-.provin 700 MANY JUVENILES Last Year There Were Eigh- "about juveniles E Conference on Child Welfare now in § s Fos id z dwelt upon, 3 y WEDNESDAY, SEP TEMBER 12, 1928. » THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG me 2 ee 1 Rea The British Whig | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. i , standardized and popular~ Jat4nce ized aceording to THE BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Ing. - Philadelphia, Pa. Py ~ ir ds. are restricted to the AL a2 classification, and to the regular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES ve ate pér line or congecutive ; ed ¢ I fasertionss, Minimum charge, 25 cents. ne. Charge Cash | 4 8 4] | charged, insertion, Marriages, Births, Engagements, . 1.00. a of "Tienics and Memoriam otices--Charged, $1.50; casn, $1.00 ; : ; each Insertion frropaiar riisin rdered for Theeriions akes the one-time inser- lon ate: no ad. taken for less than four lines. aa PL four lines words to the 1 arged ads. will be received by - | al and if paid at The Brit. ish Whig Office within 6 days from the first day of insertion, cash rate wih be allowed. A ordered for more than one day Als. ordetng before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjur'- ment made at the rate earned. Rate per line for white space-is the same a line of type, Special rate for yearly advertising u request. Pub ishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified advertising Telephone 343, ask for a. want ad. taker, a Announcement s '9 BLEMISHES ~~ Halr, Moles, otal Birthmarks, Skin Cancers, Pits, etc, remqved permanent- i tT Automobiles ( 11 { Improving: Your Opportunities | Why is it that one person under certain favorable | conditions thinks and learns, while another individual | under exactly the same conditions, does not? Prineipally it is because the former takes advan- tage of his opportynities. He is a utilitarian, as far as getting ahead Is concerned. He seizes opportunity as Soon as he sights it, and he puts it to.some practical use. Such a man reads--and fers in the A-B-C Classified knows that to-day--or to-mo ~--he will meet most of the gO Te thinks and learns. He knows that if he improves opportunity, oppor- tunity will improve him---and he reads the A-B-C Ads regularly! be THE! A-R-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAMB---IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Automabiles for Sale, CADILLAC--Naw, o a snap. H W. Jones, Quinte Hotel, Belleville. FORD CAR--Fiye passenger, in good condition. 1921 model, one man top, and four good tires. Price reason- able. Phone $55J or apply 335 Brock| Street. x FORD TOURING--$85.00, in good con- dition. Must be sold within two days. Apply Blue Garage Ltd., corner Bagot and Queen Streets. McLAUGHLIN BIX--Studebaker cover. ed truck, Country Club, wire wheels, and 1921 Baby Grand Che¥roiet. Palm. er Auto Salvage, corner Bagot and Queen Streets. McLAUGHLIN--25, recently overhauled and in first class running order. Ap~ Ply Blue Garage Ltd. corner Bagot and Queen Street. REO TOURING--5 passenger, first class running condition, new one man top, shock absorbers, bumper, double tire carrier, ete. "Price $255. Easy terms. Phone 1986). Used Cars and Trucks--|' McLaughlin touring, 1921. Dodge § passenger touring, Columbia Light SIX, five passenger touring, 1921. Reo Light Six, § passenger, 1921. McLaughlin, § passenger touring with Rex Top. ° The above cars are all reconditioned, padnted dMd varnished. New tops and side curtains where needed. Tires and Batteries®have been replaced where re. quired. A : Chevrolet 1 Ton Truck.--The body is suitable for Passengers or freight and in Al condition, Reo 2% 'ton 'Rrucke- bulit and In first class condition. answers--the beneficial of, Section of the Whig. He - ITOwW--Or some to-morrow od fortune he is seeking. Employment -- Hetp Wanted--Femate 33 7 | Rete. Architects ARCHITECTS--Power, Son Merchants Bank Chamber Brock and Wellington. Chiropractis 28c¢. MARCELIS---Wm, A., D.C, Ph. C,, eor- ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 3nd floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone 822). Hours 9tol12am., 1to 6pm, add Drever, 8, corner of ct and supply Wost-Angus Show Car Service, +. 17 Colborne Bld., Toronta.- ------ et ------------------ YOUNG GIRL-For Mght housework. St. Engine just re- Apply to 15 Markland tisfactory Glasses fitted and oo AR have failed Goltre cured without operation. 38 3 rience. Dr. Elmer J. Lake, 3 Ba Node: Throat, Skin, 26% ot Street. Phode 301w. House 1135] CLUB BAG--FPound, small brown lea- ther, containing clothing on street car. Owner may have same at the Street Rallway Office, King Street. GLOVE Found, on Cle ey Street. Own- er may have same at hig Office. BAG--Found, containing bills, on Joh n street. Owner may have same at 15 Elm Street. AN'S SHIRT--Found, and collars, in MAND, on York Street. Owner may Ave same.at Quick's Butcher Shop 112 Clergy Strebt. HAN PEARL EAR-RING-- Found, Wednes- day. Owner apply 667 Princess St. SILK HOSE---Found, lady's, on Rideau treet. Owner may have same. by roperty at 79 John Street. § +IN THE PENITENTIARY . teen Under Sixteen Years , In Portsmouth Prison. Winnipeg. Sept.' 13.---The cost to the community of crime is empiyAsiz- od in tho report of the committes in penitentiaries, 1presented today at the Canadian . session here. 'The necessity of dras- _ tie action with a view to nullifying the tendency toward fll-doing in the very young, snd the need for im- . Proving the environment of unfor- , tunate children are among matters Treatment rather tban Punishment, the committee urges, and playgrounds for the young tather than penitentisries for the older delinquents. 5 The report states that a 'arge num- ber of these now serving sentences In Canadian penitentiaries are less than 20 years old. Last year in the Ports- mouth penitentiary there were 388 Inmates under 20; 82 were under 18, and there were 18 who were less than sixteen . years old. There are at present over 1,600 young people in Canadian industrial and reformatory committee also asserts that a large number of the younger people now In the penitentiaries have Siragdy served terms in such institu: tions or in jails. "We find offenders doing evil sini- ply because they have mever known J" the committee reports as o result of its investigations; and it In- 'Misty that by segregation and: proper the majorly of juvenile crim-: may be reclaimed and made 3 '| them attractive BOYD'S GE, Ltd 129 BROCK STREET, PHONE 201w. . m. Pomtmon t. Help Wanted--Male AN OPPORTUNITY-- Christmas LUCY--Drs. G. F. anu Jennie A., Chiro- 88 practic. Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w. Hours: 9-12 am. 1 to 6, and 6 to 7.30 Sunday and other hours by ap- ur line of per- Consultation free, A AE » a ole or spare Auto Accessories--1Tires--FParts 18 OILS--Ours are the cheapest, because they are the best. Come and let us prove it. Kastern Canada Mawmotire on Queen and Ontario Streets. Phone «Vou. f "oe sonal greeting cards. time. Samples free. We pay week- ly Our proposition, Dept. 122, Dental asd. : t Carlton Publis ing Co., Toronto, Ont. SPARKS & BPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Foliington street, corner of rock. Phone 346. APP--Dvr. A. B, Dentist. mr Street. = Phone 85zw. BOY--Good, smart, with bicycle, for all day work. Apply College Book Store, Office: 253 Open d This Page F or The Best In Merchandise And The Mo Live Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets Pomerian, black and nd female 6 weeks old n 5 and 7 pm. at 21% « 47 PUPS-- Two, white, male a Apply betwee Elgin Street. Poultry and Supplies 40 HENS AND CHICKS --Pure bred White Wyandotte, Regal Dorcas Strain. Al- #0 17 Barron hite Leghorns. Extra 800d layers. 10 Thomas Street. Merchandise Articles for Bale. 51 ANTIQUES--Walnut Chairs, - Walnut Buffets, Walnut Dinin bles. Les- Ses' Autique Shop, §07 Pr¥hcess Street. Phone 1045w. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Xenta, Feternarougn Canoes, Life / Savin Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins" FP. $1.25 each. Apply BARRELS--Oak, Princess Street. Tarlington's, 216 BRICK---Hard and soft. any quantity rT Cooke, 319° Bagot Street. Phone 436. |- A EE. Walthe ner Bireh 22d Eailingw ood Streets. Pione 618 or 13 xs BARGAINS --In Men's Pants, regular $4.50 for $1.50 and $1.76. Men's uits, Raincoats, Fall Overcoats, etc, at reasonabie prices. A. Shapiro, 45 Prin- cess Street. BOAT HOUSE AND MOTOR BOAT -- 26° x 5' 6" beam, 2 cyl 4 oye. engine, 1st class condition. D. Bryant 16 Russell St. BUREAU--Lady's stained mahogany, 3 large drawers, looking glass in good condition, $8.00. Apply Mrs. Wlison, 36 Edgehill. Phone 1085). CIGARS--Our special box bargain of last week made us many new friends and satisfled customers. Get acquaint- ed with our brands and" prices.-- Elder's. good order. Apply 25 DAVENPORT--In t. Phone 1577m. King Street Wes FUR ROBE-- Also Princess Dresser. Apnly 468 Montreal Street. Phone 454w. ; FURNITURE---Den sett, kitchen cabi. net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Thotpgon, 333 Prin- cess street, phone 1600W. MAGAZINES--Display sells our assort- ment. Our stand shows complete cover. Kasy to pick your favorite. New editions daily, Get magazine ser- USED AUTO PARTS--For Ford, Me- Laughlin "63," Maxwell, Overland # and 75 engine blocks for Chevrolet pte. Palmer Auto Salvage, corner of 'Bagot and Queen Streets. rr ---- TI ee 3 . Business Services by appointment. ' evenings by app MAN--With car or horse for delivery, Legal 2We. | Avply Nar or 216 Princess St. ' = CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers oT r-- and Soliéitors, 19 Clarence Street, | PANT MAKER--At once. Steady work. vice the "Elder way." Phone, cali or deliver.--~Elder's. MANDOLINS -- Slow trains are side- . tracked to let the flyer get by, Our Musica! instruments get the right of Way. Get our prices. Special this week: Mandolins, §10.00--Kider's. Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.! . 4 SS Business Bene DE --=====| Cyrii M. Smith. | Apply Relph Helm, Walkerville, Ont. ness IC u TVices Ultered 18 DAY AND REVELLE----Barristerg and solicitors, 68 Clarence Street, King- 8. Day, Adrian I, Reveille. Phone 208. PLUMBER irst class. Highest wa paid to competent mechanics. at our. expense. Bellevillg, Ont, SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and SBALESMEN. tor Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King steady employment selling os id and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money plete and exclusive fines of whole to loan. Phone 1989. 1 Poot fresh-dug-lo-order trees B A Osteopathy 28g. est stock and service, Jeach and equip Jou free. m Ng opportunity, . OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still gradustes.| Montreal?" ¥. Anke Drs. Robert and Edna Aashcroft, 204 King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- SALESMAN--To sell ment. graphs; must have proposition offered t ly M Bia. ™ TINSMITH--Apply Lemmon & Sons. TELEGRAPH Ea ER] |! Spportun hy lop enixcsllent Sian Navional Telegraphs, 34 Clarence ges | Phone | Howe & liagerman, ston. A. AUCTIONEER--~For courtesy and hon- . Money to loan. est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King Street. Phone 820J or 1785w. Cleaning, Dyeii¢z, Renovating 20 CARPET CLEANING-<Let ug handle yours, with our vacuum cleaner, We guarantee a good job. Furniture re- pairing of all kinds. Muller's Bleyele Works, 373 King Street. Phone 19§1w. Dressmaking--Mulinery 21 HENETIERNG Ft cone pe. ard, Per are. 1% blocks 21a © 7 Ladics' Hair Parlor. HAIR WORK--Of all kinds, made to order. Also Shampooing and Massag- ing. Children's ir eutting. Mr Charles Cunningham, §¢ Bay 8 h Kingston. and We A money-~ Brothers, Pianos and Phono- telerences; Hood O right man. - Repairing m0 nm, Mgr. C. W. Lindaty, FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. ; Sal hd ses W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296F. : UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card, W. J. Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING---And general repair ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street, SHOE REPAIRING--AIl hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; effictent ser- vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont- real ang Queen Streets. Help--Malo or Female 3% $5-- Private Christmag, Greeting card sample book, free; men and Women al- king 35 up : oo Lhnited. in, Spare Insurance 25 FIRE--Automoblle and Casualty Insur- ance. E. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street, Phone 1785M. PRICES-Call and get ours, on Cream Separators, Gas kngines, # Extension Ladders, Pumps; two good second. hand riding Plows. Frost & Wood 236 Ontario Street. PIANO -- Neweombe Uprisht, ebony case; lvory keys and full 7 1-3 octave, In: good "condition. Price $265. Easy terms arranged. C. W Lindsay, Ltd. POTATOES While car lasts, 'at $1.76 per 90 1b. bag delivered. Orders by W. B. Dunn, at Robert P office, and Welling ton. corner Barrack Phone 2175. STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer Square Quebec Stoves sad tHeatars, Economy Heady Mixed Saints and Yar. nishes. 387 Priuceas Street. Phone 339w, apposite Oranye Hall SQUARE PIANO--For sale or to rent, in good condition; price moderate. Al- 80 lady's bicycle for sale. Phone 1879m, Evenings. WOOD-Try a load of Swain's good, dry mixed wood for the cool morn- ings and Syeninga; two and four dol- lars. 140%. York Street, corner York and Division Streets. 3 UPHOLSTERING - Covered buttons made same day as ordered. Upholster- ing at reasonable pricds. E. J. Good- ridge, 244 University Avenue, Phone 2043F, Employment Help Wanted--Female 82 ~-- Experienced, b COOK GENERAL por gnosd, y September 1st. Apply Mrs. ¥. acs nee, 143 King Street, West. INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Acollent and Sickness, In reliable companies. J, B, Cooke, District Manager. FPhones: Res.: ¥43w., Office: 503w. INSURANCE~Only the most reliable com les represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office, INSURANCE--Our Health and Aocident cy will protect your salary. Fire nsurance at low rates. Fhon B Ont : Solicitors, Onnvassers, Agents 85 BS AGENT--Reliable, f unrepre- ricts. Good pay, free equip. Jar grows 's of Nursery, not Tor * Jobber You will be successful. Write: . Nursery Co.. Toronto. Fite ham nancial WOOD--Mixed, $3.25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, S300 quar. ter cord; mixed slabs, 33.25. « KH Talbot. Yard: Concession Street, near Division. Phone 3303w. WOOD AND COKE--New yard at 290 llington, corner Willlams, 2 Couper Street. ABH eansd out of 1 nd as ob done.' A. rr Mey 24 Russell eet. Phone 2265. STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean and d Wi ry. Ap EE y Nelson re 1391J .or 813. Money to Loun 40 and ated 1861. Presaont I.C.; vice-president, A. Sey issued on cf to Mra. W. H M COOK, 1 A Union Btreet. . 115 Lower COOK--- General, capable and experi- shoed, ferences Jequired; willing is wait two wee! or su applican Avsly Mrs. O. D, Skelton, 135 AJbart t. EARN---$5.00 to $26. pleasant Home wor Socks on the fast, easily Knitter. Experience unn tance immaterial; positively no ean- vassing. Particu Sc. stamp. Dept, 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto, weekly, the way making learned Auto ecessary; dis- S ORAGE_Vay Sutatturs. clean, dry, &iry rooms and sphoes; your o and key. Frost's se Strrage 299+ es. 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 989w. = Painting, a 20 A ry Taon, 155 Bagot lan tory Fall termr co Studio: 400 Brock Brees DAIL ination. exam) Pho 11415 Tia Papen first class work Call or phone A. Street. Phone 19 SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear 375 Bagot street : A GIRL--Chlefly for kitchen work. Ap- ply 181 Division Street, GIRL--Apply Mts. Forrest, 318 Barl Street. t Ber TIVES-- Can earn NNE A MA: Har public officials, regard should dollars k be had to their qualifications in pre- venting misdoing. ENTA forty of Pel Rooms With Board NS, it rr gl LS Vigiin and Plano: Pua pristred Shaan or Lai onse . od (near Johnson). Phone % al N MADD) ronal Christmas jo Board gy Wanted---To Buy OLD GOLD--8liver, or False th, for b exch ons, 4 Princess Street: Kinkeion. id Rooms For Lu Ha Wen Avenue, ness two, Also sable board Apply 183 Brock Street. + Rooms Without Board on pathy oa flat; Ply Box Hits . especially in co-{ Operation with schools, attendan reformatory institu- tions should be freed from politica! or other adverse influences. Teach- ing in the schools which willimake Real Estate For Rent Wanted--Rooms or Board 73 ROOM AND BOARD--In a private fam- ily by a middle aged lady. - Reply, Stating price, 10 Box E-11, Wirig Of- ce. Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENT--Four. rooms; all com- veniences; hot water healing. Pos Session September 1st. Apply White's Insurance Agency. E . FLAT -- Three " rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, on bath room fiat, gas for cooking, electric lights, ood locality. Apply Box 8-4 vaig ce. - FLAT--5 rooms; including sun room, &00d balcony, B. and C. separate. win rent i or i + Facing Vie- toria Park. Possession at once. Ap~ Ply 307 Alfred Street. : Bust Places For Rent 75 LODGE RQOMS--Rooms on King street ~formerly occupled by the LO.0.F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith. Farms For Reo: MacRAE FARM--Wolfe Island on shares. Apply P. O. Box 30, Island. ; Td } Wolfe Houses For Rent 77 BUNGALOW--§ rooms, furnished. Own- er would reserve two rooms. Good Proposition te right party. Raglan Road, cor. Sydenh FURNISHED HOUSE -- Seven rooms hot water heating. Rent reasonable. Apply . phone 1591m. HOUSE? rooms, hatly located. &ll conveniences, cen- Apply 155 Sydenham HOUBES--Sev $37.00 per month; Cherry Street; two apartments on Sixth Street, all im. rov i seven roomed house on th Street, all ihprovements Claris rss" Angie BS, louse on 8 Stree ply . Norman, 69 Patrick Street. HQUSE--At once, new, With large lot and barn fred. Apply J. D. Park: Phone 1102 Rd. PRINCESS STREET--§ as and electric. Apply M. Sanat Radio. Stores, Fron 104 BAGOT STREET Comfortable brick house, near City Park. Apply King & Smythe, 71.73 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont, $20.99. 106 Yletaria Street, ree piece bath, 8, furna Mullin a 3 Streets. Phone 53 © Wanted---To Rent FARM--By experienced man, farm to manage, eral to rent from $18.00 to orton on Nor . d; Eastview rooms, brick, BE. Ward, e 1207]. e, E WwW, nsan and Division w, good work on shares or auld ent with stock and imple- nts. te full particulars t Fisher, Maberly, Ont, % Jong n HOUSE--6 or 7 rooms, all conveniences, with barn. Appi. Bo Office, Ppiy. Box D-10° Whig «Real Estate For Sale. Farms and Land For Bale 83 300 ACRES--~Farm, 3 miles from Alex- Andria Bay. It is a mouney-maker, ons hought with or without tock, on ors. Declining years Ia own- Vane Aa YX. +X. 0 ¥. red Street, reason. we 3 B. Soh Airianatia 4 reet, Kingston, Ont. FRAME BUNGALOW. oom, rooms, electric lights, Darn on, ed. decorated, newl painted, heorm door, Bi ute party oY. ood 8 Proj i ibe. Fads Oered at a sace) # rooms, 2 bed- FRAME BUNGALOW rooms, all hardwood floor, electric 3 8, 4 i 20 engi] eli Mua TRUMPOUR 237 Bagot Street. Phones 704 or 15439. Tr r---- SEE---Bateman' Real vertisement, as TE conn catate ad. HOUSE--One of the best built houses ® in the shy. Large lot. Frufe and ali im Persona) 367 Job treat? 5 M, ohnson of Sharbot Lake Hou v! & Sh, Sopp an Ted aooasion. ADD! Sharbot Lake, Dui girls, and the IMMEDIATE BALE 15 fon fap. nee, phodse. including aurgory Jy by ° Ply Mra. Vrooman, apanes ap. Apply 84! am. st In Satisfaction _Real Estate For Sale, Houses For Sale 8 $3900.00--New wood floors, deep jot. and interest. $4600.00--Clergy Street, rooms, all co $5000.00--Earn rooms, 3 $4700.00--Fro fences. ater $4700.00--Alfred garden, est and princ! We alse hav. Parts of the cit Bungalow, furnace, $400 down an § rooms, hard. 3 plece bath, d $20 per month old ! Aveniences. To heck, » fireplaces, all conveniences. | ntenac Street, 7 rooms, all 1 house, B ersity Ave. 10 Street. " Reating, poss, hot all conveniences. Stre deep lot ang central, all conveniences. $600 3 ance $20 Per month on inter. . several others in ali H. B, WILSON, LEAL 316 Barrie Street. RB is FARM--8mall with buildings dress Box C-10, Phone 1088. Wantéd--Real Estate ry fruit and garden farm, wie SHosD Ae: When cannip tai original shape. fruit 1s piaced time, it is imp in of It pans that two jars £t (See Illustration on Page 14.) 8 fruits, try to re as possible of ne When too much in a kettle at one ossible to put ft al Jars at the proper time and part It 1s overcooked and broken. is better to use several smaller only enough fruft for | a time, instead of ome. n a8 much large kettle, TTT-- mei ---- DISTRICT MANAGER WANTED a TL nusinee seavie------ Tee ee ------------ Bank of and King 8 G Writin, dent, wt: pan HELP WANTED For counties of Previou nce not esse Frontenac and Insurance experi. Libera! hr avty 8. rience, ten St TORONTO, Ont. , INS W. Kent Commerce Bufidin eneral Tosuranen ts nee ploble in ckness, Plate Gla B rexepresenting only rel ur | e ble com. U OTRDE RR ee ree STORM WINDOWS MADE 70 ono | Showing som Blas ote, are building r our free terials. _s MERUHAN DISK Get our money saving price ligt of storm windows any size. f you or oor onli ask for logue of buflding ma« Co. Ltd TARO, cata he Halliday HAMILTON, mr FURN Of Au tptions 2. at Reason. / STOVES / Well repaired. at a reiht price J. Turk's PHONE 108. ARTICLES | FOR SALE Life Boats, Rowing Skifts, small Knock-about Boats, Gas+ oline Engines, Evinrude Stern Motors, small Pumping Units, Also the place to get machin. | ery repaired and oxy-acetylend welding and carbon burning. DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. - Foot of Wellington Street