THE DA 1LY BRITISH SATURDAY, SEPTEMEER 8, 1928. _WHIG NEW BORSALINO HATS All shades NEW ENGLISH Founded IT'S AN EASY MATTER TO SOLVE BOYS' CLOTHING PROBLEM WHEN YOU COME TO US FATHERS AND MOTHERS OF BOYS we are offering this season decidedly the best values in Kingston in Boys' Suits. They are made of fabrics especially selected be- cause of their superior wearing qualities, . and tailored in a manner that insures shape retention and best all-round service, extra stitches and reinforcements where they are needed. ™ FIT BOYS 8 TO 17 YEARS %.90,'13.50 Buy extra Trousers with your Boys' Suit. BLOTTERS GIVEN AWAY LIVINGSTON'S 75-79 BROCK STREET NEW ENGLISH HATS All shades NEW BORSALINO , | 6to 10pm. 25¢. OFF 11 QUART SIZE 15c. OFF 6 QUART SIZE A BOMB WAS HALE | AT A TORONTO HOMSE Gabriette Ceci Had Baen Threatened For Not Send ing Money to Gang. -- Toronte, Sept. 8. -- A bomb, nig with some high explosives, was hur - ed against she front of Gabrielli Cect's home at 37 Henderson avenue in the front bedroom window, in which the four little Ceci children were sleeping. The children were nearly hurléd out of bed by the force of the explosion and were tors | ror stricken. They. were sleeping in | the front bedroom downstairs. The cast corner window. Across the hall in the west front bedroom slept Mr. and Mf Ceci and their sixteen- months old child. In another rgom were Emanuel Nardelli and Jge Bees cajx. The explosion shéok the neighbor- hood for a distance of saveral blocks, waking householdeps, 'who rushed out in the streets, Queenie Ceci told reporters her father had rceeived two letters since May last, demanding a thousand dol- lars because the writers of the let- ters stated their gang was in jail, and if the thousand was not forth- coming, they would do him damage. AN EXCITING INCIDENT. In The Harbor When Sailing Yacht Got Into Trouble. An exciting incident occurred in the harbor near the Wolfe Islapd ferry wharf about 4 o'clock on Fri- day afternoon when a sailing vessel got into trouble off-shore owing to the heavy seas. The occupants of the small vegsel, which was about twenty-five feet in length, included two men and a woman, the latter being greatly frigitened. The small craft was badly disabled. After hearing the cries for help, Capt. Sudds of the schooner Gran- | Ber, and two members of his crew, Joseph O'Neill and James Purtell, attempted to rescue fhe panty, but their motorboat became unmanage- able and the rescuers were blown north of the causeway. The unior- tunate members of the sailing craft crew were finally landed safely on shore through the efforts of Capt. Mitchell of the schooner Burt Barn- es. THe disabled yacht is now moored below the causeway and it Is ex- pected that she will have to undeigo repairs before she will be seaworthy again. ' Napanee's Big Fair, Napanee ir and Races, Sept. 11th, 128h, and 13th. Two races each day, wellfilled. Tuesday, Ad- dington county and Lennox play ball. Wednesday, Davis and Ath- letics, Kingston. Thursday, 'Hussars and Lennox and Addington. Big entries for the Fair are being re- ceived. Everything points to a splendid Fair. Withdrew From One Branch, Deposited It in Another S------ St. Thomas, Sept. 8.--Remarking that he was not taking any chances with his hard-earned money, a local man visited the east end branch of a bank here and drawing out all his savings, deposited them in the west end branch of the same institution. A Thief Is Traced By Letters From Girl Sm -- North Bay, Sept. 8. -- Traced by letters from a girl in Montreal, Jo- seph Demers, who is alleged to have stolen $80 from a section foreman Pat Johnson station, was arrested yes- terday at St. John, N.B. Investigating Girl's Story. ing that four men brought her from Toronto, Margaret Lamar, aged twenty years, of Orillia, is at the 'women's Fo toon home and will be kept there until the immigration authorities have Hme to Yority the girl's story. & Books for Monday. No excuse for students not having text books. CL Jour Hero". Removed at two o'clock' this morning, blowing | | bomb was placed beneath the north i Detroit, Mich., Sept. 8.--Charg-] Two Hundred Foreigners Killed at Yokohama Washington, Sept. 8, -- Two hun- dred foreigners were killed at Yoko- hama, according to the navy depart- ment's first direct word from that port received today. In two mes- sages from Admiral Anderson, com- mander in chief of the United States Aquatic fleet, 130 forelgn refugees were reported at Hakone and others were arriving at Kobe. From Rogers Tombstone North Bay;-Sept. 8. -- The words "Our Hero" on the tombstone of Leo Rogers, which aroused the ire of tha local church and other authorities, have been' removed and in their stead appears the inscription, "Our Son." Found Dead in Ditch, Stratford, Sept. 8. -- Found dead in a shallow ditch along the C.N.R. track pear Goderich, Dennis Flanna- gan, aged seventy-four years, of 110 Dufferin street, is believed to have fainted from the shock of narrowly missing being struck by a passing train, There are no bruises on his body. An inquest is being held. ww The remainse of the late Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson who passed away in Kingston on Friday, Sept. 7th., were sent to Amherst Island on Fri- day afternoon by the James Reid firm, "The funeral will be held to St. Alban's church on Sunday, with Rev. Mr. Dickson conducting the service, . Note To School Teachers. Pupils can be suppli with all P. 8. and H. 8S. text books, with the exception of Story of the Br. People. First Course in Bookkeeping and Physical Georgraphy which are not yet issued. A full supply of all oth- ers are at The College Book Store. ------------ Evident, Wife -- I wonder if there was such a person as the Foolkiller. Hub--Don't ask such nonsensical questions. How do /you suppose 1 konw? Wife (sweetly) --Of course, dear, I know you never met him. Presbyterian Church Association has been formed in* Port Arthur with Judge McKay as president. They will work in conjunction with other associations for the preservation of the church in Canada as opposed to the union movement. Armed' with revolvers, two bur- glars entered the home of Peter Hry- oruk, Oshawa. They stole a suitcase containing $25 in 'cash. The express companies of Canada, together with the American Express Company, have made application for a general increase in rates. The death occurred in Toronto of Mrs. Kate Steel, widow of R. C. Steel, formerly of the Arm of Steel, Briggs & Company, : Mayor Hylan, New York, is seri- ously ill at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. Fresh fruit daily at Weese's. DAILY MEMORANDUM. Dance" fo-mpht, G,W.V.A, hall. Gents, 50c.; Ladies, PRINTING AND OFFICE SUPPLIES HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR MARKET SQUARE MARRIED. BROWNING-~CASWELL--At St. Luke's chureh, Kingston, Sept. 5th, 1923, by Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, Jane Es- telle Caswell, on} aughter of Mrs. John Caswell, Kingston, to Albert E. Browning, second san of Frederick Browning, of Welland. DIED. TETT--At Newboro, Ont., on Sept. Tth, 1923, Harriet Ida Hopkins, beloved wife of John Poole Tett, in her|./ 72nd year, Funeral service will be held at St Mary's shuren, at. Newboro, at 2.20 p.m. Eunday, Sept. nn AME WRN ings 7th, 1923, Mary Ann an ed 86 Funzral ook place from St. Alban's Shur » Amherst Island at 2.30 to- ay. IN MEMORIAM, EVA--In loving memory of oak beloved and only son of W. and E. Eva, Who eiftered into rest Sept, 8th, 1920, son in every sense the truest, Cataraqui's vale doth le, years have passed wince thou us, "Weep ot for me," then closed thing eyes, Sleep on, dear Jacky until that day 'When God sh: pe all tears away, The meanwhile ugh this Yale. of Ty Soe Jace hat be ou, ace IN MEMORIAM. 1 --with its red leaves ahd harvesting. stepping stone from Summer to Winter. tions end--school and college begin. robe ready to meet the coming season? about your COAT? We have some of the season's most attractive styles and we invite you to coine and see them. You may pick one out and we will put it away till you are ready for it. wear department is upstairs. STYLE QUALITY It is just the Vaca- Is your ward- What Ready-to- *21.00 Natberry Coats Many attractive designs are now on display. Nicely finished--half lined. Good Colors are Blue, Green, Grey and Brown. 031.50 ality Tweed. Marvella Coats "Quite new and at- tractive -- have fancy buckles with collars and cuffs of fir. Dur- ably lined. *95 to 100.00 ility In a variety of col- ors--checked back cloths-- plain mix- tures and stylish overchecks -- half lined and have ties or belts. 20.00 to 50.00 Broadcloth als An early Fall Coat for the ma- tron. Full or half lined -- trimmed with tucks--have belts or ties -- Velour Many styles. One has Beaverine col- lar and cuffs--back trimmed with tucks and buttons. Fancy girdle and well T9500 Otherstyles upto Models that will please you--shir- red collars--trim- med with buckles and embroidery. Lining is fine a uality Flat Crepe. : 29 to Plush Coats Stylish Coats made from Black Crushed Plush -- contrasting col- lars and cuffs -- fancy girdles and are lined d nicely,