Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1923, p. 7

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Rr Guild ........... Editor and - As Managing-Director TELEPHONE Private maine Jemmering si SUBSCRIPTION RATES: (Dally kKditiom) year, by mzil to rural offices $2.50 year, to United States .......$3.00 : (Bemi-Weekly Edition) 5 Fear, mail, cash . 00 3 | Year, mot paid in advance $1.50 year, to United States .....,.$1.5% "OF -TOWN REPRESENTATIVES: ¥ §t. Joka St, Montreal Calder, 32 W. Thompson 100 King St. W, 0 Toro: to the Editor pal over ae actual 2 printing oftices tn of the The circulation of THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the ABO Audit Bareau of Clrculations are published mame of the best job ' It ds never blue Momday for the undertakers, Well, how much dayiight did you pave this summer? A hick, town is a place where a fire is considered an entertainment, Hint to wives: About the only sure way to keép a husband in is to keep him in bad, § pe-------------- This mad and heartless striving - 'after money Seams especially wicked 4 to those of us who can't get any, = $ i p-------------- . It seemis to require. a great deal of force to make the Italian enjoy "his deliverance from Bolshevism. 7 tin -------------- Lager triumphs never afford tke thrill"a small boy feels when first he Jarns to spit through his tecth, § strange part is that a woman be an "affinity" without getting practice as another man's wife. A dangerous fanatic doesn't be- come very dangerous until some fool authority makes him a martyr. Hp Don't think he is important just suse he appears to have a grouch, aver heard of a grouchy win- I A\ peace-loving land 1s one where « 8 per cent. of the people know second verse of the national an- A free country 1s one in which 'no is suppressed except the one e arguments the majority can't . Men are more modest. A woman will make up her facedn public, but _& man won't even make up his mind 2 public office. "Yes, wo have no-coal," is a song will not be appreciated by the when he tries to pur- né as a musical instrumont ly produce nothing more abiro- "It you will " begged the | Ingness to negotiate on the basis of conditions repeatedly named by Mr, | AO) Poincare, a settlement would be |, trickery THE LORD'S PRAYER. The zeal of a Chicago University scholar for modernity and THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG modifying her position in advance of | Germany's coming forward in a | Germans, 4,668; Chinese, 3,336; , Greeks, 1,180; Negroes, 1,046; Sy- brevity | manner to convince the Allies thac |rians, 2.570 and tie balance from | | other European countries. has led him to offer an abbreviated | she has altered her determination | P! rendering of the Lord's Prayer, | This variation is labeled "up to| | date." Walving that point, in mat- | | ters of literature and reverence, | | "down" might be more fitting an- | tecedent of the "to . date" than "up," the reader of the abbrevia- | tion 4 moved to ask: Why? Christians for nearly 2,000 years | have been praying the prayer as handed down in the Testament. So | why change it? Has worship be- | come go pressed for time that it cannot spare the One to Whom ft appeals a word of adoration? If so, head who wrote out the Lord's Prayer, pasted it on the head of his bed and said nightly: 'Lord, them's my sentiments." . Those who believe in the efficacy of prayer and to whom religion 1s moge than a mere lip service will find small merit in abbreviation of a plea which was framed by the Saviour Himself, ' LITTERED STREETS. ' The days of annual fall clean-ups in cities are now approaching and civic pride will stir. Back yards, basements and public places will stripped of their disfiguring litter. Then, a week or so later, the bits! of dirty and torn paper begin to fly about again, and before long the streets will be untidy as before. Most communities would be horri- fied if any one suggested tossing the garbage out onto the lawns or into the street gutters. Yet even in residence sections one can find, in almost any town or city, at almost any time, the litter of discarded newspapers, empty bags, torn wrap- ping paper, and so on. Occasionally a citizen is seen who pushes the paper he is through with into the rubbish box provided for such things, but more often one sees him drop it at his side in the street. Not so much raboish is deliberately thrown into the street in residence sections, but the litter appears there just the same Much of the adver: tising matter distributed from door to door is never picked up and taken into the house. It blows from porch to yard and then starts its career of fluttering about across tie lawns. Clean-up week is a fine institu- tion, as far as it goes. The inspira- tion of clean-up days needs to begin earlier and last longer, however, if cities and towns are to rid them- selves of this disgrace. SS ---------- UNSAFE MILK. i Kingston will be interested in the milk controversy which is being waged in England. Analyses prove that much of the British milk supply is unfit for consumption. The Lon- don Express leads in the discussion and declares that American cities would not tolerate the mitk 'which London accepts without question. It is asserted that forty per cemt. of English cows are tubercular and that pasteurization does mot yield pure milk because in the distribution the milk becomes re-contaminated. Here in Canada we ave been of the opinion that Great Britain led in regard to giving the people a safe mitk supply, and it is a surprise to learn that so much of England's milk is unclean. In Am- erica, of late years, a great deal of attention has heen paid to the milk supply which has been wonderfully improved. The conditions that ob- tain in the great English metropolis would not be tolerated in Kingston. During the past six years the milk conditipns of this district have been greatly changed. Civic inspection has resulted in sanitary cow stables, healthy, coves and cleaner distribu- tion. The .nilk regulations guaran- tee the people as clean a milk supply a8 is perhaps possible. It is pleasing to know that Kingston's milk supply is cleaner than that of England. Sootland's supply is probahly better than that of England. Glasgow at least is noted for having sanitary milk. A GERMANY CHANGING, If there is official warrant for in. timations that Germany will dis. continue passive resistance to Franco-Belgiun occupation of the Ruhr, it is regrettable that the Ber- lin government did not adopt a st! r ¢ourse. The way has been open for a long time to 'direct approaches to the Alfles, There is no necessity for "feelers" being put out. Settlement is more apt to be retarded than accelerated this way. $ b With sound reason the French are celior Stresemann chosen to address note to Paris announcing his win. much nearer. No species of vill aval the Germans why not imitate the inventive sleepy- | 7 #140 squadrons of armed flying | 'ma hines and has set 220 squadrons | suspicious of everything issuing| | from Germany. Premier Poincare | _ | will be doubly wary now. Had Chan-| and can' be- trusted to carry out new arrangements to discharge | trelty obligations. | i ------ AIR DISARMAMENT. The movement started by the | American Legion to have the nations | agree to limit their air armament is | one of the finest things that this or- | | ganization of world war veterans has | undertaken. The gravity of the.sit- | uation can be perceived from the ex- tent to which the mad race for mili- | tary superiority in the a%r has al-| ready carried some of the powers. The history of the world has been that when nations compete witn each other to see which can arm 1t- self the most heavily war is sooner or later the outcome, Furthermore, the expenditure of huge sums on airplanes is bound to impose a bur- den on _the taxpayers of the coun | tries concerned that they can only] shoulder with difficulty. And that is in itself sufficien eason for calle ing a halt. = The Legion reports that France has taken the lead In the struggle f supremacy in the air. She now in 4925 as her goal. Among her air- | planes are some carrying 75-milll- | meter cannons, planes capable of carrying six machine guns and their | crews, huge bombers, others of a special type armored with battle- ship steel, and others which the Legion describes as 'actual troop- ships of the air." England, alarmed by the superiority of the French aerial- forces, has appropriated an extra $27,600,000 to strengthen her air armada, and expects to have 624 planés ready for military operations by 1926 to meet 1,520 that France will have, Italy is going ahead witn plans to get into the race. The soviet government of Russia has set 10,000 airplanes as the goal ana ls employing German technicians and using German material to reach it. Hoping to check this' dangerous contest before it becomes necessary for the United States, in self-qe- fense; to joln In it, the American Legion plans to ask President Coo. lidge to call an international air dis- armament conference and also to lay the matter before the Inter- Allied Veterans' Federation at the convention in Brussels next month. There will be opposition to dis arming. It is no easy task to which the Legion has addressed itself. But the object sought is so commendable it is to be hoped that it will not be discouraged by the obstacles whlch unquestionably will be thrown in its way but will continue persistently to strive for peace. PRESS COMMENT State Aid For Hospitals. It is generally admitted that the voluntary principle is the best and surest foundation for our hospitais. The clutching hand of stale aid and state bureaucracy would rob them of much of thelr initiative and of much of the healing spirit that is their pride. But if we have to face a breakdown of the voluntary prin-, ciple we shall be compelled to choose the alternative of state supervention | and state control.-- London Express. Hope in Sheep. When so many Scots are coining out here as immigrants would it not be 'a reasonable and sound invest- ment for the government to bring out the very breeds of sheep which these men know so thoroughly, and which happen to be the same breefs that do well in the west? Those men, or most of them, know sheep better than any other farm animal, except the Clydesdale. There's gold in the sheep's wool, and there's a pay cheque in his carcass. There's the rignt condition for him in the west, and even here in Ontario. There are the best shepherds in the worid waiting to come over, What is the possibility of linking up one with the others? Is there not a phase of national prosperity to be had for the grasping in the successful com bination of all these iactors?---Lon- don Advertiser. ship- ments to Great Britain respmed? A--The first consignment of store cattle to be shipped from Canada to | The future is dark. By James W, Barton, M.D, Food Balance. My readers are perhaps tired of | hearing about food. And yet your own common sense tells you that you are just what your food makes you. In the treatment of an ailing child, what is now the first thought" The baby doctor of the past was | perhaps the one who seemed to Ve able to pull children through severe | attacks of pneumonia or diphther- | ia. Such is not the case now. i The baby doctor of the present | age, and likely for ages to come 18 | the one whose special Une is sc.enti- ! fic feeding. \ Of course he will likely instruct the mother about bathing. airing, | and rcsting the baby, but his main thought is the proper feeding. A youngster off its diet for a short time is in a dangerous condition, und so the first thougit i8 to get it nourish- | ed. Accordingly all sorts of tables are { drvised from the feeding hy the mo- ther, partial feeding by the mother, and artificial foods entirely. Now what about a man or woman? Just as the baby was sick from some error iu its diet, so are many aduits. : Well, the baby's diet had to be haitnced in order to save its life. 'our diet must be balanced or you'll have indigestion, vomiting spells, majhe diarrhoea, and often consti- pation. ' Now, why not give it a thouzht or two? Are you eating too muca white bread, too many potatoes, perhaps too much raw fruit? Ferhaps ycu have a light office job and are eat- | ing toq much meat? 3 Remember what was said before --Very little meat if you did very | little work. Always plenty of vegetables any- way, but increasing your meat and fat somewhat if you worked hard with your hands or took plenty ot exercise. Keep your diet balanced. DR. JOHNSON'S PHILOSOPHY. ---- "Get Money and Keep It," Said Fa- mous Man, No grown man who is dependent on the will, that is the whim, of an- other can be happy, and, life without enjoyment is 4intolerabie gloom. Therefore, as money means indepen- dence and enjoyment, get money and having got it, keep it. A spendibhrift is a fool. The only liberty worth turning out into the street for 15 the liberty to do what you like in your own inn, AH work is bondage. Never get excited abbut causes you do not understand, or about people you have never seen. Keep Corsica out of your head. Life is a struggle with either Pov-J erty. or ennui; but it is better Lo be rich than to be poor. Death is a terrible thing to face. The man who says he is not afraid of it Hes. Yet, as murderers have met it bravely on the scaffold when the time comes, so Perhaps may 1. \n the meantime I am horribly afraic. I should like more evidences of the inimortality of the soul. There is great solace in talk. We -=¥ou and T--are shipwrecked on a wave-swept rock. At any moment one or the other of us, perhaps both, may be carried out to sea and lost. For the time being we have a modicum of light, and warmth, of meat and drink. Let us constitute ourselves a club, streteh our legs and talk. Finally, pay yout Score at your club and your final debts to nature genercusly and without casting the account too narrowly, . . Be a good feliow, and don't Insist upon being remembered more than a month after you are dead.-- (Samuel Johnson.) -------- With the Other Porkers, "Stop!" the brakes of the motor were suddenly applied, a pandomon- fam of whirling wheels ensued, and the motorist came face to face with Constable Coppen, who had been '| hiding in the hedge. "Excuse me, sir," said the portly policeman, taking out his noteboox and peneil, "but you exceeded the limit by two miles over a measured piece of road." "I have done nothing of the kind," retorted the motorist; "and besides--" : "Well, If you don't believe me I'll call the sergeant, bein' as it was 'im #8 took the time. "E's ' in the plgsty \ "Don't trouble to do that," was | e prompt reply; "I would sooner disturb the ee -- NEW ENGLISH HATS Overcoat set aside for time COATS8--pure wool, beauty fore ™~ Our New Fall and Winter Suits, Overcoats and Top Coats HAVE ARRIVED! Now is the time to make your selection =---make a small payment and have your Suit or it. Get your pick while the picking 1s good. EXTRA SPECIAL! See our ENGLISH GABERDINE TOP newest models -- a 922.50 TUESDAY, -- ' ' BIBBY'S Boys Suits at when you need Bloomer Suits. where in Canada. right. sea BIBBY'S le} Mr. Saimon Escaped The Big Black Bear "I would love to see that big bear they are all talking about, Foxy grandpa," said Bobby. "lI would, too," 1 agreed. "But at a distance, if you don"t mind." "We can," said Bobby. "The Eskimo said if we would go to the bank of the river and crawl out on 2 rock under a tree that we could see that bear,, because ne comes down on the other side every night to get his supper, just before sun- down." ""Wihat - does he eat for supper?" He might make a mistake and want us," I chuckled, "He catches salmon in the river, answered Bobby. "Well, if 1 were sure that he pre- ferred a fish supper to a meat sup- per, 1 might go," said I. We were upon Kadiac Island, near Alaska, and a8 you may know, this is the place where tae largest bears In the world live. In the Smithsonian Institute at Washing- ton there is a big stuffed Kadiae bear and he is so tall that a man can walkq under his chin. Think of ft! However, the Eskimo sald that we would be safe on that rock so we went the next evening to see the bear, ; As the shadows were lengthening and the sun was sinking behind the ountains, we heard a crashing through the woods on the other side of the river. And there came Mr. Kadiac Bear, breaking down the slender trees as his huge body bumped into them: The river was narrow--so narrow that we\could hear the grunts of the bear as he labored down . the bank to [start his evening's fisking. "He looks \llkke a grant grisly bear, doesn't he?" exclaimed Bobby. Just then the bear reached the water's edge. He levelled his beady eyes on the water and wWatcheq like a big dog ready to pounle on his prey. - Several times he splashed This great paw into the rushing river -- for it was springtime and the river was tumbling down in torregta fed by the snow that had meited' above --and then grunted wth disgust as he missed his aim at the beautiful silver salmon as they dodgea up the river. Now, you know, the wonderful thing about salmon is that they swim up a river against the stroug- ést current. They come in from the octan and fight their way up the river and lay their eggs in fresn water. Even more wonderful than their abllity to buck the swift river is the { breath defiled hy tobacco?" FARMS FOR SALE 1--A large frame dwelling and two acres of good land on the Bydenham Road, eight miles from Kingston, formerly known as tne "Union Centre House." There is an orchard of about twenty-five apple trees. A good trade could be had here as a summer hotel or it would make a good home for a retired farmer. 2--A first class farm of 320 acres, pleasantly situated on the Bay of Quinte, a splendid brick house; large barn, new roof and other necessary out- buildings. A bargain to a quick buyer as tne owner Wants to leave for the West As soon as possible. y For further particulars apply T. J. Lockhart Real Estate and Insurance 68 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Phones 322) or 1797J. THOMAS COPLE Carpenter. Phone 987. See us for all kinds of Carpentry work. Estimates given on new floors laid. Have your hardwood floors clean ~ with our mew floor cleaning .ma-! chine, 950 We show something specially Boys' Suits at this price. Sizes 27 to 83. See our Special Tailored High School Suits, very swagger style. New English and Scotch Tweeds. SEPTEMBER 4, NEW ENGLISH HATS good Sizes 29 to 85. AT $15.00 No better made Boys' Suits to be had any- Our prices are absolutely SEE OUR HAND-TAILORED SUITS in Men's and Young Men's models--a regular $45.00 and $47.50 value--to start the new 337.50 Pure ahd Fresh FOR YOUR FRUITS AND PICKLES We keep only the highest grade Spices and Peppers. CORKS A1 quality and all sizes, - Sealing Way and Jar Rings. Or. Chown's Drug Store 185 Princess Street. Phone 843 We deliver the goods. we told of the wonderful feat of the salmon. But the natives were uot surprised. They had seen sal- mon do that often. Kingston's Leading Hotei ay Stations and Bteamboat Landings, BITS PICKED UP | 1928. Hotel Frontenac 'Every room has running het and cold water. One-half block from Raflway 4 A very distinguished British man of science had the foibie, says Pro- fessor Brander Matthews, of invent- Ing thrilling episodes and pretend- | ing that they were of his own ex- periegce. : On one ucoasion, after he hal Spun a marvellous yarn, with him- self the centre of the ceil, a scep- tical friend looked him in the eye and asked sternly-- "Clifford, do you mean to way that this really occurred to you?" Whereupon the Imaginative man of science replied, with a twinkle:--- i "Yes, It just occurred to me." ---- The late Theodore Tilton, who | boasted that he had never had a pipe, cigar or cigarette in his mouth, | used to declare that the most invet. | erate smoker he ever knew was So- Journer Truth, the famous freed. | woman reformer and lecturer. He! Was wont to tell how one day when | the venerable dame, then about. ninety years old, was ona visit to his house, she sat smoking her pipe by the chimney corner, when George W. Bungay, the author of several eloquent anti-tobacco traets, called to see her. » "Aunt Scjourner," he 'sald, "1 re. vere your character, but I deplore your smoking, for it will keep yo forever out of heaven." "Lawkes, honey, how so?" she asked. "Because, Aunty," he rejoined, "you know that according to the Good Book nothing entereth there thet detileth. Now, how do you ex pect to get Into heaven with your x es ~ Every person of importance ought to write his own m "provid- 4 he has honesty 0 gh to tell the Only the brave know how to for- IN THE COMB EXTRACTED In glass, 5 and 10 1b. tins, All pure Clover Honey and exceptionally fine this season, Jas. REDDEN & Co, Importers of Fine Groceries PHONES 20 and 990, "Ihe House of Satisfaction" WON -- WHEN YoU * BUYATON! w x3 ER OAL QUARTETT RDER just a single ton Qu cosl and we have added you to oyr lst or well-warmed patrons. You will join the Coual Quartette in singing our praises darter we have Berved you. You know our gelephone number, Call us up. ' ; o RAE ee aa EER Crawford | ~ + « > % - )

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