SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1028 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : : se 4 These Advertisers Are Willing To Spend Money To Tell You Their Story ¢ B . fi Whi { Business Services 1 Merchandise. | Real Estate For Rent. Real Estate For Sale. - | sm ¥ 3 i i arma | Ste a 4 The Br itish 1 ig | Bubiness Services Offered 18 | . | Articles For Sale 51 | Houses For Rent 77 Houses For Sale . 84 q 2 N, ONT. | : ! - me - ! i SING | | { re rp, 4 laf| HOUSE--To rent, detached. brick, fur-| IMMEDIATE SALE--In town of Nap- * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. | AUCTIONEER---~For courtesy and hon- | a iB RAINS Tin Bes nin reguind) nished or unfurnished, all modern, | &nee. house, including surgery of he Indexed, standardized and popular- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King, I fincoats, Fall = Overcoats, ete, at| central location. Bateman's Real Es- late Dr. Vrooman. For particulars ap- ized according to Street. Phone 820J or 1785w. | y ! Teasonabie prices. A. Shqpiro, 45 Prin-| tate, 136 Wellington Street. Ply Mrs. Vrooman, Napanee. AN + STE a = cess Street. -~ | = 3 THX BASIL i. SMITH SYSTEM ne, | 1 be | | BE Ho ; ine. Philadelphia, Fa. | __ Cleantig, byeli¢s, Renovating 20 | When you pay two cents and buy a Whig it includes | FARE Sn, TEENou dont re SDP Bon Wo3 Whiz Difiee "ctl-| SEMI ER fr hy r y A y to consider the price. ee our win-| » s ' " I" a 5 a All ads. are restricted. to their ore CLEANING---Let us handle| the A-B-C Classified Section. There is no extra charge dow display. You'll find us next door| Office. Tory modern il Svery conveniénce: 4 proper classification, and to i the | yours, with our vac nu cleaner. We t th 0 1 Col | te the radio Store. Come on | and | a fan Food on Boon Including Ja a fofular Dally Whis style of 1Ype. - | oe EN ed oy Furniture rl or these Opportunity Columns. Bet arquainted with 'smoker service. | seme T Suchen Sheer 3] fur 3 gs Of- A : CLASSIFIED RATES 4 Passing Sok ng Siro: Vode 1ubiw | Do you realize the big value you are receiving? --Jack Elder. from. bath room, all improvements 3 r line or consecitive | _ St Shc Shihan DAVENPORT~--Oak hall stand, dining| Possession immediate y. Apply 18 : : Daily rate per line pres Tuery 21 On top of al 'the news gleanings, both local and "table and other articles. Apply phorie| Quebec Street. Phone 1708w. $2900.00--New Bungalow & boom hits i o. 35 cents , - - 1 world-wide, you are getting a Separate section of oppor- 15%0J. | HOUSES Several to rent from $18.00 to| Wood floors, furnace. 's piece = bath, Minimum © YE tiarge Cash HST NO--Ficus, easing, leat. | tunity news---without extra charge, < { +$27.00 per month; Cherry Street: two deep lot. 3400 down and 330 per month Daily rates per lin + 8 | ins; Wark nioaraatsed. in ocl . "lg 3 i { DAVENPORT--In good order. Apply 25 | apartments gn Sixth Street, all im- he inteseat. s 3 duye b 4 yard, fu8 Bure Bun | The A-B-C Clagsified Section is made up of buying | King Street West: J-hone 1577. | JIoyements; oven, roomed house al hb Age con yenta sad brick, : | om . | y . i y | 3 ixth Street, a mprovements n € k 3 3 WLI, |e LE By i and selling offers which keep you informed of all the § siete be ---- aan furnace; one seven roomed house on | $5000.00--KEarl Street, solid brick, 7 PY Birth, Engagements, Marriages, Ladics' Har Varior. 24a worth-while 'opportunities of this locality. " It is as dif- | DINING . ROOM SUITE--Solld oak § Charles Street Apri H. ¥. Norman, $4700.00 Frontenac Stree} uences. = . x : i > Dy 2 ; " ia 260; cash, $L00. d Memoriam | HAIR WORK--OT aliVkinde moe oo ficult to estimate the value of this section to you as it is Piece I ad yi nuitivn. Gan Je) $3 Patrick Street conveniences. oe 2 : Lard ox Foanky wry casn, ¥1.00 order. Also Shampooing and Massag- | to estimate the value of success. | A-s, Whig Ultice. HOUSE--At ounce, new, seven rooms, $i300.00--Smatl house, Bagot Street. - Notices--ihaiged, $1.50; ing. Children's nar cutting. Mrs. | | With laige lot and barn on North Al-| ¥ tor hop niversity Ave. 10 rooms, hot rR ER for irregular Charles Cunningham, 56 ay Street, | Read and profit from these little ads every dayl | FURNITURE--Den sett. kitchen Saji. fred. Apply Fiore Eastview $1700.00 4 in8, all Sonv Blences. and ¥ - . . I n d buvKkcases, vvesan . . 4 reions takes the one-time luser Kingston | | net, Dultet an a RGus. oy enand | ®arden, central, all conveniences. $609 wn gate; no aq, taken for lese'tnan insurance = 23 * le i eos Siren ll ok Thompsen, N Retved ak furnished. | rooms, Iwo est ahd prnciial ber month on inters : t the eee get. | Y . J - fe: p owner. rage. - 4 ! 2 fount six averayy words to FIRE=--Automobiie and Casualty Insur- » THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS FIPES--The reason you can buy'a Iord| sion Immediately. Apply Rrie® 4 pom | a oe Sts several others in all § Charged sds. will be received by | FIRE--Auton Crumiey, 420 Ear] Street, ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE Rikon 80 many or Tncscause Henry | 108 Victoria Street. near Kari. H. B. WILSON, REALTOR 2 an t The brite 'no iSiM ' ¢ fuakes 80 many of hem. 1gats tne Ren = en - : . , 2 EOS A aid ar be rox | Fnone 17 ---- | /\ ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY Ah SRGK 1X tie yive ale iv un uf | PRINCESS STREETS rooms. Srick. | 318 Barely" Street, Phone' 1098, i liom, cash rate INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and! Jack Elder's. b of ~ i; oS She fra: day or nsert Siolneas, in Fellatie companies. J. B.| ¥ ek ge - romp Canada Radio Stores. Phone 1207J. For Sale ro % one day -ooke, lnstrict Manager. Phones: *RICES--Call and get ours, on, C | i -- ats . 3 ~ ered a wiil | Ron: swe Ollie: seny ; | Separators, Gas Engines, Extension | 47 DIVISION STREET To let, § rooms. 3 and stoppe ed Ior the number of - | Lauders, rumps; (wo good secund-| 35 Sixth Street, for sale, 7 rooms. All| LOT--Desirable corner building lot, ia 5 BE only be charged Io adjue'- | INSURANCE--Orly the most relanie! . | hand viding Lows. Frost & Weood| Conventenmes Lhean. APPlY Jos.| ood residential section any paved : times the ad. appeared and JN ] + | ; Donaldson, 35 Sixth Street," street, 562 Albert St 23 Ment made 6t the Att Sarned. i companies Leptessited. Strange &| | 238 Untario Street Donaldson, x re ns at best pifer en § en Whe Se sol , Hale per line for While space is | sir. i ustabisnnd in 1580. Uitice: 93 | FIANG--Mason & Risch, 1 pertect or-| 104 BAGOT STREET -- Comfortable | Scant ot BOX C-2, Whig Of ee a en Sh vurtising: | Clarence stheel, coposite Feat ORive. | Employment Employment | Ger, Bt a UArgMIN. Appi; ses Clergy | brick house, near City Park. Apply Wanted--Real Estate 89 Re eT y y NSURANCE--Our Health and Accident mm RE F. le oa om Se 0 eS ee | dlreet, 'or pnone 13434. i Hine & smyth; 1-73 Clarence Street, erie meen cs sa ; | i il protect 'your salary. firel el anted--Fe : Solicitors, Cany ts | . OUSE -- @ blishers reserve the Hight to edit | poliey Will protect 'Your aulaiy Pp y Msserss Agents 30 | POOL TABLE--4x8, In first class condi. | HOUSE -- Or Semi-Bungalow, six or insurance at low rates. Phone E.| t. d aavertising 8g reject. all, classinle Williams, 3 Couper Stre | eftinone 343, ask for a want ad. T. § H 9 S seven rogms; in good locality. No : OOK GENERAL -- Exporienced, by | AGENTS you want a 00d, steady| tion. Apply E. I. Martin's Cigar | $15.00--139 Pine Street. 8 rooms, two! agents. Write 0 Box P-§, W Tr a ro Apply Mrs. F. H. Mac-| line showing 'a profit ot $50 weekly | Store, iy krincess Street. Phone 3d. Plope bath, gas. E. W. Mullin & Son, | ee 0 Box P-5, Whig Office. ac ora > treet, West. { up, write for IMeratur SE olinson and Division Streets. Phone N A Moving, Trucking, Storage iy nee, 143 King Stre Ber Specialties. Seoads detect' 0% | Frame -- Newcombe Upright ebony Biow. | BRNINESS sCRVICK 4 fC seli S. MIg. Co., Dept. 4, London, Ont. | case, ivory keys and fuli 7 i-3 octave; Teas a RT es t------ 3 Announcement ASHES Tesaned Ph ASS ars and COOK --General. Apply in the evening | a P - in good condition. Price $26 Iasy | Summer Places For Rent 80] WwW. Ken M ¢ Personals. 9®| 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. to Mrs. Du Moulin, 28 Sydenham St. [a travel ry telilgent han or woman | ters arranged. C. W. Lindsay, Ltd. | BUNGALOW. Furnished = x . t acnee 3 p appoint agents. Year] - - ~--Furnls. + AL once; a 4-| | Bank of mm . : 5, | STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean | Sontract, guaranteeing $1092 and ex. | PIPES--If we didn't advertise the 25c.| roomed house; also.a § and 1 roomed | | and King Stress Phone af, Brock MATRIMONY -- Farmer's widow, 35, and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 144! COOK General, family of three, no| penses, ($21 weekly average); com-.| Fipes we are selling we would have to| house, for August 1st. Apply J. D. General Insurance enay. 0 Worth $60,000, will marry, N-.Box 35, Nelson street. hone 1391J .or 618. laundry, highest wages, middle-aged| mission ealdes. Winston Co, Dept.| &et 31.00 for them. The turnover gets Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R 4.| | writin i=--Automobi 'Ace. - League, Toledo, Oho. woman preferred. Apply Mrs. W. F.| W.U. Toronto. our profit. You mignt as well get in a dent, Sickness, Plate gi Duress 7a NY Wealthy, pretty affec- STORAGE--For furniture, clean, ary, Casey, 213 Ring Strat, Sones Earl. SALES AGENT_RenL Toa on tnis sale.~Jack Elder. Real Estate For Sale. sic. Representing only re ble com 5 MATRIMONY-- Wealthy, > airy rooms and spaces; your own loc Phone 1345 for appointment. --HRellable, for unrepre- w------ - ---- 2 panies. _ tionate girl, would marry. Write, en- ana key. Frost's City Storage, 299- sented districts. Good pay, free equip. | SPOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer TE Er ; losing shyslepe. Loria Dawn, Boul | 30; oon BE Phone i iE: 989w. | COOK-- General, capable and experl-| jent. se are the largest §rowers of | Square yJuspee woven and Heaters, Business Property 82 Er -- © Euclia, Ohio. A= p= en | enced, references required; willing to| Tr ornamental trees in Canada. conomy Heady e ain - T MERCHANDISE d , PP ring, Decorati p 'alt two weeks for suitable applicant.| Sell for & Nursery, not for a jobber. Dishes. 337 Priucess Street. Phone a or. . ---- MATRIMONIAL -- Hundreds ~ seaking | Fainting, Fapering, aug 2v i De de Sy Skelton, 135 Albert| You will be succeastul. Write: Sendar. $$¥W., opposite Urkuxe Hall. CONFECTIONERY STORE '-- 1cg EIB 11.53 ere wnaiode stim). | Tf Chae wort, Decorating Street. [ure OOS, ee | SQUARE PIANO--For sale or to rent,| CREAM PARLOR, TOBACCO AND RNITURE » . - | st ¢ © , T . : | > A ols. 1 QC 4 NIN OOM GIRL--And one dish] Situations Wan 3 dn good condition; price moderate. Ale] ry at ry ~ > ia Seg, lun 1 | Steet! mane Toes dereen, 155 bagot DINING, ROOM wages and steady em- | ted--Kkemate 30 | 89_iady's bicycle 1or sale. Phoue| CIGARETTES, FIRST CLASS. BU SI-| | Of All Descriptions at Reason. SEIN BLEMISHES Takin Comoarn | ee 88 ployment. | APPLY Hotel Alexandria, | Lhe Ppsition sa general in ASTom, uvenings. | NESS. LARGE STOCK. ALL NEW) able Frices ha hy | ' . s Po. of xX <8, hi , a ; > Boars Tis, ie, refioved peranent| gy poynaiNG..d. S. Robinson, rear | Oftice. y "#1 WOOD--Mixed, $3.55 quarter Shed lune. | FIXTURES AND ON A BUSY STREET, Well repaired. at a rgint aria. ly. Satisfactory Glasses Hild and 276 Bagot street. EARN--$5.00 to $25.00 weekly, he ---------- ae |. 20 secind nand lumber, matched Juhi. | iT, d arer others have e 5 e Work wa makin >\ rant Male 35 ber, cedar posts; sot slabs, $2.00 quar. | es EA KN . Sh ¥ Gory cure itagut, al == TS Blehagat Home aly Drie ne Situations Wan Male 37 | i mixed slabs, 3.20. W. H LONG LEASE, GOOD REASON FOR | k' v v ce. Dr. Kaner J. 8, | . . e » rs TT, - Talbot. Yard: Concession slreet, near > fa > a, ; Eye. Kar, we, Tara, a 11457 | fh Shits | Tibor Tues anesessary hoot I aad sition as Janitor wanted | Division. Phone 2sviw. SELLING." APPLY 1464 DANFORTH} . ur S . t. Foone 30iw. House 113 . para 5 Part ars jc. stamp. Dept.| PY married man, who is employed ure VE. r A ot SLE rN a | Aer nante Bans. cheaaon and Drever, Eo Bruel anion. PL Ing day, services given in return for WOOD AND COKE--New yara at 290 AVE. TORONTO, ONT. . LHONE 705. x Lost and round 10 | jletchunts Well oy era, Corn | tree living accommodation. Apply Box| Wellington, corner Ordnance. dry | 2 i: Brock and 'Wellington. i LADY REPRESENTATIVES-- Can earn| No. Y-, Whig Office HiXed curdwoud, sawed, gpl una usd FOR SALE OR TO RENT--First class > --] iP car; on Montreal | of - from ten to forty dollars weekly | ivere bh 32.00; 1-8 cord, uu measure. Sush and Db, i ! CRANK a Rd ar Junction. Ap-| Chiropractis 28c. with our line of Personal (Christmas | Financial 1ard youl Poxs am oa) Jas works, mill, with Hydro Bieettio icy &ianing - Hid 1 2 b hf ree, SS ee . v ., 3 4 2. Sh Ply to 775 Montreal Street. MARCELIS--Wm., A, D.C, Ph. C., cor-| Greeting Cards. Samples free ln 31.00. Load Clinkers svc. W. C. ru. | Lr#l located in town or Picton; spien- oh 2 Princess and barrie Streets. 2na| Pay weekly, Write for par Money to Loan 40 | Pho I | Sui .cuence fur rignt man. The oniy| | . ; CLUB BAG--Found, small brown lea- Pe ets 'St. entrance. Kingston,| VeDt. 122 Carlton Publishing Company, ---- ton. one i149, =--| S8sh and Door factory fn Prince Ea vi ther, containing clothing on street car. ont' Consultation free. Telephone Taronto, Ont. FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Wanted--10 Bu Apply 'todly. Kune the year round. T To a Owner may Nave same at the Street $323; -Hours 9 to 12 am, 1 to 6 p.m. LADIES--To do plain and light sewing Society, incorporated 1861. agent. y Pony to Sirnes. Allen's Sash & Door Fi a 3 y re, . i A we K.C.3 g~ - tory, cton, 3 . Hallway uh ce 8 at home, whole or spare tine good 3 cantackle, K. Stoney taeadent. A OLD GOLD--S8ilver, or False Teeth. fur Fronrdtor on, Ont. Geo. W. Allen, ta sund Bar- | LUCY--Drs. G. Pana Jennie A., Chiro- pay, work sent any distance. charges and farm properties; municipal and | Sham a ngs. GO re Lyons, | = = i : NG nday, ars Sheciall pein . Se stamp for p c 3 - : : a Princ stree . . { Tie Sirecr Terophons sopway. on Ratn: 130 Dart eald Hegistored| J0IL, Sond stamp for pur Mongreal. | Chaney; feventures; bands for sale ds. | Series KIAESOL. =| Te And Land For Sale 83 Life Boats, Rowing Skiffs, 3 a D.}5 3 5 7.30 " its received and Int : FARM y CR eT Hours: 4-13 a.m, 1 105, and & i 530 MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN---Reliable, tor | Fol trent hd interest Slowed. | Sm _Rooms For Rent isn] LARA J99 acres in: township of Old- small Knock-about Boats, Gas- FRDUNTAIN EN yaund, in Lake « by| pointment. Consultation free Sham er work. Apply ronte ¢|_btreet. Kingston. Rooms With Board 67 | Rare astute, wood, 8ood Sugar oline Engines, Evinrude Stern i ] a sepa J | . 3 oulars apply omy Wiis Ofies and proving Dental 88d. | MAKE MONEY AT HOME 315 to 360 Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 | BOARD AND ROOMS Firs class, by| Mary Stone, Mountain Grove ine] | Motors, smal Pumping Units. - - > weekly f spare time writ- 3 day or week. All conveniences. ea- ------ f he ; SPARKS & SPARKS -- Denies 180 a RL No canvassing. PEARL A NESBIT LTC. Srean:| gonable rates Apply '308° University | 2 ACRIES--On middle road, half way| | Also the place to get machin. EL--¥Fo Owner ap-| Wellington sirees, corner o roc We instruct and supply you with work. an Tr Jirector, Queen St. Me- venue, near Br ol fl and Gananoque, 4 . ; INDIAN Niles EW cb. King St. Pp Phone gto West-Angcs ae Service, 17| thodist Church. Teacher of Singing, Frame house, 1) rooms, wood sned, ery repaired and oxy-acetylene drive shed; barn in geod : Some fruit 'trees. Apply Geer Ho | | welding and carbon burning. Piano and Organ. Pupils prepared fo ROOMS -- Furnished, large bedroom, KNAPP--Dy, A, E., Dentist. Office: 2 Colborne Bid, Toronto. Toronto Cunservatory examination comfortably furnished, suitable for Princess Street. Phone $53w. Open | MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN--- As house-! Fall term commences Sept. 4ith.| two. Also table board. Apply 193 un, KR. 1, Kingston, : d, small. Owner may have| evenings by appuintment. kegper on farm, family "of three,| Studio: 400 Brock Street Phone 1147J.| Brock Street. Phone $sm. | -- = a at jVnig Oise. Q Ee grown-up. Must be good cook. Ap- ee RE | 33 ACRES--Farm, 3 miles from Alex. DAVIS DRY DOCK CO. : 4 a Legal 2Be.| ply D. B. Johnston, RY, Lansdowne. DAISY JOHNSON--A. T. C. M., teacher Rooms Without Board 68 Andria Bay. It is a money-maker. Can . : of Violin and Piano. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examina- WOMAN--Séveral days for cleaning| tions. Studio: 307 Collingwood St., _| be bought Mith or without stock, on ROOMS--Three first class, partly fur.| ©88y terms. Declining years is own Foot of Wellington Streat 3 nished, for guitable couple, in good lo- | or ana>on for selling. Apply Charley 2 § ; CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barris KEY---Found, on King Street. Owner and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Str | may have same at Whig Office. Eingaton * A B. Cunningham, K.C.!| and packing. Tel. 2231. (near Johnson). Phone 2339w. | cality. Phone 1753J. { CB MCN amen aria, buy. N.Y. or 8 4 Cyril M. th. - - a aki Se teins - 2 3 re Street, er ---- 5 KORRINNE A. MADDEN---Teacher of A | Kingston, Unt, Ee a 5 DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and Help Wanted--Male 83| Diane: pupils prepared for Toronto Rooms For Housekeeping OY fe a ROOMS FOR RENT® 3 PEARL EAR-RING'- Found, Wednes- soliglitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- Conservatory examinations. Studio: { wag i Houses For Sale 84 - | day. Owner apply 567 Princess St° ston. A. NB. Day, Adrian I. Revelle. AN OPPORTUNITY-- From now until] 00 Earl Street. Phone 1338 | ROOMS--3 unfurnished, for light houses. Lo - - 3 ' loan. Phone 205. . | keeping. No children. Apply 92 Gore TT ------ FOR HOME COMFORT AND Money to loan Christmas to earn from ten to fifty Street , ; NG CONVENIENCE % . - dollars weekly with our line of per-| MISS HELEN Pp, Be ass. en | FRAME BUNGALOW --4 rooms, 3 x wtiiad k . SHEA--Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and sonal greeting cards. "Whole op sbare EE TREN A IERSON-. Assoc, of | x rooms. eleetric-ights, bath room, ail ay 4 PT BOOK---Rent, féund. Owner 1 "Oftice, c . W ' ¢ usic, London, Eng- | rh h . well | 4 RIE sama at 191 Raging Rona Solicitor, Jax Dltice. sorner of King| time. samples free. We pay week-| land, Teacher of Plano and Theory of | Real Estate For Rent Horred, newly: bainted, screen ana | | 66 La oh ] and Brock, over Roy Money| ly. - Get ouf proposition. Dept. 122.1 music. Pupils prepared for 'Toronts | === SETAE == | 'rivets driveway, good | ; a 4 - to loan. Phone 1999. Carlton Publishing Co., Toronto, Ont. Conservatory examinations, also for Apartments and ¥ s i on Sacrinoe iy sbroverty 1a ORered | 3 v: Vv WATCH~F d, gentleman's, - class recitals. . 19} Livingston Ave. ps rms. FURNISHED ROOMS 5 oL Tucsder. Sept ne Cwner Moy: Usteopathy 28g. | CORE MAKER--For brass foundry, on| Prose 12525. APARTMENT-_Furnished, of 3 rooms. | py uy BUNG ' MRS. D. J. FITZGIBRON 3 have by appiyi to 97 Living- small work. Apply, stating experi- Te. | "suitable tor Hght housekeeping for] ALE NGALOW---5 rooms, 2 bed-| | Phone 201m. 187 BROCK STREET Eton Avenue' Ying te 37 Living: |e T. Still graduates.| ence and wages, Canadian General married touple Without children 236) Jeoms: all WaraWuod foe 5, bed: EE anaonue. hue. 1670w. Rin. Nobert and Edna Ashcroft, 204. Electric Company, Limited. Petrenrn OLIVE M. WOODMAN -- Teacher of] Barrie Streer > | A ma Meee bath, splendid" ceftur all Automoblies King Street. Phone 447 for appoint-| Ont. singing and theory. Studio 185 Earl ---- A viess repair. price $3,000. | rh ment. 5 EMER Street. Phone 85im. Fall term be. | APART NT--Three rooms, 3 piece] . | MOTELS > - ys oe gins Sept. v ath, heated. per month. Apply Hn ras' en FIREMEN AND BRAKEME Begin. ins Sept. 10th bath, heated. $35 h Pp NM Automobiles for Sale. . 11 Repairing 20 pers, Jh0-Ji6e wal, Swhich oot | eres see | phone 2116w. + Be TRUMPOUK X on rite a way, 0X De, 3 --_--_--SE re Poa ah. Ii NG--$85.00, in good con-| FURNITURE FINISHING --Of ail ninas| Office. . Live Stock APARTMENT---Four rooms; all con. | 337 Bagot Street. ye Must be sold within two days. Call and see W. Driscoll, 3 hal | EEE otltry and B----=r==z | "veniences; hot Water heating. Pos- h » . Apply Blue Garage Ltd., curner Bagot street. Phome 296K 54 Poultry and Supplies: 49 | session September 1st Apply White's Phones 704 or 1842p. ; ueen Streets. § Roar. : PANT MAKER At once. Steady work. Inpurance Agency. ee ei a cview UPHOLSTERING--New or used tusal-| APPly Ralph Helm, Walkerville, Ont. COCKERELS--Barred Rock, and Pul. MLAUGHLIN--35, recently overhauled | ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a #3 is 5 eat clasg funning a. Ap-| ecard. Ww. J be arage » Corner agot E 2nd Queen Street. 2 lets, also thirteen yearling hens, § SEE--Bateman's large Real . - Gavine, 316 Bagot Street. E cheap. Apply 297 Johnson Street. FLAT -- Three rooms, furnished | vertisement, Estate ag. ty Naicalendar and advertising vid = , for light housekeeping, on bath room | ment, page % Goluma 3. ouse < lly salesmen. Big money made | UPHOLSTERING--ANd general repair-| Pecia Merchand 'fiat, gas for cooking, electric lights, | ing." Leave orders at or drop a 'card ne pocket sample. Write For fards. Ise good locality. Apply Box 8-4, Whig | HOUSE--One of the best built hoy o Coiner Queen and Ontario Sta |. . sto ¥. W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. nation of this big seller. Dept. 122, Arties Tor Ba m-- Office. 5 Ah the city. Large Jot. Fruit ang ai] | UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, $ : : . ~ . po . Mnproyements. appl Ly SHOE REPAIRING--All hand work.| C8rlton Publishing Company, -Toron 8 Strec Pl bersonally, 4: First-class rooms and meals. Used Cars and Trucks-- Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser.| 0: Ont. FLAT---§ rooms. Including sun room, _3°! Johnson Street. vice. Adolf Kaminski, corner Mont. ALES Walnut C g Tables nut good balcony, B. and C. Separate. Wili| . Guua yards and 'stables. McLaughlin touring, 1931. real and Queen Streets. SMART BOY--Withi wheel. Apply to| Ses' Antique Shop, 507 Saas Street. toria Park. Posse of SCing Yi HOUSE--Stx rooms. bath ana totlet, Spucial rates to Marine Men. Dodge § passenger touring. SHOEMAKER -- James Modney, 353| 'the College Book Store. Phone 104sw. 0 Ply 307 Alfred Street. ment dosnt, te. $2300. Small pay- P. M. 'DRISCOLL, : & King Street, T. Hiss formerly of 246 Sed on consider org -- tousiumbia Light Six, five passenger Mos Street. In chaoay A as ASHES -- And Heavy Clinkers : Sedan or Coupe a&s part payment roprietg touring, . of work. Rubber Heels put on whilel SALESMAN AND COLLECTOR--Apply Especially 'suited for road work. Business Places For Rent 75 Mone 15341. -- * Reo Light Six. 5 passenger, 1921. you wait. Workmanship guaran | J. Hendry, 225 Princess Street, after 7| To be i for drawing. Apply Te Phone 1579. p.m. to Angrove's Foundry, a Melaughiin, § passenger touring with . Queen Streets. LODGE ROOMS--Rooms on R158 street Rex Top. UPHOLSTERING -- Covered buttons| SALESMEN--We pay weekly and offer --~formerly occupied by the 1.0.0.F, ( i st loyment selling our com-| A ~- Tent: Apply to Cunmingham & Smith, The above cars are all aw itioned, {nade same day as ordered. Up. later. plete YD aire Hor of Whore VNINGS Canoes Lares Jenta > 3 ing at reasonable prices. i J. Gurihins whnned, Ne Tires and rides 24 University Avenue. Phone| [$OL f aug -to-order series 3 Sushions, pase, Sapa as FW Houses For Rent 7 : Siteries have been replaced where re-| 043K. te ou free. A' money- - BRICK BUNGALOW---Five rooms. fur. ach and equ - : . making opportan ty. Luke Brothers, BRICK--Hard and Soft, any quantity. | nace, electric and gus, and all con- Chevrolet op Ton Truck.--The bodi| EVERY individial has something | Montreal h .- A E. E. Walthem, rner Yeniences Cebtrally located. Apply a fonable Tor Daas BOIS or freight] pn, goesn't want and wants something = Help--Male of Fenske 51 £28 Colingwood: Prone 618 or! 153 AlMred Street oi he doesn't have. The classified ads|- FURNISHED HOUSE --- Seven rooms Eo 3% ton Truck--En, BABY CARRIA joker, re-! hot . Ren X ntl 08, Truck. Engine Just Te-| straighten out difficulties. -< SOLOIST For First gChurch of Christ. veraible RRL oe am, Wicker, re. AAT henung. ent reasonable ; a COUNT that day lost whose Jow| fetter on gp Macrae, Clerk, Sb Ione" gondition: also students' 'table, mary. : : orders received throughout BOYD S GARAGE, Ltd Sescending sun sees you neglecting| son Street, Kingston. Alfred Bose: reasonable. Apply il¢ HOUS ished, § rooms, ail mod. season. ; : 11 BROCK TREET, te TE Coo. $5 Private Christmas Greet! rd car The he Srobat haperainy hud : . TY ie ¥ : . ENE tain sen he) RE TT HE SOUS" cy smn pees help Sot ac omer =| James Swift & Co, Limited i . TELEPHONE TO-MORROW'S classle| 1ima' } : hs he! ; . 1 a com] fi Sere RE wu i EEE REIS Fe ce Ph Fast of Jabinson Stren -------------- OE --------