Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Aug 1923, p. 11

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& £ og was a silver cake plate. Ly 11 Make Your Selection Here. The Variety Of The Offers Assures Satisfaction The, British Whig GSTON, ONT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Inde dardized and popular- xed, nied acoording to , THE BASIL Li SMITH SYSTEM Inc, Philadelphia, Pa ds. are restricted to their A ads assification, and to the rexular Dally Whig style of type. CLASSIFIED RATES Detiy rate per line or consecutive ns: Minimum charge, 26 cents. Dally rates per line. Charge Cis 6 AuyS .onannssa sreorasas 3 besthers One 'iasertion, 'charged, Birthe, Enga ments, Marriages, 1. cash, 00. of hanks and Memoriam N barged, $1.50; casn, $1.00 oartion. ed for irregular rtiqps takes the one-time inser. rat; ho ad. taken for less than is of four lines. ot average words to ne. » rged ads. will be received by ephone and if at The Brit- h Whig Office w days from first day ot nse on, cash rate 11 be allow Ads. ordered for more than one day and stopped before expiration will only be charged for the number of times the ad. appeared and adjuet- nt made at the rate earned. te per line sor white te is as a line o olal rate for yearly advertising request. 4 eserve the right to edit or yr classified advertising phone 343, ask for & want ad. Tr. the MADE A PRESENTATION. To A Young Married Couple -- Lady 1s in Hospital. Quit Philtipsville, Aug. 24. -- Quite a few from here attended Brockville Fair and reported a good time. Wil- liam Laishiey, Toronto, and son, were guests of W. B. Phelps. - Mrs. J. Downey and Miss Mamie, Mrs. Dwyre, Miss Nolan and Miss Ella " Dwyre and Miss Tessie Jordon spent a day recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Sirell, Forfar Junction. Miss Doris Haskins, Ottawa, has ar- arrived to spend her holidays with her aunt, Mrs, Olive Pulman. Harvey Davison, Syracuse, N. Y., is spending a few days with his mo- ther, Mrs, Julla Daviron. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Whitmore and William Laishley and W. B. Phelps, were in Kingston recently. Mrs. Hilton War- ren is spending a few days visiting friends in Brockville and Lyn. Mrs. Michael Myers has been on the sick list. A presentation was mi to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beach, who were lately married. The gift The Young People's League and Sunday School contributed. A social hour was spent. We welcome Mrs. Beach to our midst Mr. Claxton, who is assisting Mor- ley Williams, met with an aceidentl. He was thrown from a waggon and hig hip was bunt. Miss Julia and Miss Katie Myers are spending their holidays with their mother, Mrs. Myers. Several of our young people at- tended the entertainment in Delta, Thursday evening. Miss Ella Dwyre was in Athens recently, Friends here are sorry to learn of the seri- ous illness of Miss Blanche Haila- day. Ekgin, in the Brockviile Hos- pital. The recent rains were gladly welcomed. The Young People's Lea- ue is holding a picnic at Portland Lake today. Keelerville, Aug. 24.---The recert rains were much appreciated by the farmers. Although too late for grain the later crops will be much bene- fited. A number from here atltend- survived by his widow, pi drom his late pom he Methodist churoh, Monday, thence to Sand : where interment took Rev. Mr. Adair conducted lice Announcement Personals 9 PERSONAL--Infants or Children board- ed in country #f some person responsi. ble financially. Apply Box G-27, Whig Office. ~J SKIN BLEMISHES --- Halr, Moles, Warts, Birthmefks, Skin Cancers, Scars, Pits, etc, removed permanent- ly. Satigfactory Glasses fitted and furnished after others hdve falled Goitre cured without operation. 33 ears' experience. Dr. Elmer J. Laks, ye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, 2§ Bagot Street. Phone 301w. House 1135J Lost and Found 10 BUNCH OF KEYS--Found In taxi. Own- er may have same at Whig Office. CRANK~-Found, by the police, an auto- mobile crank and a marker, No. C2¢- 030. FUR NECK-PIECE--Lost, on Saturday, on Barl or Alfred Streets. Finder please phone 111. Carnovsky's Groe- ery, 670 Princess Street. GREEN CUSHIONS --Lost, low Brophy's Point. Reward, turned to Bibby"s Clothing Store. three, be- it re- GLASS BUTTER DISH---In Anderson Brothers' store. Owner apply there. MASONIC RING---Lost, on Friday, be- longing to gentleman. Finder please return to Whig Office. 'Reward. MAN'S COAT--Found, in taxi. SAPPY at 243 Brock Street or phone 1760F. lo PIN--Found, in front of Congregational Church. Owner may have same at 'Whig Office. ' - TORTOISE SHELLED GLASSES--Lost, on Monday morning, possibly in Ma donald park. Finder please leave 291 Brock; Btreet. Automobiles ~ Automobiles for Sale, 11 McLAUGHLIN---35, recently overhauled and in first clasg running order. Ap= ply Blue Garage Ltd. corner Bagot and Queen Street. exactly this rate. individual needs. Possibly each offer you nearly everybody does. An Opportunity A Minute! There's a pleasant sound to any phrase which im- plies that opportunity is so prolific as to repeat every minute--sixty times an hour. Yet there is no exaggeration in the statement that the ' A-B-C Classified Section brings forth opportunities at Read--and easily meet one opportunity per minute. Read--and sort them out with reference to your own your requirements, but the great variety of offers is broad enough to cover the field of your interests. Everybody may profit by How about yourself? THE A-B-C CLASSIFIED ADS ALWAYS THE SAME--IN SERVICE ALWAYS DIFFERENT--IN OPPORTUNITY itself encounter will not apply to reading these adg--and | | | (ear mar Financial Money to Loan 40 FRONTENAC--Loan and Investment Society, incorporated 1561. President, ¥. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice-president, A. B. Cunningham. Money issued on city and farm properties; municipal and county debentures; mortgages pur- chased; Investment bonds for sale; de- posits received and interest allowed. C, Cartwright, manager, 37 Clarence Kingston. Live Stock Dogs, Cats, Pets 47 X TERRIER-- Two, thoroughbred, scale pups, pure white with kitten ngs, $7 each. Apply Mrs. Namaeg Norns, 158 Lower Bugot St. Horses, Cattle, Implements. 48 S8OW---Pure bred Yorkshire, due to far- row Sept. 21st, and also purebred boars and sows, three months old., E. Kirby, Picton, Ont. Route 4. SHETLAND PONY---Pure bred Staldon, with papers. Also three mares with colts by their sides and rebred. Also two mares coming two years old. They are the spotted variety. E. Kirby, Picton, Ont. Route 4. 49 Poultry and Supplies POULTRY---Must be sold this week; low price. Apply & Birch Avenue. Rooms For Rent Rooms For Housekeeping 69 ROOMS---Furnished, suitable for light housekeeping. Apply 261 Earl Street. Real Estate For Sale, Houses For Sale HOUSE-Frame, 7 rooms, 3 pi 300 ft. fronta, on Rid ames, n for cash or terms. Ap ply 3 Johnson Street. 7 ; ROOMS--Two, large, furnished or un- furnished for Nght housekeeping: one block from city park. Apply § Ontario Street, corner West. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 APARTMENTS--Twe, 3 and 4 rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; suit- a le Mor marr couple without child- Apply 236 Barrie Street, ren. APARTMENT--Four rooms; all con- veniences; hot water heating. Pos i September 1st. Apply White's insurance Agency, Business Places For Rent 78 LODGE ROOMS---Rooms on King street ~--formerly oceupled by the ILO.O.F. Apply to Cunningham & Smith. Farms For Rent 100 ACRES--Mile and a half north of Westbrook, 85 acres arable land. Pus- sessjon October 1st. Sale om farm about same date. Apply William RIi- chardson, 92 Upper Filllam Street, Kingston, Houses For Rent 7d 77 Business Service Insurance 28 utomobile and Casualty Insur- Hihn A M. Crumley, 420 Earl Street. ance. Phone 178IM. a INSURANCE--Fire, Lifes Accident and Sickness, in reliable companies. J. B. Cooke, District Manager. Phones: Res.: 342w,, Office; 503w. INSURANCE--Only the most reliable companies represented. Strange & Strange, established in 1860. Office: 95 Clarence Street, opposite Post Office. INSURANCE--Our Health and A Mey will protect your salary. nsurance at low rates. FPhome Williams, 2 Couper Street. SoRt Fro E. Employment _ Help Waated--Female 32 COOK GENERAL -- Experienced, by September 1st. Apply Mrs. F. H. Mace nee, 143 King Street, West. CHAMBERMAID -- Apply Hotel Rans dolph. COOK~-General, by Sept. 5th: must be able to do plain ceoking well; no washing, ironing op sweeping. Apply Mrs. Elmer Davis, § Sydenham Street, corner West. HOME-WORK--G00d wages. We need you to make sucks on the fast, easily- learned Auto Knitter; experience un- Auto Accessories--Tires--Parts #3 TIRES--You will want a new Tire be- fore the big fair. Now fs the time to get it. Tires guaranteed for 6,000 miles at $14.50. stern Canada Max- otire Co., Queen and Ontario Streets. Phone 2050. Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 ASHES--Cleaned out of cellars and yards, clean job done. A.*MacGregor, 24 Russell Street. Phone 2255. STORAGE SPACE--FOrfurait and dry. Apply E. E. Wathem, Nel street. Phone 1391J .or 618. ure, clean 143 Garages----Autos for Hire--Taxi 14 GARAGE--To rent. deen Btreet. Apply to 5 Aber- Business Services ess Services Offered 18 AUCTIONEER-~For courtesy and hon- est dealing, W. A. Twigg, 37¢ King Street. Phone 820J or 1786w. STORAGE---For furniture, clean, dry, airy rooms and spaces; your own lock and key. Frost's City Storage, 299- 3056 Queen St. Phone 526. Res. 983w, eee = Painting, Papering, Decorating 26 PAINTING--Papering, Decorating -- first class work and work guaranteed, Call or phone A. Anderson, 156 Bagot Street. Phone 1866. SIGN PAINTING--J. S. Robinson, rear 376 Bagot street. Cleaning, Dyeing, Renovating 20 CARPET CLEANING--Let us handle yours, with our vacuum cleaner. We ood job, kinds. guarantee a hI ure re- ing of al Muller's Bicycle 'orks, 373 King Street. Phone 1361w. ii Dressmaking--Millinery 21 PLAIN SEWING--Children's and Lad- les' Dresses. Phone 1043J. HEMSTITCHING--Picot edging, pleat. 8, TE SUS lies e Stree from Princess' Street. Ladics' Hair Parlor, 2ta HAIR WORK----Of all kinds, made to order. Also Shampooing and Massag- . ldren's hatr cutting. Mrs. Charles Cunningham, 56 Bay Street, Kingston. Mrs. James White and family, Jones' Falls, at Edward Andrews' on Sun- day; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Perry, Marble Rock, and Mrs. FEimbeth Moore, Gananoque, at Robert KE. Tighe's; John and Isaac Mcliroy left on the harvester's excursion for the west on Monday last, A Successful Social. Morton, Aug. 25. --- The annual social held here on Thursday even- ing of this week, was a very gratify- weather and a good attendance. Mas- ter Howard Martin is improving af- ter a severe attack of rheumatism. Mps. J. N. Somerville and Miss Ma- are visiting friends in Bowmans- . Y. Miss Mabel Hend ' treal, is visiting her home here. James Kearney has returned to Eu- reka, Califorma, after spending the summer visiting friends bere, Mrs. Anna Roantree returned home after visiting fricnds in Berry- ton. Other visitors were: Lena Lam- ing, Poriland and Preston Laming, South Lake, at H. E. Laming's; Mr. and . Mrs. M. Kearney, Misses Eve- , Jn and Lucy, Westport, Mr. and Mra. V. Fallon at John Kearney's; Mr. Mile Bay, died on Monday from in- ternal injuries received when he fell mg window in the Jefferson coun- alms house, Watertown, N. ¥. ing success being favored with ideal | Architects 28h. ARCHITECTS--Power, Son and Drever Merchants Bank Chdmbers, corner of Brock and Wellington. Chiropractic $8c. MARCELIS--Wm., A. D.C, Ph. C,, cor ner Princess and Barrie Streets. 2nd floor; Barrie St. entrance. Kingston, Ont. Consultation free. Telephone $23J. Hours ¥ to 12 am, Ito 6 p.m. LUCY~-Drs. G. F. and Jennie A., Chiro- ractic Specialists and Registered Nurse, 239 Bagot Street. Phone %43w. Hours: 9-12 a.m, 1 to §, and 6 to 7.30 p.m. Sunday and other hours by ap- pointment. Consultation free. = Dental 2nd. SPARKS & SPARKS -- Dentists, 159 Wellington sireet, corner of srock. Phone $46. - KNAPP--Dr. A. Dentist. - Office: 258 Princess Stre: Phone $53w. Open evenings by/ appointment. Legal 28e. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH --- Barristers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Street, Kingston. A. B. Cunningham, K.C.; Cyril M. Smith. . DAY AND REVELLE---Barristerg and solicitors, 69 Clarence Street, King- ston. A. BE. Dey, Adrian I. Revelle. Money to loan. hone 205. SHEA----Ambrose, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor. Law Office, corner of King hand Brock, over Koyal Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999. Usteopathy 'OBTEOPATHY--A. T. Still \graduates. Drs. Robert and Edna Ashcroft, 304 28g. ry; distance lmmaterial; posi. tively no canvassing: yarn supplied, Particulars, sc. stamp. Dept. 178-C Auto Knitter Co. Tofoato. MIDDLEAGED WOMAN--Immediately, experienced, for family of two; refer- snces required. Mrs. n, 96 Bagot Street. MAKE MONEY AT HOME---$15 to $60 pald 'weekly for your spare time writ- ing show cards for us. No canvassing. We instruct and supply you with work. West-Angus Show Card Service, 17 Colborne Bid., Toronto, > SMART GIRL--For office work; must have Collegiate Institute education. If employed betore state where, Apply by letter to H-28, Whig Office. WOMAN---MIiddle-aged ,to take care of an elderl lady and assist wit housework; three in family, Reply, stating where last employed and sal- ay expected. Apply Box L-10, Whig ce. Help Wanted--Male 33 CHEESEMAKER--For balance of sea- son, by the hundred, and furnish his own help. Also to separate the whey. State salary expected to Box A-23, Whig Oftice. . y employment to right man. Apply Box G:15, Whig Office. py SALESMAN--To travel with crew man- ager, Must have good appearance. State selling experience an age, Ap- ply Box F-27, Whig Office. SRE art Solicitors, Canvassers, Agents 35 AGENTS--Get: in a profitable all year ¢ommission business of your own. Every property owner needs some of our nine hundred varieties of hardy Red Tag trees and plants. No c ital needed. Complete equipment and in- struction free, Write Dominion Nurser- les, Montreal. SALES AGENT---Reliable, sented districts. a for unrepre- y, free equip- growers of in Canada. & Nursery, not for a jobber. You will be successful Write: Pelham Nursery Co., Toronto, Teachers Wanted 35a Merchandise. Articles For Sale 61 4 BUNGALOW---Furnished, to responsi. ble party; no childrén. Possession on Sept. 1st. Apply Box E-27, Whig Of- fice. ANTIQUES--Wnalnut Chairs, Walnut Buffets, Walnut Dining Tables. Les- ses' Antique Shop, 507 Princess Street, Phone 1046w. . HOUSE~--4¢ rooms, electric light and toilet. Apply 8 Macdonald Street. AWNINGS -- Tents, Automobile Tents, Peterborougi™ Canoes, Life Saving Cushions, k'lags, Tarpaulins. Ws Cooke, 219 Bagot Street. Phone 436. BABY CARRIAGE -- White enameled, Jrigker; in perfect condition. Phone 2337Tw. HOUSES--Several to rent from $18.00 to $27.00 per month; Cherry Street; two apartments on Sixth Street, all im- revements; seven roomed house on Sixth Street, all improvements and furnace; Charles Street. Apply H. 69 Patrick Street. F. Norman, BRICK--Hard and soft, any quantity. Apply E. Walthem, corner Birch and Follingwoos Strees. Phone 618 or 1391 HOUSE--Brick, furnished, 7 rooms, two reserved by owner. Garage. Posses- sion September 1st. Apply 106 Vic- toria Street, near Earl BOOTS8--Army. new and used; Men's fine boots, black and tan; leggings, the very best; riding breeches, etc Shapiro, 45 Princess Street. COCKSHUTT PLOUGHS--Are the best Try a Kid Kangaroo. For sale by Frost & Wood Agency, 234 Ontario St., Kingston. DAVENPORT--In good order, Apply 2b King Street West. Phone 1577m. HOUSE--At once, new, with large lot amd barn fred, Apply J. D. Boyd, Park. Phone 1102 R4. 104 BAGOT STREET Comfortable brick house, near City Park. Apply King & Smythe, 71-73 Clarence Street, Kingston, Ont. seven rooms on North Al. Eastview $35.00--108 Victoria Street, three bath, electric lights, gas, furnace. he W. Mullin & Son, Johnson and Division Streets. Phone 539w. plece ENGINE--Separately or collectively, 20 h. p. steam engine (Sawyer-Massey). Grain Separator (Geo. White & Sons). Caboose. Apply Roddy & Monk, 24 Elm Street or 567 Albert Street. FURNITURE--Den gett, kitchen eabi- net, buffet and bookcases, stovesand desks . Apply J. Thompson, 333 Prin- Cess street, phone 1600W, GARAGES AND COTTAGES--Portable Or permanent, stecl truss barns and lmplement bulldings, steel water tanks, shingles, sidings, ete, F, B. Me- Namee, 345 Alfred Street. Agent M.S & 8. Co. Phone j292w. ORGAN--Thomas, walnut, {in good con- dition, $15. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. PIANO~Upright, "Weber." Almost new. Owner has left city. For infor. mation apply 2 Couper Street. MANDOLINS---~Flat back, natural fin- ish, pleated tail-piece; a well-balanced, fine-looking instrument at $10.00. Buy now. Prices will advance iy ball, -- Kider's. ~ MOUTH ORGANS--Hundreds to choose from, We carry best makes only; stock is up-to-the-minute, See our large cut- lowest -prices.~--Eider's, PIANO---Stevenson, in goud condition bargain for yuick suis. Apply 248 Allred SL STOVES--Lawrenson's for Good Clier Square Quebec Stoves and Heaters, Economy Ready Mixed Paints and Var. nishes. 387 Princess Street. Fhoae $39w., opposite Uranke Hall SUIT--Lady's, tailor-made, size green broadcloih, trimmed w Apply 168 Division Street. VIOLINS--Light brown finish, highly polished, select Maple necks; well cut scroll. Great value. Limited num- ber, at $15.00. Elder's TBACHER-For 8. 8. No, 12, Clarendon township. Duties to commence Sept. 4rd. For salary and particulars ap- ply to Mrs. David Cox, See.-Tr Coxvale P. O.,- Ont. TREACHER: ualified, Prot tf 8. 8. No. 6. dford. Duties to be pt. 4th. Salary $630. Apply to ward Quinn, Burridge, Ont. or n King Street. Phone (47 Tor app - ment. Repairing FURNITURE FINISHING--Of all Call and see W. Driscoll, 23. street. Phone 296¥F. UPHOLSTERING--New or used furni- ture; work guaranteed. Call or drop a card. W. J. Gavine, :16 Bagot if G--And general - a go ors at or aro rd to F. W. 104 Clergy i ds. ohn work. t ser- Mont- normal trained, Ernest. Robert y, Ont, R. R. TEACHER --Qualified, experienced, for 8 8S. No. 2, town. Salary $1000: A ply to & Miller, sec, Collin' 0. 3 Situations Wanted---Female 36 COOK--Wants position. Good refer- ap Apply at 250 Queen Street, ~ To-Day's Blunder EREnG E. Avenue. Er res say one (See Illustration on Page 10.) All condiments and relishes that yeur friends' frien ol" THERE'S WOOD---~Mixed, $3.08 quarter cord; new and second hand lumber, matched Jum- ber, cedar posts; soft slabs, $2.50 quir- {ér cord; mixed slabs, $3.25. Ww. H Talbot. Yard: Concession strest, neur Division. Phone- 2303w, WOOD AND COKE~--~New yard at 380 Wellington, corner Ordnance, dry mixed cordwood, sawed, i and de- livered, $3.00; 1-8 cord, fu: messure. Hard Coal Coke from city gas works, 10.00 ton up to September. Cinders, 1.00. Load Clinkers Ne. W, C Bru- ton. Phone 2440w. . Wanted'~To Buy 00 OLD GOLD-=8ilver, or False Teeth, for) G. Lyoas, cash or excha A (244 Princess streel, Kingston. QUEBEC HEATER~--~With oven, with or without warming closet, and full particulars. Apply Whig Ofica Rooms With Board PT AND ROOM : sonable Mes. cARPlY a University Avenue, YOUR FRIBNDS, snd (friends of your friends. have profited by reading classified ads--and 3 have friends of MONBY Box Win. ROOMS--First class. by| 10 it for you -- the classified section. Bummer Places For Rent 80 BUNGALOW---Furnished, at once; a 4- roomed house; also & 5 and 7 roomed house, for August lst. Apply J. D. Boyd, Eastview Park. Phone 1102 R 4. + Real Estate For Sale. Business Property 82 FOR SALE OR TQ RENT---/'lrst class Sash and Door fuctury und Planing mill, with Hydro Electric power; cen- tral located in town of Pictun; splens did chance for right mun. The only Bash and Door factory in Prince Ed- wand county. Runs the year round. Apply to owner. Allen's Sash & Door Factory, Picton, Ont. 00. W. Allen, Proprietor, > Farms and For Sale 83 FARM---Of 100 acres, with two orch- ards, good soll, house and building No. 1. E. Kirby, Ploton, Ont. Route. and parts lots 19 FARM~--Parts lots 39 and 20, §th and 6th concessions, of Kingston, containing 160 ice land; fine stone awells ng; frame dwelling; two frame burns, underground stables for fifty cattle; this far iy fronting on Rideau River, suven miles from city of King- ston; It Is convenient and a choi one seven roomed house on. $3200.00---Barrie Street, solid i $4800.00 -- University A014 brie. brick, all improvements, $4500.00 -- Collingwood street, all ime. provements, hardwood foors, ter heating. ~-- University Av solid brick, very modern. oO $8300.90 -- Clergy BOO $4500.00--Johnson Street, solid b; rooms, all improvements. cs rick. 19 Several others in all localities, Real Est hf] state and Insu - 816 Barrie Street. Phone 1098, SEE--Bateman' y EE Batemans Jarge Real Bata ade FRAME HOUSE--§ rooms, 3 bed with clothes closets, electric oa" Street, ak a5 hot wae Street West, a real Mght, . 3 piece bath, good cellar, en x and garage, newly decorat jainted. Price A200; easy terms, iS a comparatively ne be sold, y NeW Wout sed a FRAME HOUSE--Very central roosts ®d, ong black from Princess. Street, Price $1000, with $200 to handie. M. B. TRUMPOUR * RY} 337 Bagot Street, Phones 704 or 1542F. Oo" FURNISHED ROOMS \ MRS. D. J. FITAGIBBON Phone 3031m. 187 BROCK STRERY Erm HOTELS Lakeview | House Corner Queen and Ontario Sts. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT First-class rooms and meals. Good yards and stables. Special rates to Marine Men, P. M. DRISCOLL, BUSINESS SxMVICH te Macnee G Jeriting Automobile >. dent, Sickness, Plat: Glas ttc. Representing only reliable panies, a) MERCHANDISE a FURNITURE Of All Descriptions at Reason. | able Prices sTOV Well repaired, at & gibt drice J. Turks PHONE 1705. farm; water privileges is worth thou- Sands of dollars; every acre is till- sble. Apply tv D. A Cays, 57 Brock Blreet, Kingston. 147 ACRES-~- Bulldings in guvod condi- tons; §0 werea under eultivation; con- vehlent to schuol and cheese factory. Well watered. § miles Kingston. Apply C. O. Martin, Westbrooke, Ont. 156 ACRES --3 miles from Kingston on Buth Road; clay loam soil; new barn; Sllu, stene house All modern conveni- euces. For particulars ply to Ar- ROM 4 1, Ports- thur Wartmaa, mouth, 208 ACRES--Lots 21, 33, 23.-in 8th Con- cession, good dairy and stock farm, $00d stables, nice lake on farm. Ap- ply Box T-16, Whig Office. Houses For Sale "a FRAME HOUSB--3 rooms, bath, W.C. separate, cellar, ears, ain, tricity; wired for stove, and § lots; She bisek fem Street car; cheap for cash te quick buyer Appl: and Alfred Streets. PRIY rast Em OUSE~One of the best byiit hou a the Sy, Sree Jot, Frait and rl "ovements. Pply personally, a: 37 Street ¥ ARTICLES ° FOR SALE Life Boats, Rowing Skiffs, small Knock-about Boats, Gas- oline Engines, Evinrude Stern Motors, small Pumping Units. Also the place to get machin ery repaired and oxy-acetylene welding and carbon burning, Foot of Wellington Strest i Since April 1st we. and filled' them as quickly as - What We Have Been Doing-- have taken orders. for Anthracite coal possible, 'What We. . Es "id ell taking Are Dy ng Now-- or What 'We Proprietor. | DAVIS DRY DOCK C0, |

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