Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1923, p. 16

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: THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG Oe British Wiig LCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, Indexe standardized and populars a. ized according to BASIL L. SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa. heir are restricted to t ! Ma.2 ification, and to the ular Daily Whig style of type. * CLASSIFIED RATES Dally rate per line or consecutive Jusertions: 4 Mintmum charge, 35 cents. Daily rates per line. Charge Cdsh $days ..o..oocn seesneaee 4 3 ® GAYS coeienian o seen 8 : Re BAY ise isssiareeees : ad One insertion, charged, + A Saints, Marriages, 0; cash, $1.00. oi : of Thanks and Memoriam Jces--Charged, $1.60; casn, $1.00 insertion. ED ordered for Irregular ritions takes the one-time inser rate; no ad. taken for less thap our lines. RR average words to the ed ads, will be received by Soriaons and if pald at The Brit- pe ish Whig Office within 6 days from > the first day of Insertion, cash rate allowed. y+ DS a for more than one day i and stopped before expiration wii ; + gnly be charged for the mumber o the ad. appeared and adjuc'- ment made at the rate earned. ' Mate per line for white space is the same as a line of type. Special rate for yearly advertising n request. Publishers reserve the right to edit or reject all classified auvertising o hone 243, ask for a want ad. «© Announcement "Personals Children board- NAL--~Infants onl Se omonale n country 4f some \ ref I Apply Box G-27, Whig Ice. KAN MISHES Halr, Moles, 8 Ns BL rks. Skin Cancers, Sears, Pits, etc, removed permanent. "1 Hatistactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others have fafled Goltre cured without operdtiof. 4 rs' experience. Dr. Eimer Jk , e, Ear, Nose, Throat, Shins 25 Magot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135 Lost and Found 10 ivi Lost, on Thursday morning, Aug 23rd, 1923, a- lady's grey leather purse bag, containing with other things a small amount of money a¢ the nnder will please notify or mal it to Box 309, Napanee. suitably rewarded. ROOCH--Found, in shape gf harp, ini- Bie ADM Apply J. Ewart, co. McKelvey & Birch. ® ap | BAG--- %. CRANK---Found, for automobile. Own-| oF may have same at Whig Office. Montreal CRANK---for Ford car, on Ap- rE" et, near Kingston Junction. HA 775 Montreal Street... | DOG--Lost, Biddle Boston Bull, an-| to name of "Paddy," totally SE pg away trom home. Phone 1934]. or 1942w. 268 | , they will be} built and in first class condition. Announcements To i LICENSE PLATE#-Found on Barrie- | field Hill. Apply at Whig Office why LICENSE--FQuil, No. 192-381. Owner may have same at Whig Office on boulevard, in front of Ge neal Jin. ital. Finale lease notify this offic Pp Jagr Dicas. Reward. { | i - | MAN'S COATalsost, small checked, left | i | ® University Office. on Ontarfo Street. Found, by proving may have same Eastern Canada Maxotire | B po Owner L ear," as it is called. They are only half-way whose. musical notes," Similarly. some people In Tune With Opportunity Some musicians play their instruments wholly "by training enables them to play "from musicians compared to those know only those opportuni- property ai ties that they learn "by ear." Their advantages are re- BARGAINS--In Men's Pi 1 S 3 h and ot, nd ber Co. Ontario Street. Y . x FAINS 2 s ants, regular| apartments on Sixth Street, ali .im- lectr > and Rubber Co., Ontario stricted by the meagre bits of word-of-mouth information $4.50 for 31.50 and $1.76. Men's Suits.| provements; seven roomed house oni Sect AE wullive. Smal a : 3 | they hear. Raincoats, Fall Overcoats, etc, atl Sixth Street. all improvements and! Sedan or Coupe a8 pat ¥ RECEIPT BOOK--Rent, found. Owner | " reasonable prices. A. Shapiro, 45 Prin-| furnace; one seven roomed house on | Phune 1834 Payment, i | 'may have same at 161 Raglan Road Others read the A-B-C Classified Section. They are cess Street. Charles Street. Apply H. F. Norman, | . Se Hig | like the musicians whose skill brings the music of the 69 Patrick Street. or SUM OF MONEY---Lost, between Brock whole world within the scope of their playing ability. BICYCLE--Overland, gentleman's, In| HOUSE--At once, new, seven rooms, $2000.00-_New Bungalow, § rooms, hard. and Lower Union Streets, on East - Readers of the opportunity ads become informed re- ood condition. Apply,iS0 Rudeau St.| "with large lot and barn on North Ar deep Jot. $400 dy Dece Roc side of Wellington Streey. Reward If garding all the chances for profit and economy. They gs Sopy Sf niore: Eastview | ang interest. por . left at Whig Office. are not handicapped like those who learn only "by ear." CARRIAGE--White Wicker, reversible; : 2 2 3400000 Cloray Street, solid brick, § S 3 Fo , , with ' Ww ; ' : White gear, reasonable. Apply 150 Ri- - HOUSE--Brick, fu 7 op a envenieno erms. Hain Ch Bare | | AB mind Say opportunity seekert Reda ve | | | Jiiioffnr, mecsiubie, Hi aera i St RE Toe | HR Sa Sh ld Bx, mayihave same at §29 Earl Street. CIGARS --AN makes shapes and blends. | oe Viemedistely. "Apply. iter Lom $4700.00 Frontenac Street, 7 rooms, all 3 SHELL C. -- THE A-B : If you smoke, get acquainted with this | { tonve Ces. TR ne See SAT Finder pines } Wa oC CLASSIFIED ADS hore. SIY our service. Special prices| HOUSKES-- Two, 7 roomed, with 1 + deton emt vers Kvoiaot Street. 15 Reward ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE by the box.--Jack Elder. provements, $14 per month, Including! "water Beating, al} convenian Com, hot ee tt ------------------ Ar pe 4 rm ---- water rates. - : DE ere ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY FURNITURE_--Den sett. kitchen cabl-| near Charles, 7° °F Io BAGO St. 34700.00--Alfred Street, deep tot and { iy aia on Marke: Square; net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand gdrden, central all conveniences. $640 e EY rank, nd desks. eaPuly J. Thompson, 333 Prin: | HOUSES -- 25 Pine Strest. bars. ost And Driacinay, Per Month on inter ite an dhs a cess street, phong 1600W. stabiing for team of horses, two large We pi Ry od several. oth 3 | Automobiles 2 PE RPES . lots ami road at back, 8 rooms, hard- | parts of the others in 11 | mle iz == MAGAZINES-- Canadian, English and| wood floors, good cellar, gas and elec- H. B CS ' 5 ! A a Laat ; American; largest. stock In the City.| tric lights. three piece bath, no! 316 Barrie Strenr CV: REALTOR, ! utomoblles for Sale, 11 merase eee. Don't take our word, come and see.| children for house, Pine St. 69 Quebec arrie Street. Phone 1098, J espranceanm rmn = Get acquainted with real service.-- Street, hardwood floors, 7 rooms and | --=-- cooommeo = -- US ve | Business Service Employment | Jack Ener. : shed. Apply 25 Pine Street. | Wanted--Real Estate FT touring, in ranning cond 10N, | e---- » ---- | ce ee-------------------------- -~ shock absorl ro main top, | of . ¥ Esmee > 1OUSE y R it i shock Aabeord Tw Gne ath, top| Architects 28b.. s 'Help Wanted--Female 32 | ORGAN--Thomas, walnut. in good con- Bow: Do roomed, ad Sun, electri | HOUSE -- Or Semi-Bungalow, six pes | 1 4 » 1 BE t---------------------------------------------- i, he . . yy ed. " 2 > ¥ ~ - ve . i {Sa8p Phy me ns Bg ic Phone 15 ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever, MAID--General, able to do cooking. =| - ¥ ate [casonable. Apply 87 Collingwood St. | agents. Wins to BETH 1ocality, No re In es elas Faas ooyart Ap-| Merchants Bank Chambers, corner of| ply eon Wednesday to Mrs. Cappon. 36 & 14 OKILL STREET --3 roo oie "re ] = 10 BOX P-§, Whig Oftige. ply Blue Garage Ltd. corner Bagot| Brock and Wellington. Barrie Street. . PRICES Cal) and get ours, on Cream | 'vejlences, 3 frepiason: sor acl Sol ROOMS FOR RENT == and Queen Street. ot _-- : Separators, Gas Engines, Extension| .o lease; furnished until May if ae Chiropractic 28c. | MAID--Reliable, for general house-| Ladders, Pumps; two good #econd- | sired. Phone 1632m. ---- - pork. Apply between 7 and 8 to 247| hand riding Plows. Frost & Wood FOR HOME COMFORT AND 1. MARCELIS--Wm., A. D.C, Ph. C.,, cor-| Brock Street, 286 Ontario Street. . 47 DIVISION STREET --To let, 6 rooms. | § CONVENIENCE U d C d T: _ ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd Si N Jody, ai} latea,| 35 Sixth Btreet, for sale, 7 rooms. All ~ try v se ars an rucks-- floor, Barrle St. entrance. Kingston, | MATD--At once, capable, for general | SAXOPHONE--C. melody, silver pi :| comveniences. Cheap Apply Jos.|] 66 se | Ont. Consultation free. Telephone| housework. Apply Mrs. George Clark| With case, etc. "A bargain. 193 Brock Donaldson, 35 Sixth Street. i McLaughlin touring, 1921 $23J. Hours 9 to 12am, 1to 6 p.m. Wiright, 107 Gore Street. Street, between § and 6 p.m. ' , y » MN 104 BAGOT -- Dodge § passenger touring. Ly DI Fane Joanie A. Shires MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN---Reliable, for BD RD Large, i OF a WELL brick ER Pan Toably Rs RD, ROOMS Nobis i 2 practic 8 stere C! P: . at Fro 8 » © 3 . ad . by h BD. J. Columbia Light Six, five passenger| Xi sc. 239 Bagot Street. Phone 943w.| Hotel. Apply PNA Street. Fs 2 Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Phone 2031m. 157 BROCK STRESS touring, '1921. Hours: 9-12 am. 1 to 6, and § Lo 1.30 PTE = : See | o L Six, 5 pi , 1021. p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap-| ) {E MONEY AT HOME-- 15 STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer _--r------ Reo Light Six, 5 passenger, 1921 tment. Cons ree pald weekly for your spare HE Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters $18.00--269 Earl Street, 7 rooms, toilet HOTELS -- = McLaughlin, 5 passenger touring with BE ------=====| Ing show cards for us. No canvassin Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var gas. E. W. Muilin & n. Phone 539w | mo. | Rex Top | i The above cars are all reconditioned, | | painted and varnished. , New tops and | side curtains where needed. Tires and | Batteriqg have been replaced where re- {quired Chevrolet 1 is suitable for passengers or and in Al conditien. leo 2% ton Truck--Engine just re- Ton Truck.--The body freight BOYD'S GARAGE, Ltd i 129 BROCK STREET, | PHONE 201w. | OAK TIRES---The best are the cheapest. Cords and fabrics. All sizes wiways in stock, at Neal's Vule canizing Shop, corner Queen and On- tario Streets. | 'Business Services Business Services Offered 18 rg --Found, in Lake On- FAL PE may have same by 8 Ab whis Qffice and proving rey. Found, belonging to lady. A RING on bbe) at 95 Ldving- n Avenue. GLOV E-- Found, on Princess St. Owner Ei may have same at Whig Office. / same at Whig Office. Found, on King Street. KEY 'have same at Whig Office. 3 Xx Owner on gold chain, near Bathin House. Owner g Office. KEY--ound, Richardson may have same at TIPPLERS IN COURT FOLLOWING THE HOLIDAY 3 Young Man Who Passed Bogus Cheques, Given Suspended Sentence. Four tipplers were gathered in by In 9 the police over the week-end. © #pite of the O. T. A. the thirsty ones " Juauage to get hold of some of the = real stuff from time to time. Tae foyr wha faced Magistrate Farrell "in the police court on Tuesday wor- ning, stated that they had Deen drinking whiskey. Three had secur- ed their liquor on an order from a and the other got bis at (he gto of a relative where he was a holiday visitor. | The case of a young man, who "has n on femand for some timo, b hh with passing bogus cheques. "Was finally disposed of, the magis- | trate allowing him to zo on sus- pended sentence. Restitution is be- ing wade. . . IN MARINE CIRCLES } The steamer Toronto arrived Mon- steamer on Monday. steamer City of Hamilton, west on Monday. J 'steamer 'Vinmount, # pore] urday night, cleared on - s steamer Jeska left tor Sodus to Toad soft coal, t mr Hoa arrived in Bon ante le and - will glear . memorial to the late Mrs. Corrigan was given by the of St. Mary's cathedral on Hay morning. : 's,. Charles IHobert has return. "her horhe, after . undergoing he) Tm tae KEY--Found, small. Owner may have| AUCTIONEER--For courtesy and hon- ost dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King Street. Phone 520J or 1785w. Cleaning, Dyeing, Renovating 20 CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle yours, with our vacuum cleaner, We guarantee a good job. Furniture re- pairing of ull kinds. Muller's Bicycle Works, 373 King Street. Phone 1961w. Dressmaking--Miltinery 21 HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, Bleak ing, work guaranteed. Mrs. RE. Card, 266 Barrie Street. 1% blocks from Princess Street. \ Ladics' Hair Parlor, 2ta HAIR WORK Ot al] kinds, made to oresahise ampooing and Massag- Merchandise. I Real Estate For Rent - Articles. For Sale ANTIQUES--Walinut Chairs, Walnut Buffets, Walnut Dining Tables. Les- ses' Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street Phone 1045w. AWNINGS -- Tents*Automobile Tents, Peterborough Canoes, Life Saving Cushions, Flags, Tarpaulins. P. Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. RRICK---Hard and soft, any quantity, Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch and Putliagw ecg Streeis. Phone 618 or 391 81 Farms For Rep: 100 ACRES--Mile and a half north © ble land. Pos-!, Westbrook, 85 acres ara session October 1st. Sale about same date. A chardson, 92 Upper Kingston. William HOUSE--Centrally located; all conveni- ences. Rent $35 per month. 2116w. tte ------------------------------ | HOUSES--Several to rent from $18 00 to]. Street; two| $27.00 per month; Cherr on Pply William Ri-| diate possession. Apply 179 Pi 84 | FOR SALE OR TO RENT--Brick house, nearly new, 7 rooms, all conven 141 Pine Street, near Division. Immes« ne St farm | Street, SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ads vertisement, page 3, column 1. Phone! "i, the city. improvements. 357 Johnson Stree Large lot. Fruit and Apply personally, a: HOUSE--SIx rooms. bath YOUR FRIENDS, arc (riends -of your friends, have profited by reading classified ads--and so have friends of your friends' friends. We instruct and supply you with wo Ww est-Angus Show Card Service, Colberne Bld., Toronto. tee ---------------------------------- MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN-- As house- rk. 17 Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; EXT AL BID sus, A BUIG PII 20 v4 Bu DAY AND REVELLE---Barristers and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. E. Day, Adrian 1. Revelle. Money to loan. Phone 205. SHEA---Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King and Brock, over Royal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. Usteopathy 28g. : keeper , THERE'S MONEY in 8 fur you -- the | 'grown-up. 'mat piamily, oo Tire, classified section. 5 { Ply D. B. Johnston, R4, Lansdowne ee ee | Eee TRE TT ee ts Dental 28d. | Help W anted---Male 33 SPARKS & SFARKS -- Dentists, 159 , Wellington sireet, corner of Jrock | BOY-- Phone 346. ; AT ONCE, ¥OR DELIVERY DE- KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 258 ov Princess Street. Phone $5iw. Open PARTMENT. APPLY evenings b appointment. 8 by pp JOHN LAIDLAW & SON, LTD. Legal 28. JARN--$5. N ; | CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Barristers gir a Work way maiiie] and Soliciters, 79 Clarence Street, Bocks on the fast, easily learned Auto | MAN--Or boy to work on farm, Knitter. Experience unnecessary; dis- «stance immaterial; positively no can- vassing. Particulars 3c. stamp. Dept. 78C, Auto Knitter Co., Toronto. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN---Begin- | ners 3150-§250 monthly" (which posi- | Hon?) Write Rallway, Box D-3, Whig | ce. steady Smployment, Sither Ov month or year. ex oe A wages required. Apply Box N-31, Whig. hs OSTEOPATHY--A. T. Still graduates. Drs. Mobert and Edna ;Ashcroft, 204 "King Street. Fhone 447 for appeint- ment. ee ph Repairing 20 "URNITURE FINISHING--Of all kinds. and see W. Driscoll, 23 John street. Phone 296F, UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Street. UPHOLSTERING----And general repair- ing. Leave orders at or drop a card to F- W. Harold ,104 Clergy Street. SHOE REPAIRING--AIll hand work. Rubber heels a specialty; efficient ser- eam Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 SALES AGENT--Rellable, for unrepre- 'sented districts. Good pay, free equip- Dent, Ne are the largest growers of fruit U ornamental trees in Canada. Sell for a Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful. Write: Pelham y Toroato. Teachers Wanted 30a. ee etree tre tee SEACHER--For 8. 8 No. 1, Clarendon, Frontenac county; average attendance 12. Salary $600. Duties to begin at once. Apply to Rose Fraser, Sec.- Treas, Ardoch, Ont. Situations Wanted--Female 38 WASHING DONE--Will call and deliv. nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone 339w,, opposite Urange Hall. Summer Places ror Rent UKELELES -- Special prices to clear this week only. Small sizes. Full tone instruments. Easy to play. Price $1.75.--Jack Elder. WOOD--Mixed, $2.25 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched lum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, 32.50 quar. ter cord; mixed slabs, 33.25 . H BUNGALOW} house, for August 1st. Boyd, Eastview Park. Ph urnished, at once; a 4- roomed house; also a 6 and 7 roomed Apply J, one 1102 Real Estate For Sale. Lakeview House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. . D. R 4 Talbot. Yard: Concession Street, near 82 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. |. Division. Phone 2302w. FOR SALE OR TO RENT First class First-class rooms and meals. } ay - . Sash and Door factory and P WOOD AND COKE--New yard at 200| mil], with Hydro Tiaciiio aang] Good yards and stables Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry| tra) located in town of Picton splen- Special rates to Marine Men, mixed cordwood, sawed, sp'it and de- did chance for right man. The only! livered, $2.50; 1-8 cord, fu. measure. Sash and Door factory in Prince Ed-| P. M. DRISCOLL Hard Coal Coke from city gas works, $10.00 ton up to September. Cinders, $1.00. Load Clinkers 50e. W. C. Bru-, ton. Phone 2440w. Wanted---To Buy 06 ward county. Runs the Apply to owner. Factory, Picton, Proprietor. Ont. Farms and Land For Sale 83 year round. | Allen's Sash & Door Geo. WwW, Proprietor, Allen, " ~BUSINESS SKRVICE OLD GOLD---Silver, or False Teeth, for 3 FARM--10 acres--cla 1 244 TIO si Katto, lyons, Withons stock and implements; 2) - W. Kent Macnee ' . falles "trom Kingston on Bath Road Bank Rooms For Rent Apply 8. 8. Abbott, R. R. No. 1, Ports- | Land icine Birasta Proms a, Pick Sr . Wet at Insurance Agency. Rooms With Board 67 30 ACRES---Farm, 3 miles from Alex-| | dent, Sloiness Plate § Bur 'wits ® & money-inaker. Can| | ste. Representing only rel] b BOARD AND ROOMS--fgirst class, by 8ht with or without stock, on| | pant V reliable come day or week. All conveniences. Rea-| ®&8y teoma. Declining years ds own. | Lo o* sonable rates. Apply 208 Yniversity Avenue, near Brock Street. ROOM--Large, bright, beautifully fur- nished, with use of study, in private home, for two young ladies; 10 min- utes from University; board if desired. Apply Box R-1, Whig Office, ROOMS -- Furnished, large bedroom, comfortably furnished, wsuitable for! storm door, ivat good two, -Also table board Apply 193! hen house his property at onload Brodk Street. Phone 8m. at a sacrifice' $2300. Terms, ' Rooms. Without Board 68 | FRAME BUNGALOW---§ TOO bed- J I urk S r + all hardwood floors, electric , lights, 3 plece bath, splendid cellar, al} PHONE 708. ROOMS---Three, large, unfurnished. in first class repair. Price $3,000. Reasonable: Apply 101 Stephen St. rms, . v M. B. TRUMPOUR ROOMS---THtee, furnished, three piece bath, hot water heated. gas and elec- FRAME BUNG 4 reason for selling Favanguen, Alexandria Kingston, Houses ¥or Sale rooms, electri 337 Bagot Street. Apply Charl h bay, N.Y. McNamee, 346 Alfred Street, ALOW---8 rooms, 3 bed- ¢ lights, bath room, decorated, newly painted, screen = es or FURNITURE Of All Descriptio; eason. able Peines n STOVES Well repaired. at a ribet orice. ARTICLES Strange, established in 1860. Office: 85 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--Qur Health and Accident policy will protect your salary. Fire Insurance at low rates. Phome BE. Williams, 2 Couper Street. Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job dome. A. MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. STORAGE SPACE~-For furniture, cleay and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391J .or 618. STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock Frost's Sy Storage, 299- 306 Queen Bt. Phone 526. Res. 989 Sere yy Pain Papering, Decorating 26 FAINTING--Papering, Decorating --| first class work and work guaranteed. Call or phone A. Anderson, 166 Bagot Street. Phone 1966. w., SIGN PAINTING--J. 8. Robinson, rear 276 Bagot street. ADVERTISERS ARE 1328 tn And every perso n pro use' classi- Bed ads . Help Wanted--Female 82 COOK GENERAL -- Exporienced, by September 1st. Apply Mrs. F. HeMac- nee, 143 King Street, West. COOK~General. Apply Mrs. Du Mou~ lin, 28 Sydenham Street. GIRL--~Young, to assist with general housework; one who can sleep at h preferred. Apply Mrs. Z. Prevost, 113 Karl Street. RIRL~--Experienced. Apply Frontenac aper Box Co, King reet East. GIRL-- For stenographer and book- keeper, experienced. Apply Box T-4, Whig Office. . GIRL--For general housework. Apply 115 Willlam Street or phone 683w. Davis Dishart, a returned soldier has been appointed a clerk in the Kingston post office, to take the place of Mr. Stockdale, who recent- and farm properties; county debentures; mortgages pur. chased; investment bonds tor sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. . C. Cartwright, Street, Kingston. Musical, Dancing Dramatic 44 PEARL A. NESBIT--LT.C.M., Organ- ist and Choir Director, Queen St. Me- thodist Chureh. Teacher of Singing, Piano and Organ. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examination. Fall term commences Sept. 4th. Studio: 400 Brock Street. Phone 11474 municipal and] manager, 37 Clarence | =. ee FOR SALE. Life Boats, Rowing Skiffs, small Knock-about Boats, Gas- 0-31, Whig Office. ROOMS--Three or Four, furnished, for| housekeeping; centrally located. Phone 2498 between 8 a.m. and § p.m. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats © 74 | t Push with their feet, to the table to allow th To-Day's Blunder 2 Co hildren's hair cutting: Mrs.| vice. Adolf Kaminskl, conor Mont- tric 1 ' i \ ' 3 a 3 ght. Possession October 1st. Ap- rey Ehaties Fvnningham, 66 Bay Street, real and Queen Streets. 5.1 desivea. Apply 38 Lower Charles| p11." 1° Nelson Street. Phones 704 or 15425. SHOEMAKER --- James Modney, 253 Insurance 28| King Street. T. Biss formerly of 316 W OMAN-neliabie, from country. de. Rooms For Housekeeping 6 SEMI-BUNGALOW--G Mgntreal Street, in charge. All kinds 3 ¥ work, day or ha days. , rooms and 3 FIRE--Automobile and Casualty Insur-| of work. Rubber Heels put on while] Can give city references. Apply Mrs. ROOMS Twi jarge, furnished Or un-| very modern with ev ance. IE. M. Crumley, 420 Ear] Street.| you wait. Workmanship guaranteed. | _W. Hughes, 392 Division Street. furnishe of hen | ousekeeping; ie| 8 dn good condition, Phone 1783M. 3 ock from city park. Apply 8 Ontario| garden. Apply Box UP[IOLSTERING -- Coveted buttons Financial ee one real. Ra INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and| made same day as ordered. Upholster- Wanted : Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B.| Ing at reasonable prices. E. J. Good< Money to Loan 20 Rooms or Board 73 Cooke, District Manager. Phones:| ridge; 244 University Avenue, Phone m------ Res.: 842w., Office: 503w. 2043F, bp a pra FURNISHED ROOM -- Wanted, for A Loan and. Divestment 'oung couple, about end of Septem- | INSURANCE--Only the most reliable Employment W. F. Nickle, KC o view Srebiasident, Tr. With light cooking and washing Corrected companie represented. Strange & ploy B. Cunningham. Si a gent, Soavehiences; Permanent if suitable. en a---- -- (See INustration on Page Bables always like hould not be placed 0 touch it, as he is apt to 14.) to kick and A high-chair near enough e baby's feet oline Engines, Evinrude Stern Motors, small Pumping Units. 8 Also the place to get machine | ery Yopaired and oxy-acetylene welding and carbon burning. DAVIS DRY DOCK C0, pusn Foot of Wellington Street KORRINNE A. MADDEN--Teacher of Sr moivabuplis pre, red for Rgronta Con: y examinations, dio; 50 Ear] Street. Phone 1838. dio; Live Stock Poultry and Supplies 9 BRED TO LAY ST! RAIN--Barred Rock, half grown Cockerels. Qui 00. Call § rp oan. Sh Bh sale Le. olee, ncess COCKERELS-- White W - dottes--John 8 Martin Regal-Doreas hryimg strain; very fine. 234 Earl LITTLE classified ads have a way - hard enough to over-balance the APARTMENT Three rooms, 3 plece| Chair and fall backward, ° : bath, heated. $35 per month. Apply ' A phone 2116w. - - APARTMENT--Four rooms; all con- - What We Have Been Doing-- : ences, dot Water Beating, Fos. session ember 3 te's Insurance gre Et Aopiy APARTMENT ree rooms, furnished for light housekeeping, oh bath room fiat, gas for cooking, electric 1i ts, in good locality. + Apply Box 8-4, Whig ney. Th: including sun room, good balcony, B. and C. Separate. win rent egmplt in part. ng §Vie- 'toria Par lon at once. "Ap- Street. Places For Remt 75 LOPE BOOMS Bateson King srs ly resigned me of doing big things Since A and filled (how What We Are 2 \ i 2 1st we have as quickly as possible. a es. Are Doing Now- What We Expect To Do-- 'We to the expect { take care of all orders received throughout James Swift & C : Foot of Johnson taken orders for Anthracite coal I . Suaranteeing delivery, 0. Street i MR. JIGS BRINGING UP FATHER 8 1 aa: SWELL 'HERE | iN 7 TOWN AT iT WOL YES ARE TO TAKE ME YO . A HOUSE--One of the best built houses as

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