| WEDNESDAY, sur TEMBER 12, 1028. = Char-Tex Is the last word in mouth health. The CHAR-TEX Tooth Paste removes the flim and gives the teeth a glistening, white appear- ance besides relieving bleeding and inflamed, gums. CHARATEX LIQUID positively clears jp all cases of Pyorrhea, and Is recommended J by the leading dental specialists "on the American continent. We ask you to use CHAR-TEX, _ knowing it to be the best pre- paration of its kind on the market. L. T. Best : Druggist | ' Farms For Sale 300 ACRES--100 under cultivation, 12 | miles from Kingston; frame house, good condition; 2 large barns, newly shingled with or without implements--would ge for city property. 180 ACRES--8 miles from Kingston-- 315 acres under cultivation--50 acres ood bush; good, stone house, large fn and drive shed; well watered, running stream; well adapted for mar- ket rdening: 1 mile from church, | school and factory. 125 ACRES--100 acres good soil; bal- ance good pasture; good frame house; ¥3 barns; never-falling spring. 12 miles m city. 66 ACRES--Garden and truck farm; double brick house; sll conveniences; - close to city. 66 ACRES ~-- 25 acres good garden a 3 rane house; barn and cow ouse; o factory, school an church; 11 miles from Kingston; on i terms or exchange. Crop on easy Be for quick sale. 'Bateman's | | J i | | | | Our showing of Silver and Pyrex Casseroles is very extensive. They represent the fin- ished work" of Canada's est great- silversmiths and make - most useful giftsat any Yes, we have a little Stove Coal, Also Egg and Chestriut and Pea, Now is the time to get it in" 'So you won't be burning Soft Coal and Coke this winter. SOWARDS COAL CO. Phone 155 Uptown Office: McGallsagigar Store. Phone 811. comin Many of our friends will require differ- 'ent kinds of Heaters. Let us remind you of a few of the different kinds: -- Quebec Heaters Quebec Cook Stoves | Coal Kitchen Heaters | Gas Heaters | Coal Oil Heaters Electric Heaters Ww . sell the Happy Thought Ranges that * have given satisfaction for 50 years. y and enjoy full Buy your Heater ear benefit of it, OF THE The -Greeks were very skiljtul im: making vases. These were almost always made of clay. Their shapes were graceful and pretty, but the main thing about them*was the paintings on the outside. Some of the best artists in Greece spent part of thelr time making paintings on vases. These paintings glve us facts as to how the Greeks lived. Most of the pictures we have bad in these stories during the last few weeks were taken from Greek vases. Today we are showing Greek vases and pitchers in a row. Observe the paintings and where they were plac- ed. . Another illustration is a picture taken from a Greek vase. It shows Poseidon, god of the sea, talking to the goddess Athena. Notice the Athena and Poseidon. € ; thr mged spear Poseidon Is holding. The god the Romans cal- led" *'Neptuné" also carried that kind of a spear; in fact, Neptune is just the Roman name for Poseidon. Another vase painting shows Dionysius, god of wine, riding in a little sale, boat. Around the mast twines a .'vine ladem with grapes. Do you see why grapes should De over the ship of the god of wine? Next--Greek Rings and Camoes. The wine-god riding with grapes above him. MINERAL OUTPUT JUMPS $26,000,000 IN HALF-YEAR Recovery in Production of Nickel and Copper Out- 'Standing Feature. Ottawa, Sept. 12.--An increase of over $26,000,000 is shown in the value of mineral production in Can- ada for the first six months of this year, as compared with the same period in 1822. according to a re- port made public today by the Do- minfon Bureau of Statistics. The value of the oufput for the first half of this yellr was $87,152,248, gnd for the same period last year $69,- 461,109. One of the big features of the in- dustry this year was the recovery in the production of nickel and cop- per with the reopening of the smelt- ers and refineries operated by the Internationa) and the British Ameri- can Nickel Companies. I -- EFFECT ON CONFERENCE. Japan's Lower Ranking Is Subject of ? Comment. London, Sept. 12.--Whewmer the Japanese .disaster would change the whole current of the forthcoming Im- perial conference through Japan's temporary relegation to the rank of a fourth clas power, has been the subject of interested comment here. It was stated at the Admiralty yes- terday, however, that the question of the Singapore base will not be af- fected by any alteration in naval strength thus caused. Singapore has nothing to do with Japan and was simply chosen as the best possible base in the Pacific. Naval experts say if Yokosuka harbor has been en- tirely Afstroved as reported, Japan is in an Awkward position, Yokosuka is one of her two principal navhl bases, and the other being | Kure. Her other two bases, Sasebo and Maizuru, arg only equipped for building small cruisers and destroy- ers. Should Japan undertake the construction of capital ships it will take three or four years for any one to be completetl, whether laid down in Japan or in another country. S----n PATROL CONTINUED LATER. Minister of Lands to Have Timber Districts Well Protected. i Toronto Sept. 12.--Fire-ranger | patrol in the Northern Ontario tim- | ber districts will continue this fall until every vestige of fire hazard is passed. There are at present well over a thousand firerangers patroll- ing the Ontario woods--a number considerably An excess of that at work in previous seasons. Last year's terrible forest fires taught a lesson which the depart- ment of lands, under Hon. J. 8. Lyons, intends not to forget, and it is with a view to preventing any re- petition of the disaster that the pa- trol service has been extended. As a result the number of rangers em:- ployed has been the greatest in the depgritment's history, and extra rangers have been hired for patrol duty during periods of extreme drouth. In June no less than 990 additional staff were employed. Neither, it is-said, will individual districts be permitted to bring about of. their own accord the withdrawal of their fire protective forces. Timis- kaming, from which fire patrols had been withdrawn previous to last year's fires, has been patrolled throughout 'the summer similar to other districts. | r------------------ Freezing. Weather in Alberta. Edmonton, Alta., Sept. 12. --Wa- ter in the Cereal, Alberta, district, was frozen to a depth of a half to three-quarters of an inch Monday night. Considerable damage to late oats in thgt vicinity was reported.' Three Rosedale boys are arrested on a charge of housebresking, in- connection with depredations in a Rosedale residence, and are released on bail aggregating $4,000. - Cy Willams knocked eut his thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh home Tans of the season at Philadelphia, on Tuesday. It places him -ahead of Babe Ruth. Q PROBS: Thursday, fair 4nd cooler; frost not im- probable at night. SLR EW son's smartest fabrics. Chinellaine with I Ea Every woman, curious as she must be to see what the new, season has in store, is most welcome to this showing of the sea- WoolPom-PomCloth Pricedat ............... $1.98 yd. A heavy, all wool fabric, most desir- able for the general utility coat built on tailored lines -- fifteen new shades to choose from--full 54 inches wide, New Plaid Backs Priced at ... elelereiatele ial A fabric that finds instant favor with Misses and Matrons, whose desire is to have Coats developed along Burberry lines--shown in the soft, lovat and \ heather colorings--54 inches wide, .. $3.50 yard Pricedat ..............$4.25 yard An imported English Coating with a ripple surface--an excellent wearing, fine appearing cloth in the new brown tones of Rookie, Sandalwood, Mush- room and Kit Fox; full 54 inches wide. Marleen Priced at .... sisivseisrentis $e 1D a yard One of the season's novelty pile fabrics a soft, lustrous, velvety appear- ance--in Black, Browns and Mouse-- 54 inches wide, = arvella and Bolivia Priced from ....$4.50 t0,$8.00 yard The season's two most popular pile fabrics for novel are Kit Foz, I~ Black--5% inches wide. coats--the shades wood, Navy and , ' amel Hair Coating Came Priced For Fall and early Winter comes in a ning host of attractive ¢ 2 i ter f--