Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1923, p. 3

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HUDSON SEAL RAW MUSKRATS have advanced 25% since last Winter. Our price of Hud- son Seal still remains based 6n the actual cost of our RAW RATS bought last win- ter and spring direct from the Trappers. This saving is yours when buying from us. . HUDSON SEAL IN THE WORLD Msoufacturers Importers Fise Fars John McKay Limited KINGSTON, CANADA KRUSCHEN SALTS (MADE IN ENGLAND) Is highly valued as a natural diuretic purgative for stimulating the liver and washing out the kidneys, so necessary in cases of Rheumatism and Gout, Lumbago, Eczema, etc. Price 75 cents SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Corner Montreal and Princess Streets. Telephone 41. L. C.HEMSLEY from R. J. ROGER WATCHES and' CLOCKS REPAIRED at shortest notice 149 8ydenham St. Phone 20564. J. Barrett Plumbing and. - Heating Formerly of Davie & Barrett Pec 280 9 Motel 8. Pleasant Water Trips-Str. Brockville SPECIAL TRIPS THIS WEEK Two hours at Clayton, one hour at Thousand Island Park. » : Adults, 75¢. Children, Soe. re) THURSDAY-~2.00 p.m. Fast Time. Clayton. Special trip Two hours at Clayton. Fare: Adults, 50c. Childre SATURDAY AND SUNDAY-2.00 p.m., Alexandria Bay. One hour at the Bay. Fare: Adults, 75¢. Children, 50c. MONDAY, LABOR DAY~2,00 p.m., Clayton and Alexandria Bay. Three hours ia Clayton to see the big celebration or ome hour at Alexan- dria. Bay. Fare: Adults, 75e. Children, 50c. / BOAT LEAVES WHARF, FOOT OF BROCK STREET ' for the children. mn, 20¢. WEDNESDAY--2.00 p.m. Fast Time, Clayton aid Thousand Island y The J. K. Carroll Agency 56 BROCK STREET. ones 68. Res. 2240nd, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS. + DOWN TOWN~--In good residential district, corner store and dwell- ing combined. Price ... $4,000 ALFRED STREET, near Collegiate -- a handsome pair of solid brick houses; fully modern. Yearly rental $060. Price at office. , . . KENSINGTON AVENUE LOT--Size 50x120. Owner is out of the Make us an offer. Just arrived 800 pails pure Clover Honey, extra fine, in 5 - PURE VINEGAR Malt Cider and White Wine. Extra fine Black Tea, Ib. . .55¢. Fresh Pork Sausage, (daily) Ginger and Sugar Oakes, 2 dbs. ... . 2c, Magic Baking Powder, on sale (Wednesday). Get a 16 ox. sees .Ble, Ses ascan THE DAILY BRITIS |THE LABOR UNIONS PICNIC {Held at the Fair Grounds on | Monday Was a Big Success. The Labor Day picnic, held at the | fair grounds on Monday afternoon | under the auspices of the Kingston Trades and Labor Council, was a great success despite the threaten- ing weather. There was .a shower during the progress of the sports of the contestants, and all of ths events were run off, including a baseball tournament between city league teams, numerous races for all ajg2s, tug-o'-war, bicycle races and quoit pitching, to the winners of which spitable prizes were award- ed. There were also prizes for ths finest babies and for the prettiest girls, and in the evening at a danca held in the Labor hall three prizes were awarded to the best waltzers. A feature of the day was the selec- | tion of the most freckle faced boys {and girls for which money prizes were donated by Hon. W. F. Nickle, | | K.C. i | 'The results were 'as follows: | Races--"'acdonald school, Ed. | Millard, Thos. Boyd; Louise school, | George Richardsen, George McCul- | | lough; Robert Meek school, "Georga | McDonald, Hugh Clhrk; Central | school, A..Popie, Sydney Fleet; | Rideau school, E. Frost, George]| Jackson; St. Mary's school, L. Much- more, H. Savage; Frontenac school, | Lloyd Smith, Jack Veale; Victoria school, Donald Bews, Bernard Palmer; Sydenham school, S. Mul holland, Stephen Amey; St. John's school, Eimer Burns, W. Robinson. The silver cup for the best run. ner in all of the schools was won by Donald Bews of Victoria school. Girls, aged 16 and under, Edith Turner, M. Burke; young ladies 16 and over, Edith Turner, "Helen Saunders; boys and girls, 7 years and under, Andy Orr, Dorothy Mulhol- land; 100 yards dash, free for all, A. "Buell, BE. Shullings. Married ladies, Mrs. G. Dickson Mrs. A. Cunningham. Old men, R. Arnfel, W. Fleet. Married men, Joseph Smith, William Fleet. Fat men, W. Fleet, A. Rawley. Single ladies, Edith Turner, Frances Rog- ers. Married ladies, Mrs. D. Les- lie, Mrs. A. Cunningham. Three-leggped race, E. Watts and H. Fleet, R. Hewgill and O. Bear- jance. Young ladies' baloon race, | Frances Rogers, Isabell Quick. Mar- | ried men, A. Buell, E. Sullings. Half mile, E. Sullings, A. Buell, R. Hewgill, Half mile bicycle race, W. Powell, W. Golloghy. Boys 16 years E. Gallivan, E. Donnolly. Boys 14, S. Mulholland, B. Renaud. Runn- ing broad jump, R. Hewgill, A. Quinn. Hop step and jump, R. Hewgill, M. Coyne. Committee men's race, W. Fleet, J." Melville. Union men's race, J. Smith, J. McCluskey, W. Ferguson. Union men's wives, Mrs. R. Parker, Mrse J. Duncombe, Mrs. O. Clow. Girls, 12 and under, Lenora Eves, Marion 'Jamieson. Boys' bicycle race, 14 and under, B. Renaud, L. Muchmore. Fat ladies, Frances Rogers, Viola Irwin, Mrs. D. Leslie. Boys' race, open, F. Eves, Cyril Pallon. 'Married ladies, Mrs. R. Parker, Mrs. Leslie, Mrs. J. F. Jamieson. Perambulator race, Mrs. M. J. Hartman, Mrs. J. F. Jamlie- son, Mrs. W. Gillespie. Executive race, J. Potter, P. Moran, O. Clow. Soap race, Frances Rogers, Mrs, I. Parker, Viola Irwin. Women's con- solation, Mrs. Mary Pomeroy, Mrs. Charles Quick, Mrs. A. Webber. Men's consolation, George Pickering, A. Pullen, R. Heap. Married men, A. Buell, E. Sullings, O. Clow. Dr. G. W. Bell's prizes for the prettiest girls were won by Viola Irwin, Mary Strachan, and Cecllla Quick. The winners in the baby con- tests were: Baby from one to six months, Mrs. W. Traill's, 523 Albert Street, first, Mrs. A. H. Smith's, Clow's block, Chatham street, see- ond, and Mrs. T. Partis', 255 Earl street, third. Babies one year old, first, Mrs. Thompson's; socond, Mrs. Dickson's and third Mrs. Ander- son's. The judges in these contests were A. E. Hunt, Prof. Nourcy and Geprge Cooper. A Throwing a baseball, Edith Tur- ner, Bessie Easton. The team from the Trades and Labor Council de- feated the plumbers in the tug of but nothing could dampen the ardor | | | ever, -- - -- re OPENING AT THE GRAND | "Cinderella" Musical Comedy Presented as the Labor Holiday Attraction. | 24pt--opening of the grand | The Grand Opera House opexed | for the. season on Labor Day with | "Cinderalle/' as the offering, main- ee and night. The old; old story of Cinderela and the slippers, with Prince Cha'm- ing, Fairy Godmother, and outer loses its charm. (Miss Theo Farlane, as Cinderella, was e winsome in her speaking pari, out very weak in her singing. As Prince Charming, Miss Ruth Marr had all the dash and swing the mrt calls for, while Miss Nell verum, as the Baroness and Jerry Ketcham, as the Baron, were good. The bal- ance of the company was just fair, while a lack of scenery was agreat drawba¢k to the play. It is only fair to the company to state, how- that this was their oening night, and even with the bes reg- ulated shows things do nos @ like clock work on opening nights The Grand has a number or trong attractions booked for. the sason. | On Friday and Saturday of thi week | the "Originals" of the ThirdDivis-| ion, C.E/F. will present the now | | | | | revue, "Rapid Fire." D. B. Branigan, the genii man- ager of the Grand, has hi the theatre redecorated and evything | is. looking spic and span ft the | Season's business. Always ooking | after the comfort of his atrons, | Mr, Branigan, on Monday,it the | matinee and evening perfmances, | had the electric fans going)nd this | was very much appreciate by the ! holiday audiences as the weather Was somewhat sultry. The theatre has been iiven ga thorough cleaning. Allhe seats | have been given Special asntion. BACK Yo THE OLDIME, Daylight Saving Is Ove For An. other Scason in Kiston. Kingston sald good-k to Day- light saving time ou Mday night, and My! but was it not grand and glorious fecling to gethat oxtra hour's sleep on Tuesd morning? And coming after theoliday, cits. "eas certainly appreced the ex- tra hour. It was a go«day to start cn the old time, owirto the open- mg of the schools, Get. Your BoolEarly. Complete supply all school books in stock it thCollege Book Store. Big Class Girlwimmers, The swimmig leons given at the Y.M.C.A. fa girjlast week was a great succes. It vas tated, on Tuesday morni® tha se'enty-five girls had learwd the art, $s a re- sult of the instunctiongiven Iv Capt H. E. Law, anc this i regardy as most successfd showing. Itis the intention to dol mother 'swim ming week" nex simmer. The 'swimming classes just closed, were planned months igo. Open lonight. VULCANIZIN characters, so well known, ngyer | Mac- | TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 1038. J ECONOMY-- and economical Ontario. If QUALITY pair materials. DEPENDABILITY You can always depend on our air wo standing up and outwearing the in of work tire, -- ? | | McLintock's signs and colorings Our prices are lower than smaller shops be. | cause we have the largest and most up-to-date vulcanizing plant in Eastern We use only the highest and best grade of re- Te - . A Within the past two weeks we three of the largest cities in Ontario. "There's a reason." G CONFIDENCE SATISFACTION-- Every piece of work leaving our shop is abso lutely guaranteed and we will refund any. thing that is not satisfactory. CONSULT US-- Don't throw away your old Tires--perhaps we can repair that old Tire and put it back' in service for seyeral thousand more miles at a small cost. We carry every size new hd By ry Tire in stock at popular have shipped Floor Rugs to New Arrivals Celebrated Eiderdown Quilts--beautiful de- Re vid iy es re enie ses $12.50up Dress Suitings in a wide range of the newest weaves, Novelty Silks that will please prospective buyers. Wool Coatings in the latest colors. The Best ~ Other garments A few dollars will secure any Coat in the store until ZL $25.00 Coat in the Trade srrreeseeela..,.. $15.00 to $125.00 : you want it, Newman & Shaw 'THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE The College ook Store for all Public, High al Separate Schyol text books and spplies. Napanee Fair, Spt. 11, 12 and 13. i The Lieutenar-Governor or ' wa: tario, Col. Cocksutt, opens the Fair Tuesday afternon. There Will be two horse racei and ball games. Write J. L. Boys, Secry., for prize list if you wish o exhibit. me---------- School [ext Books. Ail text book and supplies Public Schools, High School Separate Schoo at College Store. * Open tnight. for and Book As the calliz dignified the man, 80 the man muh more advances his calling. "THE IAT STORE" NEW FALL HATS war. The winners in the freckled face contest were, William Davis, Ern« est Wraight, Georgian Wilson and Gwendolen Allen. Quojt throwing, Dr. F. Waugh, and A. E. Miller, George J. Kirk. patrick and Samuel MeCormack. Waltz Prize Winners: Patrick Dee and Mrs. West; William Kelly and Mrs. Leah Jenkins; H. Watts and Miss M. Phillips. Salsbury's or« chestra provided the music. The organizadon in charge of the pienic was composed of the foliow. Bhat city also. When September comes it means a new 'Felt Hat. They give ou dress and com- Iu and suit your ap- fical scorer, Joo Kehoe: judges in | races, Walter Shult, M. Coyne; race Maiden starters, 3, Misuitis, Ww. pearance to the sea- son. < » Lr ds From Whig Fyles TEN AND TWENTY YEARS AGO. Sept. 4th, 1913. ack" Hazlett has been chosen ®ain of Queen's rugby team for § season. n Frontenac Cheese Board h71 | ps were sold at 13 3-16 cents pund. ne new roadway through Barrie- Hill will take two years to cut, rding to experts. y he Children's Aid Society claims it is badly in need of funds which to carry on its work. Sept. 4th, 1903. onjes' standing since July First on Z1, lost 1. ounrteen hundred of Uncle Sam's carriers arrived here yesterday an excursion, Kingston citizen walked into a alo hotel and found that some Br gentleman was using his namo ever expecting the original to be . G. W. Bell has been atlending annual convention of the Veter- Medical Sociqty of America in a. muel Bailey has entered the! of Hughes and Lee, broom mak- as 'a partner. School Books. school books and supplies in| at the College Book Store, tonight. i DYAL MILITARY COLLEGE. 'H. T. Cock Succeeds Lieut. Col. Scroggie. oyal Military College open- y for the new term and all professors were on hand ane ts and the N.C.0's. All the will not be in attendance the end of the week. ¥ only change on the teaching | is the appointment of Major to the position of fn- t-- ] EE ---- See MULLIN'S For Good $2250 %=s Street, detach- ed roughcast dwelling, 7 rooms,.two pfece bath, elee- tric lights, cellar, deep lot, se P, - $1730 7 2 Stet, asta. rooms, bath, toilet, gas, cellar, Values $2200 Patrick Street, double frame dwelling, 4 rooms and toflet. 'Will se} one at $1,150, $1 850 ox Street, detach- ed frame dwelling, ¢ rooms, toilet, outbuilding. MONEY E. W. MULLIN & SON FIRE INSURANCE, JOHNSON and DI ai. At these low prices, we offer you Boots in every respect, Boots built to tear, as only the boys can give them, At $2.75, are heavy nailed Mr rrr rrr Ee ce -- RE

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