/ ' 1 = THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1928, : : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS A "QUITTER" WHO "CAME BACK' The International Sunday School Lesson For September 9th Is, "John Mark."--Acts 12 :12, 28, 13:5; 15:36-40; Il. Timothy 4:11. By WILLIAM T. ELLIS. | Wandering to and fro, in and about deny Thee." Mark's ardor and wyalty} Jerusalem, I find myself keeping com-| outlasted that of Peter, for at the ar-» pany with many old friends of the{rest of Jesus, he remained true when, Bible. I begrudge the time I am ob-|the apostles had run away. But when liged to give to my work upon politi- | the officers laid hands on him--when cal conditions in Palestine; for the|the real test came--then his courage Scripture characters are more com-| collapsed and he fled, naked, into the panionable than some of the flesh-and-) friendly dark. He missed the supreme blood folk 1 am called upon to inter-| opportunity to be a comrade of the ar- view. Most of the so-called *"sacred;rested Christ, and perhaps also a com. places," or "holy sites" or shrines of{ panion on the Cross. What a price to Jerusalem do not attract me at all; on | pay for lack of a little courage! Today the contrary. Thus, I have declined{the nameless young man (all the ages even to go into the reputed home of | would have rung with his name had John Mark, the house of the Upper | he stuck out to the end) is of the com- Room, where the Last Supper was) pany, of Peter and Nicodemus and the held, according to tradition. 1 prefer! band who failed Christ in the ultimate the spiritual and historftal reality to] crisis. the disillusioning attempts to pander to superstition by material relics. One may play hide-and-seek over a great deal of geography with this elu- sive young man, John Mark; whom] '® If : i we first Hh as the son of his mo-|BiNnNings. and his failure in the emer- ther, Mary; then as an attendant upon! 8®8cy. Perhaps he was of tht over- the first missionaries, Paul and Barna | ¢ducated, over-refined, over-sensitive "|bas; then as a "quitter," who turned |!YP¢ that sometimes is préduced by, back from the hardships ofthe tour: | robavly hie of case and indulgence then as a cause of dissension and se-{ Frobably his family was rich; it was paration between those two great pio-| his mother's house that the Chris- neers, Paul and Barnabas; then he|tiads gathered with Jesus; and it was passes into obscurity as a companion thither, after the resurrection, that to Barnabas; and emerges as a profit- Peter naturally repaired when released : ; . from prison. Legend says it was able companion of Paul in Rome; ang ir a: oo : finally takes his place in the world's | Mark's. family that provided the ass small gallery of immortals as the au-| 7 Which Jesus rode in the triumphal thor of the earliest and shortest Bio-| entry; and that he Sarden of Geth- ~ .| samane was part of the family proper- inn I the Gospel Accord ty. All that money and devotion could do for the young man Mark had been' done. He evidently had fine sensibili- ties and the loftiest purposes. But in action he qualified; his exquisite: ner- vous organization shrank from physi- cal hardship and danger. The young man was really not a coward; simply he was over-engined in his nervous system. Before we speak contemptuously of Mark as a "quitter" let us consider the exquisite 2 SR 70 sete the Colle i Question ~ Always ask for CHASE & SANBORN'S 3 N a. D J ZN gud a]gaa a OBTAINABLE ANYWHERE IN CANADA "Sold aly in 3, 1 and 218. tins. 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Compare it with Your bed es ll Eng our bed must support your i mattresses, body evenl nform to it--in- Springs and beds. cover a vite ~put no strain on 'wide range of les at Pics to fit any member. In such deep, rest- G7 1210) Lo White Fabel met. ful sleep, you store reserve power tresses cost less: but each offers for the needs of the longest day. exceptional value at its price. Look for the Simmons Label. Beware of imitations Write for your copy of "Restful Bedrooms" to Simmons Limited, Montreal, Quebec rR ------ "A Soft Son of Fortune" One delights to muse upon Mark; to find a reason for his zeal in the be- Mysterious Man at the Arrest. Imagination toys with the figure of Mark, over on the Mount of Olives; for probably 'he was that mysterious young man, of whom we have a record only in Mark's own Gospel, who stay- ed by Jesus in Gethsemane after the apostles had fled, and himself escaped arrest only by leaving his clothes in the hands OF The police: wails be fied seli-torture that he must have inflicted The biographer's modesty probably | "POR his own spirit, in. contemplation kept him from = mentioning his own of his defaults in deeds of decision. name in his book; and the family of And, in the end, his soul mastered his Mark was_ so closely affiliated with]Pody and his nerves, rary Jesus that it is entirely probable that| 1 modern slang, Mark was "soft the ardent, venturesome youth would |i the muscles of his spirit. He had not mastered the truth that it is a worse follow the little company as it left his : . mother's home, after partaking of the fate to be afraid than really Jo be dead. Last Supper. As 1 have travelled during recent months in Bible lands, over the roads tainly, th ic inci i + ea Yee. Sampuc incident as where robberies and murders have not : been uncommon of late, I have mar. of Mark as we know it. He was moved | ay . by moble impulses, which failed him in| Ylied 10 find how big danger bulks in a test. His story suggests Joseph Con- rad's "Lord Jim". Something of the tragedy that must have pervaded the house of the Last Supper evidently possessed the young man Mark; and he went with the heavy-hearted little 3 band that followed Jesus out of the - . we city gate and across the brook to the Western wood pewee ate the| Reading furnishes the mind only |dark gray groove of olive trees. High "warmest blooded of our birds, the| with the materials of knowledge--it [heroism swelled in his breast, echoing average temperature of both sexes of | is thinking that makes what we read | the resolute sentiments which perhaps : species belag 110.3 d . he had heard Peter utter that might: hi grens, um "If 1 mast die with Thee, I will not Clothes a Good Color To have Clothes perfectly clean- sed and good color, the Soaps must remove all the visible and invisible impurities. SURPRISE will do this thoroughly. 103 many persons' thinking. If this is a sign of the times, them we must be- ware; since there is no future for a Hi 5 yr 1 EN timid man or a timid race. Only 2 per- Pour" AY ARN J son of ignoble mind would ever quote, ©N hd oR} Fas "Better be a tive dog than a dead lion." . /y i That is a dog's creed. Neither God nor XA man may expect anything from a com- LY ru. » 7s oy ard. a We Handle Only Simmons Beds, Springs and Mattresses, JAMES REID PHONE 147 FOR SERVICE. Great Britain recently Sled a dam- When The Saints Quarrelled. It may not be edifying, even though it is rather encouraging to our mortal frailty, to behold the pioneer missign- aries of Christianity quarrelling dnd parting to go separate ways, all over 2 young man who had failed them on their joint adventure. When Paul and | ~~ Those who sttain aay "Everytime -- for the wash after the shave, it soothes the skin." TU the family use it Barnabas were about to start out on their second circuit, Barnabas wanted to take along Mark (who possibly was @ relative; and certainly a highly-con- nected aad influential youth,) ay sturdy old Paul, with his keen sense o honor and justice, refused to agree, because Mark had "fallen down" on the previous trip. Confronted by . the hardships and perils of Pamphylia, Mark had forsaken his friends and lea- ders and turned back. He had forfeited the right to be trusted. Wise, stern old Paul was correct, but Barnabas was compassionate. So the quarrel ended by Barnabas taking Mark off to Cyprus--and that is the last we hear of Barnabas. Paul had to get along without an attendant; there was no sophisticated young city man, like Mark, with a knowledge of the world's ways, to look out for lodgings and buy food and arrange transporta- ; | guages, the Gospel that he was unable I a Mark had foun imself, he i a place with Paul; so that from ili if ir i Thi 8 £ it £8 world's one hope for great works in every department of life. Without such soul-sensitiveness as made Mark at first a shrinking, to master his in turn, caused him weaknesés and prove himseli worthy| What he wishes to be worth, to fellowship with the hero-prisoner, Paul, we should not have had the Sec- ond Gospel. The imagination that made him cower before possible suf- fering, also enabled him to portray in living phrases, that march like an army on the move, the life of Jesus Christ. An indifferent traveller, he was a great writer. The fears and nerves that once ruled Mark, he finally whipped into sub- mission, so that by self-mastery he be- came a master mind among men. Mark, the gentle and weak man made new and strong, and brave by the pow- er of Christ, is today speaking to countless millions in hundreds of lan- to carry in person through the first missionary tour. Less Wages, But Easier Job A young philosopher was employ- ed in one of the stores at a salary of $6.50 per week. Hg told his employer one morning that he was going to leave, having. found a bet ter place. . "A better place?" echoed his em- ployer. "What wages are you to get?" ; "Six dollars a week." "But that is met as much as yon get here." % "No," said the boy, "birt them it's f £ ji nervous organism, {at Maaila during the fleeing from physical pain, and then, | American war. age cleim against the United States commonly spend life in one J because Dewey cut an English cable | for excellence is not often Spanish-{ upon easier terms. Many seem Lo pass on from in this world a man is only worth! to decreptitude without any tion on the end of life.