/ ys TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ----r : 4 NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS | "GOOD-BY™ wait too long Bleedinggums herald Pyorrhea's coming. Unheeded, the price paid is lost teeth and broken health. Four persons out of every five past forty, and thousands younger, are Pyorrhea's prey. Brush your teeth with 9 forhan's FOR THE GU Mars Sania tout pass 35c and 60c in tubes a \ E33 Children Delight In Cuticura Soap Baths and re- aa ee. What a giant a little word | the possibilities' that lurk in most eager heart tion in her voice, whether she e Pasl Ww. : te shew mug. course he will conques the wo to his and their love she feels as she que may be! Think of the power } ver will see him again. And yet stions what a wee vo rid and win for her a palace o rooms--where there shall be no need ever of thinking. By Juanita Hamel behind that wee word "No"-- "Yes --and the questions that linger in "Good-bye." Even the the most faithful soul--sometimes wonders, as she speaks it with a ques- what a traitor to her heart and ice whispers will happen. Of f love---though it be but two Try Tomato Marmalade measure 2i§ quarts. Seal ho Seal, Crown or Improved Gem Jars Perfect Seal, Crown and Improved Gem Jars on ' sale at all stores, TOMORROW'S MENU Breakfast Bananas Cereal { Scrambled Eggs | Wholewheat Toast Luncheon Rice-Tomato Soup Lettuce Salad Prunes Sead for free book of eighty tested canning and preserving recipes. Decuinten Glass Co., Limited Moatres, | 'COTe® Tea { Dinner Beef Stew (with Carrots, onion and | Potatoes) Coffee Raisin Pie ! | ANSWERED LETTERS. | Newly Married: 'My husband and | I rent now but we dream of baild- | ing a little home of our own. i am writing to %sk you what kind | {of a kitchen sink you think gives | | the best results? We want all these details settled in advance, so that we shall make no mistakes when' the time does come for us to build. ' Answer: A porceialn sink gives the best results, but they are ex- pensive. The next best kind, tn my estimation, is an iron sink enamejed ware. A white sink is more attraet- ive than a dark one, and is more easily kept clean. Sinks of cement .| composition are good, provided that they are well glazed. A great many housewives ilke alate and soapstone sinks; but I personfily do not care for either kind, because they are dark in color and have seams. So If you cannot aford a porcelain one. I strongly advise an iron sink enameled white, Uie=n it with kerosene and whiting (kero- | sent cuts the grease), and flush it often with hot watér. I am sure you will have your little home soon. Determination makes our dreams come true! Write again if I can "| be of any use. _ . «Mrs. M.: "Some of my small par- lor rugs have begun to fray at the | edges. What can I do? We ought ' |not to afford new ones." 1 A very good-looking fin- i from an acquaintance a set of table linen. Now I am wondering if it is| pure linen, as she claimed. How can I tell? I paid a high price for it." Answer: Buy a very little glycer- ine from your druggist. Put a drop on the linen. If it is pure linen, the glycerine will be quickly ab- | sorbed, leaving a transparent spot. But if it is cotton the glycerine will roll off like a drop of mercury. Beginner: 'How is zinc polish- ed?" / Answer! With a woolen cloth moistened 'with either kerosene or vinegar, and dipped in either whit- ing or baking soda or bath brick, J Tomorrow: --"Just How" to Make Hot Milk Cake. 'AH inquiries addressed to Miss Kirkman in care of the "Bfficient Housekeping" department will be answered in these columns in. their turn. This requires considerable time, however, owing to the great number received. So if a personal or quicker reply is desired, a stamp- *d and self-addressed envelope must be enclosed with the question. Be sure to use YOUR full name, street number, and the name of your city and province. ---The Bditor. Music the fiercest grief can charm, And fate's severest rage disarm, Music can soften pain and ease. And make despair and madness please; : " Our joys below it can improve, And antedate the blits above. i £ 1 yOu can buttonhole the with heavy yarn of the ; this is the method used it 7 repair Oriental rugs. . Doubtful; "I a " |Soft Yellow Trims This {bands in place. TO-DAY'S FASHION Gray Orepe Street Frock. Essentially simple Ya design is this crepe frock that relies on tiny pleats and hand-made motifs for trimming. The gray has a suggestion of yel- low fa it, and the trimming is in perfect harmony, dull soft yellow, It is made of tiny bands of yellow silk, worked Into motifs by means of fine yellow threads that hold the This forms the cufts,' neck trimmings and pockets. The hat is of brown hatter's plush, dnd offers diversion from the popular cloche shape in its brim that folds over at one side. I ------ tipi Whate'er's begun in anger ends ia shame. Who seeks a friend should dispos'd To exhibit, in full bloom disclos'd, The graces and the beauties : That form the character he seeks, For 'tis a union that bespeaks ore food Ie To cut down the cost health and strength for the for S money of food and keep up Summer days you must get back to Nature's food. A wholesome, strengthening diet for Summer is Shredded Wh eat with fresh fruits and fresh vegetables. For breakfast, for lunch, for dinner you can Prepare a delicious, satisfying meal with hredded Wheat without going into the kitchen. We do the cookin sanitary, sunlit factory. Bons and ready-to-serve Shredded g for you in our ready-cooked heat is a wife- saver in Summer and a constant joy to youngsters and grown-ups. Axx] TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat cracker a real whole wheat toast--eaten with butter, soft cheese or mare malades. \ The Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, Ltd, Niagara Falls, Ontario cat Dont worry MAKE YOUR | THE HOME KITCHEN By Jeannette Young Norton Author of 'Mrs. Norton's Cook Book." The housekeeper who is always on the look-out for new dishes find in some of the one-dish dinners| 'tying to the appetite. ONE 94. just the thing she wishes. Here ra are a few whose odd names are as stimulating to the imagination us thelr delicious ingredients are satis- butter, two tablespoonfuls of flour, one _and one half cupfuls of milk, the juice of an onion and a tea- Granny's Purse, spoonful of minced celery leaves and Select a tender round steak the|red pepper, a little salt and cayenne. size needed, and have it cut three| When the sauce is hot and thicken- inches thick. With a sharp knife|ing add the shrimps and a cuptul silt it half way across. Take two|Of drained canned peas, stir until dozen medium-sized oysters, grain{hot and thickened, then serve on and dry them. To a tablespoonful | & hot dish with toast sippets and of soft butter add a tablespoonful of parsley. grated onion, a tablespoonful of dry| - crumbs, pepper, salt and a teaspoon- A Screwless Corkscrew, ful of chopped celery leaves. Mix! The ordinary form of corkscrew, and spread in the steak, then folq, While effective for its purpose, of- the steak and sew around the edges. [ten destroys or renders useless the Lay in a small roasting pan, brush|cork on which it is used, frequently oyer with butter, add a half cup- | breaking it and causing particles of ful of stock and roast until cookeq ©0TK to be mixed with the liquid in through. [Base frequently. Serve the bottle. A new device, recently hot and garnish with toast sippets/Patented In England, avoids these and parsley. A eauce may be added disadvantages. In form it is not if liked. This may be made of |® Screw at all, but consists of two tomatoes, mushrooms or it may be |R&ITow stripe of highly flexthle ravy made from the dish gravy. Spring steel fitted into an alum- SY avy ayy rium handle. The strips 'are not quite equal In length, Goosey Gander, To remove a cork the longer of Fry three slices of bacon, theming two strips Is inserted between add one pound of calf's liver. When | .. Ai ------------ the liver is done lift it and set] aside. Put two large sliced onions | in the fat and fry a delicate brown. Butter a baking dish and line tne bottom with mashed potatoes, cov- er with the liver and bacon, then add the onions which have wees drained. Sprinkle with a tablespoon- ful of fine crumbs, pepper, salt and a half teaspoonful of fine sage, add two cupfuls of rich stock, spread with another layer of potatoes amd bake for forty minutes in a medium oven. Serve good e sauce with the dish which is economical and de- licious. | Orow in » Blanket \ Select a young plump boiled chicken, dress and prepare, tuen put it en to boll, adding a few Malks of celery, a siiced onion, pepper, salt and a quarter cupful of vinegar to the water. When well done lift it out and when slightly cool, strip the meat from the bome, throw the bones back into the broth and add & small can of tomatoes, then boil gently until somewhat reduced, strain, thicken, add the meat and 2 cupful and a half of mushrooms that have been salted in a little butter. Have ready a ring of freshly boiled rice on a hot dish and turn the meat into it, coveritig all wit the gravy. Garnish with boiled potatoes parsley, ' Shrimp Wiggle. JPORIUNATE we the dition seriousness of constipation. e that 75 : origina ! i : 3113 f 8 = i ® 3 Hi of Fei iif or ; i : i i} i H Ef about Pea a, cvoks WORK EASY Have the Hotpoint Electric Goods in your home. We have everything you may need to bring comfort -- Irons, Toasters, Heaters, etc. will [J] - Halliday Electric Co. CORNER KING AND PRINCESS STS. en the cork and the neck of the bottle, and is pushed down until the shortet end can also be inserted." Them both ends are forced home by gently as to apply pressure to each strip alternately, An upward pull accompanied dy twist of the 'corkscrew' re the cork in perfect eondition, ready for use aagin.--New York World. Mystified. In front of the vacant lot the builder put up the usual shack for holding tools and blueprints. On this, he tacked a sign intended to refer to the cskyicraper being started, Office. for rent in this fine builg- ing. \ ' But he took it down after hearing' a passenger remark: 'Wor the land's! sake! Look what they're trying tp' rent offices in now." es ------ Words show the wit of a man, but actions his meaning. Jhe gets relief from LAXATIVE of Open and drain i E f Iy- it} f i Irs Reciprocated duties. ~Cowper. pushing and "rocking" the bottle se "