4 BATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1b22 | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC ke Your Selection Here. The Va hi Baticl Automobiles | Tree eee etree eet Merchandise. Reai Estate For Rent Real Estate For Sale, itt 1 hi mm SEE II TEER fi kai A nc cat | can phe geese pA S---- ee mr ---- The British 1 g Automobiles for Saje | | i Articles For Sale | Houses For Kent 77 Houses For Sale | Make Your a 3 . . he ---- | FOR SALE OR TO RENT--Brick house, "LASSI FIED ADVERTISING. | FORD TOURING - , in first class K ' n | CLASSIFIED A : pa BRICK---Hard and soft, any quantit BUNGALOW---Five rooms, furnace, all nearly new, 7 rooms, all conveniences con A a + zed and popular ondition, cheap for . ick sale. Ap- | . . | Apply E. E. Walthem, corner Birch | opr pA ' ' . 3 I 341 3% : : Indexeq, landardiseg to ply Ford Godkin, « Boao Streess. Phone 618 oF eniences. Apply 183 Alfred St.- | 141 Pine 8 eel, near Division. Immes« 13618 Queen Street. i un ] un 13513 3 i | diate possession. Apply 178 Pine St ---- -- ---- OP | | i ---- « au | The : SMITH SYSTEM 3 tn Te { Til BASIL L. SMITE {| McLAUGHLINI-35, recently 3 TA ING ret HOUSE--Centrally located; all conveni- lnc, Philadelphia, Pa and in first class running BA ROGAINS ~In Men's Pants. Tegular] tL gent #0 per month. Phone SEE--Bateman's large Real Estate ade . Bhs ie G os um : Some musicians play their instruments wholly "by $4.50 for $1.50 and $1 ens Suits, | vertls i ¢ tricted. to their | ply Blue Garage Ltd. corr J he ' ' Raincoats, Fall Overcoats, etc, at fiisement, page 3, column 1. in, and to the . 1 Queen Street i ear." as it is called . reasonable prices. A. Shapiro, 45 Prin- 7 5 roms gas "electricity and | fegular Dally Whig style of type. | a SHLD e passenger o { | They are only half,way musicians compared to those j | © S Stree! an -- -- | lavatory. R. Chas. Bell, 130 Clarence | HOUSE--One of the best built hous ' CLASSIFIED RATES n ply Sharles Cun. whose musical training enables them to play "from || | CARRIAGE--White Wicker, reversible: ! np avaien ter SY, Jot. Pormanaind ai LASS eh ngham, 2 ri ss Street, etree I 8. 4 > erson Fo s Daily rate per line or consecutive S--Several to rent from $18.00 to| 357 Johnson Street ¥, a insertiops: $27.00 per month Cherry Street; two! eet apartments on Sixth Street, ali im- | HOUSE--Frame, 7 réoms, 3 piece bath, covered truck | stricted by the meagre bits of word-of-mouth information | | Try a Kid Kangaroo. For sale by De acnts; 2 hn oemed house an nn areatn ror canons Street, at "a jly for quick sal Used Car &| " Ee : Wo a 236 1 3 Daily iF lig 4 3 Auto Parts, corner Bagot and Queen they hear. | { floss w ood Agency, 236 Ontario SC, furnace; une seven roomed house on| ply 3 Johnson Street. i iq ston, '% days . : . i | 'haries Stree ply p | ---- - 3 Cuys v sraereers BA Others read the A-B-C Classified Section Thay are jr --r-------- | [Chae oF Direet PPIY H.\¥. Norman, SEMI-BUNGALOW--Good Toeatiee 1 day a Tp charged, | like the musicians whose skill brings thé music of the | DAVENPORT--1 20d order | -- Ea side, 6 rooms and X piece' nrc tat or AT Marriages, lu d C ; d T k | { whole world within the scope of their playing ability. | 53 King mater woo Ph 151 IPD { BUNGALOW--Furnished, to responsi. | tery modern with every conveniente! Sl { a . : - yrs ble party; no children. Possession on| all in good condition, includin 1 Jia0; cash bi'" ina Memsriam se ars an rucks-- Readers of the opportunity ads become informed re- | Sept. 1st. Ap ndsay { y "K-28, Whig Ok j T : Sept. 1s Apply J. Lindsay, 96 To-| ®arden. Apply Be -24 . Card of Thauks an | t garding all the chances for profit and economy. They y a x fice Poly ox Ev. Whigewr Notices--Charged, $1.60; casn, $3.00 DRESSER--Large, solid mahogany,| Tonto Street. : . i } outing 2 are not handicapped like those who learn only "by ear." Chesterfield uebec eate 1 Ee Rn ---------------------- eacn :nsertiom McLaughlin touring, 1921 y "by r ! tstertield, Quebec Heater, small | re ~Brick, furnished, 7 rooms, two | rdered for irregular Eg ' 2 oa s Hv 'un | heater, reather bed and other arti "les. fdvertising or the one-time inser- Dodge 5 passenger touring. Don't 'be a half-way opportunity seeker! Read the i 4 ASPs Detweoy evi and nine b Shand reserved by owner. Gardge. Possese| ------ tion rate; no ad. taken for less than Columbia Light Six, five pass A-B-C Classified Section to-day--and every day! I} 3 karl Street. | Slon September 1st. Apply 106 Vie-| LOT--Desirable corner building lot, § basis of four lines. ring, 1921. vi | orca TTT torla Street, near Earl 8ood residential section , ang paved ount six average = . : E A-B-C CLASSIFIE FURNI LE--Den sett. kitchen cabi-| EY, Ago Ra ---------- Street, 562 Albert Stre it.) fou red b 3 + 5 passenger, 1921. f » = SIFIED ADS het, buifet and bookcases, stovesand | HOUSE---At once, new, seven THOS, | ut best offer. Hox C-24. Whig Ottieed Charged ads. wiil be received by 5 passenger touring with, | ALWAYS THE SAME-----IN SERVICE | desks. Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin-| With latge lot and barn on North Al-| === 20 20 -- he telephone and if paid at Tae Bric. Rex Tob i r t hich ee A cess street, phone 1660W. | fred. Apply J. Ls Boyd, Eastview | Wanted--Real Estate gg ish Whig Office withiz § Jays trom. / drssre nl atiioncal 1} ALWAYS DIFFERENT --IN OPPORTUNITY | GARAGES anD COTTAGE For | Park. Pnone 1102 Rd. first day of inseruon, | * above cars are all reconditione % | | AGE AN C TAGES--Portable - erm ps ion ie be ater, : d and varnished. New tops and | Or permanent, steel truss barns and | HO --1 room brick, 15 Colborne HOL SE = or Semi-Bungalow, six or Ads. ordered for more than one Say : curtains where needed. Tires and | | implement buildings, steel o Stre centre OF business, 3 piece ae ms; In 8ood locality, NG opped before expiration wii tteries have been replaced where re- tanks, shingles, sidings, éte. + bathroom, gas, electric Light, rent rea. ; Tite to Box P-8, Whig Office. and stopp . | 2g ---- only be cnarged for the number or Namee, 545 Alired Street. sonable. Faone 1036, or apply 146/ FARM--W ed tt times the ad. appeared and adjue'- Chevrolet ; rn = v et & 8. Co. hone 2292w. Urdnance Street. | ®ood tar gp bi hear trom owner of ment made at the rate earned. | 18 artanie: fp Ton Thich -=Fhe hody 0 " ------ pen - [| Tol parcn Jor sale. State cash price, Rate per line for white space is 1s jultable for passengefs or freight, a MAGAZINES--We have them all the | 104 BAGOT STREET -- Comfortable P Culars. D. F. Bush, Minne« the same as & line of type. . and in Al condition Busin 8 i new ones. Be sure you get the latest.| Prick house, near City Park Apply | polis. Mina. Special rate for yearly advertising ______Susiness Service : Employment Jack Elder's, 3 King & Smythe, 71-74 Clarence Street, | -------- upon request. | Kingston | FARM WANTED--I want farms for Publishers reserve the right to edit | cash buyers Describe and state price, notes | Wirite gear, reasonable! Apply 150 Ri-¢ ---------- ie} Similarly. some people know only those opportuni: A deau Street, or phone 1436J | McLAUGHLIN--8 . der touring! ties that they learn "by ear." Their advantages are re- | KSHUTT PLOUGHS--Are the best Minimum charge, 25 cents. | | | | words to the Reo 24 ton Truck- Engine just re- | built and in first class condition Dental "Solicitors, Canvassors 2 8 MUSICAL G BV 3 ¢ f 9 . nts 335 MUSICAL GOODS Violins, Mandolins, 4" OKI E § rooms, all con-| R.- McNown, 211 Wilkinson : erve the right to edit | . : | rr ---------- -- < > -- | Ukeleles, Kazoos, Jews Harps, Gui- RE | } V pony ip {BOYD S GARAGE Ltd SPARKS & BPARKS -- Dentists, 159 AGENTS Laundry Tablets,| tars Cut prices. ' Get one ow at| Veniend 3 Areblaces; rent according | 5 maa wai Je See Telephone 243, ask for a want ad. f 129 BROCK STREET, y | Wellington street, corner of Brock wash clo § ut rubbing. Agents| Elder's. | sired" "Tindurnisaed until May 3 doef us For ge * "PHONE 201, | Phone 346. | making $50 weekly handling gur vro- | sired. Phone 1632m | ROOMS FOR RENT : > t | a KNAPP--Dr. A. E, Dentist. Office: 258 | Leg E Fry onium iter Wilte] ,rG AN--Thomas, walnut, in good con- | $50.00--Earl Street, furnished dwelling, J Announcement { Princess Street. EBhone 85iw. Open| paren 18 CO. vd Onl, De-{ ORG $15. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, |-7 rooms, bath, electric Hoe gas, fur- | FOR HOME COMFORT AND RE evenings by appointment. | i b ; . powe. H.W. Mullin & Son. Phone| CONVENIENCE ® = PR | q Personals Auto Aceessories--' ires--Parts 13 es | ASENT-AR Intelligent man or a | eee SW ee | 6¢ vy REY A ¢ althy, ES AND TUBES vor Leg: 28e.| to travel an appoint agents. Yearly | SIDEBOA Large, oak, gas range om MATRIMONY--Pretty girlie, wealthy,| mpeg Ann 71 BES--You have tried | ona | contract, guaranteeing 21005 and pd and plate, cook stove. Apply 220 Col- Summer Places For Rent 80 ids -------------------- | but oh 80 lonesome. C. Box 55, Oxford, { fe Dow Tag Desi. Tor Vinlcap CUNNINGHAM & Su -- Barristers| penses, (321 weekly average), com-| borne Street. Fla. Hg. Ling yo Hin uves to and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street,| mission besides. Winston '0., Dept. BUNGALOW---Furnished, at once: - "U 3 ae MARRY? Join == Seats VY ulc nizing Shop, Queen and| Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.!| W.U., Toronto. " Dep | SIDEBOARD--Walnut, Buffet, Heater,| roomed house; also a 5 and 7 ome | UR ReaD ROOMS MATRIMONY -- MARRY? Join ihe| Ontario § ] L____| Cyril M. Smith. SALES AGENT Relate gom--------| Bob Sleigh, Organ. Apply evenings. | hones for August 1st. Auply J. D.| | Phone 20810m 187 BROCK STON "Home 'Correspon Confidential. Mrs. | == A LE | rere VERILY I rem | SALES AGE '--Reliable, for unrepre-| 102 Livingston Avenue. vieW Park. Phone 1102 R 4. | | . EET ticulars free. « ds. Mich. | Business Services DAY AND REVELLE--Barristers and| sented districts. Good pay, free equip. | ------ reo | rd | Keena, B-23, Grand Rapids, Mich. | mmr Er Cr solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King-| ment. We are the largest growers of | STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Cheer | * Wanted---10 Rect | HOTELS TT Actes lady, worth $ Business Services ered 18 | ston. A. E. Day, Adrian I. Revelle. | fruit and ornamental trees in Canada.| Square Quebec >toves and Heaters, | -- : MATRIMONY --Young lady, worth $50.- | : | Money to Joan. Phone 205. | §oll for a Nursery, not for a jobber | Economy Heady Mixed paints and Var. | guar HOUSE--Or apartment, of fv ------ii x | er------ -- | You will be successful. Write: Pelham | nishes. 387 Princess Street. Phone Or SIX rooms, near 2p Mine Mo ve | Funlnidin me | 000, wishes to marry. | | ve Oxford, Fla. | AUCTIONEER --For Sourtesy and hon-| SH A cAmbrose, BA. Barrister al Nursery Co., Toronto. S3YW., opposite Urange Hall. | tober 1st. Apply C. 8. Kirkpatrick, | . es : : est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 374 King oljc tor, ! Ine g | ce Stre P 2 56 ! MATRIMONY --Aviator, 'wor Street. Phone 830J of Pisw t King) a Brock, over Hoval Bauk. Money| 82.000--Per year, easily made selling | WOOD--Mixed, $2.25 quarter cord; new | eo. Llarence Street. Phone esw | a eview never married; wants wife. to loan. Phone 1999. | jour rubber aprons ang specialties. | and second hand lumber, matched lum- | R Ral -- 35, League, Toledo, Ohjo. ee EE a == | Free sampie case to workers. Write ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quar- | eal Estate For Sale. ei Sees ines Cleaning, Dyeing, Renovatin Usteopathy prices and particulars. The B..& | ter cord; mixed slabs, $3.25. W, H.|===--= mr MATRIMONY SPT a Wa + i 8, Dyeing, 8 20f -- i -------- ° :. Co., I) 4, London, Ont. Talbot. Yard: Concession street, near | . Business Property 82 ouse ry ean rite ack for | CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle| OSTEOPATHY A. Ene tl graduates RT === Llvision. Phone 2303w. J ALE ORT ) ahand. description. Box ours, with our vacuum clear We| Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 204 eachels Wante 1s " ME {FOR SALE OR TO RENT--First of | atanding Pictqse YE descrip ? Braraatos a good Job, | Furniture re-| King Street. Phone 447 for appoint- | -------- No | WOOD AND COKE--New yard at 290] Sash. and Door factory and Planing | Corner Queen and Ontario Sta. 228, Los Angeles, C : pairing of all kinds. Muller's Bicycle] ment TEACHER---For 8. 8. No. 1, Clarendon, singin, weg opnce, ary mill, wita Hydro Electric power; cen- | UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. - i seeking | Works King Street. Phone 196 | = Frontenac county; average attendance Mixe cordwood, sa « sp! n e- ral located in town of py ton; -| "irst-clas. MATRIMONIAL ne ose stamp. | ms wo orb Bla oi Repairing 29 12. Salary $600. Duties to begin at livered, $2.50; 1-§ cord, Tuu measure.| did chance for right man, The ety y oy ass rooms snd meat. marriage. lard, 2928 Broadway, Chi- Dressmaking--Miiliner- | --ee _" | Once. Apply to Rose Fraser, Secx| Hard Coal Coke from city Bas works, Bash and Door factory in Prince Ed- Good yards and stables. Mrs. F. Willard, 292 FURNITURE FINISHING--Of ali kinds. |_Treas., Ardoch, Ont. | 31Ge! 10m Sib, to, September. 'Cinders,| ward county." Hats the year round. Special rates to M imme | $1.00. Load Clinkers s0c. W. C. Bru- | ADDLY to owner. Allen's Sagh & Doorl 8 to Marine Men. cago, Illinels. | HEMSTITCHI Picot edging, pleat.| Call and see W. Jriscoll, 23 John RE a | L Pr 4 MATRIMONY -- Wealthy, preity afiec. | HEMSTITC ING=-Pisot aging, ioat, | Cath) see WoO Suuations Wanted--Fomale 36 _ton. one How. | Prov: Picton, ont. Geo, W. Allen, P.M DRIScoLL, ed. prietor. mo Proprietor, te girl, would marry. Write, en-| G04 Teel® plo Sireet. 1% blocks| -- Seti oe = " " - | 7 or ia Hote envelope. Doris Dawn, South | from' princess Street "A UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- WOMAN--Reliable, from country, de. | Wanted---10 Buy == = ao | : EE ture; work guaranteed. Cal] or drop a| sires steady work, day op half days | ¥arms and Land For Sale 83 - dents ---------- ad I in ARM--Of 100 acres, with two pepe INESS SCRVICK Rs | | --Marry If lonely; for Division Street. | cash or exchange. G. W. Lyons, MR at ae best and most gle: HAIR WORKOF ai reap Of all kinds, made to| CE HOLSTERING--And general repair- | =---- ee | K "ow v or": reds rich | H. or 8, I e tO] ing. Leav der: t or dro card == LE, Kirby, Pio Soantul Home add : girictly Ceonfe | grder. Also Shampooing and Massag=| oof. w. Harold 04 lores rae } wm pp Financial Rooms For Rent Bahn Fie 22, Picton, one. Rowe's, -- ost reliable: years of ex-| lng. Children's hair cutting Mrs. | ee | Pima I. = : ====z==| FARM70 acres--ilay loam, wity WwW tinh FA Seeteh free. "The Suc- Charles Cunningham, 5¢ bay Street,| SHOE REPAIRIN 11 hand work. Money to Loan Rooms With Board 67| Without stock ang implements; 3 | . Kent Macnee & " V ) 558, Kingston. Rubber heels specialty; efficie BOL = [| rm-------- | mil ro {ings hd | o Seaslnl Club, irs. Nash, Box 53, = vice. Adolf Raminans cor ien 38 | ONTAN AS Lome andy, Tyestment | ome ee | miles py S ASlugston on Bath Koad. | anplk of Commerce Butlding, Breck Oakland, California. moses | Insurance real ang Queen Streets, [Svcicty, Incorporated 1861. President, BOARD AND ROOMS--First class, BY! mouth, > APbUtt KR. R.No. 1, Ports-| | 85 eneral oo. Phone 701 or 36m, eden pr a, Jd wok Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A.| 98y or week. All conveniences. Rea- | vi + wena oheral Insura in country Jf some person responsi- B. Cunningham. Money issued or. city | Soliable. rare lary 298 oniversit; ~For sale (or rent) on Lak dent, kn aiamabl Glass, B BE Bary | Teron Lot anal. | FIRE SiC rumley. 480 Ear] Street.| King Street. T. Biss formeyly ot 318] and farm sentures: mdnunicipal and | Avenue, near Brock Street. mr | Shore, near' Kingston, choice" ake | cto Representing only reljap.: 5.85% . da y Phone 17823. Montreal Street, in charge. All kinds| county debentures; 'mortgages pur-| stock or in farm. alce SRY ani Y rellable coms Office. of work, Rubber Heels put on while| chased; investment bonds tor sale; de- | ROOM--Large, bright, Deautifully Jape abundance of wate" Me heres Hable, | : Pehles BKIN BLEMISHES ~~ Halr, Moles, | INSURANCE--Fire, Life, Accident and| You wait. Workmanship guaranteed. | po. use of study, in private | . pply M. Van. Warts, Birthmarks, * Skin Cancers, | Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B. Rn sits received v nished, with { in y Te | i wrigot nd Interest aliowed. | for two young ladies; 10 min- Luven, Penitentiary Farm, Portsmouth, 'ook 3 STE NG > p 0 utes trom University; board if desired, | =--=----wzo-- ot a ph > ste, removed permanent-| Cooke, District Madager. Phones:| UPHOLSTERING --t Covered buttons Shree Kingston. ; A 2 AF, k | A fears, Ti, Se. Glasses 'fitted and Res. ¥42w., Oitice: 503w. de same day as ordered. Upholster- ERR = | Apply Box R-1, Whig Office. ! Houses For Sale | = Ee = . MERCHANDISE je X | A rs | Sm en nO TIO § S---- furnished after others have failed IN& at reasonable prices. E. J. Good. | Musical, Dancing Dramatic 4 Rooms Without Board 68 | TTT ---------- | | enve ) OLD a BTIVor. OF Foils Woon ry Euclid, Ohio | . 2a| 8rd. W. J. Gavine, 216 Bagot Straet | WW aheaty, references. Apply Mrs. | OLD GOLD--Silver, or False Teeth, wl { W. Hugh 3 244 Princess street ston. { ards, &ood soil, house and building Ne. -- | g V. ts or Children board- | hi ---- PERSONAL-- Infants or ¢ > utomobile and Casualty Insur-| SHOEMAK R -- James Modney, C. Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarencs| home, 84 : Goltre cured without { FRAME BUNGALOW---g rooms, 3 bed-| FURNITURE operation. 38 | INSURANCE--Only the most reliable Eo 244 University Avenue. Phone| ---- . > , i ] 04 QF. PEARL A. NESBIT--LT.C.M., Organ-| } or 3 years' experience. Dr. lilmer J. Lake, | gompanies represente Strange & x . » Org rooms, electric lights, b I vel] | y 353| Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95| F--to oe Se i S20 . vy Path room, well Of All Descriptions Eye. Har, Nose, Thro 5. | ROOMS--Three, large, Foon Sp decorated, newly painted, .screen and | abla. Prices | Reason, Skin, 3 Bt ls pnb ~ = | 9 Jud Choir firestor Queen St. Me- Str > w. House 1135. "larence Street, opposite Post Office. thudist Church. Teacher Singing, wr door, a Hagot street. Phone bidet = | ------ Rt ret | eo __Employment | Plano and Organ. Pupils prepares = Reasonable. Apply 101 Stephen St. fra HE Soar, Aiale arivewsy, Sood STOVES pa --Our Health and Acci T= Fr foronto Ce ; p | Se 8 Property is offered | Lost and Found NC re] cain and Accident Help Wanted--, emale > Tome & i Sxamination. | | at a sacrifice, $2300." Terms. ered | ite ai low rates, Phone EB. |e Studio: 400 Brock Street. Phone 1147) | ROOM--LComfortable, free in return for | FRAME BUNG "WW 2 Couper Street COOK GENERAL -- Experienced, by | z---- -- » te ais su company and light duties; high school AME NGALOW- | % | "0 rooms, 2 bed- | Well repaired. at a relat priee. BAG---Lost, on Thursday morning, Aug it - | September 1st. Apply Mes BI Mac- | Live Stock girl preferred. thone 1799w, 390 Al Homa, all hardwood floors, electric | 23rd, 1923, a lady's grey ieather| 'Williams, T k' ired Street. ur S purse bag, containing with thet] ---- Moving, Truc . 23 nee, 143 King Street, West. aE js 8 Pjece hath, splendid cellar, al] J. | Sr rr ------ ass repair, rie | Ran [ Terms ! Price 33,000, PHONE 705. things a small amount of money. : ------ SRR Chi ANNA = = = mr---- | ur al Pisase n Will be | ASHES Cleaned out of cellars and| BARN--$5.00 to 00 weekly, the Horses, Cattle, Implements. 48 | ROOMS--Three, furnished, three piece | | it to Box 309, Napanee, y yards, clean job done. A. MacGregor, pleasant Home rk way making | bath, hot water heated, gas and elec- M. B. TRUMPOU 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. '| ®Bocks on the fast, easily learned Auto JERSEY COW---And calf, newly fresh-| tric light. Possession Oetober 1st. Ap- . UMPOUR | | | airy rooms and spaces; your own lock| PIY on Wednesday to Mrs. Cappon, 26] boars and sows, thrée months old. E. block from city park. ly 8 C i roo Sentra), and Key. Frosty City Storage: 299- | Barrie Street. Kirby, Picton, Ont. Route 4. | Stre pt, re TWeet. AUpiy Sonus °l Min apartments "ding or three | 305 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 559w, | MATD-- Reliable, for general Tome | - | rE ge ====|\ Whig Office. UX U9, tale FOR S =r Pe a bMS 3 . r sen ouse- } Wanted--Hooms or Board 78 A -------------- i ---- suitably rewarded - ini - Knitter. 3 ence unnecessary; dis-| ened. Apply R Alexander, 24 Vie- y. 10 Nelson Street. " ~ shi . TR I AN » 2 23 3 S BROOCH Found, in shape of harp, ini STORAGE SPACE--For furniture, clean| tance Tal; positively no can-| toria Street. Phone 248J. a. = 237 Bagot Street, FOUNTAIN PEN---Found, in Lake On-| = Painting, Papering. Deco ois a5 | "work. ; 1 247, SHET D- PON¥ Pure bred Stall | tario Park. Owner may have same by Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 | Boer gAnly Between 7 and 3-10-2424 With gv ure] Te Ln, - " bly J. Ewart," co. ) Sm re tials "B.DM." Apply J. Ewart," co and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem. 144 culars 3c. stamp Pept. | erm eee | Rooms For Housekeeping Phones 704 or 15425 | | FP. | 2 3 i calling at Whig Office and proving Tg ---------- 1 -- tw py their sides and rebred. Also| FURNISHED ROOM -- Wanted, for| $3200.00--Barrie Street, solid brick Lite Boats, Rowing Skis | , | | | s 1 | McKelvey & Birch. | Nelson street. Phone 1391 .or 618. Toronto. E Eres | ee i Arm ~~ -- | SOW=_Pure bred Yorkshire, due to far- ROOMS--Two, large, furnished or un --o ] MAID--General, able to do cooking. Ap-| row Sept. 21st, and also purebred | furnished for light house keeping; one | HOUSE-- Twelve room, brick, | . | PAIN NG--Paperi SOTA ti a I ------------------------------------------------ on r N 4 { ) niver , . property' |r Chane work Cl RUSTE | SAIC NONEY AT HONE IIE Toye | Leuba, and sobre They | Loun cauple about, end of" segtem: | tonto ---Nnitemity" 50ild br G 1 Ing to lady. | Call or phone A. Anderson, 155 Bage¢| Paid Weekly for your spare Picton, one td variety. © E. Kirby, | ber. with light cooking and washing $4500.00 -- Collingwood small Knock-about Boats, Gas- GOLD RING--Found, relonging o ¥ Stree. pe Ee Te som, 15 got! ing show cards for us. N nvassing.| Picton, Ont. Koute 4. | conveniences; permanent if suitable. Provowent Olingwood street, al Dwner may have séme at'ys Living-| Street. on . We Instruct and supply you with work Sess | State terms. 0-31, Whig Office. 'ter heating: barawood floors, hot wa. oline Engines, Evinrude Stern *Ston Avenue. rT ------ West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 oultry and Supplies | Fm mmm | (hel Rs oy nm ren Colborne Bid., Toronto, : y Pp i " Real state For Rent $7500 AT " Nfversity Avenue, sol Motors, small Pumping Units. ---- - dern. A ------------------------------------------------------ a. CRANK--Found, for automobile. Own-| STORAGE--For furniture, clean, dry,| er may have same #&t Whig Office. | L | n , s ST ee TR---- B , | GLOVE--Found, on Princess St. Owner| 276 Bagot street. | | BRED TO LAY STRAIN--Barred Rock, Apartments and Flats 5500, Ya liergy Street West, 5 real Also the place to get machin may have same at Whig Office isi ane ama | SALESLADIES--Two, experienced: no| N3lf 8rown Cockerels. Quick sale $1.00. | = : sr others need apply: Stosbelienced; | Call 6 p.m. Weese, 520 Princess St. $1500.09 ajphnson Street, solid brick, lo/ | ery repaired and oxy-acetylene , | welding and carbon burning, ---------------------------------- ee ms | 3 ' OCKERBIS ores | APARTMENT Three rooms, 3 piece! improvem 1 | | COCKERELS-- Choice, White | "bath, heated. ¥ Several others in a yi DAVIS DRY DOCK (0. i $35 per month, 11 localities. Foot of Wellington Street SIGN PAINTING---J. 8. Robinson, rear | -------- 2 rere tsa | c---------- Wyan- Apply | { i» - ' Cr i ---------- EE ------------------ > | LICENSE PLATE Found, on Barrie- PROFESSOR AMO-- Excellent remedies | dottes--John 8. Martin Regal-Dorcas| phone 2116w. | i. B. WILSON, | fold Hill. Apply at Whig Office, for rheumatism and indigestion. Phone! MSTRESS -- To alter Coats and laying strain; very fine, 23¢ Earl | Real iistate and Insurance | | | *all 106 Barrack Street. Test be IV Now Sh 2a treet. APARTMENT--Four rooms; all con-| 316 Barrie Street 3 Se t 21 Te non | Sults. - Apply Newman & Shaw. == S=======:| venlences; hot water heating. Pos- + Phone 1093. ree ce | p ? ack 8 Em . { als on request. S164. StL Barrack 5 ptm : Merchandise session September 1st. Apply White's | === ee KEY Found, small. Owner may have Architects 8h) I a ye Cd se Insurance Agency. a same at Whig Office. { J; Lo | Houses Wet Bale = Lae am aE | JHE CLASSIFIED aq that tells al { ARCHITECTS--Power, So 1D - VA ee? me] uses For e 3 | pLAT-- Furnished, all conveniences for | the tacts is the Classiticd ad that gets | w-- SCTE n_anc rever,| FIREMEN AND BRAKEME Begin. | eo | light housekeeping. Apply evenings | Quick, profitable results, | Dosi-| ASHES --- Heavy Clinkers. | to 263 King Street. . or - {Merchants Bank Chambers, corner off ners $150-3250 monthly (which And * LICENSE--Found, No. 192.981. Owner Brock and Wellington Soa? Write Railway, Box D-3, Whig Especially suited for road work. " may have same at Whig Office. a = = ce. To be had for drawing. Apply | FLAT---5 rooms, including sun room, + Chiropractic 28e, | -- f first class +o-| 30 Angrove's Foundry, King 'and| good balcony, 15. and C. separate. Wij] e---------- FITTERS--Number of first class. Ap-! Queen Streets. t 1 ir 2 7ic- WwW RED BIRD BICYCLE Lost, a few days| MARCELIS--Wm., A., D.C., Ph. C., cor-| pi Sanudian Genera) Electric Co., of erent tase -------- or phlete or Ca ing Vie! hat We Have Been Doing-- axe taken from Sargent's Drug Stor ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd| Peter rough, Ont. N "--Walnut Chairs, ly 307 ¢ : | o : : Eg irs, Walnut| ply 307 Alfred Since April 1st we have taken orders for Anthracite coal | l party please return same at o .| floor, Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, EE A ---------------------------------- Anut Dining Tables. Les- = = asa a = 3 Ont. Consultation free. Telephone | MAN--Or boy to work on farm, seady] * Ae Shop, 507 ies Bre 1a For Rent, 13 Rent 73 and filed them as quickly as possible, at r " | { $22J. Houfs $ to 12am, 1to § pm. employment, either by month or yea Phone © +5 | Wha . t We Are Doing . Now-- - | State experience and wages required. | 4 ii | i LOCKRT-- Lost, stirling silver. on oss LUCY --Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro-| Apply Bex N-31, Whig. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automooile Tents, | LODGE ROOM ms on King street | | to Princess| bractic Specialists and Registered Peterborough Canoes, Lif. ¢ formerly o Jo bY the 10.0.F.| Still taking orders and uaran ery. Te Waters std, bagot to at John Nurse, 239 Bagot freer Phone M3w.| MARRIED MAN---Experienced, ta takd|, Cushions, Flags, Tarpauiiis URE Apply to © | a facing delivery a 2433w. Re- ours: 9- am. to 5, and § to 7.3 ull charge o Ty farm. Apply. be-} Cooke, 219 0 I A h-- -- { laidiaw & Son, or phone 2433w. Re pm. "Sunday and other hours by ape| IWeen § ands Saar, farm. App be. Bagot Street. Phone 436. What We Expect To Do-- pointment. Consultation free. | Luven, Penitentiary Farm, Portsmouth. | BOOKS--Ku Klux Klan, sensational . | We expect to take care of all orders received throughout KEYFound, on gold chain, near| ----------------------_ | ee ==| history, old and new, $1.00. Unden!- | the season. ble, authentic books. Freemasonry, | 100 ACRES--Mile and a half north of Richardson Bathing House. Owner YOUR FRIENDS, arc friends of {| a Richaraso same at Whig Or fee. yobr friends. have profited bY reading | EVERY individual has Something | inside history, old and new, $1.00. Unit. Westbrook, 85.acres arable land. Pos-| he doesn't want and wants something | ed Supplies, Kast Point, Ga. session October - Bale on farm| : . . -- ' Ontario Street.| classified ads--and so have friends of | anh re. . about same date. pply William Ri- t & t PARCEL Found, on Ontario he doesn't have. The classified ads chardson, A illiam Street, | alnes wi 0O., 1mi ec Wner may have same by proving|ycur friends friends. HEADS 4 | 2 Upper Broperty at Eastern Canada Maxotire| THERE'S MONKY in It for you the] *5tiEhlen out diffioy)tion ey. Pahoa! gveek-end. Box of| Kingsto: Foot of Johnson Street : Ras hada Mya + JHER] sified ads have a way, fifty. Pantelas, $2.00, Jack Elder's, | = eC ! and Rubber Co., Ontario re a section. of doing big things. | 269 Princess Street. ders CLASSIFIED ads simpli sellin, Pura Tene re Ra ns - Er -- . ene oC SWRI selling. . BRINGING UP FATHER ; : ea : a BY GEORGE and addressed post cards. Reward. I 2 unicate with J. Bain, Rockport| ° " : . . J ' " THAT | LONG FOR A ' IVE GOT TO DO AS 3 GREAT - BUT vou MVE Sie cghion : FoR ; MAGGIE DAYS AS HE KNOW: | EAT 50 RESTAURANT WHERE | und, 1 it A i . t REC Support. dye high laced with WILL hi HER WHERE MUCH iy ose COULD GET SOMT © same at 328 Earl Street. DOWELL PLACE - HE'S A 250A A LEAQ IN THIS TOWN- ) | To-Day's Blunder : © Corrected See Illustration on Page 18.) warm weather when the house window should not be les- by curtai that cover the ® and check the draft. These ins should be draped back or OW 'drapes at the sides should Smmemmnr man RTISERS AR le, And can profitably use classic gs FR