50 to $4; butcher cows, good, $4 » $4.25; canners, $1; cutters, $1.50 *| to $2.50; butcher buils, common, $3 to $2.50; calves, choice, $13; good, $3. to $12; medium, $7 to $7.50; common, $4 to $5; gras, $3 to $3.75; ewes, 33 to $5; lambs, good, 1 King Street 'B., Toronto, | 14] ™Ind aws never sterile, but etally gratitude begets reward, Pacific The peopls who report that Dess is coming back are those Sealy ven wane went after it. .