Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1923, p. 12

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TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1923. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | E-- B.C. FIR CEILING | Just unloaded a carload of No. | Clear Fir, V Joints for Excellent stock. ceilings, Wainscoting, etc. Also have on hand a full assortment of Spruce, V Joints , Siding and Flooring. For prompt service, telephone 1042. ALLAN VICTORIA STREET. LUMBER (CO. "Phone 1042. mm ee) We Are Ready for any 'emergency in the machine shop line. What are your require- ments in the way of machinery re- pairs? With our complete equip- ment of lathes, drills, planers, saws, etc., we can take care of your needs. "Bishop Machine Shop KING AND QUEEN STREETS Lower Prices Arthur Callaghan Distributor 210-214 Wellington St. § gg | | From the Countryside | Frontenac | . tase | CLARENDON. | Aug. 29. -- M. Mass, Kingston, and J. Bateman, Parham, are camp- {ing on Crutch' Lake. Miss Mary | Burke, who was visiting her aunt, | Mrs, Croiu, Maberly, has returned home. Mrs. Appleby and Miss Katie | Burke motored to Maberly en Tues- day morning. Miss May Burke is visiting Miss Bunuie Campbell, at | Tysick"s Corners. Miss | White is spending some time with | Kingston and Gananoque {ricncs, = KINGSTON MILLS. Aug. 30.--Things are brightening up after the rain. - The government diver was here looking after me trouble with the locks. Mr. ana { Mrs. Marchil and two children, who ton, making the trip by motor boat, 1eturned to Ottawa and were the guests of Mrs, C. Clark over night. Mrs. W, Harper has returned to Brockville' after visiting her moth- er, Mrs, Begby. Miss Leta Emmons, i Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Clark, {and Master Ralph, motored to Lynd- {hurst and spend the day with Mrs. [Clark's parents, TYSICK'S CORNERS. Aug. 30. Johnny Ferguson, accompanicd by Barbara Donnelly and hataleen Campbell motored to Perth last week. George Crain hurt his foot in the 'mower, 'while cutting hay, last Mon- day. We are pleased to hear that Guy Monrow has returned from Ferth Hospital after a serious ill- ness. May Burke, Clarendon, Martha | have been visiting friends in Pic-| --- George Crain andy has | 'been visiting Nell Tysick for a few | | | at Mrs. M. Ready's, Denbigh. Sunday gt. Rev. Mr. Fischer, L.atheran astox, Victor and Albert Wienecke, *nt Tuesday in Renfrew, Miss | | Olive Belee, Vennacher, is the guest of Xirs. 0. Chatson, Denbigh. Leeds \OUTLET. Aug. 29.--The threshing is near- ly completed around this district, ! the yield being only about half of | that of former years. W. Reed has! gone to the Canadian west. Miss Eujalia Flood, Sheatown, has been engaged as teacher in our school for the ensuing term. Edmund Leeder and mother, Lyn, were Sun- day visitors at W. A. Deir's. Miss Veronica Leeder, Trevelyan, is vis- iting at F'. O'Grady's. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Steacy spent a few days re- cently in Brockville. Mr. and Mrs. E. Moore, Maple Grove, spent Sun- day at Milton Burns'. Mr. and Mrs. James Clarke, Gananoque, are mov- ing to this neighborhood. Mrs, Earle 'and son, Purvis, spent a day recently at their old home here. Some of the farmers have started ploughing. Lennox & Addington Aug. 29.--Rev. Mr. Clark will preach in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening next. One of the directors of the Kingston Fair was in town on Monday placing adver- tisements throughout the district. Do you desire a Ford Car or Truck? If you have not the full cash price, would you like to have the use of the car while you are paying for it? To those who desire to purchase a Ford Car or Truck and cannot com- pletely pay for it at once, we are able to quote the following terms: Down Payment consists of:-- For a Runabout (Non-Starter).........$ 150.62 .Balance of $ 861.00 For a Runabout (Starter Equipped)..$ 176.85 For a Touring Car (Non-Starter) ....§ 163.55 For a Touring Car (Starter Equipped)$ 204.77 » For a Truck (Non-Starter).................. $ 108.15 For a Truck (Starter Equipped)........ §. 226.10 Fora Coupe.......ccooiiioriina This deferred payment price, the amount ment and all the terms of the transaction have wren $ 25084 $ 420.00 » » § 392.00 " " § 445.00 $ 400.00 § 465.00 $. 500.00 $ 650.00 of the down pay- the approval of in 12 equal payments the Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited, so that those who buy Ford products on deferred payments may have the pro- tection of a standard deferred payment price throughout all of Canada in the same manner as those who buy Ford Products H. W Thornton and daughter motor- ed to Belleville and Trenton last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Dono- van, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Willia:as, are touring the back section of the days. Kathleen Campbell, who Las been visiting Neil Tysick, will re. turn home to Kingston, Monday. Neil Tysick made a business trip to Perth on Wednesday. t TIRE $ { SALE 11.00 Non-skid, guaranteed first quality Tires The Central Garage Limited Phone 600. WE Brock' and Montreal Streets. NEVER CLOSE. 'DINE OUT DURING THE HOT WEATHER HAVE YOUR MEALS AT OUR CAFE DURING THE SUM- MER -- GOOD THINGS SERVED PRICES RIGHT. = DAINTY AS YOU LIKE THEM -- CAFE OPPOSITE BIBBY'S Camaguey Electric Company Mortgage Sinking Fund Go'd Bonds, Series "A" 6%% First ed] Price: 100 and accrued interest to yield 61, % JOHNSTON ~* WARD | DOG DAIRY AND Concluding with AUTO SHOW, PURE FOOD | AGRICULTURAL, . Increased Prize Maney for the Approved Live Stock and Poultry. 'AUTO RACES, AUTO POLO, HORSE RACES BALLOON ALL FEATURE VAUDEVILLE EACH Entire New Midway with the test Fidos and Shows Magnificent Spectacular Fireworks the Greatest Feature la; have ever shown Pltpiay we Special Reduced Rates on ail Railways ingsten. snuw, BABY SHOW, AND CAT SHOWS. RAL, HORTICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITS Breeds of AND NIGHT Space: for Autos on Grounds ECHO LAKE. 27.-- The farmers are through harvesting and some have commenced their fall plough- ing. Mrs, C. Cox and Mrs. L. Swit- | zer spent Sunday at C. Gowdy's; Mrs. Arthur McCleod spent the t week-end under the parental. roof; Mr. and Mrs. G. Smith and daugh- ter, Helen, of Chicago, spent a few days with relatives here. Service was held in the school house on Sun< | day by D. McCleod. Mr. and Mrs. A. Buckley and Mr. and Mrs. Holden. Yarker, at H. McClead's; Mr. ana Mrs. T. Leveque, also Joseph ana Florence, called on J. Cronk; R. Cronk and Miss W. Cronk at C. Cox's. A wee son has come to glad- den the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ruttan. " Aug. FLORIDA. Aug. 28.--Mrs. Hanlan Carrell and children, who have been visiting at Dexter, N.Y., have returned howe accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Zina Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Cliaries Jeffrey were ~ Sunday visitors at Archie Goslin's, Hartington. Mrs. John Peters has returned home after spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. William Shillipgton, Cole Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Leeman, Buf- falo, N.Y., were recent visitors at Edward Martin's. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Compton at Enoch Snider's, Wil- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Damon Martin and daughter, Edith, spcat one day last week at Earle Lucas', Maple Avenue. Goldie Shillingion, Cole Lake, is spending a few days at Jokn Peter's. Mrs. C. Stover, Wilton, and Mrs. W. Burleigh, Kingston, spent Monday last at John Peters'. Alfred Compton and Clinton Martin are én- gaged in carpenter work on W. B. Storm's house at Wilton. ZBALAND. Aug. 31.--The farmers here are busy at their harvest. Some boys from around here have gone west, Miss Agnes McDonell has zeturned home after spending her holidays at Thessalon. Herbie Armstrong, Wolfe Island, visited friends at Zealand. Miss Jessie Conboy has returned home after visiting friends in Perth. Miss Edna Garrett is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. George Garrett, Sharbot Lake. - Miss Jean McDonell at J. Perkins'. Miss Bertha Scott 11s visiting friends In Smith's alls. The Xlisses Elsie and Miidreq Conboy also Myrtle Garrett and Jean Me- Donell leave on Monday to attend the Perth Collegiate. Miss Carrie Conboy is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John F. Burke. Mrs. W. H. Gar rett and family are visiting her mother, Mrs, Kell, Allandae. Wil- i. Young and Byrns McDonell have 0 work on the extra at Lindsay. i "u i. . CEDAR LAME. Aug. 28. -- The heavy storm Fri- day last, has put our 'phone systom out of order. H. W. Edwards, our former Continuation schooi teacher, has been engaged as teacher at Mal loryto ohn, Nim F. Danford, Bomar-: accepted school for this ail county and will return home by way of Bon Echo and Coe Hill. The re- sidence of C. R. Tucker is being en- tirely renovated. Christ church is also beiug repaired, with a new ceii- ing and nicely decorated walls. It will be one of the finest churches in the county when this work is con- cluded. , The Salvatiéon Army held a well-attended meeting in the town hall on Wednesday evening. The loca! stores will all close on Mon- day next owing to Labor Day. FUNERAL AT KEPLER. An Interesting Service in the Church On Sunday Night. Kepler, Aug. $1. .~ The (uncrai of the late Lucinda Assolstine, wno died in Kingston General Ilospital, was held from the home of hor grand-daughter, Mrs. Weliinglon Orser, on _Aug. 2ist. Deceased was born at Odessa in 1835 and had spent all her life in the Kingston district. Her husband, the lalgy Abram Assel- stine, predeceased her thirteen ycars ago. She was a bright, kind-iecarted Christian old lady aud retained all her faculties until near the end. 5%¢ is survived by one son, Guy, Wes!- brook, and one step-son, Kilboth, Baldwinsville, N. Y., and {hrue sis ters, Mrs. Dcole, California; Mrs. Damon Baboock, Wilton, and Mrs. Ira Snider, Broklyn, N. Y., and two brothers, Hiram, Yarker; and, Nelson, Napanee. The remains were 'nierred at Wilton. x Rev. Calvert, Inverary, occupizi the pulpit here Sunday alternoon. In the evening, Mr. Brown, Roches- ter, N. Y., president of the Chris- tian Endeavor. Union, for New York state, talked to a good-sized audi- ence. The singing was led by Res. Mr. Frankinvelt, Rochester. N. Y. Mr. Brown, Sr., Philadelphia, fathcr of the speaker, sang several fine | solos which were much appreciated. Mrs. Arthur Smith entertained the Young Ladies' Sunday school class yesterday afternoon. Mrs. W. H. Horning 1s home from tue hospital and is recovering nicely from her re- | Winters, Yarker, and Fred. Winters, cent operation, Rev. B. C. Freemau and wife, Cranbrook, B, C., are visit- ing the latter's mother, Mrs. K. Law-| son. T. Smith and son, Rochester, N. Y., who have been spending their Bolidays with the former's brother, here, has returned to his home, ac- companied by his nephew, Howard | Smith. i i Miss Grace Garrett has rciurned from visiting friends on Woife Ls- land, accompanied by AMiss Bertha Rattray. Miss Fidelis Fowler, Syd- enham, is visiting at Newton Orser's Claud O'Brien, Allan Station, at his uncle's, T." Garrett. Miss Trudeil, Bath Road, at Perey Potters; E. C. Caverly, wife, and daughter, Catara- qul, at C. Lawson's; W. Keyes, wife and daughter and R. McRae, and little su», Wolle Land. at A. O1- i 1 wile relatives and i i for full cash. The low Corporation, FORD MOTOR COMPANY OF CANADA; LIMITED; FORD, ONTA Limited, who finance financing opportunity only to Ford B.J. SNIDER |E. Parham, Ont. price is possible because the Traders Finance the transactions extend this ealers and only on Ford W. HORNING & SON Sydenham, Ont. a2 RIO ser's; Isaac Simpson and wife, at E. Donnell's; Miss Marguerites Wart- man, Newburgh, at H. BE. Joanston's. a, FRIENDS ARE NUMEROUS. They Throng the Streets of the' Vilage of Odessa. | Odessa, Sept. 1.--Mr. and Mrs. ' John Graham and sons, Lorne and! Glenwood, Deserontp, spent Wednes-| day the guests of Mrs. Graham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Morris-| son. Edward Hicks, St. Cathar- ines called on friends last Wedxes. day. He was agcompanied by Mrs. Hicks and his little daughter Jane. Mr. and Mrs. Young, Fulton, N.Y, and Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Ganan- ¢que; spent the week-end the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Kil- gannon. Miss Laura Crowl, Cobourg, and Miss Edith Laidley, Kingston, have been recent guests at the Dominion. John Greer, Hafleybury, has been renewing old acquaintapces. Mrs. Zine Hunter, Dexter, N.Y., Is vsit- ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D, Dakota, spent Sunday with re:atives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee, Water- town, N.Y., who have been speng- ing the past week with relatives, left on Monday to visit the Toronto' Exhijition en rofite to their home. They 'were accompanied by Mrs. R. Lee and Mrs. John Manson. Mr, and Mrs. Radcliffe "and children, Edith and Teddy, are guests of Mrs. Radcliffe's parents, Mr. and Mrs Ww. G, Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers, Rochester, N.Y. and Mrs. Bruce Graham and daughter Jean Sproule, motored here last Sunday and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Sproule. Mr. and Mrs. Tagg, Rocaeswer, N. ¥., are guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Frink. Hen. ry Timmerman, Montreal, called on friends last Monday. Mr. ana mrs. James Boyce and Mrs. Lewis Snyder spent Wednesday with friends Harrowsmith, Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Davy are attending the Exhibition in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Kingston Battery Service W. MILNE, PROPRIETOR. ALL MAKES OF STORAGE BATTERIES, STARTING MO- TORS, GENERATORS AND MAGNETOS REPAIRED OUR PRICE FOR CHARGING BATTERIES PHONE 1925J, age battery here ure RL Eoaaice i Jure es 0% 3 THRESHERS SUPPLIES Threshers will do well to when filling out for harvest. We inch to 7 inches, Packing, Valves for your work. get our prices a complete stock of Rubber Belting from 1 Belt Lacing, Oils, Greases, , and everything necessary Lemmon & Sons Denyes and two daughters, and (Dr.) Meacham, Milton, i triends last Thure ifs i £ § i Ist ef ii Lil} Fizdf i i | | |

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