Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Sep 1923, p. 8

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" i \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS 4 PO Om ae LEER EEE AR REE REE EEE LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | [EEX Homll 1 | noroscors |B A LADY Samm: k 4 : = ' BY SEREVISVE SEMRLE ® Why does MacKey's Better Bread retain z its moisture longer than ordinary bread? --_ ! Editor of Women's Page, Teles | Mrs. Jack Garra and son, Sheldon, : | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. phone 248. Private 'phono 857w. | Gananoque, spent the week-end with N ) ; I 7 ' 3 { The sideral operations for this day ; ' : . ee Mrs. W. G. Pickering, Kingston. | : EN ) . wy are not to be read as entirely The modern system of STEAM PROOFING oar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Free and! Mr. and Mrs. William Crawford, | \ of a friendly natured Although rd] Bread before and after placing the bread in the ovens, Mrs Thomas McCook, Campbeliford. | Smith's Falls, have returned home : 4 . : 3 | projects or propositions . may be brings about a better loaf, not obtainable by the ordinary are visiting friends in Kingston. |atter spending the past week with | { } ; i os ae | taken under consideration, it may be 5 | hazardous to risk money or go secur- BECAUSE-- system of baking. The moisture content is retained in the loaf Instead ef being extracted by t ry hot heat, elleville, and A. C. Ketcheson, also | bert street. H a J | of Belleville, takes pace in that city| Mrs. J. Y. Parkhill and Miss Kath. y yn . a 3 not be safe to lénd money, as Jupiter this week. Mr. Ketcheson and his |leem Crawford are visiting Dr. and | | TO ; fe In an unfriendly position to ali bride will go to London on theif ho- | Mrs. Parkhill, Lanark. : cx | ' | money operations. The health should neymoon to be guests with Dr. and S. B. Parkhill is visiting Dr. and S: 4 receive more than usual attention, Mrs. W. J. McLean, at Westmihster | Mrs Parkhill, Lanark. | : | and it may be well to be on guard hospital. See ] i | against deceit. SES : / | Those whose birthday it is should Miss Viola Irwin, Toronto, and Mrs. Roy Greene and two chil- % | give close attention to business and Miss W. F. Gillespie and baby, Merle, dren,Ingersoll, are visiting Mr. and | 4 be cautious in the lending of money Hamilton, have returned home after Mrs. C. D. Martin. ; { or going security. They should be- an extended visit with their parents Senator A. C. Hardy, Mrs. Hardy Ee 2 ware treachery and should be care- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Irwin, Earl [and miss Mary Hardy, Brockville, ! ful of the health. A child born on Street. _ |have sailed for Kngland. Senator J this day should receive firm! train- William Goodman returned to To- and Mrs. Hardy will remain for a ? ing in perseverance and grit, as it ronto on Sunday after visiting with | month, whila Miss Mary Hardy will p : i \ | may encounter difficulties {in the his parents op Alfred street. {attend school. : ; ! i : CATYVINg of its career. Jt will succeed * eo Mrs. John Bannister, Union street i 1 3. bs in business. . I George G. Haycock, Montreal, Mrs. | West, and Mrs. 'Héhry .' "Wartman, i -- Josaph L. Haycock, Sr., and Mr. and [Front Road, left at noon Tuesday for | i ate: | Is Slit Skirt Returning 2 Mrs. L. L. Haycock, Jr. Adolphus- [Montreal where they, will take the J IAN ce TRF. i __ It is said that the split skirt fa town, are motoring to Boston, Mass., | steamer for a trip up the Saguenay. |" a A in IN VANCOUVER FROM JAPAN coming back. Dress reformere aré New York City, and Newburgh, fossa] Rev. Dr. Levi CuYrtls, head 6f the PEFUUEEE LANDIT § victims of the ferrible Japanese |!8VIn8 spasms about it. They say returning next weok, {Department of Education for the om RQ. 1 ] Te : olotl that no sooner had they rid the world ir ern earthquake arrived in Vancouver with scant supplies of cloth- of the evil of the short skirt than ing, and had to wear ship's blankets in place of coats and to| tne peace of men and the morals of I =n travel hatless. the race are threatened with side rye NIAAA | lashes running above the knee. And . 3 . . : Exclusive Styles . Moderately Priced Methodist church, Newfoundland, s|he is witty a woman who reflects, | 5t0ckings are either shorter or rolled in the city on his way to attend a|jthout distorting, his opinions down, and the whole situation Is ¢ ~ 2 meeting of the Church Union Com- My own idea of an ideal woman is worse than it was before the war. | , mittee at Toronto, and is staying|a woman broad-minded - enough to | fhe preamble about having rid us of | ® {lf | with his brother, Rev. J. K. Curtis, | gee many different points of. view | {he short skirt is a rather immodest | admisston--we were not aware that rincess Street Methodist church. | without losing sight of her own, a P | E sig they had. The short skirt is still Economical, Appetizing, Nutritious Order a loaf from your grocer to-day or phase 834, and 'our salesmen' will gladly call. MacKEY'S BREAD Ltd. PHONE 834. KINGSTON, ONT, EENEENERNEEREREREEEEN wu The marriage of Miss Helen Ward. | Mr. and Mrs. James Crawford, 3 5 3 x p | = 1 . : [| | ity on financial obligations. It may MacKey's Bread is Pure, Wholesome, 5 i | Misses Vera and Myrtle McKendry | woman who can distinguish between KINGSTON, BELLEVILLE, PETERBORO, BROCKVILLE and friends motored to Ottawa un|events and incidents, a woman who Sunday. | Ras the courage to strike out a line *« eo | of her own, who has thé courage ot | °f it. it would be the fact that it is no longer conspicuous. We had T Miss Louise Sinclair, Ottawa, 13 her convictions, a woman with sym- visiting Mrs. W. J. Rice, Kingston. |pathy. Erown so acquainted to it that it at- % ' Harry Renaud, son of Mr. and| Women rely on their personal ap- | {racted no further attention and pro- i . i Mrs. Nelson Renaud, Ottawa, will| pearance to-day more than on, their ( faked no masculine comment, and so F a 1 A Cl attend Qfeen's University. | quality of mind. 'This is largely the | 18 main value tended to ee Ss ean RR RCE RE Wi . . . ith Luxurious Fur Trimmings Miss Edith Panter has returned) fault of man. Womah is so adapt-| 415appear. In this condition of stal- 2 ed custom, it is, of course one of the | to Peterboro after spending a week's| able that she.is very much the pro- : E 4 . I ¢ holidays in Kingston. { duct of her i ol and her environ- most pp Sarmonts over bg Garments. SOF. Materials ) Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Secls, Peter- ment. She is always what a man | [**CéDt on the beac les it 1s 8 ne Fk cleansed with il i Mr. A : I oh h b plus ultra of woman's dress. What . boro. are spending their vacation at| wants her to be. : is there left 2:0 4 Men of to-day make woman in-| IS there left to do? Once the world feel soft and 3 » i ° Jack's Lake. They look al to th had accepted thdt, it became almost 1 - lea . &F -- sincere. e always to the ex- | 9 Shady 4 } . 3 { Sihoere y. 00 3 impossible to do anything immodest 8 : and carry the? tr uly ' 1 | here. If anything could rid us of it, or perhaps we should say deprive us | he Ideal W a i terior and not tothe interior. If a Verbaps that th a 1h in : i ; The Idea. oman. 4 a 0 8 at is @ reaso e spi 3 ri »~ : h capable business woman wants to odor, 80 p eas ng 0 t e pale Bus : skirt is coming back. And after that, 1 1 Bb t It's easy to smile when sharp What are the qualities which go te] carry out a serious transaction with a what, \vinds blow if you can snuggle [|flf| the making of the ideal Woman? | = wan. she has much more chance Controversy is raging round this ~~ } , |of getting what she wants if she > town in the collar of one of these (uestion, which has been raised by | & & When the outer skins of onions . wears a Paris hat and has a well- furtrimmed Wraps. The rich the interesting competition for en| ASR Ayla are brittle and break off in small pile fabrics with their soft fur jae Na reel Df the date) I am not sure that the ideal wo- iste, aii thom hart » peel, t I -- eter Mitchell, a wealthy stockown- man, from everybody's point of view, | © em.» & few minutes in rimmings are lovely to touch er, of Albury, New South Wales, who Syary p warm watdr. This will make peel- 3 should not be complementary to man. they import air of refinement, left a fund for prizes for the woman You must have a head a ally | In8 easy. who most nearly filled a number of ' Ee a feeling ing properly at- In a partnership between a man and | jv tired. The /deBigns also are very conditions, which included the fol] woman the head, is the man, the Getting Too Fat? lowing: age-earner. There are 90 things a ry This-- ed ¥ intriguing /with their long, siim Cheerfulness and brightness of ain mat does better and 10 things ly Poop Ti ont R . nee T eople w on' w to e silhouetten, sometimes broken by position. man does better." the fortunate' exception. But if you fina I 3 Ithy children. the fat accumulating or already cum- bias insets: and ecircula , Ability fo rear hea -- y ' lar places Wide knowledge of English litera- o | Cie ag i be re > ™ Are B 1 Trimmings of Isabel : Fox, Grey ture and the Bible. It is one of the most fallacious of thousands of people who know. Ask © Stove Women Are uying % 2 your dr st 1 1 P - Squirrel, Beaver, Sable, Kit Fox or | Good horsew omanship and. swim | prajctices to attempt to economize tion Tap 58! 2 3 ol Ta Prescrip- Recent months have demonstrated Coon with Cuffs to match. Gen. ll | ming. [by wearing old shoes about the | dollar is the price the world over. Get that this new TORTOISE COOK Knowledge of practical housekeep- | house, unless they possess all their Yom fom Jour oun druggist or send STOVE possesses an attraction for erously sized, and priced exceed- ing and domestic economy. | buttons, have straight heels and | Woodward Ave. DoarnO Sich, By women that they are almost power- ingly moderate, considering the Proficiency in first aid. . soles, and are daily brushed and air- es you wil] be {fe from harmful less to resist. Graceful of line and : + : 0 ce ste . Discussing the question in Lon-|ed. as are their newer fellows. and easily, without Starvation. die clad In lustrous tiles, with' here and { tiresbme e ; don, Mrs. Rosta Forbes (Mrs. A. T. By mixing plaster of Raris with arg ome exercises or absurd greases there a contrast of silvery nickel. this | McGrath), the explorer, said: | the white of an egg to the coneist-| _'< ° perfected TORTOISE COOK is pro- $37.50 to $135.00 i A man's ideal woman is one whom | ency of cream, it may be applied to] ; . nounced the handsomest creation of he can pick up and put down; a wo- | broken china just as you apply any | Ww its kind. man who dresses wonderfully on prepared cement. ~N ij | nothing at all; a woman who is quiet It's difficult to settld a case in court / ) ' ; when Re is'depressed, and witty when | while the litizants have any money, \ LN mmon ns | yg , ¥ : 0 Peron bersome, you will fine quality. 187 PRINCESS STREET Fascinating in Style, Material and Price : TH (Bl. | Gorn gS <li MADE HERE--IN KINGSTON Models of severest simplicity to those that display stitching and em- { a 2 F broidery that is most elaborate. In | INCL fq § 3 Ya ee 960 some instances Braid wand Stitching : pa rl ol 4 |SERVICE of bright colors give a sprightiiness " tr A NR DAY AND NIGHT that is altogether delightful. The 7 , ed | gy NTT ne ama predominating colors Navy, ' I lif A a Dr, Martel's Female Pills Black, Brown. Values et a \ ! E PR : Thousands testify to beneficial re. | % are repre- ny / 3 : ; sults last half century. Delayed and | sented here that cannot be equalled. \ "JI [ ( / Den alanstrugtion, Nervousness. | All sizes, 4 i with our" sign a nr | : A oe DixeCt SVE oh Front St., There . is nothing else Just as good. $19.95 0d il Tea REN Fd » With a value universally recognized. STYLE "L" EASY EASY TERMS $465 TERMS A i ih / i . . ale/ To test any of our Pianos is your privilege. Your en- 4 . : > " \ BY ! 4 tranee to our store is not looked upon as an obligation, but an ing pertaining to RADIO. M you heed o new / 7 b | ¢ appreciation of your courtesy. ry = ALLL

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