The Chinese doll--somethi fe ate Hinge dol Som ng Katherine Lee of Chicago, the champion woman high-jumper The small shape won off the carried on the streets of Of the world, clears the bar at 4 ft. 10 7-8 in. at the recent face is said to be the latest Washington. : national A.A.U. meet in Chicago. for milady's fall millinery. Yvonne Gage, daaghter of { iota Viscount S------ - Princess Yoshiko, a member of the royal } Gage, is to be bridesmaid when her ou ry fo oF ha i family of Japan, which is reported to have marries Capt. Legh. She is one of Britain's J bo an a i lost heavily in the terrific - quake of Sep- ' most noted sportswomen. aor kw Cy gt : pr tember | Princess leans, y youngest diughter of . the "Annette Kellerman, known the world over as the "perfect = Queen of 'who was once upon as th e future quesn of Eng land. She is now reported engaged to King: 'Bo oF Bulgaria Ell - dn : British cavalry officers learning how to cover rough country figure' and champion diver and swimmer, kicks-off in a recent Sam, Seedy fre Ske PT TT SR LE em mh rane, Ai v Harold Osborne, said to have Paired Btn No oly ites called the. . The Conia Riilway Station: of Tokio & nsw mass of ruins as 4 result of the earthquake ih oi of South Afriss: Willem' T.. Tilden. wits. the saticndd. decis sate wthlvte ion o a in "a of the championship' for the third year in succession and Ee { : is at the ye- *