THE DAIL Y BRITISH WHIG * FROST'S CITY STORAGE Now has vacant two clean, dry, private rooms. (Your own lock and key.) PHONE 526. 209-305 QUEEN STREET. PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning, Repairing and Player Plano Adjusting. Norman H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. PHONE 1819w. FOR SALE 7 - : { h-Cost Bungalow, rooms, 3- ue hardwood floors, electric fen: good cellar, verandah, barn, large | lot and garden. Desirable location. Price on application. TO LET, FURVISHED 3 ms and private wash-room, elec- al one hot water heating, gas for cooking. $35.00 per month. Good loca- Hon Baington Avenue inodern nine- roomed house, all conveniences, Posses-! sion and terms on application. GENERAL INSURANCE. BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. . R. H. Waddell | Phones 3264-596. NE Mreock Nt. Garner of Julmsou aud Wellingion | ASK FOR BELL'S CUCUMBER CREAM (Chapped Hands, etc.) Use Use It Always All Ways. 5 For Moving of FREIGHT, FURNITURE, SAFES, PIANOS, CARTAGE and STORAGE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Kingston Transfer Co. hone 377. Evemnlugs 2231. 153 WELLINGTON STREET. Dental Surgeon DR. J. C. W. BROOM L.D.S., D.D.S. Wellington and Brock Streets, Entrance, 150 Wellington St, Evening by appointment, PHONE 679. . ey P Fresh Flowers and Plants daily. Funeral designs, and wedding ' bouquets to order. Phone 1768, Residence, 1187. W. R McRae & Ca + GOLDEN LION BLOOK, | To Screen Coal = Costs Money ._ but it puts our coal in good con- dition. Regardless of the cost, our coal is always screened un- til it is clean--and when you &et it, it is fit to be used in the tidiest kitchen. OOTH & CO. B "Phone 138. Grove Inn Yards WATTS |, Ry Dreek Street. "Free Sprayer With each Bottle." Eight oz, 50c--at your Grocer or Druggzist. CANADA REX SPRAY CO. Limited Brighton, Ont. nm Flies, Fleas, Bugs and Beetles Don't lose the "battle with the ine secs." Let us supply your "ammunition." No "duds" among these! Sappho-Puffer packages 15¢. Keating's Powder... -10¢. and 25e¢. Wilson's Poison Pads «.10c. pkg. Fly-San and Fly-Fox. Tanglefoot, 3 double sheets, 10e. Sticky-Colls 2 for Ge. "Kreso," the handy disinfectant and wash bottles, 25c. and up. International "Fly-Way" for your stock---quarts and gallons at very special low prices. Useful Sprayers .. Fly Swatters TELEPHONE 2018. PRINCESS PHARMACY The Convenient, Dependable Up-town Drug Store "Where Princess and Division Cross" ---------- GET IT REPAIRED Sewing Machines, Phenographs, Guns, Rifles repaired and refitted. Parts supplied. Saws filled, kalves, scissors and edge tools ground. Locks repaired. Keys fitted to all kinds of lvcks. Au Jaaken ve Lawn' Mowers ned and paired. We Barhupone anything iaat is repairable. . J. M. PATRICK 149 Sydenham Street, Kingston Phone 2058J. + .75¢c. and $1.00. ------------ -| mer school, Toronto. KINGSTON anp VICINITY Boys' School Suits. We have received a big shipment | of boys' school suits, which we will ! sell at a reduced price, dandy suits, | at $6, $6.50, $7.50 and $9, all sizes, all colors. Prevost, Brock stfeet. Mail for Old Land. ; A mail for overseas left the King- | ston post office .on Saturday night | and quite a heavy budget of matter {rom Kingston and district left tor the old land. J To Attend a Wedding. Mrs. McGurn, Napanee, left for Buffalo, N.Y., to be present at the marriage of her niece, which takes place on September 5th, in St. Paul's cathedral. en To Train for a Nurse. Miss Edna Anderson, Appleton, left for Braeside to spend a week at her home before going on to Brook lyn to enter a hospital to train for a nurse, On Annual Trip. "Teddy" Smith, the weilknown | regulator of traffic for the railways on Outario street, left on Saturday on his annuai trip to Toronto and Niagara Fails. "Teddy" will take mn the fair while in Toronto. -- Will Teach at Hillier. Miss Helena B. Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Harrison, Picton, has successfully passed the kindergarten primary course at sum- She will teach at Hillier. -------- At a Quarter of Capacity. The agricultural representative of 'Frontenac says that the miik pro- BAKERY TRY BURNS' WHOLE WHEAT BRZAD THE STAFF OF LIFE W. BURNS 61 Frontenac St., North Phone 1826... FOR SALE $4,600 rick, rooms, - rooms, hot water, elec- tric light and gas. ver- andah, 2 p. B., separate toilet, good gardeu and garage. Brick Semi-Bungalow, $4 800 7 rooms. 3 bedrooms, 9 3 p. B., porch, electric light and gas, hot water, brick fire- place, garage, hardwood floors, gar- den. Immediate possession. $5 000 Brick Veneer, 7 rooms, ' 3 bedrooms, 3 p. B., , good cellar, verandah and sun porch, electric light, for cooking, hot air. gas hardwood floors downstairs, summer garden, kitchen, $5,300 ate toilet, good cellar, porch, electric and gas, hot air, gar- age, summer kitchen, garden. $5,300 Brick, 7 rooms, 4 9 bedrooms, 3 p. B., good cellar, electricity and gas, hot fireplace, stairs, $5, rooms, 3 p. B., good .. cellar, veramgiah, elec- tricity and gas, hot water, 1 fire- hardwood floors downstairs, garden and extr: lot. Brick, 6 rooms, 3 bed- rooms, 2 p. B., separ- Brick, 8 rooms, 4 bed- "Phone 229. " Sassatte ares mannsnns ROO We are now handling the . EASTMAN Hine and have a large supply of Kodaks, Cam- eras, Films and duction during the latter part of the | recent dry spell, had fallen off so lew | that some factories last week v ere able to run at ouly twenty-five per cent. of their capacity, ---- Showing French Products. In all, over twenty different lines of French products are shown in the International Building at the Cana- dian National Exhibition, including lingerie, hand bags, optical goods, silverware, shoes and exquisite speci- mens of the jewellers' crait. -------------- Gone Back to Syracuse, N.Y. Mrs. E. H. Revelle, with her two children, little Miss Kathyrn Doreen and baby Jack, have returned to Syracuse, N.Y., after spending the summer mcntias with Mrs. Kevelle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Abbott Her sister, Miss Florence Abbott, ac- companied them for a few days' visit. Appointed to Parole Board. The Hon. W. F. Nickie, attorney- general, spent the week-end in Kingston and is now in Montreal to attend the annual meeting of the Canadian Bar Association. Mr. Nickle told the Whig that Ald. Thomas A. Kidd had been appointed to succeed himself on the Ontario Parole Board, membership on which he resigned on becoming attorney- general in the provincial govern- ment. -- -- A Brether Lives at Bath. Word has been received at Clay- ton, N.Y., of the death of Mrs. Bird Kendall at her home in Patchogue, N.Y., on August 24th. Mrs. Ken- dall was formerly Miss Ruby Tuck- ett, Watertown and Gouverneur, and before her marriage spent the great- er part of her time in Clayton. She was a graduate of Watertown City hospital. She is survived by her hus- band and ome son, Grant Henry, and one brother, William Tuckelt, Bath. -------------- Mother Goes Back With Her, Miss Jessie Wilson, who has been spending her holidays with her mo- ther at Newburgh, has returned to Kindersley, Sask., where she is en- gaged In teaching school. she is accompanied by her mother, who will spend perhaps the winter with Miss Jessie, and also visiting other mem- bers of her family at Sauii Ste. Marje apd Winnipeg. ------------ To Remode! St."Andrew's Hall. Bt. Andrew's congregation, Perth, is to remodel St. Andrew's Eall in order that the interior may be used step being deemed necessary owing to the fire last winter which des- troyed St. Andrew's church. The work will be commenced at once and when completed the aaditorinra will have a seating capacity of 230 inclu- | sive of the portion to be used by the choir. The cost of the remodelling will not exceed $2,000. ---- A Gift for a Clergyman. The Prince Bdward County Veter- ans, presented Rev. Loufs, Pleton, with a pipe. Mr. Barber hac been honorary chaplain for the Veterans The regret of the Veterans At part- for worship and other purposes, this |; waiting. .This is surely a good sign of the growth of the town. The numbers now run up to 1,000. ----e Married in Brockville, St. Peter's churca, Brockville, was the sccne of a pretty wedding oun | Wednesday, when Miss Dorothy De- | lamere Curry, youngest daugliter of | the late Mr. and Mrs. Fredarick R. Curry, was married to Duncan Alex- ander MacGibbon, M,A., Ph. D., Pro- fessor of Political Economy at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, son of the late Mr. and Mrs Archibald MacGibbon, Lochaber Bay, Que. Viewing Historic Spots. M. B. Dunyes, B.A. and family were In the city on Saturday, fiom | Milton, where Mr. Denyes is mspec- tor of Schools. They visited the his toric' points of the city ard wer charmed with the Royal Military College and Queen's University. Mr. Denyes Is a graduate of Queen's. He noted with pride its great advances in recent years. In eurly Javs Mr Denyes® home was in Odessa. ---- No More Bank Mergers. The other day the Whig published | a bulletin which eredited Sir Freder- | ick William Taylor, head of the | Canadian Bankers Association, w™, | saying there would be "more bank | mergers." Tae information came to us in that form from the press sor- vice. As a matter of fact Sir Fred- erick had said that depositors in the various banks need have no more apprehension as there would be "no more bank mergers." ---------------------- Four Tipplers in Custody. | Four tipplers were gathered in by the police over the week-end. Ore of the offenders, who was nabbed by the constable at Portsmouth created quite a big fuss when corrailed, and when removed to the police station played high jinks and tried to break up everything. To add to his troubles. a citizen called at the po- lice station on Monday morning and laid a charge of assault agaipst him, Succumbs After Five Wecks. At Cape Vincent, N.Y., Mrs. Alice Emily Ross, wife of William Henry Ross, died Wednesday, after an in- pess of five weeks. Death was due to heart trouble. She is survived, besides her husband by three sons, Neil and Roy, Cape Vincent, and | 1-4¢. Henry, Rochester; a daughter, Mrs Ami on For good meals try Kingston's Our service is the very best Prices reasonable. 222 PRINCESS ST. TWO deal, ir manson, Limited. Toronto: Sample box free AAA Aen, Nelson Allen, Wolte Island, and a| sister, Mrs. James Dounnely, Woife Island. The funeral services were | held Friday morning from the Meth- | odist Episcopal church. Inspection of Nursery stock. On September 1st the new reguil- | tions under the Destructive lnsect and Pest Act, issued by the Depart- ment of Agiiculture went into cuect. All importers of nursery stock, wkich i includes all plants for ornament: | purposes or propagation, such as trees, shrubs, vines, bulbs, nials, etc., except seeds, will be Te-| quired to secure a permit before the | shipments are brougnt into Canada. | Importations of nursery stock -must be inspected before leaving the coun- | try of origin and a certificate of in- | spection must accompany the iu-| voice. i -- Cheese Sales. Perth, 834 at 22 7-8c. Napanee, 790 at 22 5-8c. Picton, 995 ai 23 to 23 1-16c. Iroguois, 790 at 22 11-16c. Victoriaville, Que. 1,234 22 | at Listowel, 2,765 boarded, 22 1-4c bid and refused. Vankleek Hill, 937 at 23c. Belleville, 1,355 at 23 1-2¢. Cornwall, 2,150 at 23 3-4c. Campbellford, 739 at 23 1-5ec. Stirling, 296 at 23 1-4c. St. Hyacinthe, Que., 600 at 22 1-4c. A ------ To Vote on By-law. On Sept. 5th the citizens of Smith's Falls will cast their votes on three by-laws of vital importance to the town. The first is to authorize the sale of debentures ito purchase lots on the corner of Eimsley an! Beck- with streets as a site for a Soldiers' Memorial. The second is to aath- orize the sale of debentures for $5,000 to make necessary repairs to the stone bridge on Beckwith street. The last is to establish a Fublic Utili- ties Commission, which will consist of three members, who will provide for the control and management of all public utility works owned by the corporation. peren- | "HEMORRHOIDS not suffer another day wita Itching, Bleeding, or Protruding Piles or Hemorrhoids. No surgical operation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and afford lasti benefit. 60c a box; all Bates & Co., T GIVES SERVICE leading Restaurant. and our cuisine unsurpassed. GRAND CAFE, PETER LEE, Prop. DOORS FROM OPERA HOUSE. chicle and ofber in- uciy sud ee -------- WOODWORKIN All kinds of Builders' Woodwork made to order. Up-to-date factory and efficient me- chanics. S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory Phone 1413 a ------" The British Whig Publishing Co. Ltd. has a Departmént specially equipped to execute all classes of INTING First-class service and fair prices. 306-8-10 KING STREET; KINGSTON, Out, PHONE 243. GOURDIER'S have removed to 86 PRINCESS STREET, next to Bibby's, Limited, while alterations are being made to Brock Street store. GOURDIER'S 78-80 Brock Street For the Best Values in on Young Men's Suits * $20.00, $25.00, $28.00, $32.00, $35.00. SEE OUR SPORT MODEL SUITS At $25.00 ' TWEDDELL'S Clothing House Ee -------------- STOCKINGS FOR SCHOOL WEAR Good, strong Stockings, ribbed Cot- ton, in sizes from 5 to 10--the wear- well kind, for . . . .. Rp -25¢. a pair Extra heavy ribbed Cotton and fine isle Stockings in Black and Tans at RE 40c., 45c. and 50c. pair Pure Wool Cashmere Stockings in Black and Heather shades -- 2-} and 1-1 ribbs for Boys and Girls, in all sizes at........50c., 60c. and 75c¢. a pair. s J