Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Sep 1923, p. 5

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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1933, a iota er A ca a es Shea Tae hts : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC ion etintrt iefmieer rr FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 209.305 QUEEN STREET. Be PIANO TUNING Plano Tuning, Repairing and Player Piano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. Real Estate General Insurance Reliable Companies only represented. = Guarantee Bonds. Victory Bonds bought and sold. R. H. Waddell Phones 336-506. 66 Brock St. DR. A.W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON, Corner of Johnson and Wellington Streets Phone 863 ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Ohapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. PREIG RE, SAFES, , OARTAGE and STORAGE OF PIANOS HT RAGE and 11 Kingston Transfer Co. #77. Kvemings 2231. 158 WELLINGTON STREET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. OC. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. and Brock Streets. 1590 Wellington St, Evening by appointment. PHONE 70. WATTS People's Florist, 177 Wellington Street. w Ea SMITHS GROCERY | Corner Bagot and Colborne Streets. | | Phone 1817. | | We will have for TUESDAY 100 bushels of Tomatoes, extra choice] goods, to clear at $1.25 per bus. ! | Phone your order and get them de- | livered early. RED PEPPERS free with each bushel. If they are not the best you have | seen yet you don't have to accept | them. 'Smith's - - Phone 1317 Barrie and Colborne Sts, i | | CANADIAN NATIONAL RARWAYS | AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES Special attention given your family or friends going to or returning from the Old Country. Passports arranged for. For information and rates apply to J. P. HANLEY, C.P. and T.A. C.N. Ry., Kingston, Ont. Office: Canagdan National Rallway, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ontario. Open Day and Night. PHONE 99 or 1433. PETRIE'S GIT TORONTO Hardwood | ABSOLUTELY DRY ~--~Algn-- SOFT WOOD AND, SLABS KENNY & FALLON | PHONE 687. 187-141 CLERGY STREET *His Master's Vo WR Nha & Ca ©} GOLBEN LION BLOCK, i YOU DON'T BUY COAL for ornamental purposes. You buy it for the warmth there is concealed in it. Buy the kind that is fuller of heat than as egg is of meat. BOOTH & CO. 'Phone 188. Grove Inn Yards ; Hot Water Furnaces, Stoves and Quebec Heaters for sale. LCohen& co PHONES 886 and 837. = gp Two selections far prac ically the price of Wow cataiogue! Its Fr VICTROLA dominates! + Victrola sound-boxes are of. gd effective comstruction.! | who formerly resided at jzens are still asking. Victro) Shas Po Be A Rascinining fox-trot on "HIS MASTER'S VOICEY VICTOR_RECORD_No._ 19108) IMPORTANT! Red Seal Records are Sew double-sided. one. Ask for Why "HIS MASTER'S VOICE™ . ---------- KINGSTON AnD VICINITY Allisonville Farm Sold. Spencer Huffman, Allisonville, has sold his farm #0 Harry Hayden. Mr and Mrs. Huffman will leave shortly for Rochester, N, Y. To Teach in Montreal. Autoire Wendling, B.A., Brock- ville, has accepted an appiontment as | | professor of higher mathematics at Loyola College, Montreal. Death of Mrs. Ranson Lott. Word was received of the death at | Ailta., of Mrs. Ranson Lott, Trerton. Bowden, The interment took place at gary. Boys' School Suits, We have received a big shipment | of boys' school suits, which we will | sell ut a reduced price, dandy suits, | at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors, Prevost, Brock street. Many Furnaces Going. As a result of the cool spell, quite a number of 'citizens have started their furnaces and are getting a little experience on what is to come later on. These are busy days for the furnace men getting furnaces order for the cold weather. Calls Sustained. The Broskville Presbytery has | sustained calls from the charge of | Cardinal and Mainsville to Rev. 3 M. McCurlie, of the Presbytery Castor, Alberta, and from Bishop's Mills, Bast Oxford and Oxford Mills, to Rev. R. Strange, Vars, iu the Ottawa presbytery. a Checse Boards Sales, Picton, 755 at 23 1-8c. Napanee, 795 at 22 5-8c. Iroquois, 800 boarded, 22 1-2¢ bid, no sales. Perth, 700 at 22 5-8¢. Listowel, 1,735 boarded, 22 1-2¢ ; bid, no sales. Victoriaville, Que., 1,217 at 22c. Everyone is Anxious. '""Have they. caught the convicts yet," is the chief question the citi- No escape | from the big prison in recent years +has caused go much interest as the | daring getaway the five convicts made from the Portsmouth peniten- {tiary on Monday last. The Queen's Library. The Douglas Library is now being 'pW - Cal- | in! constructed at a rapid rate as the Queenston stone, of which there baz been a small supply all summer, is | arriving in larger quantities. Mr. { Grant, the Anglin-Norcross repre- | sentative here, expressed himself as well satisfied with the progress the {library was making. -- { Given Badges. | Sheriff Ebbs, high constable of {1.anank, has given out county con- | stable badges, about fifty in all. A re-organization of this department is to take place shortly as some of the | members are dead and others inac- tive. On Fire Hall Slate. At 9.15 Sunday morning, the fire- men wero given a run to the Hotel Dieu, but their services were not re- quired. When some steam poured { out of the building, somé person hud an idea that,there was a fire, and sent in the call. Saturday forenoon, the firemen were called to a chimney fire on Ellice street, but there was no damage. To Teach in Woodstock. Miss Mary Mangan, B.A., graduate of Queen's University," and of the of Education of Toronto University, has been appointed a jeather in the commercial depart- ment of the Woodstock Collegiate | Institute, and has assumed her duties | there. Miss Mangan has had much of | experience in teaching in schools in Ontario and Saskatchewan. | Faculty Had Fine Fishing. M. B. Mills and wife, Napanee, have returned home from a most en- joyable twelve days' cruise on the Day in their sailing yacht, 'Dol phin," in company with H. H. Boyce and wife, and their nephew, Jacki: Heath, Buffalo. Several black bass and two fine '""mascos' were caught during the cruise. To Wipe Off Debt. Rev. Mr, Dumbrille, rector of Kemptville, was recently handed a cheque for $2,000 by Joseph Cooper, Sonth Mountain, a former parish- ioner, to wipe off the debt on the Leslie memorial hall, erected by the Anglicans of Kemptville several years ago. Rebate Standard Hotel Licenses. The Gananoque council at a mnet- ing granted a fifty per cent. rebate in their taxes, except for school and Console Victrola "No. 210 $135.2 pp 2 ~. "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" 1s mie voice of an endless programme of living entertainment, known as 'The theatre of the Home" --and how appropriate! For whatever your mood--whatever the climatic conditions--the price of an orchestra Shir 4 ment philanceseazd it is Yous 10 Wy 'what entertainment shall unfold. [Fhe mapdary vat sets oS ic so ALONE" ing fae YOU A and Y sudience, White Way" orchestra has entered your home---unseen--to play "CARCLINA MAMMY".--Your eyes have closed and you have difficulty in believing that these musicians are not indeed on a stage and thet you have an orchestra seat in a REAL theatre. --It is just snd perfect reproduction. And Bis very perfection Buch is the spell of "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Victrola and ("HIS RLASTER® VOICE"-VICTOR RECORDS) -- <apable of giving you this sense of nee ~ they alone -- are prone Zehis very superiority nes influenced marly to refer to all instruments as Victroles.--It is a compliment which we look upon with disfavor for it not only defeats Four best interests but ours ae well. , rk "M33 Pi a? + every genuine Victrola bears our famous trade VOICE" make sure it is on the instrument Benue His "Aakers Voice: Victrolas from $37.50 to $615.00 (HiS MASTER'S VOICE, LIMITED local improvement purposes, to the | licensed standard hotels of the town as provided ly the legislation passed | oy the Ontario government last ses- sion to offset the loss caused to such hotels by the Ontario Temperance Act. ------------ Rural Tennis. W. L. McKinnon, the well-known Toronto broker. is building a sub- stantial tennis court at his summer residence, foot of Christy's Lake, Retires on Pension. Benjamin Mayo, G.T.R., enginoér, Belliville, retires on pension after' faithfully serving the G.T.R. for over forty-nine years. Mr. Mayo. who has been a life-long resident of Belle- ville, entered the service of the com- pany in March, 1874, at Belleville at the age of sixteen years, and has served continuously * since, having been promoted to fireman in 1877 and engineer in 1884. ---- To Put Up Post Oflice. Ross Dougan, Newburgh, is put- ting up a building in which to house the post-office, just one block north of its present location. The reason for the move is that Mr. Quail, in whose building the postoffice is at present, needs the room to extend his store. The change will not incon- venience the public. Have Left for Uxbridge. Rev. Mr. Griffith, who has had charge of the Free Methodist mission, Newburgh, bade farewell on Sunday last, after a very successful three- Year term. His place will be taken by Mr. Bray, Toronto. On' Tuedday evening the members of the congre- gation and other friends met at the home of Frank Wales to bid adieu to Mr. and Mrs. Griffith before leaving for their new home in Uxbridge. Groom-to-be Is Honored. A delightful miscellaneous show- er was held for Clifford MacDonald of Thurlow township, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Donald Brad- shaw, Kingston Road, when more than fifty friends and relatives, con- gregated to wish him well, on the eve of his marriage to Miss Ferol Mason, Belleville. Many useful and valuable presents were brought to the house for the young couple, ------------ Erecting Express Biilding. Ground has been broken for the construction of a permanent build- ing at the Brockville Union station to house the Canadian National Ex- press Company and the mail transfer agent. The building will be of brick and comcrete construction will be eighty by thirtytwo feet in dimen- sions and will ocoupy a site immedi- ately to the east of the station build- ing, encroaching upon the garden established some years ago, Waiting for the Fair, The school children are looking forward to the fair this week and are greatly pleased over the action of the Board of Education, in granting a hailf-holiday on Thursday, in orde: to give them a chance to attend the big show. R. J. Bushell, the man- ager of the exhibition, never forgets the little folk at fair time and sees to it that the school trustees get a request for a holiday for the "kid- dies." srrmmematesitinnmpmimnt, Changes at Newburgh. Changes have taken place at New- burgh during the past week, which will effect the life of the village con- siderably. Mr, McNeely, reeve, has sold his home to a Mr. Smith, Toron- to, and Anson McKeown has sold his corner block, which includes a dwelling house and hall, in which the Free Methodists meet, to George Wartman. Mr. McKeown will move into the house he bought from the late Mrs. James Thomson estate. Should Not Conflict. The supreme court sessions before Justice Orde start on Tuesday, the same day as the fair, and this is a great disappointment to people who are summoned to.serve as jurymen. Business, men, especially, find this a very inconvenient time to serve the court, as it means a very busy week for them and they do not like the idea of attending the court sessions. However, the court dates are fixed for a certain date, and not even Kingston's big exhibition can alter the n. Di the Case, Harold on bail on a charge of criminal negligende, aris< ing out of the death of Mrs. J. B. Loyst on the Trent road, left Belle- ville court house, a free man. Mrs. Loyst was fatally injured by Yate- man's car while she and her son, Stewart, were crossing the highway to enter the gate to their farm | house. Judge Deroche dismissed the case, after hearing three witnesses, 'deciding that there was not sufficient evidence of negligence to continue the trial. Society Re-organized. The Musical and Literary Soclety Napanee, has re-organized. 'The of- ficers chosen are: Prestdent--- Mrs. W. 8, Herrington First vice president -- Mrs. J. W. Having obtained a government charter we will in future be known as-- 'woe ° S. ANGLIN & CO., Limited In order to improve our telephone service, we have added a private branch exchange. Our two trunk lines have been centred In a switchboard, ocon- necting with four departments: -- 1.--~Coal and Wood Sales Department, 2.--Lumber Sales Department. 8.--F. R. and C. 8. Anglin. 4.--Factory and Building Department.' When 'you call 1571, oug Switchboard Clerk will give you the required department. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Rnd and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Omnt. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1410 SPECIAL VALUE Men's Brown Goodyear Welt Boots, solid leather, $6.00 value, all sizes. SALE PRICE $4.59 JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 23 Je 70 Brock Street; NOTICE GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store, GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street TWEDDELL'S For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits at $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS" At $25.00 TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Specials for J Fair Week WOOL BLANKETS in grey, red, tan, white and fancy . colors, at $2.00, $3.50, $4.95 each. PURE LINEN HUCK TOWELS, hemmed ends, good sizes, for 75¢ a . pair. WOMEN'S NEW FALL-WEIGHT STOCKINGS, in wool and silk and wool mixtures, at 75c¢., $1.00, $1.25 and $1.39 a pair. UNDERWEAR for all the family, in _ separate and union suits; the bo makes at lowest prices,

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