THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG KINGSTON anp VICINITY the price of certain farm produce, the last week's market found a fur- ther jump of five cenis per dozen on eggs and the same on butter. With. 'Smith's Falls Bonds. * the idea of bringing the price of farm We can now supply Scranton Anthra- A small block of Smith's Falls | commodities down to normal the . six per cent. bonds, amounting. to | housewives of Trenton are planning cite in Pea, Chestnut and Egg sizes, $20,000, and payable in five annual the boycott. : S. ANGLIN & CO. instalments, was awarded to R. A. Daly & Co., at the price of 101.053, Wood and Lamber 3, and W Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. the town borrowing at the rate of 3.61 per cent. 1 p Factory Phone 1413 WEDNESDAY, SEP TEMBER 12, 1923 = La FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 290-805 QUEEN STREET. COAL The United States and' Canadian Fuel Controllers have advised consumers to lay in their coal supply early, in anticipation of a hard coal strike on September 1st. 3 | 80 long as they are roaming around I feel terribly nervous and think something is going to happen." Born Ninety-Nine Years Ago. Mrs. Lucinda Wilson, dead in Clare, Mich., was born in Belleville in 1824, " . ' Boys' School Suits. "We have received a big shipment of boys' school suits, which we will sell at a réduced price, dandy suits, at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all mzes, all colors. Prevost, Brock street. Bn PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjesung NatAA action is the same. H. Butcher, ne dtuguist A PHONE 1819w. Atyour EE ---- Tr Trin eric "at the Real Estate farm and had asked the farmer to General Insurance . | give him a job. i "The farmer at first rofused to lis- A Reliable Companies only represented. 3 Guarantee Bonds. ten to a word he had to say, but af-| Victory Bonds bought and sold. readily. 'any of my other four masters." ter a time, in response to the man's R.: H. Waddell "Ireland!" -cricd the farmer. The simplest way to end a corn is Blue-jay. Stops the pain in- stantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in clear liquid and in thin plasters. The Canadian Pacific Ry. 180 Wellington street, report the foilowing arrivals and departures of their steamships: Empress of France, due Quebec, Sept. 12th. Montlaurier, due Liverpool, Sepl. 14th, Montcalm, due Quebec, Sept. 14th. ; Marloch, due Glasgow, Sept. 15th. FA } I SHOES : Golden Wedding Day. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campion, Belle- ville, celebrated in a quiet way on Monday the golden anniversary of their wedding. It was fifty years ago that Miss Adelaide FE. Read, daughter of the Hon. Senator Robert Read was united in marriage at the front of Sidney at the Read home to Mr. Campion. Robert Smith Dead, Office Phone 66. Robert Smith, ag.d eighty-three, a highly respected resident of Pres- cott, passed away Sunday morning at his home. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Miss Ida Smith, To Teach at Parry Sound. CG. L. Ketcheson, Foxboro, who has been attending Queen's Univer- sity, hus gone to Parry Sound wheres Le is the principal of the continue- tion school. Mrs. Ketcheson is as- sisfant principal to her husband. -- en ea Writers Rush ta Kingston. The escape of the convicts from the penitentiary was:a spectacalar event and created 4nterest all over the province. A hunch of special writers from Toronto, Ottawa and elsewhere have been here to keep in close touch with the escape. Feldshur ir Demand. There is quite a fad fr feldspar Lrepiaces in summer carps ana homes. Tt is an Ornamental stone and when skillfully arranged by an experienced mason in a fireglace and mantel the effect is beautiful. The best samples of this ore can he ob- tained at Bedferd or Godfrey. We are now showing the latest in Men's Footwear for-Fall. It will pay you to see our Brown Business Boot, medium wide toe, med- ium weight Goodyear Welted Sole, Calf U PErat ......« hv. Bn vdvesrse $7 WATCH OUR' WINDOW! JACK JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE Phone 231]. 70 Brock Street until the farmer Makes People Nervous. Just so long as there are prisoners, who have made their escape from the penitentiary, roaming around this district, there will bg people suffering from nervousness. "I do hope they will soon get the con- victs,"" remarked one Kingston lady to the Whig on Tuesday. "Just Had a Bad Fall. An unfortunate accident happened Saturday when Mrs. Frank Smith avas descending the stairs "aft her home, in Prescott, she slipped and fell. sustaining a fractured shoulder and other painful injuries. She was removed to the Hepburn Hospital at Ogdensburg, N.Y., where an X-ray examination was made. Mrs. Smith was able to return home towards evening. Watching the Bulletins. The escape of the five prisoners at the Portsmouth penitentiary on Monday created a tremendous sensa- tion around the city and the bulletins at the Whig have been watched with keen interest, and in addition to this many telephone 'calls have been re- "=| cclved from anxious citizens to: as- certain whether or not the convicts had been captured. pleading, Hie agreed to {ake him on if he could answer a number of -ques- tions satisfactorily. All went well asked: Phones 326-896. 56 Mreck Me, " =| "Then that settles it. I can have no more Irish people here; they all die DR. A on my hands." He ' "But, please, yer honor," said the DENTAL SURGRON. man, "I'l get you a certificate that : of. _and_W "Where do you come from?" "Ireland," replied the man . quite I have never died on the hands of ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways, Married in New York. William E. Goodearle, B.A, a Queen's graduate was married in New York on Sept. 1st to Miss Bea- trice Bailey, Toronto. Mr. Goodearle, a son of Alfred Goodearle, Toronto, and formerly of Kingston, is with '| the United Rubber Company in New York. Agent Waiting for Signature. Harlem people were shocked at a telephone trouble alarm, saying that (George Mattice's harns were on fire. A car load of fire-fighters rushed to Freeland's to stop the fire. Plenty of willing help saved the house and a milk-shed. There was no insur- ance, but John Russell was at Mr. Mattice"s waiting for him to return home from collecting for Ross Can- non, who was burnt out on Sunday, to sign an application for insurance. The two farms are less than a mile Ver Moving of YREIGHT, FURNIT SAFES, ARTAGE and STORAGE OF PIANOS, DESCRIPTION GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. Car Thieves at Belleville. A touring car the property of Dr. Proctor, Belleville, and another car, owned by L. 8, Mallory, Sidney town- ship, were stolen whilst the owners Cool, fresh, rested, skin tingling with health and comfort-- Feeling cleaner than you ever were attending church. The doctor's car was found abandoned adjacent to Belleville, but Mr. Mallory's car bas not been located. Killed in an Accident. A valuable wuter spaniel owned by J. E. Heasly, Montreal, Que., was killed by a car. The accident would have been avoided by a little exer- apart. * To Ask Loave of Absence. J. H. W. McRoberts, who has been Supervisor of the Por: Arthur public schools for several years, and for over a year past secretary-trea- surer of the Board of Education, in- 4ends asking -the -board 'at its next regular meeting for leave of absence - GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street for seven months in order that he may take a residence post-graduate course in English and history at Queen's University. This course at Queen's commences Oct. 1st. Mikado Locomotive. The first of the big Mikado loco- motives being built at the plant of the Canadian Locomotive Company was placed in commission on Tuesday and went into the freight service on the division of the C.N.R. between Brockville and Belleville for testing before proceeding to the prairfe pro- vinces where she will run. This lo- comotive has the most efficient de- vices of any produced at the King- sion plant, including the booster that served as an au iliary on grades. FSANSILAT tion in stopping. The master of the dog was standing in his window watching the episode. To make mat- ters worse, the car Was on the wrong side of the street. '% To Move to Cape Vincent. ces of the BE, W. Coon Com- pany, cheese manufacturers and deal- ers, which have been located for a number of years in the Otis build- ing, Watertown, N.Y., will be remov- ed Oct. 1st, to Cape Vincent, which will be made the headquarters . of the company in this part of the state. Mr. Coon has a large plant at Cape Vincent and one of the largest cheese warehouses in Jefferson county, felt before-- Because of the of Lifebuoy. big, creamy lather For the Best Values in Young Men's Suits at $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00, SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS a rn Brinig " dot At $25.00 : | around' the enrve hho any warn- : TWED DELL'S x - Sotsen Nea. | Clothing House On Saturday, Aug. 25th, Mr. and To Boycott Saturday Mart. Owing to the unnecessary advance in prices of farm produce, the wo- men of Trenton are organizing to boycott the Saturday market. The farmers have been of late increasing Bicycle Danger. "Talk about the automobile dan- ger. It is not in it with reckiess bicyle riders on the streets." sald @ citizen" who was nearly run down yesterday by a cyclist, who swept around a corner quicker than any automobile could do. "Bicyclists | should be forced to sound a horn, lust the same as automobilists when Mrs.' George Sauve, Kingston, cele- brated 'the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Frank Amo, Victoria avenue, Gananogue. They were {married on Wolfe Island on Aug. 25th, 1873, and resid- ed on Garden Island for forty4two years previous to removing to King- ston. Six of thelr seven children are You DON'T BUY COAL for ornamental purposes. You. buy it for the warmth there is concealed in it. Buy the kind that is fuller of hoat than an egg is of meat. y The ingredients of ENO's " Fruit Sue * are aot only of highest are subj tothe severest ory oy il pi Tf a with scientific correctness. ENO is entirely free from drastic mineral salts (such as E and Glauber), sugar, or artificial flavouring of any kind. - Its purity is unquestionable. ENO "grees wih 'the most delicate constitution and is. e ~ Special For ~ Thursday COLORED WOOL BLANKETS Navy and Brown, suitable for Children's Beds, Camping, etc. Good, | full size for-- equall both for the robust andthe invalid, Your health is rded and benefited by the morning glass of 9